dianiapsari · 4 years
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Lelaki Harimau adalah novel pertama Eka Kurniawan yang saya baca. Kira-kira empat tahun setelah rilis, saya baru membacanya di tahun 2018. Saya pernah ada dalam fase malas sekali membaca novel atau karya sastra apapun beberapa waktu lalu karena distraksi yang terlalu banyak. Lalu di saat2 pertama saya memutuskan membaca lagi, setelah membaca Lelaki Harimau perasaan saya campur aduk. Ada rasa marah, sedih, ngeri, bahkan terganggu. Tapi rasa terganggu ini sedemikian aneh, seperti candu yang membuat saya membaca ulang terus dan menjadikannya salah satu novel yang selalu saya bawa kemana2. Salah seorang teman saya bilang, jika saya merasa terganggu dengan novel ini, berarti harus bersyukur bahwa hidup saya ternyata baik-baik saja. Apa iya? Yang jelas, kisah Margio, Anwar Sadat, dan kerabat-kerabatnya, itu membuat saya sadar, bahwa mungkin nilai moral yang kita gadang-gadang itu, terlalu jinak untuk memaknai hidup yang sedemikian buas di luar sana. "Itulah kala harimau di dalam tubuhnya keluar. Putih serupa angsa." #dianiapsariinktober #lelakiharimau #ekakurniawan https://www.instagram.com/p/CGXbdHXgywc/?igshid=nw2tbjzdtpyz
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dianiapsari · 4 years
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Di awal bulan ini, saya memutuskan untuk kembali membuat personal project setelah dari awal pandemi membenamkan diri dan berjibaku dengan berbagai peran dalam hidup--pasti bukan saya saja yang mengalami. Saya mulai dengan yang sederhana, mengobservasi hal favorit saya di tiap minggunya, seperti contohnya novel, atau film. Kali ini dari film dokumenter Margaret Mead & Gregory Bateson, berjudul "Bathing Babies in Three Cultures" yang mana sebetulnya tugas dari mata kuliah yg diajar kolega saya @wbtgp , Antropologi Visual. Saya sebetulnya masih berlatih merangkai kalimat2 hasil observasi, tapi kurang lebih gambar2 ini yang telah saya buat selama seharian menonton film tersebut di minggu lalu. Dari ibu yg memandikan bayinya di tepian sungai Sepik tempat buaya berseliweran di New Guinea, ke bayi Amerika yang berenang di air dangkal dalam bath tub seputih pualam, sampai ke tawa riang ibu dan anaknya di sebuah kampung di pegunungan Bali. Yang paling menyita perhatian saya adalah adegan terakhir, dimana si balita Bali duduk berhadap-hadapan dengan bayi yang lebih kecil, terpisahkan oleh dinding seng bak mandi, lalu si balita dan bayi tersebut saling mencipratkan air dan tertawa, seperti halnya si balita dimandikan Ibunya. Sang narator berucap : "The toddler bathes the other baby, as he himself be bathed." #dianiapsariinktober #observation #bathingbabies #culturaldiversities #margaretmead #gregorybateson #latepost https://www.instagram.com/p/CGU5hcqgDY7/?igshid=m7s5b53pmu7k
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dianiapsari · 4 years
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Karya kolaborasi terbaru, kali ini dengan rekan saya @wbtgp, untuk @bagi.rata . Tuhan bersama mereka yang terus berusaha. Selamat Hari Buruh! . . #bagirata #adaptasi #turuntangan https://www.instagram.com/p/B_pgdYXgOTx/?igshid=uetmncr0008b
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dianiapsari · 4 years
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These few months, I've been juggling with personal problem, continued with #workfromhome and #stayathome routine that I decide to pull myself away for a while from any social media. It's a vulnerable time for everyone, and I'm pretty sure it's also overwhelming. But I guess, the key to solve those chaotic events that happen to our lives during this pandemy is to adapt, and find the inner peace. Have I found my inner peace? nope, not yet. But I have found this beautiful word, that maybe some of you find this word has beautiful meanings too; /Resilience./ "The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness." Thank you for your beautiful narration, @maharanipics, let's be strong together 💪🏻 21.04.2020. #beginsat30 #kartiniday https://www.instagram.com/p/B_P36u6g7Af/?igshid=16wof5vkuahrq
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dianiapsari · 5 years
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Komik ini terinspirasi dari cerita ibuku. Ketika saya tanya, kenapa pilih kuliahnya di Bandung? (karena kalau gak salah beliau juga keterima di salah satu kampus unggulan di ibukota) Ibuku jawab "Supaya bisa ngerasain jalan ke sekolah sendirian, pakai payung." . Pas itu saya cuma bisa menertawakan, jawaban yang cukup aneh ya. Namun sekarang saya menyadari, Ibu dulu tumbuh sebagai anak perempuan di lingkungan tentara yang dispilin dan kadang mungkin membuatnya tidak dapat mengambil keputusan sendiri. Kuliah jauh dari rumah adalah salah satu langkah awalnya menjadi mandiri. Apa yang bagi perempuan lain sepele, ternyata menjadi awal keberanian bagi perempuan yang lain. . Selamat ulang tahun Ibu, @haniabd , terima kasih sudah terus menginspirasiku untuk menjadi mandiri 😍 love u always! . . *tadinya komiknya mau dijadikan surprise pas subuh-subuh, eh ketiduran dan keseling mom's duty as always haha 😂* . #mamaborodiary #selamatulangtahunutiboro https://www.instagram.com/p/BwPDKCQA_eG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=p9hqcil6nu2s
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dianiapsari · 5 years
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Actually this is the repost from the original comic that I've made last year, but this is one of my favourite so I feel kinda reposting it. . I was lucky grew up in a family who quite enjoyed music. My dad has an awesome collections of his favourite rock / jazz singers. My mother is a piano teacher who took me to classical concerts since I was little. My brother also introduced me to many coolest bands, and taught me how to use double-deck tape recorder. . I started to made friend with people who shares the same taste in music (hi @geeshaa 👋) exchanged our cassettes and played it in Aiwa (or Sony) walkman in our school bacpack. Saved every pennies that I've got to bought Radiohead or Björk album, or anything that Hai Magazine / MTV called it cool. Record my first heartbreak playlist on the unused TOEFL course cassettes, and walked through crowded streets to find rare items / bootlegged records in Dipati Ukur street. . I also never forget that feeling when my cassettes broke down so I had to put it in a freezer, spin it manually with pencils, or rub my music CD with CD cleaner. Also when I sang my heart out reading the lyrics written on the album sleeves. . Even though the music culture now has shifting through disruption, but we can't deny the record stores and labels all around the world has helped to give rise to the music all these decades. And I want my child to feel this kind of enjoyment too 📼 . . What about you? what is your memorable moments from record store? what is your first musical record? . #repost #recordstoreday #recordstoreday2019 #TerekamTakPernahMati https://www.instagram.com/p/BwMhDXsgdyP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=v6e3n02f70n8
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dianiapsari · 5 years
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#Internationalwomensday was exactly three weeks ago, and March is #womenshistorymonth in the USA since 1987 (so it is in its thirties, too!), and this year's theme is "Visionary #Women: Champions of Peace and Nonviolence." . Celebrating the women in our lives, on the other hand, is something we all can do all year round! Also, please enjoy this comic that also posted in @beginsat30 page, with well-written narration from @maharanipics , illustrated by yours truly 😘 . . (Therefore this is not so much as a #latepost, or so we would like to think 😉) #girlsjustwannahavefundamentalrights #iwd2019 #womansmarch #mamaborodiary https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvn0q6uAkOO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1cf76sus0r2lq
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dianiapsari · 5 years
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#Repost from @beginsat30 : . . We both turned 30 last year. Today we are living very different lives compared to what we had seventeen (!) years ago, and for that we cannot be more grateful for that. Through the difference we got to see that, as we turned 30, our lives as a woman entered a new, exciting chapter. Despite the challenges, uncertainties, sexist social constructs, and all things worrisome, we find that being thirty-something is a thrilling time to be in. https://www.instagram.com/p/BvmQRjjgD0L/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=yza0klyljzzb
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dianiapsari · 5 years
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#Repost from @beginsat30 : . . We grew up wondering and pondering, with minds full of questions. Every so often, we think we should have known better, but there is no time for regret because the world is always in motion. Over time, we figure that there is no single right answer for everything, if not anything, and somehow that is a comforting notion. https://www.instagram.com/p/BvmP71wg5QX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1x4djvffd430t
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dianiapsari · 5 years
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Hi! Missing me? This month has been a hectic month, was trying my luck being a project manager at my own design studio (will talk about it again, soon!) and today I feel so glad that finally my collaboration with @maharanipics is officially launched in these scribbles and doodles : @beginsat30 😘 Please kindly follow this account! . . repost from @beginsat30 : . . Friends are the family you choose, and that we cannot agree more. Being best friends since our teenage days, we learn that the best human relationships are defined not by time, but by moments. This is how we would like to treasure them. https://www.instagram.com/p/BvmPpyIAG3q/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1hc5ird2i0tq5
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dianiapsari · 5 years
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English version! Actually the idea came from the sentence "Fight Our Own Monsters." which I'm pretty sure will be applied to everyone's stage of life. Been planning since a long time ago to make this journey into some kind of book-materials or graphic novels, what do you all think? But let's take it slow, shall we 🙈 . . again, thank you @bbcindonesia for publishing this 🙏 . . #mamaborodiary #dianiapsariforbbcindonesia https://www.instagram.com/p/BueQXQCAr8V/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=15ln9jp7gmadp
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dianiapsari · 5 years
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Ketika saya ditanya apa ketakutan dan kecemasan terbesar saya, saya langsung merefleksikan ketakutan terbesar saya sebagai orangtua. . Saya sering membayangkan tantangan dalam perjalanan membesarkan Bara yang berkebutuhan khusus, seperti meniti anak tangga yang tidak habis-habis, dan di bawah anak tangga tersebut ada monster dan hantu yang diam-diam menguntit, sama dengan rasa cemas dan takut yang pelan-pelan merayapi batin saya sebagai seorang ibu. Saya takut Bara tidak akan baik-baik saja tanpa saya. . Tapi kemudian saya tersadar, anak saya berkebutuhan khusus atau tidak, sebetulnya tantangan utama menjadi orang tua itu adalah, akan tiba suatu saat di masa depan saya harus berani melepasnya, melawan "monster"nya sendiri dan melihatnya mandiri. . Ilustrasi tentang ketakutan terbesar saya ini ada di laman instagram @bbcindonesia beserta karya ilustrator lainnya, terimakasih sekali lagi untuk mbak Isyana Artharini @bookishglam yang telah mengajak saya dalam project ini 😘 . . #dianiapsariforbbcindonesia #bbcindonesia #mamaborodiary https://www.instagram.com/p/BuIzWMuANSz/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=s73lk6s1nhrb
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dianiapsari · 5 years
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"Daun yang membusuk di dasar kolam itu masih juga tengadah ke ranting pohon jeruk yang dulu melahirkannya. . Ia ingin sekali bisa merindukannya." . Kolam di Pekarangan - Sapardi Djoko Damono . submitted for #kelirmonthlyfeb2019 #kelirmonthly with the main theme of classic Indonesian literature. this month theme is : "Kolam" , and this artwork taken from past collaboration with @salamatahari 😘 https://www.instagram.com/p/BuH5sgSAHMi/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=9603wwhjal2k
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dianiapsari · 5 years
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Some people want to be healthier, wealthier, more organized, as their new year's resolution. . As for me, I also want to collaborate more with people around me. . Little Grey is one of collaborations that I really like personally. And I can't wait to make a project like this again in the future 😘 . . Enjoy the world of Little Grey! . #littlegreygrasindo @fiksigrasindo @grasindo_id https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsmpjx5ABpL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qthr0c7ukscq
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dianiapsari · 5 years
"Leaves should fall from the tree. Do you know why? So the tree could grow more leaves when spring comes." . . One of my favourite quotes from the Little Grey book, beautifully written by @shevanithalia 💓 . also thanks to Grasindo @fiksigrasindo @grasindo_id creative team for making this wonderful video! . . #littlegreygrasindo #littlegrey https://www.instagram.com/p/BsXj_TfgC1X/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=kqzpwncwyl4i
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dianiapsari · 5 years
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Last night @maharanipics texted me that she already made my #2018bestnine before I even thought about it 😂 ok so I decide to post this in the last hours of 2018 👌 . Ok, 2018 was started quite as a puzzling year, well..with some hospital visits, doctor appointments, which led me to new knowledges like neuropediatrics and children development disorders. Some of you reached me through DMs and encouraged me to share more about my son's condition, that my #mamaborodiary stories are inspirational, etc. Seriously, I would like to thank all of you, you don't know how much those mean to me, especially in those time that I don't wanna try anymore 😘 . But, in 2018 I also want to thank all the nicest people beside me, because I can still be productive as a wife, mother, illustrator, lecturer, friend, or everything you wanted to define me. Hope for a greater future for everyone! Happy New Year! . #2018bestnine #dianiapsaribestnine https://www.instagram.com/p/BsDe8GXAki0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1t3qnk51o1t6
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dianiapsari · 6 years
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Always be our precious gift 💕 . . . . #inktober2018 #dianiapsariinktober https://www.instagram.com/p/BoZQJJkDVlD/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1uasy5cli6ksw
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