5 & 20
5: If you couldn't live in your current country, which one would you like to live in? 
I live in Australia, and I'd probably live in... iunno, Germany? The Germans seem pretty forward-thinking, unlike our Prime Minister Tony Abbott... and German wouldn't be as hard to learn, as, say, Japanese.
20: Favorite TV show?
Code Geass (an anime) because I'm a weeb like that. If we had to stick with Western shows, I'd say Breaking Bad (which I haven't finished yet aaaaa)
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((43, 8, 31, 50))
43: What was the most awkward thing someone has asked you?
Hmmm... probably someone of the same biological sex asking if we could be in a relationship (I'm bisexual but heavily repress any sexual thoughts so I'm effectively asexual and call myself that) and they were aware of this so...
8: Age?
19 year old toddler.
31: What was your favorite thing to do when you were little?
Read books. Lots of books. Libraries were one of my favourite places.
50: Favorite Disney Movie?
N/A, I'm sure I've watched a few but my memory is garbage.
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Munday asks
1: Favorite Food?
2: Favorite Color?
3: Favorite animal?
4: Pets?
5: If you couldn't live in your current country, which one would you like to live in?
6: Play video games? If so, what is your favorite?
7: Job?
8: Age?
9: Why do you role play?
10: Favorite Fandom?
11: Favorite Character from the fandom you are role playing from
12: Favorite Thing in the whole world
13: What makes your best friend, your best friend?
14: What is the best thing you've ever done?
15: What is the worst thing you've ever done?
16: What's your follower count?
17: How many people do you follow?
18:What was the date of when you first went on Tumblr?
19: Supernatural, Doctor Who, Or Sherlock?
20: Favorite TV show?
21: Job? If too young, what would you want to have for a job?
22: Pet Peeve?
23: OCD?
24: Most notes you've ever gotten on a post.
25: Something you hate
26: Something you like
27: Something you don't like, but you don't hate it either.
28: Something you always wanted when you were little.
29: Do you believe in God?
30: What is your favorite thing to do?
31: What was your favorite thing to do when you were little?
32: What is one thing you want to do before you die?
33: What was the worst decision you've ever made in your life?
34: What do you think was the best decision you've made in your life?
35: Favorite sport?
36: Have any Hobbies?
37: Favorite past time?
38: Are you shy?
39: Ever had a Girlfriend/Boyfriend?
40: Gender?
41: Ever broken a bone?
42: Do you have a good reputation or a bad one?
43: What was the most awkward thing someone has asked you?
44: What was the worst thing someone has asked you?
45: Do you like when people ask you questions?
46: Favorite snack?
47: Favorite role player?
48: How many posts have you liked?
49: Favorite movie?
50: Favorite Disney Movie?
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OOC: [[My Munday photo, fixed.]]
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Leshrac's only conversational tics were his angry glare and occasionally twitching ears, that which had peaked a little in curiosity. Mercurial seemed to not follow the whims of anyone - she seemed to simply exist, like a Fundamental.
"I simply align myself with those who wish to bring disorder to this world and," Leshrac said. He abruptly stopped. The crunching of feet on autumn leaves approached. "Perhaps we should move elsewhere."
"Because… Because I am forced to." Mercurial shrugged, dispersing her blade and stretching out then - a useless habit she learned from a bunch of other heroes. Her mind was in much clearer state than it was when the fight started, and all the doubt and confusion faded away. "Don’t all of us fight because of this?"
This question was of complete seriousness. Most of the things she asked fought here because they were not left a choice. Money, power, revenge, love, honor, whatever drove heroes to fight seemed to be essential to them. But Mercurial was an exception. Her only desire was to be left alone, to finally Ascend once again and even this was being ignored. “Or maybe you had a choice, Leshrac, hm?”
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OOC: [[Insert inappropriate comment about QoP and "S&M" by Rihanna or "ULTRAnumb" by Blue Stahli]]
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Narrowing his already-small eyes, Leshrac glared at Silencer, as though his mighty emotions could slam the mage and push him from existence. Of course, it didn't work. "It is beyond your knowledge. It is I alone who sees this and it... cannot be explained."
Closed RP, Leshrac
As expected, the other man had agreed that fighting would lead them nowhere. Leshrac took a few steps toward him and spoke in a calmer tone than before.
"My mission is to imbalance the world, and destruction is but one part of it," explained the Tormented Soul, now narrowing his eyes and deepening his frown.
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OOC: [[Sure thing, thanks in advance! I'll also nudge you if you've forgotten after like 2 billion weeks or something haha]]
OOC: [[Is there some kind of guild in Dota 2 for us RP people or something?]]
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✍ - songofthedeeps
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[[I tried.]]
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Only the sudden flare and crackle of the scenery around Leshrac detracted from his concentration. By then, the flames had started to embrace and smother his only path for escape. He groaned loudly at his impending fate, then dashed through the flame, orange-reds licking at his hide briefly.
Once the taur had left the worst of the fire, he trotted toward the three Keen. His edict had just completed, and the roaring of their surroundings grew marginally quieter. "I suppose this can't be salvaged," he said.
"You can make -magic- explosions?!" "-Is it a physically-replicable process?-" - [Techies Demolitions]
Leshrac’s head almost imperceptibly tilted at the three keen enquiring about explosions. No harm could be done in assisting them, however. “I am honestly unsure. I cast a spell I had known before my transformation and it manifests that way. I can cast it for you to see.”
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Send me a ✍ and a character and I'll draw the character horribly on MS Paint.
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Leshrac also wrinkled his brow at such affection that he had never glimpsed in what must have been an eon. "Did the greymages put you up to this, or are you interested?" he asked frankly.
OOC: [[x (kiss meme)]]
2nd person gets a kiss on the lips
Cocking an eyebrow, the Spectre leaned forward to Leshrac, her lips barely touching his. Letting out one quiet cough, she only had to wait for Leshrac’s reaction.
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OOC: An apology to longliveyourqueen
As you're aware, some drama happened between the RPer longliveyourqueen and the rest of the community lately. I am highly to blame. Yesterday, I saw a non-drama provoking post from them and instantly fired away, calling them inconsiderate and disrespectful for belittling mental illness. Things blew up. In fact, what I implied was far from the truth: judging from their policies on their blog (tagging NSFW, etc), they are a considerate, respectful person who deserves none of this negative attention. @longliveyourqueen, I am truly sorry. To any anons sending them hate asks, you are as bad as me, and you should stop. If you can't stop for whatever excuse, send them to me the inconsiderate perpretrator instead of them.
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