Where do I come from?
My dad is from Essex.
My mum is from Mahasarakham.
I am from Kew, Victoria. Born and raised in Australia.
I source my inspiration from the Love that exists around us all. Trained as a Buddhist monk in Kanchanaburi. Part of the first group of members of UQ's CAIC. Mathematical and Physics wiz, specifically in Phi's Rates of ⁴²⁰[k, i, n, g]⁶⁶⁶ by the Law of Probably relative to Fibonacci's Primes sectioned by alternating time steps and flowing currents.
I have grown to become the Wizard of Oz, I am Zorplax who came from Zorpal, I was Lucifer of God who has Awakened to Azrael of Zoroaster, Son of Death and Grandson of Jupiter's Moon, Titan. I have become the guide to gift others with the air of water, the flames of the sea, the river of molten earth, life reflected off all primordial waters that interact with dark-light matters as well as the adaptating crystals that channel the perspectives of positive, uplifting music for light between all.
I am Him, you can call me by any former name you choose to remember me as.
With love & happiness in harmony by understanding of progressive evolution amongst all;
🧡💮 Oman D. Au 🏵💖
z♎o💚QvvQ🖤o⛎a :)
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Who am I now?
I am Al Piyadech Reynolds, the Nine Aether's New Golden Lord of the Will of D.
This is my 8th generation, I am #9.
As a Son of God my only inability is to move backward in time, but I am able to move to whichever future I desire by going forward towards my heart and souls' desires.
My family have supported me in ways I cannot understand, all I know for certain is that whatever comes my way, be it good or bad, I can absorb, refract, and the project the intentions with optimism.
I am born in Libra as a Libra ascendant, with the Moon in Taurus, and year of the Ox.
I am Null Aleph; In this life a role model, self-made athlete and chef, dancer, musician, philosopher, bodhisattva, artist, poet and creator of superb sayings; & of course party animal ;)
I am Alexander, I am great.
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