deroabi · 25 days
GPT360 - our vision is to redefine the landscape of digital communities and the broader cryptocurrency ecosystem
GPT360 Presentation
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GPT360 is a pioneering platform that stands at the forefront of integrating the dynamic world of Web3 with the expansive reach of Web2. At its core, GPT360 is designed to serve as a superApp, offering an extensive suite of tools and features that cater to the diverse needs of Web3 project owners and enthusiasts alike. Our mission is to facilitate mass adoption of cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies by providing innovative solutions for marketing, community engagement, and networking. Visualize a platform that brings together the best of Web3's cutting-edge technologies with the user-friendly experience of Web2. That's GPT360 for you. It's like a super app designed to make cryptocurrency and blockchain accessible, engaging, and rewarding for everyone.
GPT360 Goal for Making Cryptocurrency Fun and Accessible
GPT360 goal is very simple, they just want to make cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies easy to understand, use, and enjoy. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to explore this exciting world without feeling overwhelmed.
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One of GPT360's primary missions is to empower community owners and users alike. Through the Chaterium Network's innovative rewards system, users are incentivized to participate actively, driving engagement and knowledge sharing. This approach not only attracts newcomers to the world of cryptocurrency but also fosters a sense of belonging and collaboration within communities.
GPT360 Solution
GPT360 is engineered to bridge the existing divide between the rapidly evolving cryptocurrency ecosystem and the broader digital community, particularly targeting Web2 users. Through a combination of innovative features and a user-centric approach, GPT360 addresses the core challenges identified in the digital and cryptocurrency sectors.
Chaterium Network: Gateway for Web2 User Acquisition and Education
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Central to our strategy for uniting digital communities and facilitating the transition of Web2 users to Web3 technologies is the Chaterium Network. This feature is not merely a platform for enhancing community visibility and engagement; it is a pioneering ecosystem designed to attract Web2 users by rewarding them for active participation in online conversations. By integrating our protocol into their communities, owners can offer distributed rewards for meaningful engagement, making the concept of earning cryptocurrency through simple chat interactions a reality.
This innovative approach serves two critical functions:
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Attracting Web2 Users: The prospect of earning rewards for participation acts as a powerful incentive for Web2 users to explore and engage with cryptocurrency communities. This not only introduces them to the world of Web3 but also provides a practical, enjoyable entry point.
Educational Platform: As users become more active within these communities, they naturally learn about key concepts such as connecting wallets, registering accounts, understanding gas fees, and more. The Chaterium Network thus functions as an effective educational tool, demystifying the complexities of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology through practical, hands-on experience.
Comprehensive Ecosystem for Enhanced Engagement, Adoption, and Collaboration
In addition to the Chaterium Network, GPT360 offers a suite of solutions tailored to address the broader challenges facing the cryptocurrency and digital community landscapes:
AI Tools: Our AI Crypto News and AI Chatbot Moderator provide curated content and maintain a positive community environment, further supporting user education and engagement.
Affiliate Networking Hub: This platform streamlines the process of networking and collaboration, enabling efficient connections between startups, projects, and intermediaries.
Targeted Marketing and Advertisement Services: GPT360 assists project owners in crafting and executing effective marketing strategies, ensuring their projects reach and resonate with their intended audience.
Revolutionizing the Technical Landscape: Unveiling the Cutting-Edge Technology Behind GPT360
GPT360 combines AI model fine-tuning with blockchain networks to enhance marketing strategies, decision-making, and community engagement. By optimizing AI models and leveraging blockchain, GPT360 delivers personalized insights, secure transactions, and a seamless Web 3.0 experience. GPT360 leverages the power of blockchain technology to provide a secure, transparent, and decentralized platform for its users. The platform utilizes two prominent blockchain networks - the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) for its native token and for non-fungible tokens (NFTs).
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The choice to build our token on the BSC network stems from its efficiency, scalability, and low transaction fees. BSC offers high-speed transactions and a robust ecosystem, making it an ideal choice for GPT360's native token. By leveraging the BSC network, we ensure seamless and cost-effective transactions, enabling users to access and utilize GPT360's features without the burden of exorbitant gas fees.
GPT360 remains agile and adaptable, actively exploring new opportunities and advancements in the technology. We are committed to staying at the forefront of blockchain innovation, continuously enhancing our platform's technical infrastructure to provide a seamless and secure experience for our users. By leveraging the power of the BSC, GPT360 offers a robust foundation for its native token and NFTs, enabling users to unlock the full potential of our AI-powered features within a decentralized and transparent environment.
Team & Advisors
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Token Use cases
The GPT360 token offers a range of valuable use cases for both users and investors within the ecosystem:
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NFT Upgrading, Leveling, and Repairing: Users can utilize the GPT360 token to upgrade, level up, or repair their NFTs. This functionality is crucial for the Chaterium feature, ensuring the optimal performance and functionality of NFTs within decentralized communities.
Subscription for Chat Moderation AI Bot: Users can subscribe to the chat moderation AI bot using GPT360 tokens. This feature enhances the community management aspect of Chaterium by providing automated and efficient moderation services within messaging platforms like Discord and Telegram.
Battle Pass users and community owners will require GPT360 tokens to access and utilize the Battle Pass features. Community owners must also utilize GPT360 tokens to create tasks within the Battle Pass and contribute to the prize pool for these tasks' rewards. Users are required to make a one-time payment in GPT360 tokens to gain access to the season's Battle Pass.
Creating a Sprint event within the community will necessitate community owners to pay the creation fee in GPT360 tokens. This fee ensures the quality of Sprint events and helps cover platform costs
User Subscriptions for Chaterium Chat&Earn Feature: Users can subscribe to the Chaterium Chat&Earn feature using GPT360 tokens. This subscription provides an opportunity for users to earn rewards within decentralized communities even without owning an NFT. However, the gain rates may be lower compared to NFT holders, and certain specific features unlocked by NFT ownership may not be accessible.
Staking: Investors can stake their GPT360 tokens to earn passive income. Staking provides a mechanism for token holders to support the network's security and stability while earning rewards based on the amount of tokens staked.
DAO Voting: Token holders have the opportunity to participate in decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) governance by using their GPT360 tokens for voting on important decisions, such as platform upgrades, feature enhancements, and community initiatives.
In Affiliate Hub, the use of GPT360 tokens presents a dynamic opportunity for project owners to enhance their visibility and attract new partners. By leveraging GPT360 tokens, project owners can increase their chances of securing partnerships and stand out in the competitive affiliate landscape.
GPT360 stands as a revolutionary platform that bridges the gap between the potential of Web3 and the wider audience's current engagement level. By addressing the core challenges of community fragmentation, adoption barriers, networking inefficiencies, and marketing limitations, GPT360 fosters a more inclusive, educated, and vibrant digital ecosystem. Our platform is not just a tool but a catalyst for the widespread acceptance and understanding of cryptocurrency, paving the way for a future where digital communities are interconnected, empowered, and thriving.
Follow us on social media
Website: https://gpt360.io/ Whitepaper: https://docs.gpt360.io/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/GPT360_Official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087901384890 Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/company/gpt360 Discord: https://discord.com/invite/Dz9bdQ95p5 Telegram Community: https://t.me/GPT360_Official
Bitcointalk Username: Derbyis Bitcointalk profile url: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2837879 Address: 0x0Ad47A72ae72e4D13192BF32C228983CE6f37975
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deroabi · 1 month
Ridotto brings - the gambling sector and how players earn rewards by staking and providing liquidity.
Ridotto Presentation
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Ridotto is a multi-chain and decentralized lottery and gaming protocol that introduces permissionless casino ownership and open source bankrolling of slot machines, lotteries, table games, bingo, sports betting, and so much more. Ridotto makes the most of cross-chain technology, the future of Blockchain. Ridotto’s innovative cross-chain gambling and lottery protocol is the first of its kind in the gambling sector. The protocol is robust enough to deliver the promises of Blockchain technology to the market and address specific challenges that have plagued the sector since time immemorial. Ridotto’s overarching goal is to elevate the user to the role of “house,” thereby offering a fully scalable alternative to centralized online gambling.
Ridotto Vision and Mission
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Ridotto’s mission is to disrupt this controversial industry by introducing elements of transparency and decentralization via blockchain technology. The design of Ridotto is underpinned by complete transparency, anonymity, security, and fairness. Ridotto is an open-source, community-driven protocol that allows users to play, build games and earn rewards by providing liquidity in its DeFi ecosystem.
Ridotto plans to deliver never-before-seen gaming and lottery features to its patrons and fundamentally re-imagine the joy of gaming, stripped away of centralized inefficiencies. Through the Ridotto protocol, users can play, build and even fund casino games, making our platform the single most robust to come to market. In this way, Ridotto will break down the traditional boundaries that separate casino owners from players, and instead elevate the player to the position of “house.”
The Ridotto platform boasts six key features:
Full Transparency: By running on decentralized blockchains, players and liquidity providers are able to verify the odds of winning, probabilities, and other aspects that are undisclosed by traditional casino operators.
Nested Interoperability: As a cross-chain protocol, Ridotto optimizes transaction fees and smart contract costs to enhance user experience.
Easy Build: Ridotto Lab boasts an extensive suite of tools, SDKs, and libraries that allow users to build unique games on its platform.
Community Governance: As a community-driven platform, Ridotto will incorporate community input in its development. $RDT token holders play an important role in deciding the improvements and implementation of new proposals on the platform.
All-in-One App: The platform is designed to offer an engaging gaming experience via a streamlined user interface.
Staking Rewards: By staking and providing liquidity on the RIDOTTO protocol, users become the House as they are able to receive a portion of the earnings, rewards, and fees that are shared across the pools.
RIDOTTO The State of the Gambling Sector
While online gambling has witnessed tremendous growth over the years, the industry is ridden with many perennial and chronic challenges. The lack of transparency still persists in the industry. The public strongly believes that the odds are stacked in favor of the house. To entice first-time gamblers, online betting platforms and casinos should be more transparent. Players’ privacy is also a challenge due to the susceptibility of centralized servers used by conventional platforms. Operators using centralized servers require personal information for vetting users. Yet, these servers are highly susceptible to hacking.
Additionally, collecting massive quantities of personal information also slows down the process of creating accounts. Lengthy and complex registration processes can discourage new players from joining. It also limits operators’ ability to grow the number of users and their profitability. Blockchain can eliminate the need for excessive data collection. Innovative Blockchain-based technologies like cross-chain can cut operational costs. However, early adopters set up their platforms on the legacy Blockchain, which is costly and can undermine players’ experience.
RIDOTTO The home of decentralized gambling delivers the best-in-class experience across blockchain.
PLAY: Vibrant platform with lotteries, slots, table games, betting, mini-games, NFTs, and so much more.
BUILD: User-friendly build infrastructure for developing never-before-seen games and experiences on blockchain.
BANKROLL: Open-source so the community can enjoy the industry’s untold profitability. Choose the game, bankroll it, and earn APY from the House’s edge.
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25% - Staking - 125,000,000 15% - Token sales - 75,000,000 15% - Ecosystem - 75,000,000 15% - Marketing & Partnerships - 75,000,000 10% - Reserve - 50,000,000 10% - Bug Bounties & Accelerator - 50,000,000 10% - Team - 50,000,000
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Ridotto brings about a paradigm shift in the gambling sector and how players earn rewards by staking and providing liquidity. This disruption in the gambling, casino, and lottery sector has been birthed by the need for change from how traditional casino businesses constantly earn from players and are designed to always be in favor of the house. Ridotto leverages Blockchain technology to provide the best earning opportunities for players and liquidity providers. Ridotto is the next-generation gambling protocol.
Follow us on social media
Website: https://ridotto.io/ Whitepaper: https://ridotto.io/pdf/whitepaper_ridotto.pdf Twitter: https://twitter.com/ridotto_io Discord: https://discord.com/invite/ridotto Telegram Community: https://t.me/ridotto_community
Author Details
Bitcointalk Username: Derbyis Bitcointalk profile url: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2837879 Address: 0x0Ad47A72ae72e4D13192BF32C228983CE6f37975
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deroabi · 6 months
Work X: Empowering The Workforce
About Work X
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Work X is the first decentralized job economy that allows people to collaborate without commercial middlemen like UpWork or Indeed, enabling AI Job matching empowering both talent and employers without the need to possess Web3 knowledge. As the Work X Genesis NFT will be the most limited NFT we will every release with a supply of only 999, it is essential for us to create a whitelist system which is exclusive but also fair. Instead of 30x oversubscribing the WL, we have decided to reward core contributors only. The Internet of Jobs - The first fully decentralized job economy without middlemen taking fees up to 40% - The future of work is P2P!
Anticipating the Future with Work X
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The synergistic collaboration of Work X, TEN, and Whyz is grounded in mutual aspirations and shared objectives. With Work X’s tech-forward platform and the robust nexus of TEN and Whyz, the tripartite partnership is poised to usher in a renaissance in recruitment and leadership strategies. By intertwining futuristic technology and visionary leadership, this partnership is anticipated to foster a systematic, efficient, and advantageous framework for global organizations and professionals.
The Progressive Achievements so far
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Launching Enterprise Clients
Funded by European Commission
Raised 3M USD — Runway: 36 months
10+ Hackathon prizes (Aave, 1inch, WalletConnect, VeChain & more)
Working product utilizing AI Assistant — Team building since 2017
50+ Corporates planning to use Work X
Work X’s Paradigm-Shifting Features
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Work X, the keyword synonymous with recruitment innovation, offers a bevy of features:
Generative AI-Assistant: An AI-driven tool by Work X that tailors job descriptions and enriches talent profiles to perfection.
Decentralized Identity: A feature exclusive to Work X, it empowers candidates by giving them dominion over their professional data.
Peer-to-Peer Collaboration: Work X’s groundbreaking fee model guarantees competitive payouts for talents and minimal service fees for corporations.
Verified References: Work X assures businesses of the veracity of candidates’ skills and experience.
Unbiased Hiring: Work X’s sophisticated algorithms ensure candidate-employer alignments based on genuine performance metrics.
Assessing Competencies in Light of Tomorrow’s Workforce Needs
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A candidate’s academic performance in college, as shown by their grades and degrees, has traditionally been regarded as the single most essential factor employers consider when making hiring decisions. The educational qualifications of a candidate reveal a great deal about them, but they are not a reliable indicator of their real knowledge and abilities. People’s abilities, features, and preferences may be measured in ever-greater detail thanks to the proliferation of individualized assessment methods[9]. These points of measurement are what we refer to as ‘indicators’ of how well work is being done. In order to determine the most suitable pairing between the organizations that are seeking new talent and the individuals who are seeking new teams, we will first measure the teams that are searching for new talent and then measure the individuals who are seeking new teams. By doing so, we will reduce the number of mismatches that occur in the labor market and guarantee the appropriate distribution of talent everywhere.
Who Owns the Data?
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People have lost control not just over their data but also over their professions and the progression of their own personal lives. In the early days of the internet, the value of data was severely underestimated by most people. Big technology businesses that concentrated on data were able to benefit from this, and they built a new business model with free services in return for the personal data of the user. These companies include Google, Facebook, and LinkedIn. People are slowly starting to come to the realization that they need to recover control over their personal data, as well as their education and growth, since it may be used against them. This is happening at a time when technology is rapidly advancing. Work X presents a remedy for this challenge, while also investigating a potential answer to the more widespread data-related issue.
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Throughout history, businesses have traditionally been particularly reluctant to share their data with other businesses out of concern for their customers’ privacy and, ultimately, the risk of losing their competitive edge. This severely hinders their capacity to acquire useful information and develop an accurate artificial intelligence. We have a firm belief that people should have access to their own personal data. We regard this as a win-win situation for both individuals and businesses, as well as the road to both equitable economic success and personal achievement.
Work X is introducing an innovative solution designed to prepare employers for the jobs of tomorrow. This article deep dives into how Work X, available in Beta at www.workx.io, offers groundbreaking tools for organizations like APG.
Official Website: https://landing.workx.io/
Official Whitepaper: https://content.workx.io/whitepaper/Work+X+Whitepaper+V6.pdf
Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/WorkX_official
Official Telegram: https://t.me/WorkX_Telegram
Official Discord: https://discord.com/invite/workx
Official Medium: https://medium.com/@WorkX
Official Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/work-x-internet-of-
Bitcointalk Username: Derbyis Bitcointalk profile url: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2837879 Address: 0x0Ad47A72ae72e4D13192BF32C228983CE6f37975
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deroabi · 9 months
Fleamint - Trade Crypto Assets with Trust and Security in Our Decentralized Exchange.
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Fleamint's dynamic NFT ecosystem! Explore our DEX for seamless swapping, Ventures for lucrative project staking, our thriving community for social interactions, and an NFT marketplace to buy and sell unique digital and real-world assets. Revolutionize your ownership experience in the decentralized web and proudly showcase your diverse collections! Fleamint is a global, cutting-edge ecosystem that leverages advanced Web 3.0 technology and decentralized finance (DeFi) solutions to deliver unprecedented value for brands and consumers worldwide. Fleamint’s mission is to revolutionize the fundraising landscape for Web2 businesses, providing a secure and efficient ecosystem to embrace the potential of Web3. By seamlessly bridging the gap between traditional and decentralized finance, Fleamint equips businesses with essential tools to thrive in the dynamic financial landscape.
Revolutionizing FLMC with a Deflationary Mechanism
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Fleamint is poised to reshape the landscape of digital currencies with the introduction of a groundbreaking deflationary mechanism for its FLMC token. In a bold move, Fleamint has engineered a mechanism that systematically incinerates funds spent on accessing the Membership, instigating a perpetual cycle of currency depletion. With a capped total supply of 20 million, this pioneering deflationary approach reinforces scarcity at its core, imparting an unprecedented value appreciation trajectory to the FLMC token. This innovation stands as a testament to Fleamint’s unwavering commitment to driving constant evolution and pushing the boundaries of possibility within the cryptocurrency # sphere.
Buy and Sell Digital Assets in Our Decentralized Marketplace
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Experience the power of NFTs like never before and empower yourself with our peer-to-peer, decentralized Marketplace platform. Our platform offers a seamless and secure way for you to buy and sell NFTs, featuring decentralized escrow and integration with multiple blockchain networks to ensure reliability and security in every transaction. Fleamint continues to break down boundaries and create a seamless experience that revolutionizes how Web2 and Web3 interact with each other. Through this strategic partnership with AWS Startup, Fleamint is well-positioned to accelerate its expansion and fulfill its mission of providing token utility scaffolded by reputable companies with high Fleamint Trust scores and tangible, quantifiable real-world economic values.
Trade Crypto Assets with Trust and Security in Our Decentralized Exchange
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Effortlessly trade a wide range of crypto assets with trust and security using our non-custodial, decentralized exchange platform, Dex. With decentralized governance and cross-chain interoperability, our cutting-edge solution provides a seamless and advanced way to trade in the Web 3.0 era. The Fleamint platform is creating a complete ecosystem for Real World Assets across all industries, offering users a decentralized, open, and secure environment to engage in a variety of activities, such as trading goods and services. Fleamint stands at the forefront of innovation, empowering businesses to embrace the potential of Web3 and thrive in the dynamic financial landscape.
Connect and Communicate in Our Decentralized Social Network
Uniquely connect with others in the web3 ecosystem, share ideas, and collaborate on projects using our censorship-resistant, decentralized Socials platform. With decentralized identity management and NFT integration, our platform offers a powerful and innovative way to interact with others in the decentralized web.
Transform your financial future with our Web3-era Decentralized Finance Ventures.
Empower yourself as an entrepreneur or innovator in the web3 space with our Ventures platform, which enables you to launch your projects using community-driven funding and DeFi integration. Our platform offers a unique opportunity to tokenize your assets, create your own governance structure, and connect with a global network of like-minded individuals who share your vision for the future of the decentralized web.
Launch your Venture on fleamint now!
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Fleamint Ventures is a launchpad offering comprehensive support and guidance to project teams in token issuance and launch. Our full-service offering encompasses advisory services, from pre-token issuance to post-listing, as well as marketing support. Our primary objective is to empower project teams to concentrate on product development while we handle marketing, exposure, and building the initial user base. We actively seek out projects with strong teams, a distinctive and innovative vision within both web2 and web3 space. If you believe your project fits this description, apply below!.
Thank you for the comprehensive overview of the Fleamint ecosystem and its key features. It’s impressive to see how Fleamint is addressing different aspects of decentralization and catering to the needs of the Web 3.0 era. The Dex I previously mentioned will be safe. And the NFTs on our marketplace will range from jpegs to housing, investment property, jewelry, and even racehorses! Done. It is the least promoted side because we are growing that organically and we are pre-launch. But that will be immensely powerful not for user power. But improving brand offerings to their users.
For further information please follow the link below:
Website: https://fleamint.com/ Whitepaper: https://fleamint.com/auth/sign-in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FleamintOfficiall Twitter: https://twitter.com/FleamintDeFi Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fleamintofficial Telegram: https://t.me/Fleamintecosystem
Bitcointalk Username: Derbyis Bitcointalk profile url: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2837879 Address: 0x0Ad47A72ae72e4D13192BF32C228983CE6f37975
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deroabi · 11 months
Moxy: Has made eSports gameplay available to everyone
Moxy Presentation
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The Moxy Platform is the only platform that can provide players with the eSport enabled version of their favorite games. Moxy Club members can browse the game store and access games as they normally would on other platforms. When players access the game from the Moxy game store, they get the base game that has been enhanced with the Moxy Platform, which enables additional eSport game modes. All eSport activity happens natively within the game operating on the Moxy Platform, giving the player a unique gaming experience integrated with a secure, blockchain-enabled platform. The Moxy Platform also provides players with a unified digital wallet that makes MOXY usable across all of the games they play, ensuring easy access to competitive gameplay regardless of geographic region or local currency.
Moxy is An Innovative Solution to an Old Problem
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The problem of bringing competitive eSports to the masses is one that results from many different elements. Moxy believes that the most effective solution to the problem is to provide developers with an easy-to-use tech stack and players with an eSports-centric platform, In the case of the tech stack, Moxy allows developers to organize open eSports events without having to implement an in-house solution. This stack can be accessed via API integration, a method most software developers are already familiar with but still remains extremely possible and that also works indistinctly of the platform being used (PC, console, or mobile device). Gamers, on the other hand, can use the Moxy platform to access thousands of games with eSports functionality, bringing a new layer of engagement and competition to their favorite titles. As all of the eSports functionality takes place natively in the platform, not only can players earn financial rewards but also other assets specifically designed for their favorite games.
Moxy is Bringing Web3 and Blockchain to eSports
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Moxy makes use of blockchain technology to develop its web3-based technology, which allows its platform to operate in a decentralized, secure, and stable manner. This also comes with the benefit that developers don’t need to develop multiple on/off ramps to localized currencies as the MOXY token streamlines the whole process. The use of this technology also adds an additional level of security to all of the interactions between developers and players. Both in terms of cybersecurity and transparency this is better, as all transactions are taking place in the FLOW blockchain. This ensures that the platform is secure, future-proof, low-fee, and easily accessible to all people involved. Moxy’s use of a unified digital wallet also makes it easier for gamers to interact with the ecosystem as not only can their wallets store their MOXY but also their favorite NFTs. With these tools developers can also seamlessly create NFTs to represent their in-game assets, bringing new possibilities to their game development.
Real Competition With Real Rewards
There are 2 elements every eSports player competes for: recognition and rewards. Video Games without an eSports component often tackle recognition that is traditionally tackled in games via leaderboards and the league system, through which players are able to see where their skill stands compared to that of other players. While most players tend to care about recognition and this system works just fine, the same can’t be said about traditional reward systems. These are often limited to cosmetics and other in-game assets that many players don’t care about, especially in the case of hardcore competitive gamers. By offering its MOXY cryptocurrency, the Moxy ecosystem allows players to truly capitalize on their skill and hard work. Every player participating in a competition will be required to pay an entry fee in MOXY tokens, creating a pool that will then be divided among players (90.1%), developer/publisher (6%), and the Moxy Foundation (3.9%).
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The Moxy Platform is an innovative eSports ecosystem that aims to revolutionize the gaming industry It introduces unique features and gameplay modes to popular titles, enhancing the gaming experience. Moxy’s mission to make eSport enabled games the preferred choice for the majority of gamers. An eSport enabled game gives the players more choices in how they want to play the game. Holders of MOXY will be immediately able to use MOXY for its intended functionality by accessing the Moxy Platform on the Flow Network. Additionally, the Moxy Platform offers significant built-in incentives/rewards to encourage such use.
Website : https://moxy.io/ Whitepaper : https://moxy.io/whitepaper/ Telegram : http://t.me/moxyofficial Discord : http://discord.gg/moxyio Twitter : https://twitter.com/moxyio Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/moxy.io/ Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/Moxyio/
Bitcointalk Username: Derbyis Bitcointalk profile url: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2837879 Address: 0x0Ad47A72ae72e4D13192BF32C228983CE6f37975
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deroabi · 1 year
LifeCrypto: The future of DeFi
About LIFE Crypto
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LIFE Crypto is a multi-chain crypto wallet built on Ethereum and BNB chains to connect cryptocurrencies with real-world daily transactions. Life DeFi Wallet, a non-custodial digital wallet service, now available on the Apple App Store, becomes the world's first multi-blockchain wallet from Apple that allows users to transfer digital assets to users under their name. This represents a major improvement over the use of complex public cryptocurrency addresses that have long been the standard for blockchain-based transfers. It also creates new use cases and value creation opportunities for businesses, users, brands, and more. Across multiple industries and verticals.
Life Crypto: Non-custodial Yet Easy
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Life Crypto uses a single method to provide all crypto-related services in a non-custodial environment, but a traditional bank-like system that helps everyone - even novices In the world. Crypto World - Decentralized service that is instantly understandable and very easy to use. .
A few features of Life Crypto include:
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Nickname, not address: Life Wallet users can send crypto to other Life Crypto users by simply identifying the correct username. No need to remember which complicated address belongs to whom.
Face ID: Use the biometric tools built into your smartphone to access your wallet instead of entering a private key or password.
Instant Transfer: One of the fastest throughput, Life Crypto can transfer assets instantly.
Staking: DeFi services are integrated directly into the wallet. Get life tokens without connecting to a third service. With an APR of up to 39%, Life Crypto offers significant savings compared to a traditional savings bank account.
Multi-chain: Running on both BSC and Ethereum smart chains, users can instantly switch between ERC20 or BEP20 LIFE tokens if they want to send tokens.
Debit Card: The upcoming VISA/MasterCard debit card will allow users to spend their crypto assets without converting them to fiat, providing crypto-enabled services worldwide world. Real world of life.
With services that rival the ease of centralized systems, Life Crypto never holds user funds and only token holders have access, thus providing the best service. . . of both worlds.
Life Wallet :
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LIFE Wallet will have a distinct advantage as it will be cross-chain compatible and support a large number of tokens, allowing users to receive and transfer multiple cryptocurrencies with username flexibility. LIFE will always have the best options in terms of speed, price and reliability, thanks to the friendly protocol that allows LIFE to connect to the most modern blockchain technology. Life Wallet allows online shopping, takeout orders and money transfers between contacts.
Goals Of LifeCrypto:
The team's goal is to connect cryptocurrency to real-world transactions while facilitating login authentication and a variety of multi-chain wallets. The Life team is developing a full portfolio of easy-to-use products, no matter how familiar you are with cryptocurrency or blockchain technology. Life tokens are the life blood of the ecosystem. Stacking, app functionality, retail purchases, bank transfers and LIFE debit card transactions all depend on it. LIFE is a new currency.
LIFE Crypto & Hedera collaboration and the benefit of this collaboration
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The LIFE team has announced their collaboration with Hedera, the most innovative L1 on the market. Life will evolve to enable the transfer of HBAR native coins to the Life wallet and support the entire Hedera ecosystem. This is a great partnership for Life as Hedera not only has incredible blockchain performance with low fees, high TPS, and fast transaction confirmations, but also has an impressive list of system partners. eco includes Google, IBM and Boeing. The partnership also covers the entire HBAR Foundation. The 2023 roadmap further emphasizes that the LIFE community has much more to offer. Plans are being worked on for marketplaces, DEXs, web browsers, ramp on/off, project integration and many general improvements.
Exchanges Listings
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The Life Crypto team consists of experts with Oracle, Microsoft experience and extensive blockchain knowledge. Summarizing his knowledge, he understands the current issues facing the decentralized industry and Life Crypto is the culmination of his efforts. Developing a crypto ecosystem that provides non-custodial services in a traditional environment, including DeFi and banking services, Life Crypto creates a real possibility for crypto assets to go mainstream mainstream. A place where everyone can use the service and enjoy the benefits of cryptocurrency.
LIFE Crypto Social media link:
Website: http://www.lifecrypto.life/ Whitepaper: https://lifecrypto.life/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/LIFE-Whitepaper-3.0.pdf Twitter: https://twitter.com/LIFElabsHQ Telegram: https://t.me/LIFECrypto_TG Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/lifecrypto/
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Bitcointalk Username: Derbyis Bitcointalk profile url: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2837879 Address: 0x0Ad47A72ae72e4D13192BF32C228983CE6f37975
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deroabi · 1 year
ReelToken: The token that underpins the future of the ReelGroup ecosystem.
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India’s latest Web3 integrated social media platform, ReelStar has announced that its decentralised blockchain token, ReelToken (REELT), is now listed on Gate.io and other leading exchanges, including Bitmart, MEXC, and BKEX. The token is set to launch globally on 23 March. ReelToken (REELT) is a unique cryptocurrency solution for the media and entertainment industry, offering smart contract functionality and multi-blockchain infrastructure on the POLYGON (MATIC) and Binance Smart Chain (BSC) blockchains. This enables holders of ReelToken to securely hold, exchange, and use REELT for discounted goods and services within the ReelStar App, and to efficiently convert them to fiat or other cryptocurrencies. The ReelStar app is the first user-centric, blockchain-integrated mobile-first platform for content creation and sharing for all types of media. It is a seamless and easy-to-use platform, employing a full range of NFTs, to allow users to easily create and monetise content for a global audience with the in-app marketplace for artists’ and creators’ content. Within the app, users can trade crypto and NFTs, communicate through an end-to-end encrypted peer-to-peer chat system and access their safe and secure ReelPay digital wallet.
In Briefly REEL Token Platform
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ReelStar’s multi-blockchain infrastructure provides cost efficiencies, and redundancies and has the ability to add future or existing blockchains to further ensure the best value, speed, reliability, and security. The platform is highly scalable, reliable, and cost-conscious, and safeguards security with leading-edge standards in protocols, encryption, and authentication. Our platform is designed to provide a global audience and marketplace for artists and creators to monetize their content,” said Navdeep Sharma, Co-Founder ReelStar. “We are excited to partner with Gate.io, MEXC and other top exchanges to bring ReelToken to a wider audience, and to provide an easy-to-use platform for anyone to access and leverage Web3 and future technologies for both entertainment and profit.”
Reel Star
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First user centric, blockchain integrated mobile first platform for content creation and sharing for any type of media. Reel star was designed, from the ground up to be a global social and entertainment platform which allows users to create, share and trade content with a worldwide audience. eel Star’s mobile app allows users to create and manage their own NFT’s with specific use case options available to support the various and specific needs of creators in different market segments. NFT creation can be both ad hoc and as part of a planned delivery and launch. There are in-app tools to assist at each level. NFT creation at all levels is designed to be intuitive, and supports multiple use cases, from complete user control to the bespoke Reel Star Concierge service, NFT creation is secure and seamless with the option of automatic or customised distributions. The ReelStar app’s attributes filter allows for both broad as well as highly specific searches enhanced by platform, creator and community tagging. It allows for greater discrimination in search and selection reducing the time for collectors to find exactly what they are looking for and allows creators to target their market and not to be lost in a sea of releases. The attributes can be integrated within the platform recommender system.
What is the difference between Reel and other top 6 major competitors?
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Reel has competitors in the different verticals, but there are no real competitors in the ‘everything app’ space. We-Chat is the Chinese equivalent, but the Chinese market is not ours (we are global – China). ReelCrypto develops the blockchain and the decentralised and metaverse aspects present within the ReelStar app including the ReelToken (REELT) utility token. ReelToken (REELT) is a genuine, utility token that was created for global reach and use cases. It is the critical fuel that binds the ecosystem together and enables the seamless integration of all that goes (and will go) into the ReelStar ‘everything dapp’. ReelPay handles all the payment-related functionalities related to fiat and crypto-related transactions along with a debit card. There are many future functionalities planned for the later development of ReelPay. The ReelPay Digital Wallet has a clean, user-centric interface that provides easy and intuitive access to all the financial services integrated within it.
How can I utilize the Token?
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The tokens are pure utility tokens which enable full engagement on the ReelStar ecosystem with discounted fees and access to special offers and promotions within the ecosystem. You can directly transfer the money to ReelToken Account in USD or AUD if you are using a bank account. In case, you have selected, ETH or BTC, or USDT, a barcode and a wallet address will appear on the screen. ReelPay provides the ReelStar app ecosystem with a fully integrated digital wallet. ReelToken (REELT) is its native token that is built on a multi-blockchain infrastructure; Polygon (MATIC) and the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) networks. By utilizing a multi-blockchain it generates benefits such as blockchain redundancy and arbitrage options. In effect, ReelToken holders can efficiently, cost-effectively, and safely hold their tokens and exchange them for either fiat or other cryptocurrencies. They can also use REELT to buy discounted goods and services within the ReelStar app. ReelStar is the decentralized, multi-blockchain, and Web3-integrated platform that incorporates video sharing, live streaming, audio-video calling, P2P chat, NFT minting, a marketplace, and a digital wallet in one app. It’s an ‘everything’ app.
Why You Should Invest in Reel Token?
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ReelToken will be the passport of choice to the infinite possibilities of the Reel Metaverse/Omniverse. One where you have the limitless potential to create, experience and benefit. To enable a global, interconnected community of creators and engagers, with equal access and opportunity for everyone, by sustainably leveraging Web3 and future technologies to enhance creativity and connection for the benefit of all. To seamlessly blend technology, creativity and human connection into a sustainable digital ecosystem, open to all, which explores the limits of experiences and drives real world benefits for everyone.
ReelStar is the first mobile video and entertainment application based on a Web3-enabled platform, able to provide integrated access to the Metaverse/Omniverse. The platform will facilitate positive, meaningful, and beneficial local and global communities, providing a safe, secure, and private environment for sharing, communication and collaboration. REELT is on a multi-blockchain infrastructure. ReelToken has a multiple blockchain infrastructure that enables both cost efficiencies and redundancies. This enables the ReelToken ecosystem to function optimally even if one of the blockchains has congestion or performance issues.
Website: http://reelcrypto.io/ Whitepaper: https://www.reelcrypto.io/wp-content/themes/reel-token/documents/ReelToken%20-%20Whitepaper_V3.01_V4.pdf Twitter: https://twitter.com/reel_token Telegram: https://t.me/ReelTokenOfficial Discord: https://discord.com/invite/sQ7KCpSEaD Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/reelstar.io
Bitcointalk Username: Derbyis Bitcointalk profile url: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2837879 Address: 0x0Ad47A72ae72e4D13192BF32C228983CE6f37975
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