deposit4se · 5 years
Saving for ValhallaDSP ValhallaDelay
So now I’m slowly saving for the ValhallaDSP ValhallaDelay plugin - weighing in at a massive $50 at https://valhalladsp.com/shop/delay/valhalladelay/
Who knows how long it’ll take me to get that moolah together.
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deposit4se · 6 years
Pivot! How surprising..
Okay, so. It’s been a while. Does deposit4se still exist? Yes, for sure.
In fact, I have maybe 20-25 receipts waiting to be processed.
Why haven’t they been processed before? I simply need to get one thing out of my system first. Which is this:
I was able to collect cans + bottles to the tone of 12% of the total sum of a MacBookPro aka music/gigging machine. At the same time, I had some record sales, some streaming income, a few paying gigs (music), a couple of Mac-related errands and in the end I was able to, not only get a MacBookPro, but a USB Hub, a secondary power supply and a couple of adapters. I set in the order for it around first week of December, and the machine (the machine!) arrived around the 3rd week of December. After that it took me a while to get set up.
But I always had a plan - if I got the laptop, I’d go smaller on the next project.
So I guess now would be a good time to unveil the next project. It’s a short one. Maybe even too short.
I’m saving to purchase ValhallaDSP plugins. Sean Costello is amazing, and saving till 50€ or 100€ is a bit easier than trying to collect bottles&cans to get to about, what, 3800€? Yeah.
Here’s the new project.
I’m saving for the ValhallaDSP VintageVerb, UberMod and the Plate. That’s 50$+50$+50$. This might take me a while, but hopefully I’ll be able to get the moneys together before autumn 2018. 
Anyway, thanks for following the original project (iPhone SE), the second project (MacBookPro) and now the third project. I’ll try and get around to processing the receipts :)
PS I must apologize for the falling quality of the posts - as when you write 20 or 40 blog-posts in one go, you won’t remember what you returned, where, and what the experience was like. Sorray!
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deposit4se · 6 years
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So, for services rendered (info-dump), I got given a giftcard for 100€ for The Laptop Project. I’m not calculating this to the percentage because percentage + total is only about cans+bottles!
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deposit4se · 6 years
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Another pile that has been slowly growing, is the one at home. I wanted to get out the house and walk a bit, so returned them and got another 3,15€. We’re just 2,90€ away from reaching 420€, but I’ll be depositing these onto my savings account today, just to have another excuse to get out the house and get at least a few hundred meters’ worth of walking in.
417,70€ it is! Who knows, maybe going for a walk around Vuosaari, I’ll find some additional bottles too?
413,95+3,15=417,10/3279*100 = 12,720341568%
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deposit4se · 6 years
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I had been eyeing this cloth bag at the office with growing concern, and since it had been pretty ripe for the past week, decided to return them yesterday, being a Friday. I had to leave four or five cans/bottles behind in the cupboard - so there’s already a good start for the next big haul. Anyway, ever since I cashed in the previous receipts and saw my savings account rise up slowly, I’ve been a bit more interested in finishing the project successfully.
4,15€ bring us up to 413,95€! Not bad.
409,80+4,15=413,95/3279*100 = 12,624275694%
409,70+0,10=409,80/3279*100 = 12,497712717%
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deposit4se · 6 years
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The previous can, weighing in at 0,15€, caused me to keep my eyes open and find a glass bottle, bringing the tally of that specific day up to 0,25€.
I guess the logic is, if I were to find one plastic bottle more, I’d get up to 410€. But anyway, finishing the day at 409,80€ is pretty good.
409,70+0,10=409,80/3279*100 = 12,497712717%
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deposit4se · 6 years
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On my way home from work I found a can. Well, I couldn’t resist it, since I had just spent a few days processing through the box of receipts, I actually picked it up and returned it to the nearest LIDL.
This can brings us up to 409,70€, which is close to 12,5% of the whole cost of that laptop.
409,55+0,15=409,70/3279*100 = 12,494663007%
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deposit4se · 6 years
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..and further down.. there’s no propulsion anymore, we’re stuck with what inertia has to offer.
409,35+0,20=409,55/3279*100 = 12,490088442%
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deposit4se · 6 years
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..except.. stuff is winding down..
0,20€ down..
408,95+0,40=409,35/3279*100 = 12,483989021%
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deposit4se · 6 years
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You know what, I think we’ll reach 410€. Not because we have to, but simply because it’s possible!
407,45+1,50=408,95/3279*100 = 12,47179018%
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deposit4se · 6 years
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Another giganto-haul, worth 4,90€!  We at 407,45€!
402,55+4,90=407,45/3279*100 = 12,426044526%
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deposit4se · 6 years
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Yum yum yum, a note in my tum! My oh my, aren’t we proud of ourselves? An actual note coming my way. Not just coinage, which can get a bit tiring after a while. You wrap the receipt around them, then you can’t read the receipt no more cos they rubbed the ink out.
So, here we are, we’ve reached 400€, now, was that so bad? I suppose not.
397,20+5,35=402,55/3279*100 = 12,276608722%
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deposit4se · 6 years
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396,80+0,40=397,2/3279*100 = 12,113449222%
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deposit4se · 6 years
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!! 3€ !!
We’re pretty close to 397€, you know.
393,80+3=396,80/3279*100 = 12,101250381%
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deposit4se · 7 years
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393,65+0,15=393,80/3279*100 = 12,009759073%
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deposit4se · 7 years
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Sometimes these 0,20€ surprise you. Most of the time they don’t. This one pushed us over the edge and into 12% town.
393,45+0,20=393,65/3279*100 = 12,005184507%
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deposit4se · 7 years
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We’re this close to 12%. So very, very close to it. Can almost taste it!
1,70€ is pretty neat for one haul - so we’re at 393,45€ :)
391,75+1,70=393,45/3279*100 = 11,999085087%
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