Restaurant shenanigans
Summary: Based on this request by the lovely @fallinallincurls
Warning: 1.3k of Smut! Hair pulling, spanking, spitting, dirty innuendos, pda (Ik you’ll have had enough of Shawns pda lmao sorry!)
A/N: Hehe I loved writing this! Hope you’ll enjoy, please make sure to leave some feedback it’s really appreciated♥️
Main Masterlist and My Shawn Mendes masterlist
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You felt Shawns hand creep up your leg, getting dangerously close to somewhere he shouldn’t be. You shoved his hand off you but kept a good posture, looking up at your friends and continuing the conversation you were having before shawn began his tactics.
“So shawn how was tour?” Your best friend, Lucy asked, picking up her wine glass and taking another sip. You were currently at a restaurant, celebrating the end of tour with your close friends.
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Fool In Love
Draco Malfoy x Reader ♀
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Y/N P.O.V:
  The beginning of sixth year at Hogwarts has been pretty relaxing. However, this is me comparing it to last year, which was mainly taken over and ruled by, the ridiculous amount of homework and all of the stupid OWLs they forced us to do. So, by ‘pretty relaxing’ what I actually mean is: so far this year no event has particularly strained my brain; made me join extracurricular clubs (that I don’t even want to join in the first place); or been even vaguely interesting.
  With my new relaxed way of spending my time at Hogwarts, I have found a new favourite hobby that consists of sitting by the fire, in the slowly warming Slytherin common room; surrounded by people, that would usually (and rightfully so) be considered complete crackpots and arseholes by the rest of the school, but for the period of the day that we spend by the fire, I happily consider my friends.
  As the six of us sit, squashed onto two couches by the crackling fire, I feel a warm arm tighten around my waist, pulling me ever so closer to its owners body. I spin my head to the right and peer up into Draco’s eye with a slight look of confusion on my face.
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Summertime and Butterflies
pairing: Draco Malfoy x Plus size!Fem!Reader
warning: sUper fluffy, body shaming, swearing, yes that is a one direction lyric as my title, again like lowkey cheesy
summary: Draco becomes enamored by one of his classmates, so much to the point where he doesn’t understand the negativity that is projected onto them.
a reminder: beauty is within everything especially you! i’m plus sized as well and i adore each and every one of you!
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The summer before Third Year was a roller coaster to say the least. Twelve going on thirteen year olds experiencing the joys of hormonal distress. Draco dealing with all the problems a thirteen year old boy deals with, just not under the most accepting environment. Two and half months of repressed emotions all spilling out in front of him the second he stepped onto the train. Moody and nasty attitudes all stemming from a place of confusion.
Not only had the hormones changed the aura around these kids, but their bodies as well. An adult way to touch the subject would be; More developed and ever changing. Which is true. Especially for you. You had always been on the heavier side. A cute, plushy child that people adored. Now, a young woman with slightly more ‘developed’ features.
It was something that you couldn’t hide, and something that you shouldn’t hide. It was your body, and you quickly learned that you had every right to love it. That’s probably what drew Draco in the most. An essence of calm, collected, confidence exuding from you despite the hormonal distress of your preteen to teen years. He adored it; How could he not?
Sitting behind you in Potions class, he quickly became enamored by you. He never spoke to you, no, but he knew enough about you to be borderline obsessed. Your hair, your eyes, the way kindness exudes from you as you regard others, Draco had never felt so inclined to get to know someone. Why hadn’t his parents talked about this feeling before?
“Hey Draco? Do you think I could borrow some of your ink?”
His head becomes a bottle rocket, shooting up out of its place from his desk, a slight drool pooling near his arm. Not once did he ever think this moment would occur; Especially not now, as he fell into a deep sleep during the potion lesson. Scrambling to sit up straighter, his elbow sharply bumps the ink bottle. Onto the ground it went, shards of glass breaking in seconds.
The class goes silent as they take in the scene; A red faced Draco Malfoy staring in astonishment at the broken ink bottle. It’s black and sticky contents spread widely throughout the corner of the class room.
“Do you intend for the mess you created, Malfoy, to clean itself,” Snape sneers, his jet fuel black eyes thinning into a glare. Draco quickly grabs his wand, his brain scrambling for a spell that could fix this mess. Nothing. His mind is completely blank, most likely due to the initial embarrassment of the situation.
“I think I got a spell that could help,” your soft whisper floats itself towards Draco, and once again, you leave him speechless. A quick wave with your wand, and the mess is cleared; Black ink floating up in bubbles as the shards off the glass come together like a puzzle. Quickly, placing itself back into the bottle, the ink is restored, back into Draco’s desk as if nothing happened. Snape continues his lesson, awarding five points to your house.
You turn your head towards Draco’s direction,” ‘Think I could still borrow your ink,” a soft smile on your lips. If Draco had a head rush just thinking about you, it’s still a miracle he’s still alive right now. Your eyes bore into his face, a soft expression set to ease his obvious nerves.
Draco quickly takes in all of your features, as many as he possibly could. His face breaks out into a shy smile,” Uh..Yeah of course.”
Class ends much sooner than Draco wants it to, and he shuffles out with the rest of his class mates. Shoving his way through the crowd, his eyes immediately find your figure, and he races towards you. There was no particular reason he had to speak to you. In fact the closer he got to you, the emptier his head seemed to get. What was he doing? What was he even going to talk to you about? The spontaneity of his actions hits him, and he comes to a halt.
You stand with your friend not even two feet away from him, your boisterous laugh hits the air. Draco feels his feet shuffle closer towards you. Your laugh rings throughout the hallway, until he finally stops in front of you. Hands terribly sweaty and shaky, he waves. Giving your friend an excuse to leave, you turn towards Draco,” Can I help you with something,” it’s genuine; Not brash or entitled. It’s sweet.
“I-Yeah! That-That spell you did for Snape..How’d you do that,” his voice shakes with anxiety, and it is painfully obvious, to him atleast, that if this conversation doesn’t go well: the contents of this morning’s breakfast will be found on the castle floors. But you smile, bright and enthusiastically, reaching to lay a hand on Draco’s arm in excitement. His skin erupts into goosebumps, despite the fact that he was wearing his robes, and he could barely feel your touch.
“Oh, I read all about new Charms in the library! We’re supposed to be learning them next year, but I couldn’t stop myself,” your voice an octave higher than usual. Draco feels his insides melt, wondering if it was nausea or those so called “butterflies” in his stomach. You both slowly begin to walk down the corridor, making your way outside.
It was spring. The grass was a bright shade of green with wildflowers sprouting from the ground. The sound of bumble bees and butterflies making their way around the castle filled the air as well as the chatter and laughs of the Hogwarts students. Long days where the sun burned onto the world around you, providing a warm blanket to everyone. If it wasn’t sunny than it was a day full of rain; Generously pouring from the sky, nourishing the plants below, and entertaining the rambunctious teenagers who dared to get wet.
It was one of your favorite times of year, and it was becoming one of Draco’s as well. Seeing as the sun bounces off your skin, casting a blinding glow, making you even more radiant as ever. He didn’t think you could get any more gorgeous. You ramble on about charms you took the time to learn, and how everything at Hogwarts was such a miracle to you. Draco seems to forget how wonderful the magical world truly is, and he finds himself grateful that you reminded him of its beauty.
“Well enough about me! What about you Draco? What’s your favorite subject,” it was a simple question. There was a multitude of subjects to choose from at Hogwarts, but the second Draco tries to think of one his mind erases everything he’s ever known. He was getting quite frustrated that you had that effect on him, but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Um..Not sure..I suppose which ever ones you like,” the pride in his chest as he watches you giggle was so strong, one would think he were having a heart attack. You run your fingers across the leaves of a passing rose bush, careful not to prick your fingers.
“How interesting Malfoy,” you tease giving his hip a small push with your own. His cheeks become dusted with a blush at the small amount of contact.
Sooner rather than later, the sun begins to settle, casting a darkened, gold tone over the castle. You would all have to report back to the Great Hall in time for dinner. The feeling of dread, not only washes over Draco, but you as well; You enjoyed talking to him too much. Never quite seeing his sweet side before, only rumors of his cruelty, and you concluded that you couldn’t get enough of him. However, you both stalk towards the castle, your hands lightly brushing eachother.
The next time Draco has a chance to see you is a week later. Walking down the corridor towards Tranfiguration, he spots you; Happily joking with your friends, walking them to each of their classes until you’re left alone. Draco has every intention to run up to you, but they’re trampled when two boys skirt around their class room doors, coming to either side of you. Two Fifth Year, Ravenclaw boys, Draco recognizes them. They were unbearable: constantly belittling others around them, especially the women of the school. Draco hated them to no end.
“Y’know Y/N it’s good that you walk your friends to class-“
“Yeah you could use the exercise,” the other finishes, horrid cackles coming from their mouths. Draco quickens his pace, ready to throw a hex.
“Very funny boys, but aren’t you worried about missing class,” your voice is steady, a thin smile painted on your face. There was no need to belittle them. Their mindsets far too thick and fragile to tear down with aggression. They would only fight back.
“Not as worried as you would be missing a meal time!”
Original. More spews of hatred spill from them, and you simply stand your ground. Staring at both with a patient face, you wait for them to stop. Draco stands to the side, bewildered as to how calm you seem. If that were him: the two would be in the infirmary with Madam Pompfrey. Your strength only entices Draco more. There truly was nothing you couldn’t do.
Upon seeing your reaction, or lack of reaction, the two stop and stalk into their class. You turn on your heel and abruptly walk out side, Draco following close behind,” Y/N!”
You don’t bother to turn around, feeling the threat of tears. You were strong, but you weren’t invincible. You could only handle being berated by people so much, and no one should blame you for that. Showing kindness, and putting good energy into the world was supposed to be the only way you received the same karma. However cruelty will always exist.
“Y/N! ‘Just wait one second,” Draco quickens his pace as you slow yours down, coming to a stop in the middle of the out door corridor. No one could be found, seeing as most people had class.
You slowly turn towards Draco, your face red with a mix of embarrassment, anxiety, and tears. A huff of air leaves your lips as you see Draco take in your face. A violent anger erupts in his body at the prospect of you being upset. You didn’t deserve this. No one did, and he couldn’t possibly fathom how anyone could be so cruel to you.
Your voice breaks,” Yes, Draco?”
“Are you alright?”
“Do I look alright?”
“It’s not about how you look. It’s- Its about how you feel-“
“What do you want Draco,” he had never heard such sharpness in your tone, not once, but he didn’t blame you. Your face scrunches into a look of pain, and your body shifts, so your arms rest in front of your stomach. The urge to pull your arms away, towards him, is strong, but he knows that will only upset you more.
“I-I just wanted to say that-that those guys are fucking stupid. They’re a piece of shit to everyone. And-and that you really shouldn’t listen to them y’know-“
“You saw what happened,” a look of defense comes on to your face, and Draco debates where exactly to take this conversation.
“I-Yeah..I did. Look, I’m so sorry I didn’t help you-“
“I don’t need to be helped,” a wall washes over you two. A wall that you’re beginning to pile up, and that’s the last thing Draco wants you to do. A butterfly flutters its way around your heads, briefly landing on your hair, and Draco smiles. How could you not see how gorgeous you were right now?
“I know you don’t need to be helped. I know you’re confident in who you are-“
“Are you saying I shouldn’t be?”
“Absolutely not,” it comes out far more aggressive than he intends,” I’m saying that I’m sorry that you are so kind to everyone you meet-including me and I’m a jack ass,” a giggle escapes your mouth.
“And that despite being so kind, there are still people who treat you like you’re nothing. But they’re stupid, because you’re everything. You’re gorgeous-“
“You think I’m gorgeous,” a bit of hesitation in your voice.
“I think you’re absolutely breathtaking. I mean I-I knocked over a whole bottle of ink because you looked at me!”
You two stand in silence, your arms still covering your front side. Your shoes scuff the rickety built wood of the outdoor hallway,” Not many people find me pretty..”
The sun shines into the hallway, onto your face, and Draco simply can’t help himself. His voice gradually growing in volume, projecting these, very enlightening, feelings he has,” Then they’ve obviously never talked to you before, because look,” he opens his arms, gesturing to the outside,” All of this! The sun, the bees, the morning dew in the grass, the flowers, the butterflies! They radiate off of you! As if they all belong to your creation. How could any one not love that? Love you!”
The silence between you two is deafening, and Draco wonders if he took it too far. But he wasn’t lying. He was being honest, and he wouldn’t take back a word he said. You stare at him in shock. People have called you beautiful before, but they never compared your sole being to the creation of spring and summer. A smile gradually breaks onto your face, until it is so big, you think you may crack. You arms open up, and you launch yourself at Draco.
He feels his whole entire body relax as he sees the joy on your face. Beginning to tense at your touch, but soon relaxing as you squeeze him closer. Giggles echo off the hallway ceiling, as you wrap your arms closer around Draco’s neck,” You really think that!”
He wraps his arms around your plush waist, squeezing his fingers into your hips,” Of course I do. ‘Is no surprise now, but I’ve like you for awhile now, love.”
Pulling away to look at his face, your noses touch lightly,” Who knew you could be so sweet Malfoy..”
The same butterflies flutter around his stomach, making him smile. Draco drinks in your smile. You’re so close; He could easily lean forward and feel the softness of your lips. With out a second thought, he does. Planting his lips onto yours, he takes in every ounce of you he could get, and shyly deepening it further. You pull away, a huff of air escaping, as you run your hands through Draco’s hair.
Planting a peck to his nose, you whisper,” Does this mean you like me Malfoy..”
A sarcastic laugh comes from him, and he twirls you around briefly, making you giggle,” Was that not obvious? Perhaps I might have to kiss you again..”
“I’m not objecting!”
Your lips softly collide together, as Draco pulls you closer. The bright sun smiling down on you both, and the butterflies floating along for their journey. All thanks to your creation.
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Out of Reach
warning: 2k of Shawn-based smut. definitely going to hell for this one. I was gonna call it Handy Man because that’s funny but dear lord
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Shawn’s first festival performance seemed to call for celebration as the guys insisted on going out for a few drinks afterward. Shawn reluctantly agreed, proud of himself and his team but anxious to get it over with. His mind was somewhere else.
He spent the night watching the clock, tapping his foot to the music blaring from the speakers as he downed a couple of drinks. He couldn’t seem to shake the thoughts of her from his mind, wondering what she was doing or who she was with. Probably studying, or at work, he figured, considering the time difference and her jam-packed schedule.
It wasn’t like he could call her, either. They weren’t dating. They’d hung out a few times back home, but nothing had ever come of it. She was like the forbidden fruit, and he was dying for a taste.
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I was too busy thinking bout curly haired boys
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Quite literally
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