degrassigays · 7 years
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degrassigays · 7 years
I know some people go ???? over Cam being asexual but he showed zero sexual interest/attraction to anyone on the show even before his depression arc.When him and Maya start out they bond over lucky boxer shorts it’s never sexualized he likes Maya as a person so he wants to hang out with her.And a lot of Cam/Maya’s conflict is Maya wants to explore the attraction she has for Cam physically and Cam feels REALLY uncomfortable.We even see as a juxtaposition of Zig also having feelings for Maya except he is shown to have sexual interest in her he says she can be sexy whilst Maya thinks theirs something off about how Cam doesn’t respond the same way. I just don’t think he was ever attracted to Maya he was in love with her for sure but there was always something in the way Cam struggled with feeling comfortable within his relationship with Maya that always read to me that he was asexual. I do take into consideration that it was Cam’s first ever relationship but there were moments outside of Maya when he could of expressed sexual interest and didn’t like when the hockey boys talk about girls in spandex he doesn’t have interest and tries to come up with excuses to not go.He doesn’t appear to have interest in boys either even though I know the writers did think about it at one point.
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degrassigays · 7 years
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Manny Santos - Season 1 (Degrassi: TNG, 2001)
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degrassigays · 7 years
Degrassi Rant(?)
I’ve made an observation and I wanna know if anyone else has noticed/feels the same way I do? 
So ever since Season 13 started, Degrassi’s architecture (inside and out) has become extremely stylized. The faded blue and yellow lockers were changed to high contrast color palettes with designs painted on them, and the classrooms/halls were implemented with colorful walls and exotic looking furniture. 
In my personal opinion, this makes the school seem fake and very unrealistic. I know Degrassi is a fictional school, therefore it doesn’t have to fit any certain criteria. But with that being said, it takes away a very large portion of the realism the show provided in it’s earlier years on the screen. 
So what I’m trying to say is that the over-stylization of Degrassi’s architecture in the most recent years has caused an extreme drop in the shows believability. Why? Because most (i’d say over 90%) of the people watching this show have never stepped foot into a High School that has each hallway painted a different neon color of the rainbow, and where sitting on bean bag chairs in the foyer while waiting for class is considered “normal”. 
Don’t get me wrong, the subject material stays solid throughout Season 13-16 but I feel like the characters are being put into these sets that are so overtly stylized and it makes things less dramatic, less believable, and quite frankly a bit tacky/cheesy. Especially with Next Class, the writing and storyboarding are amazing but the theme that the school sets is way too bright/cheery/retro. I want to go back to the days where Degrassi had dull and boring hallways and it looked like the kids were actually in high school, not visiting a space station in the year 2021.
If you agree or disagree i’d love to hear the DTC’s opinions on this because it’s something i’ve noticed and kept my eye on for years now.
/Rant Over
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degrassigays · 7 years
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Degrassi: Next Class characters + Pride Flags
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degrassigays · 7 years
Hello everyone! I’m going to do another give away, I have 215 followers as of right now 💕 So this gives everyone a lot of time to reblog and like and follow me and have a chance to win ! ~ The winner of this Bell Giveaway will be chosen once I hit 500 followers exactly! So the prizes ? … 🔅1st place ! 15,000,000 BELLS 🔅2nd place! 10,000,000 BELLS 🔅3rd place! 5,000,000 BELLS 🔅4th place! 1,000,000 BELLS 🔅5th place! 500,000 BELLS All you have to do to win is reblog as many times as you want (please don’t spam your following!) and you must be following me! >no giveaway accounts good luck everyone ~ i swear i get way more excited about these than you guys haha 💌
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degrassigays · 7 years
I often wonder what degrassi would be like if tori santamaria stayed a character on the show and watching the class graduate without her is somewhat weird to me although she hasn’t been a thought in any of the characters minds for literally YEARS
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degrassigays · 7 years
it’s funny how jonah can’t forgive frankie for shit she does but he hanging out with zigmund novak like he didn’t beat the sound and fury out of jonah 3 years ago for owing vince money
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degrassigays · 7 years
literally in her interview with adamo ana says that zoe like never really liked any of the guys she was with and only treated them like trophies lmfao she gay dude
me whenever anyone says zoe can’t identify as a lesbian bc she dated a couple of boys when she was younger:
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degrassigays · 7 years
this is so funny bc just bc if the implication that the dot is somehow something only high schoolers know about
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My first scene on the show was like with her. Was like I see her in the hall and it’s flirtatious. And its like I say, ‘I heard about this place called the dot’.  That’s actually one of my lines ‘I heard about this place called the dot’. I think cause it was so, like the history was there, right. We had our first scene together and we came on the show at the same time and it was like yeah I don’t know kind of just meant to be I guess.
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degrassigays · 7 years
yeah im still gay but i seriously want sav bhandari to dick me into 3017
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degrassigays · 7 years
ok look: the classroom scene with miles was beautiful and i cried but also can you imagine that scene from one of the random kids in that class’s perspective????
“hey how was that quiz you had in english today”
“well actually that angsty white boy from the school play needed to learn to respect the value of his own personal experiences so we all just kind of acknowledged our collective traumas for 40 minutes instead”
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degrassigays · 7 years
me @ miles calling himself bisexual
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degrassigays · 7 years
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degrassigays · 7 years
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degrassigays · 7 years
hunter hollingsworth, known misogynist, racist, anti-muslim cis white dude who put maya’s life in danger (and an entire school’s lives in danger when he brought a gun to school) just because her views didn’t match up with his on a fucking video game (!!!) is running a vlog channel called ‘all inclusive’… and we’re not acting like it’s the most ridiculous thing on earth? yeah… because he was so inclusive to the muslim boy and the muslim girl he accused of being terrorists on separate occasions, and the syrian refugees he called ‘strange people’ (paraphrasing because i don’t remember exactly what he said) just for coming to his school. hunter was really inclusive (sarcasm) when his significant other/partner was going through a gender identity crisis and time & time again refused to call them by correct pronouns or recognize their gender identity and basically say that non-binary genders are crap. and really, super inclusive to lola, who he has called an idiot time and time again behind her back. there’s so many times he’s been a complete narrow-minded ass. the idea of him claiming to be ‘inclusive’ in any way at all is laughable as hell. fuck hunter hollingsworth. thattt’s all. 
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degrassigays · 7 years
im heterophobic bur holly j and sav should have married and had valedictorian children
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