Into the woods: The journal - Part 6
I barely can remember what I have been doing this last week. Anything. I recall plenty of other things tho, but I'll get to that later.
The thing is that, after making that Rammer flee, I managed to get asleep, but not after hours of anxiety and wariness, and I ended waking up at the early morning anyways, probably again due to stress.
So there I was, all drained and hungry, still confused about what to do first. Try and hunt something, stick to bugs and berries, or repair that massive hole the mysliving left? All of those things were time consuming, and some required resources and energy that I didn't have in me at the time. ¿How can I obtain wood without an axe, in the first place? Maybe try and cut something with a sharpened stone?
Too many stuff in my head, just trying to answer questions brought even more of them, and I felt tired before even getting up... and that's when I saw it, laying in the ground: the piece of the tongue I severed last night, greenish drops of blood still dripping from it.
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TAfter days eating only small critters and stuff I found in the bushes, one's mind starts to become kinda lax with the stuff it tolerates. What once was welcomed with nausea, turns out to be a potential snack, given enough starvation. And my mind SURE was more permisive than ever... Right, right, I'll get to the point. I ate that thing!
Call me what you want, but you guys should have expected me to keep trying the weirdest delicatessen since the day I decided to eat the dusk grass. To be frank, my current diet was not going to be enough in the long term, and I felt my strength slowly but surely giving up by the day. That think looked meaty and full of protein... I ate it raw, but at least I washed it in the river before doing so.
The first two hours I did not feel a thing. Since that thing was as big as my hand, It made for a big meal, so I could forget about food for a while. I spent the morning trying to find a good rock to sharpen and eventually improve to chop some small trees. And then, it happened.
Suddently, I felt as if my whole head was melting from the inside. A sense of warmness embraced me, and I felt as if all my fatigue and issues swiftly faded away. It could only be the tongue! That thing was provoking all those side effects! I started to feel dizzy, my surroundings tilding and becoming foggy.
I desperately ran towards my cabin, trying to at least be sheltered until I recovered. Or so I tried, because I realized I lost the feeling of my legs. Worse, of all my limbs! Why I wasn't falling down, then? I tried to look at the ground, but my vision distorted so much, I could not tell what had before my eyes. A colourless mist embraced everything, and I couldn't help but go through it.
At first, I felt pure terror; I was probably lying in the open, unable to move nor defend myself. My body was a literal free meal for any predator. Basically I condemned myself to death!
And somehow, soon that sensation, too, faded away. I only felt calmness, and an increasing bliss, as if I was at peace with myself, and felt like nothing would ever go wrong. when was the last time i felt like this? Why I didnt even care of my very likely death? Beats me even now.
The fog gradually turned blue, and then some white blurrs appeared. It all kept getting more nitid, until I could discern the blurs as clouds, and the blue space as an enclosed rectangular room that sort of mimicked the sky. And at the center, a crescend moon and something similar to a ring with a sphere in the middle, both things of beige color. I know I'm not the best describing stuff so I have made a drawing of it, as clearly as I remember it:
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I felt I was being observed by that Moon's thingy, as if it was staring directly at my soul. As if it was a dream, I felt like all that was genuine, real. But it was very different from sleeping; I was fully aware this situation was abnormal, and conscious about the ''real'' world. I felt as if I could leave whenever I wanted, but for some reason, I couldn't feel the will to do it within myself anymore. Even if right now my body was exposed and ready to die, even if I had a lot of chores to do. Somehow I found all of that trivial.
The clouds were bound to the... ''walls''? of the room, and just slided through them, as flat as if they were paintings, but vaporous as the mist they are made of in real life. I could not focus on them while I had that thing looking me dead in the eyes, though.
This room, which I shall name from now onwards the Sky Room, couldn't be just a product of my mind. It was not a rational thought, but an unshakable conviction, that even now I firmly believe.
How long did I stay in that state? In real life, days, inside there it was not as easy to ascertain. It felt like an eternity, as a trial that would not end until the end of time.
I felt warm and careless. I wouldn't have minded dying, if I had evidence that the afterlife would be like this scenery and ambientation, forever and ever. Why something that simplistic, with no stymulus outside pleasure itself, had me so attached?
And then, after unmeasurable time, something happened: A voice rumbled within my head. For some reason, I could not discern it's tone, but it felt incredibly rough. <<Not yet>> is all it said. Not yet, what?
But before I could ask, I inexplicably fell unconscious (or maybe I actually regained conscience?), everything fading as quickly as it originally appeared. And then, just complete darkness.
When I woke up I found myself inside the cabin, lying in the ground. Probably I managed to reach it before losing my awareness? Dunno. My entire body ached, but to my surprise (even more so after checking a whole freaking week passed!) I didn't feel hungry or thristy, and not tired at all! What did that thing do to me?
I have not experienced any other side effects since then, and I still feel rested and well. But all that stuff I experienced in the Sky Room, they still intrigue me to no end. Most importantly, I never ever felt that well in my entire life, not even after making peace with living in the woods. And now that I am back, I miss it a lot.
So probably I developed an addiction to a pseudo magical substance I can only harvest by facing a creature totally capable of mauling me to death. Essentially becoming some sort of errr let's call it ''Nature junkie''. At this point I'm not afraid to admit it. There is some stuff that nourishes me, makes my struggles fade away, and on top of that now I have questions for whoever talked to me out there. I see more than enough motives to give it another try as soon as I can.
I gotta catch another of those Rammers, and as soon as possible. I know it is a suicide mission -I really don't know anything about those things, and I have seen how powerful they are- but I don't care anymore. From now on, all my effords will be towards not only surviving, but actually living. And I will not be alive again until I chew another of those freaking tongues.
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Into the woods: The journal - Part 5
A few hours ago, I have been attacked again, and I'd bet it was the same thing that tried to kill me a week ago. A mysliving is actively trying to hunt me down, and I'm not even sure about the full extent of it's abilities. However, it didn't get away completely unscathed; I managed to wound that lardass for once, and even to get a glipmse of it's looks! But before elaborating on that, I'll better tell how everything happened.
After a day trying to figure out how to use my spear to fish (Years ago I saw a documentary of a tribesman who could catch fish by impaling them with a harpoon), I went back to the cabin to rest. By the way, now it's nearly covered by vegetation, and I'd say it kinda hides it's pressence to some degree! Now, going back to the thing...
After having a frugal dinner (again, roasted bugs, elderberries and some nuts) I was about to write a new entry and then go to sleep, when I heard those familiar steps, still far away from there, but coming closer and closer. There was no doubt about it: I was going to be assaulted again!
It wasn't as late as the last time, but the sun already set hours ago, and I turned off the fire right after cooking my food and entering the cabin with it (I prefer to eat in a safe and enclosed space), so it was imposible to take a good look at it. I tried anyways, looking through one of the holes it's tusks left, to no avail. And then, while I was still trying to discern anything among the shadows, the footsteps stopped.
Almost by instinct, I jumped back to the other side of the room and clutched my spear, as if such a paltry weapon would protect me if that hunk of a beast managed to knock down the door and charged at me. As I feared, almost inmediately it growled. That unnatural, deep and long battle cry, shaking me to the core. And then, the mysliving rammed towards my shelter.
The impact felt far stronger than the last time. Maybe because the structure was already weakened? My worst fear became true, as it managed to finally break through the crack it left the last time, and the tusks (now I could clearly see they were tusks) pierced even deeper than before, leaving a new pair of slighly bigger holes. I was lucky enough since I set the computer on right before hearing the mysliving, and the light allowed me to look at it's face.
Maybe it's my bias talking, but that creature felt like the ugliest, most gross animal I ever had the disgrace to watch. As I guessed, it had an huge and prominent cranium, white colored and with a light gray, leopard like pattern that covered all it's visible skin. It's eyes were light reddish, with a frowned expression, and lacking pupils or iris. Below the cranium it had one large hole, probably a nostril.
The lower half of it's face was the actually abhorrent part to look at. Almost detached from the cranium, a long, flaccid jaw was seemingly hanging, filled with yellow, disfigured teeth seemingly distributed with no order, and a big, fat pink tongue, revolving and moving akin to a massive maggot, smearing all it's surroundings with spittle. And below it's lips, the two sharp tusks were sprouting, far sharper than the pointy branch I used as a spear. Due to it's anatomy and way of attacking, I'll named it's species ''Rammer''.
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It was wiggling and bitting aimlessly, as if trying to catch me. That confirmed the rammer was mostly blind, and only attacked following it's sense of odour, since I was two meters away of it. Also, it did not advance, nor retreat, just kept furiously shaking it's head. Did it get stuck? It didn't matter, it was my chance!
My hands trembling, I raised the spear and aimed to it's open mouth, trying to get it's throat so it would suffocate and die. I wasn't really thinking, just acting by instinct. The adrenaline was fully kicking in, and I felt my heart was going to straight jump out of my chest. And then, I thrusted with full killing intent.
And of course, I failed miserably, since I have no experience wielding that thing. Swinging as a complete amateur, I managed to deeply cut it's tongue, which by the way did not bleed at all. What is was clear it's that I made it feel great paint; it's eyes went wide open, and tried to desperately recoil and break free, all that while groaning out of distress.
It finally managed to free itself and retreat, right before I could attempt to attack for a second time. The steps swiftly backed away, leaving behind the severed piece of the tongue, but still no trace of blood.
Half a minute after the rammer fleed, the distant chant of an owl and ocassional creaking sounds from mice stepping on dried leaves took over. The forest went back to it's discreet routine, as if nothing out of the norm happened mere moments ago.
This night I repeled death, but now I am in a dangerous situation. There is a huge gap in the lower half of the door. I demonstrated that I'm able to defend myself, but if that beast has the mind to strike back, this time the cabin won't withstand the charge, and I'll be finally preyed by it.
For the next few days, I'll have to focus all my time and effords to devise a way of keeping at bay any and all threats that roam this forest. I have some ideas, but right now I feel too confused and anxious to make any use of them. I should sleep, but that hole is still there, as an invitation to any large enough predator to come and get me.
All I can do is to put the spear against the damaged door. This way, if anything tries to enter, it will probably knock it back, and hopefully the noise will awake me. It's incredibly dangerous, and probably will be too late for me by then, but I have no other choice. I have to force myself to sleep; I can't do shit at night with such monsters wandering, all my planification and feeding has to be strictly done under the daylight.
It is easier said than done, but my life really depends of my discipline. This is going to be a long night, no matter I end falling asleep or not.
Take care, city dwellers.
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Into the woods: The journal - Part 4
Well, finally christmas! It does not make a difference in the woods, but traditions from my old home are still kinda ingrained to me, so I can't help but give some symbolic meaning to this day, I guess. Maybe I am not still truly detached from the streets and the hustle. Whatever; it will fade away. The emotion over such mundane things is bound to dissapear when oneself does not live through them.
In the end, I have been eating mainly bugs. No, seriously, how stupid could I be? I had an entire food source that I could easily ''hunt'' (where ''hunt'' means ''lifting a stone or tearing a tree bark and picking up all the sneaky bastards squirming below'') right under my nose, and did not even consider it until a couple of days ago! Whatever.
I must say that it was not a pleasant experience at first. I had to starve myself for a day until I was desperate enough to put at least one little cricket in my mouth, let alone swallow it. But I did in the end, and after getting over the crunchy texture, it got far easier to bear, and I ended making myself a meal out of similar small bugs. By the way, this time I cooked them (I forgot to mention that ate the hare I caught a few days ago raw, and of course, it gave me quite the stomachache).
Making a fire was easy and worth the efford, and cooked cricket tastes a little bit nutty (for once, that's a good thing!). After a while, I stopped feeling sick, and I'm starting to see bugs just as earth lobsters and similar animals. ¿What is the difference, anyways? Aquatic ones are a little bit more meaty, but that's it for the most part.
So, I feel quite happy, considering my new life standarts. Maybe the christmas gift I got was just finding a semi-reliable source of food...
Also, I managed to finish my attempt of a spear without major complications. Will it be enough to take on bigger prey? I have no experience throwing projectiles, nor noticeable strength. Maybe the energy boost of the dusk grass will help me launch at full power? That stuff is not miraculous, and gives some nasty side effects. I decided that I will only make use of it in dire situations, since the invigoration is getting kinda tempting, and I don't wanna end addicted to it.
That doesn't bother me that much anymore, since I do not rely on hunting as much as I thought a while back. I still plan to eventually take on bigger animals, both to prove myself as able to compete with the actual beasts, and to avoid having to scratch the dirt every time I feel a little hungry.
On another note, I started redesigning the cabin! I'll make use of a crude drawing to show what I want to do:
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The leaves can help to blend it better with the enviroment. I put a bunch of climbing plants here and there, but I'll need far more to accomplish anything. Looking for food and sleeping are very time consuming (another reason to try hunting something large), and I advance slowly. I also need to put the plants in a natural way, so it's not too obvious something is being concealed. It will still be noticed if someone (or something) is close enough or pays attention to the surroundings, but I have to take any extra chance to hide myself, no mather how little it helps.
The brambles/pointy stuff is the next step. I wanna make some sort of natural barbed wire surrounding the walls, in case a certain mysliving candidate pay us another visit. Of course, a creature of such power won't be threatened by such a puny line of defense, but maybe the sudden pain shock will convince it to stop attacking. Kinda like a porcupine, most predators would be able to kill one, but the pain of the spikes scares them away. Of course, I do not know where to look for a plant or tree with decent brambles, but I will care about that when I get finished with the camouflage part.
Welp, I think that's all the new stuff for now. I have not found any other mysliving... not like I tried, given my schedule.
Happy holidays, and take care, city dwellers!
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Into the woods: The journal - Part 3
Normally I'd wait some days between posts, but due to the circumstances of the last night, I felt like I had to remark that I am still alive. I managed to fall asleep shortly after the mysliving incident (I am sure that thing was not a common animal, for the reasons I'll state later). Probably both the mental and physical fatigue helped.
When I got up, I inspected the near surroundings to learn more about the threat. First, I checked the state of the door. It is worth mentioning that it was pierced from two different points, the holes being roughly as wide as my thumbs. When I looked from outside, It had an aspect similar to this sketch:
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Quite self explanatory, despite the low quality. The crater is only one feet above the floor, sugesting the creature (or it's head, at least) is very short, but at the same time bluky enough to generate such damage. It also seems to have two elongated tusks, around 7-8 inches long (from the angle it is unlikely that those were horns). The front of it's head is large (30 inches at least) and hard, with a circular shape. I can't think of any animal that fits those characteristics combined.
Add to it the strange, deep growl, and we have some sort of a chimera, a very aggresive one, I must say. Thus, a textbook mysliving, whose accurate aspect I don't even know.
Why did it attack me? I don't remember provoking it, and I was being really quiet, so only my oddour could attract it in the middle of the night. I had no clue, but I would not waste the day idling and thinking about a mystery I could not solve. My stomach growled, malnourished.
After partially satiating myself with some wild strawberries I found, and before starting to work in my weapon, I made a second major discovery. A third, this time fully spotted mysliving: The Tree rat, as I named it.
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This time I could approach and observe a small mysliving at a close distance, before it ran away, and I even got to see it's behaviour.
This creature is slightly larger than the average squirrel. Every extremity has two elongated fingers with sharp small claws, instead of hands or foot. It also has some sort of small trunk, large ears akin to a koala, a fluffy long tail, and large eyes with yellow sclera and black, wide iris. Around the part of the neck, there are several folds of skin (the mouth is located somewhere between them).
This creature is adept at climbing trees, making use of it's claws and small body to move at incredibly high speeds (as fast or maybe even faster than a squirrel).
It is a carnivore/omnivore, that preys on mice, and probably other small animals or insects. In my first encounter, I saw one stalking a forest mouse. The tree rat ambushed the prey from a tree, aiming at it with the trunk, and then spitting some kind of greenish, sticky fluid (mucus?). It has a noteworthy precision, landing at a distance of around 10 ft. The mucus snared the legs, making the mouse unable to run efficiently. Then the tree rat jumped to the ground, swiftly pinched they neck of the mouse, and killed it, grabbing it's corpse with the mouth (or the skin folds) and running into some near bushes, likely to consume it. When I tried to approach, it somehow heard or saw me, and ran away again.
This animal is faster than the hare I caught, and I doubt the dusk grass would be enough to get my hands on one. It's a pity, since I haven't tasted mysliving flesh yet, and I can't help but wonder if they have any anomalous property similar to the dusk grass that I could take advantage of.
Without anything else to observe, I went back to my weapon schemes. I managed to find a fallen branch, robust yet light, that is at reach. With a moderately sharp stone, I may be able to turn it into a rudimentary spear. I am also planning to elaborate some traps to catch smaller animals in the meantime, but I'm out of ideas at the moment, or tools to craft most of them.
This could have been solved in little time if I brought tools with me, but I refused to do such a thing, since I made a bow to avoid having unfair advantages outside of what the enviroment provides. What would be the point of abandoning civilization if I'm actively parasiting it's fruits to my own benefit? Even coming here with my clothes and shoes seems unjust, and that's the further I will benefit from my fellow humans labor.
On the bright side, I also found a nest filled with eggs in a tree. It was quite exposed, so I managed to knock it down after throwing a few stones at it, and have an almost meal with the eggs that didnt break. Kinda felt bad for the birdies... but if you think about that, compared to that unknown mysbeast that charged at me, I was as frail as a little bird myself. So I guess I'm acting on even terms with nature.
Before going to sleep I found a bunch of elderberries growing near the back of the cabin. I did not notice them before since they're between two large boulders. Anyways, I managed to slightly quench the hunger, but this will not be enough in the long term. Tomorrow I will try to finish my ''proto-spear'' and hunt for real. If it fails, I'll resort to traps and look for more wild berries, maybe even try to fish somehow. There is a little river not so far from home, and I can probably find an earthworm or some other bait if I focus on that.
Whatever. I have too many things going in my head at once. This place, too, has a lot of demands actually. Kinda like the civilization had... but the priorities are totally different. It requires me to improve myself and stay active, at a more primal and instinctive way. I prefer this. No mather how much I struggle or how panicked I feel at a times. I am more fit for this place than I was for my old home. It is so reassuring, to find where oneself belongs...
Take care, city dwellers!
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Into the woods: The journal - Part 2
This night ended abruptly; I almost got killed by what seems to be either a conventional creature, or a new, unknown mysliving.
After a day experimenting with different quantities of dusk grass, I went to sleep until my fatigue wore down. However, I woke up at around midnight when I heard some distant noise, akin to steping over dry litter (It seems dusk grass provokes a lighter sleep and more susceptible senses, similar to an alcohol hangover).
I listened attentively, and noticed the steps were getting closer. From what I deducted, it was a quadrupedal creature; I could not tell the size at first, but the compact sounds made me think about a small, wild boar. The creature was coming towards the side with the door.
Since I realized that this area awaits really unconventional surprises, and I had to be wary of them, I inmediately ran to the door and locked it. The cabin lacks windows, and the moon was waning anyways, so it would be impossible to spot the creature even if I tried. I could only hear.
Then, the metalic sound of the lock seemed to trigger the animal. The calm stroll stopped entirely. I heard some kind of deep growl, similar to an ox. A moment latter, the sound of a frenzy beast, ramming towards my position filled my ears!
The anxiety was overwhelming. I felt pure dread, for every instant that creature approached. I could already see it, tearing through the wooden bounds of my so called home as if they were paper, and viciously feasting on me.
Finally, it collided. All the structure shaked and creaked. I found myself in a fetal position, my back against one of the wooden walls.
After a few seconds of silence, another growl, this time even more energic and drawn out haunted broke the brief quietness. And then, the sound of a slow walk over the dried leaves, this time decreasing over time; the creature eventually drifted away, and could no longer be heard.
I will likely force myself to sleep, since being awake won't protect me against a second assault. Only the cabin will, and if it fails to do so, then I will be helpless one way or another.
I have yet to research on this animal. Why did it attack me? From my conjetures, is a nocturnal being, that relies on the smell rather than it's eyes. It seems strong and fast enough to catch and kill me in an open field. I did not know that such dangerous predators were around this area.
This is a necessary experience. I need to be reminded that I'm not only a predator, but also a prey. This creature may be keeping an eye on me, and if I am not careful, it will ambush me again, this time outside of my shelter.
Tomorrow I will try to concoct some weapon to have more of a chance against such an aggresive lifeform. Sooner or later I'd need to to this. Until today, I only caught an old, big hare, and it was thanks to the aditional stamina the dusk grass provided. I can't keep hunting little animals with the only help of my own brute force and some natural stimulants (whose reliability and health hazards are still in the air). I need some advantatge to have a shot here.
That's all there is to it.
Take care, city dwellers.
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Into the woods: The journal - Part 1
Today I had my first encounter with one of those ''anomalous beings'' (which I'll reffer hereinafter as Myslivings*): a strange type of grass. Now, it may not seem that impressive, but it's still a solid proof of the secret ecosystem conviction I had.
Since I do not have any way to take a photograph, nor apropiate tools to represent such finding accurately, I'll resort to a crude representation made in MS paint, the only ''drawing software'' I can put my hands on right now.
City dwellers, there it is, the Dusk grass!
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Dusk grass has an indigo coloration, filled with reddish stains with dark orange freckles inside. They appear among the regular grass, in groups of small bushes no longer than a foot. Once I paid attention, I realized it is a fairly common Mysliving, and I easily managed to spot three different bunches in a short period of time.
They're tiny specimens even when compared to common grass; as you can see the average blade is hardly longer than the index finger phalanx (used my own hand as a reference). I called this Mysliving Dusk grass since the color pattern reminds me of the sky at sunset.
Their aspect is actually quite mundane, compared to it's other properties. I tried eating a pinch of blades at once (tastes like fresh mint!), and side effects appeared after a few minutes. Over the next hours, I felt a noticeable spike of energy and anxiety, coupled with a mild headache and tension in my joints. Despite the disfavorable effects, the grass somehow allowed me to move with peak dexterity and stamina. After realizing this, I tested my resistance by running at full speed across the area. I managed to move with exceptional coordination (compared to my average performance), and to run at full speed for an extended period of time with only minor exhaustion afterwards.
When the previous condition eventually dissipated, I suddently felt very tired and with a slight breathing difficult. These new effects are vanishing, too, but at a slower pace. They still remain now, as I write this. Fortunately, they are bearable and pose no major threat to my health.
I concluded Dusk grass is some sort of a natural stimulant. Given my circumstances, it may prove useful in a handful of situations, such as chasing a prey, running away, or if I need to stay awake for any particular reason. I will keep an eye on this Mysliving. Future tolerance phenomena, or other long term issues are yet to be detected.
Appart of the Dusk grass, I haven't made any other major discovery. While running through the woods, I saw some small creatures running away sideways, most likely rabbits or some kind of rodents. Unfortunately, my poor vision, paired with their swiftness and sneaky nature, was unable to properly analyze any of them.
I will go to sleep soon. Over the next days I plan to run some experiments with the Dusk grass, and also to do some basic renovations in the cabin structure, mainly to make it less recognizable and avoid running into another stranged human.
Take care, city dwellers!
*From Mysterious and Living (Beings)
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Likely questions answered
Why did you leave?
Civilization felt like a prison. I am not pretending to be some sort of a ''misunderstood genius'' (I hate those types), I just felt pressured, disoriented and lost. The socitety grows and advances constantly in order to imporve itself and, by extension, the life of it's citizens. The rhythm of our modern world overwhelmed me. I came to the realization that I had no skillset of value, my philosophy and ethics had no value or relevancy, and my goals were non existent. I was meaningless in front of such standarts. I felt just like a fish trapped in an aquarium, living a lie and pretending to call home what in reality is a small, hollow illusion.
But, unlike the fish, I could leave the aquarium whenever I wanted. I just didn't know.
I was 17 when I walked through the woods alone for the first time. Those were the best hours of my life up to that point. Nobody would judge me, squirrels meant their own business and no tree demanded anything from me. When I stared back, I only saw anguish, terror, a future of constant requisites and expectatives.
After (????) years playing the part and gradually cutting contact with every relative and acquaitance, I finally dared to leave. Once and for all. I entered to never return.
What if you happened to be found?
Then I would have to run away before they caught me. I may hunt to feed myself, but I would never use violence against another human being under any case. I do not know what would I do if I got caught and dragged away. Probably try to escape when things cooled down, this time being more cautious. Of course, that would mean no more updates, EVER again. This blog may very well end out of a sudden due to that, among other scenarios.
How do you survive?
I feed of prey I hunt, and plants. I would try to subsist only of plants, but I do not have enough knowledge nor resources to have a vegan diet out there. While I live here, I will consider myself an omnivore animal. If I end being eaten by another forest dweller, so be it. It was I who decided to play under this rules.
About my shelter, I had the enormous fortune of finding an abandoned cabin. No signs of activity in years. It has a basic electrical instalation, and a lockable door (in case a unexpected visit comes, I will have time to hide or try an escape plan). Ironically, I have the tools for first world leisure, but in all the other aspects I'm virtually barely above an animal. Not like I use the internet at all, outside posting this blog. Doing so would break my promise of leaving the known world behind.
How often will you update?
It is difficult to answer. I'd say around once per week, but it's too soon to be sure. There is a lot of factors going on.
And I think that covers the basic stuff! Once in a while I will answer more stuff, either from hypotetic people asking me, or myself making up questions, like I've done now.
Take care, city dwellers!
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Not so long ago, I ran away. I ran and ran, and then I kept running. I am legally an adult, so no legal tutor can reclaim me. I am essentially free. However, they may keep searching, looking for me. Probably for years. They won't take a no for response. So I need to stay anonymous, and give little detail about my whereabouts.
Now I live in the woods. Not too far from modern conveniences, but remote enough. It is a miracle that I get to access internet and electricity in such a place, but that's it. There is no reliable source of food or a way to consistently fend off natural predators.
I will clear more doubts about my situation in the next posts, but now, I'd like to talk about the main objective of this blog.
I pretend to make something akin to a journal, based on my experiences there in the wild. I know I said that I won't give info that gives away my location, but I have everything under control, and that will certainly not be an issue.
This area has something strange. Among the commonly known wildlife, I saw creatures that I'm sure no zoologist ever imagined, let alone met. Strange beings of all sizes, shapes and properties. There is an entire ecosystem dwelling behind this forest. I fear it, but the excitement is too great. The anticipation, the heat of an exploration, deep into the entrails of the unknown...!
I know I will see my last days inside this mystical maze. My only point of reference is the minuscule, abandoned cabin from which I come from time to time to access civilization. One day I won't update this. Maybe I'll give up this last enclave, to wander aimlessly through the woods. Maybe one sneaky creature will get my neck and make me it's meal. Maybe...
I will not even bother to come back. I have the sensation that this place, now that I discovered it's façade, will simply not allow me to leave. I do not care about that. If it wants me to stay, so be it.
This is my journal. Deep into the woods.
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