deejay-lynnie · 9 years
Lynnie sighed softly as she pressed her nose against Xavier’s cheek. “I promise to slow down more, because I do like more us time. It’s one of my favorite times, but, shhh. Don’t tell the munchkin or Snickers. They’ll get jealous,” she advised with a giggle.  In the emotional rollercoaster she had just experienced, Lynnie was grateful she found out at that moment, rather than later. This whole ordeal was an eye-opener for her, one that she prayed never to experience again. Twice was enough. She couldn’t bear to hurt or lose anyone else. No, Lynnie was determined to take care of herself, for the sake of herself and everyone she loved. If she didn’t she wouldn’t have moments like these where she could playfully roll her eyes at her boyfriend’s comments about her backside. “Oh my gah, Xavier. You need help,” she said before giggling at his silliness. The petite brunette shook her head and corrected him. “No, baby. You have plans, I just improve them. Teamwork. And both your hands can’t be holding Cookie, baby. You might fall and get hurt. Nope. One hand can be on her, the other better be holding on to the Segway to help steer. And no Fast and the Furious: Segway Edition stuff. Got it?” She asked with seriousness in her tone. If she was keeping her promise to take care of herself, he needed to as well. Plus, the picture of them both on a Segway and both of Xavier’s hands on her bottom, though enticing, did seem very dangerous. The mental image did bring her a sense of happiness that she never thought she would have. At one point in her life, thoughts of love, family, and a happily ever after were merely a dream. Now, she was able to see that they were very much attainable, mostly due to Xavier, but also because she allowed herself to open up her heart. Lynnie loved Xavier with every fiber of her being. With each passing day, that love grows even more, filling her heart to the brim. She cared for him so much so that it hurt, if that were ever possible, but it was the kind of pain that she’d happily endure. Her eyes caught a glimpse of his cheeks turning a light rose. He was, in all sense of the word, adorable in that moment. His blushing brought her back to freshman year biology class. He was her angel, sent to save her from herself. She smiled at the sweet kiss. “Thank you, baby,” she chuckled lightly at his scenario and even nodded. Lynnie hoped that the colorful picture Xavier drew out about their future would come true. More importantly, she hoped that out of all of the details, they would carry out just one of them. That detail was that they would still be together, even when they were old and grey. The fame and prosperity, though very attractive, dimmed in comparison if he wasn’t with her. And, she said as much, “I do. And even if we’re old and our stars don’t shine as bright as the younger kids in our game, I’ll still win. Because I have you; you, munchkin, and the future babies, maybe some others… you’re all that I need.” She maneuvered them to rest comfortably on the couch. Her lithe body laid on top of his with her head on his chest. In that position, she was able to hear the steady beating of his heart. Lynnie smiled and sighed contently. “Yep. All I need and I’m happy.” As she continued to listen to his heartbeat, a rhythm, instrumental accompaniment, and lyrics rushed to her mind creating yet another song for the studio. Maybe a future hit for the airwaves, or maybe, just another treasured uncut beat she’d keep to herself. 
I Should Tell You || Javier
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deejay-lynnie · 9 years
Florence + the Machine did well. David Guetta had to be one of my favorites, and Drake did good too. You? Yeah, it was. I met some randoms and it was nice. Do you not have anything specific that you liked? Nope. I’m glad I already had tickets for the second weekend on hand and to get passes for the first was just icing on the spring break cake. So that was nice. The second time around we got to relax and enjoy the other things more before round 2 of the people we wanted to see again. Sorry we didn’t have more passes. What have you been up to?
@ Cassidy
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deejay-lynnie · 9 years
“You too, baby. I love you too,” Lynnie responded with a genuine smile. Her fondness for him grew with each sentence he spoke. “I think that after you and Josie came into my life, something inside of me, without me knowing, just began to take things slower. I began to be more grateful and, I don’t know, learn to appreciate things. I don’t think that I was more in tune with my condition, rather more aware of what made my heart so full. So,” she stopped and giggled. “I think it’s safe to say, busybody me has taken a step back. At least for a little while.” She giggled as Xavier nuzzled her neck while he imitated Josie imitating her. After her finished, the dancer shook her head with a small smile still lingering on her lips. “I said not that much,” Lynnie reiterated. In all actuality when she would see him hurt on the field, it was as if she felt the same blows, and maybe even worse. Who could blame her though? It was one thing to be the one feeling pain; it’s another to see the person you love in pain. Her smile grew even more at Xavier’s comment about fighting over cuddles; it even drew out a chuckle. Lynnie replayed countless instances where her boyfriend and the toddler would bicker at each other. Whatever the reason may be, she saw the love and genuine connection the two had, which never ceased to make her love them even more than she already did. Her small frame snuggled further into Xavier’s hold as she tried to conjure up the thought of someone else telling her the news. “No. I think I would have been a bigger mess. One that would take way more to get me to be okay again. I’m glad it was you. You always know what to say that will bring me back and not get too… intense and back in my shell about things. Thank you,” Lynnie said as she tilted her head back and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. When he continued on about her backside, her nose crinkled. “No, Xavier, baby. What are you right now,” she asked with a giggle. “Oh gah. I hope Cookie can stand up to good ol’ father time, mother nature, and gravity. No worries, I got you on the tie thing. Maybe suspenders too, that would look even more sexy on you. Segways? Maybe we can both ride one when we’re older.” The choreographer shot him a wink before shaking her head and pressing a chaste kiss on Xavier’s quivering lip. Playfully, she grasped his bottom one between her teeth and gave it a slight tug before releasing it. “If you ride on my Segway with me, you’ll get to hold cookie. Isn’t that better than just seeing her,” she asked as she placed tiny kisses on the harmed flesh. “We’re just gonna have to get creative with our love nest. Good plan. Also have Grace and others on speed dial so we can fly away for a while. We got this, baby. No worries.” As the conversed about their future, the thought of her death, hear condition, and all the negative thoughts and feelings she had experienced just minutes before had quickly diminished. For Lynnie to actually speak about what was on her mind, instead of keeping it to herself as she did in the past, surprised her. In the course of almost a year, Xavier had helped her open up. The walls she had tried to believe that were built and surrounding her seemed nonexistent, but there was no denying that there were holes in her confidence as it pertained to certain things. At this point though, what mattered was that she was able to experience this moment she shared with Xavier, her insecurities and fears aside. Her green eyes looked into Xavier’s beautiful brown ones as she smiled and cupped his face. The pads of her thumbs gently stroked his cheeks. “You think so? I think you’ll do amazing, just as before. You’ll nail it and be the best Roger Davis in the history of RENT that anyone has ever seen. Mark my words, sweet stuff, you’re a star!” She stated confidently before nuzzling her nose against his. Even before their talk, Lynnie believed Xavier’s performance was spot-on, but she could see a little bit of easiness return to his posture now that a little bit of weight had been lifted from him. A sense of appreciation had overwhelmed her for the simple fact that she had such a caring and loving man in her life; for that, Lynnie would always be humble. For that, she would always love him. “You are my star. And when we’re 90, I will be by your side on the red carpets when you’re honored for your legendary works and love you even more than I do today.”
I Should Tell You || Javier
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deejay-lynnie · 9 years
Was it? Glad to hear that! I didn’t know you were a big Yeezus fan. What’s your favorite song from him? I would say that was a surprise for sure, but... he probably could have picked another performer to collab with because it didn’t seem like The Weeknd could keep up. Everyone was all on the Kanye train. And then as for Nicki, I wish she would have performed a song or two because I’ve never seen her live. I understand why she didn’t though. I guess for me, maybe I was starstruck, or possibly not even expecting that much this weekend. Plus, I did post that before everything happened... lol, so there’s that too. Either way, I had good company, so everything that happened is stored in my memory bank and was still an amazing time. Me either. I don’t have to be worried about getting sick or mindfucked about what I was seeing. 
@ Puck
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deejay-lynnie · 9 years
How is that your fault? Baby, she was in the artists’ section and the general public didn’t really see her until the very last minute. It’s fine. I didn’t expect to see or talk to her at all this weekend, let alone be as close as I was to her. That in itself was more than enough, and all of that was because of you. I appreciate it though. You know what I appreciate the most? That you decided not to pursue it and chance getting hurt because I value your life more. So thank you, baby. I love that you thought of me. I bet you she smiled and thought you were a cutie. Don’t feel that way! Why would you even? 
[Private]  Javier
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deejay-lynnie · 9 years
Sorry? What for? Also, I love you too, sweetie. Safe to say that Coachella will never be the same without you.
[Private]  Javier
Hey, baby, I’m sorry…
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deejay-lynnie · 9 years
I liked it all really. Just the whole Coachella of it, but being with my sweetie and hanging out with friends while exploring new music make the weekend. You get to meet new characters and experience all kinds of things you don’t normally. What did you like from it? Who knows? Maybe because when you have so much fun, you don’t pay attention to what time it is and just go with whatever. 
@ Cassidy
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deejay-lynnie · 9 years
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↳ Instagram: @deejaylynnie uploaded a photo
Last day of Coachella 2015! Week two - although not as crazy as week one, was just as awesome. I enjoyed some good music, people, and times! ❤ #onehappylady
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deejay-lynnie · 9 years
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deejay-lynnie · 9 years
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#oliver is 100% done with ray
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deejay-lynnie · 9 years
Text || Twerkvenger
Puck: I’ll take a bunch of selfies for her. She’ll see the fruits of her labor. Eh, I suppose. I mean they have Tiffany on there and I’m all in my Saved by the Bell, Cougar lust. But I love that had I honed in my skills, I could have been as good as Neal. We could have been a good team, but I see right through her on the daily. It makes me wonder if anyone else can find the cracks in her poker face. Basically, they replica rare and stupidly expensive alcohol’s and sell them. Same principal as art forgery. Bonds are the same as that, except with something that could turn into cash flow. Yeah we started. It’s going pretty good. The guys are showing some real heart this year. I think that it’ll be an awesome year. Hell yeah. I had a blast at round 1 so I’d love to go round 2 too! Maybe I should surprise B and just have our bags packed. And pull a her. How’s the internship going? Wifey and mom life still everything you thought it would be?
Lynnie: Deal. Lol. And in return you'll get a bunch of not quite selfies from a 4 year old. Oh yeah! She is in there. She hasn't changed much, other than natural aging. Still pretty though. Well, again, it's not like you can't. I probably shouldn't be encouraging such acts, but you know - you can do what you get your mind to. See? Mom!Lynnie coming out, lol. You talk as though you're not a team now. It's not a good thing to doubt your partner. Do you though? I mean, sometimes even the people closest to you can do the unimaginable and surprise you. And plus, it's easier to put on a front, especially with strangers. I should know, my poker face is very strong. Gah, really? Well, I could see how those would be growing businesses. Maybe I'm in the wrong one. :P Aw, good! When I visit some next semester I better see some hustle. I also need to get a new jersey too. So have you been bumped up to solo captain, or are you still sharing the title? Cool deal then! We leave Thursday night and should get there Friday morning and can stay with my brother until it opens up. You should! Pull a her? Good! I got to work with all kinds of musicians, who are really nice. I probably shouldn't be so surprised though. Oh! I even got to sing some background vocals for some of them. So I got paid some, that's always a good thing, right? And more! Don't get me wrong, some days are tough and you just want to have your space and quiet, but most days, if I go so long as a few hours without seeing my babies I go crazy. It's just... really rewarding when you have your forever person with you, day in and day out. Add in a little ball of sunshine = life made. Dream job and maybe a few more sunshines, then it'd be even more perfect. You know, in the near distant future. lol. What about you? I know you say you're doing good lately, but how've things, mostly how've you, been since that stuff way back when?
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deejay-lynnie · 9 years
Text || Twerkvenger
Puck: I"d wear it too! Just as sure as she makes it, I'd wear it! I've been good. Things are going. I've been binge watching White Collar on Netflix, kinda bummed that I never expanded my conning skills. I could have done so much. Like being able to forge shit. Like he can forge paintings and they look hella real. He can do alcohol forgery! Bond forgery. Just the perfect con man. But I don't think we have much going on. What's up? And How are you and how have you been?
Lynnie: Lol, I can't wait to tell her in the morning then. She'll be so shaky excited. You know she's going to want picture proof if you do wear it. That's good, glad to hear things are well. Oh yeah? I haven't seen but a few random episodes here and there. The main guy is pretty cute. Hey, it's never too late. I mean you do have an artist for a girlfriend, she could probably help out in that field. Make it a family business. Everything else, I'm not so sure of. What is alcohol and bond forgery? Lol, sounds exciting. Didn't you guys start spring training? How's that? Well, Xav and I have spare passes and a tent close to ours at Coachella for weekend #2. Tam and Greg couldn't make it this weekend, so we were wondering if you two would like to join us? Safari tents, more music and fun, get away from BR. Come on, you know you wanna. ;) I'm good! Ready to graduate. The past two months I've been cramming in the hours at the internship in Nola, finished them during spring break, but been returning for some extra exciting stuff. Other than that just wrapping up some final projects and coasting while also being a step-mommy and a wifey.
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deejay-lynnie · 9 years
[Text]: I’ll get the munchkin right on it. She’s a whiz with the Bedazzler. ;) Lol. Oh, nothing. Just wondering how you’ve been, how your week’s going, and what you and B were up to this weekend.
[Text]: Paging Mr. Fury. Paging Mr. Noah Fury... >.
[Text] It doesn’t sound bad at all all I need is a cool as Eye Patch. What’s up Twerkvenger?
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deejay-lynnie · 9 years
They did. Even when she got weird with it, I had fun. Yas! Wheelchair Jimmy! I’m ready. RIght now I’m vibin’ on David Guetta’s spinnin’ skills. I could hear I Don’t Fuck With You from here and it’s crazy. No, why would it be bad? I don’t want to leave. Shoot... I’d camp out here until next week if I could. I mean I do miss munchkin, but she’s having fun with her GG. Maybe we can fly them both out here, so they’re not missing out on the fun too!
+ Sweet Hubby
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deejay-lynnie · 9 years
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David Guetta. Need I say more? I would gladly battle him at the tables and lose. Dude is genius. For real. 
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deejay-lynnie · 9 years
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Amazing! Get it girl. Florence + the Machine ❤
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deejay-lynnie · 9 years
Forever. Lmao. Baby, of course they’re in the family though. Oh noooo, you already went and remixed the song. I knew you got me. Such a lucky little munchkin. I miss her already. :( Yes! I agree, we should. And if one day we deem that we’re too old for Coachella, which I hope not, we can have our parties at home. Gasp! Someone be rude to you? Who would even dare? They can cover their ears. We’re grown and married, doing what married people do. Well, she likes a lot of things about you and things you do, sooo… yep. ;) Good musical choices, baby. I knew I picked the right guy. Lol. Circa Survive is awesome, a little of a Green Day/Blink vibe. D’aw, same here, baby. More memories and fun to be had. I wish spring break was longer, because I can definitely stay in Cali a little longer. #lolyoudid #goldstarbaby #nope #teamhubbycaptainarrow #alldayerrday
IG|| Javier
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