deceiverdalv · 18 days
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deceiverdalv · 24 days
Mhmmm, have ya had any interactions with a human with..a tutu? Is that why you have that scar on your face?
yeah his name was eduardo and he beat the shit out of me after saying he was in second place-
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deceiverdalv · 24 days
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deceiverdalv · 24 days
Hm, if you were in a band, were you the lead singer? Your voice must sound really good then!
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deceiverdalv · 24 days
Mhmmm, have ya had any interactions with a human with..a tutu? Is that why you have that scar on your face?
yeah his name was eduardo and he beat the shit out of me after saying he was in second place-
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deceiverdalv · 26 days
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deceiverdalv · 26 days
Alright, how did ya meet Starlo? Did he ever come visit you?
...Is he nice? He doesn't seem so actually.
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deceiverdalv · 26 days
you're very rude! :(
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deceiverdalv · 26 days
(You're the first Dalv blog I can find and that's honestly quite sad)
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psst. hey buddy. if you're looking for a non-au dalv blog check out @integrityvictim
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deceiverdalv · 1 month
Heheh, i'm sure you can't even play a song!!
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deceiverdalv · 1 month
MUSICIAN?? wait so, are ya famous in the Underground????
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deceiverdalv · 1 month
What are your favourite type of flowers? :D
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deceiverdalv · 1 month
*your a friend of science starlo you know where this is going
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deceiverdalv · 1 month
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deceiverdalv · 1 month
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✰ 𓇻 ✶ ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞⋆。°✩ ART BY COMYET_ANI
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⁑ Based off of sciencestarlo's AU, where he writes letter to Sci! Starlo after the integrity incident. Dalv was like in a famous band called "garlic bomb", as the guitarist and additional singer (with a solo career to as a jazz singer/artist). But when the integrity attack happened, he used too much of his powers It gave him a electrical overload and it would hurt his own body, (like a body shock) leaving a scar on his cheek. And now, hes in the ruins, isolated and just didn't tell anyone where he was, so he'd be "missing". Only Sci! Starlo would know. - He does come out a bit more often than og dalv so he's kinda a bit more happier. ⁂ blogs timeline will depend on the ask until further notice.
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deceiverdalv · 2 months
A gift arrived, Who sent this? What might It be?
Letter reads:
"..Dear Dalv,
I've been quite busy, too busy. Planning somethin' for..well, I won't say it. How's It goin'? How's Pops? I did have one of these for ya, back somewhere. I often use It but I got all the newer stuff for ya. Even improved the machine!
I have been anxious about sending another letter after soo long, but, I finally did it. To be honest..I missed sending and recieving your letters. That was cheesy, right? Too cheesy..
I hope ya like It, it's of your favourite colour. Also..I found this..I spoke to ya about the..type of garden we have in the Steamwork, right? I found a lavander growing there and..thought of giving It to ya.
Missed ya,
(the gift was a sewing machine and some other sewing materials, the name Dalv written on the top of it.)
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✩ ─── 「༻ ☪ ༺」─── ✩
We got it working! Although for future reference, your instruction manuals for putting machines together are not the best. Do you write with your opposite hand or something? We'll need to work on your handwriting for your next visit. Kidding, Kidding! Like usual. .. Pops did most of the thinking for me and managed to put it together with ease. Though do your friend a favor and maybe send it without any assembly required? Though knowing the state of UGPS these days, that's only wishful thinking. I don't even leave the Ruins and even I know about the tragic state of the underground's package transportation system. You don't need to be anxious about sending letters, Star. If it's your handwriting that's making you anxious, then that's fair, I'd be anxious too if I wrote like you did. -Kidding! That was the last one, I promise. .. I saw Pops give himself some safety glasses with marker yesterday.. I swear to the angels, Which each time you visit I feel as if he's getting even more geekier by the second. Eventually he might even surpass you.. and I didn't even know that was possible! Oh, who am I to judge? I play stringed instruments for a literal living.
Maybe the flowers will convince Pops to be a gardener instead. .. Your favorite artist,
☾ ⋆ ᗪᗩᒪᐯ.
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deceiverdalv · 2 months
✩ ─── 「༻ ☪ ༺」─── ✩
.. Lily does the more important drawings for you, I take? -Kidding, kidding! I think this piece is rather charming. I'm almost offended you'd think I'd get be seen again so easily.. Surely you know someone up to my standards can maneuver the darkness with ease..! All my time spending alone in my room by myself wasn't for waste, you know.. On a serious and less teasing note, I haven't encounter any human.. You said they're at the Dunes as of late, right? They must of gone through there from above the Dark Ruins.. The Underground is huge, if I may remind you. Theres plenty of ways to go to the Dunes that's not just through Snowdin. .. There hasn't been much to report down here at all. Nothing besides Penilla drawing concept art of new outfits I can sew together at home.. Oh! Speaking of, I like to think I'm getting better at making my own outfits now that I never leave the Dark Ruins anymore. Though if you just so happen to have a sewing machine lying around conveniently in your lab anywhere, any chance if I may take it off your hands? Whenever I sew with just my two hands, I often get poked and cut by the needles.. I'm certainly a musician, but I'm no seamstress. P.S. Don't talk about humans again.
Just. Don't.
☾ ⋆ ᗪᗩᒪᐯ.
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Dear Dalv,
How have things been goin' this week? Mine have been normal and all. Lily chased me around the Steamworks for stealing her oil lemon juice last Friday. I haven't been resting, something..kept me awake. It's been goin' on for weeks now and I can't figure out why. I see..a shadow, HER shadow. It just makes me tremble and feel true fear. I don't know what to do with that.
Anyways, I've sent you a small thing I've built for you, did I tell you that my favourite flowers are lavander? Just like Lily's scent, that's how I keep track of her mischeif. I really..hope you had a nice day, Dalv. I need to go and see you soon..it makes me happy when I think of it. Anyways, this letter is too long.
A Big hug,
✩ ─── 「༻ ☪ ༺」─── ✩
Pops has been excited to have you visit! He's a bit of a nerd science geek himself, though not up to your level of course. As I'm writing this letter he's working on unboxing your gift matter of fact. I told you, you don't need to keep giving me things. I don't know if you're giving me your charity out of pity or to be nice, but I don't have much to give you in return, and it makes me feel horrid! Well- That's not entirely true. I can give you a sneak peak an upcoming song.. But I take that sort of thing doesn't really peak your interest. It's not much, but it's better then nothing, no? That gives me an idea. I'd do it myself, go outside and pick up some Lavender seeds from Snowdin, but just last week I was almost seen by Terabyte and Tearshell. Have you heard of the two before? They're quite the hotshot in Honeydew Resort.. Anyhow anyway, I'm not going to leave the Ruins again for at least another week until commotion calms down in Snowdin. But you can still go outside, and if you wish, you can pick up some Lavander seeds that we can plant all over the Ruins! That's rather corny, isn't it? You don't have to of course, it's just something for us to do during your visit. Unless you already have plans when you visit, then disregard this I suppose. I need to updated my emergency friendship flashcards. They're outdated. Sent from the cosmos and back,
☾ ⋆ ᗪᗩᒪᐯ.
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