debushit · 2 days
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debushit · 2 days
why are bathroom sinks designed like that. infuriating
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debushit · 2 days
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debushit · 2 days
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You can take the apartheid out of South Africa but you can never take it out of a white South African
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debushit · 2 days
"i love complex queer identities" you guys can't even handle aroallos.
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debushit · 3 days
i have a useless superpower i’ve never told anyone about, i can diagnose people by smell if i go to the bathroom after them, i can tell if they have glucose in their pee, if they have a UTI, or a yeast infection and of course I can tell if they’ve eaten things like asparagus, brussel sprouts or if they’ve drank coffee, it doesn’t matter that they flush the toilet and it’s clean, no trace of their pee, i’ve even know when i’ve walked into the bathroom and there was no one there, that the person who went before me has something
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debushit · 3 days
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debushit · 3 days
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debushit · 3 days
nah bc if the smallest man who ever lived was about me i would never be seen in public ever again
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debushit · 3 days
die girlies reading this 🥰
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debushit · 4 days
Thank you to @sleepnoises for making the original poll & for giving us the idea to to this :)
Sorry if we couldn’t get your favorite on here, we were limited to only 12 options (11 if you don’t include the “other” option).
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debushit · 4 days
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debushit · 5 days
i’m trying to figure out how i got a sinus infection without getting sick, like have i become so used to allergies i didn’t realize i was having some?
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debushit · 5 days
The student protests for Palestine have been an amazing show of solidarity and support and seeing thr way that so many young people are willing to stand up for their values is admirable when so many others stay silent. But this is all to say that we are entering a pattern of glorifying these white “martyrs” from the global west to put all of this effort and resources and media coverage into instead of the actual cause they are fighting for.
I saw the same thing happen with Aaron Bushnell, when his self immolation was being talked about more than the actual genocide in Gaza (which went against everything he said he was self immolating for in the first place).
And again this happened with the prisoner from the US who worked 136 hours just to be able to donate his $17 check to Palestine aid efforts. In response to this, people wanted to help him and ended up raising over $100,000 in a gofundme for him. This feels almost satirical, as every gofundme to help Gazans evacuate Palestine and get to safety has a goal of less than $100,000 and most of them are not even close to reaching it.
And now, there are more and more posts on how to get aid to the college student encampments, and the “urgency” of getting enough bail funds for the students who have been arrested during them. Talking about Palestine itself and getting resources to Palestine has almost been put on the back burner in favour of making all Palestine related news about college students in the United States.
It think it is valuable to recognise the selflessness and importance of these protests, and getting these students resources but what is MORE important, and what these people are truly fighting for, and protesting, and make a statement about is PALESTINE. We have unsurprisingly reached the point where there are people who care much more about the white people fighting for the cause from the comfort of living in the global west than they care about the Palestinians undergoing a genocide in Gaza. It’s become almost blatant racism, the way people begin to drop everything the second a white/usamerican person does something in regards to helping Palestine, but will not put the same effort into a Palestinian IN Gaza who is telling their story or asking for help. I respect anyone who has done absolutely anything to help Palestine, but I hope people are starting to see the pattern of how the media gravitates towards the “white saviour/perfect martyr” instead of the first hand accounts coming from those in Gaza.
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debushit · 6 days
this is a niche one but instead of "they would not fuckin say that" it's "they would not fucking use American sign language".
ASL is not the only sign language. two british characters in your fanfiction would not be using ASL. England in fact has its own kind of sign language, BSL, that forms a sign family with many other sign languages around the world.
ASL isn't even the original member of its sign family, it comes from french sign language. do you know sign languages aren't related to spoken languages? that's an important one! it's not a direct 1:1 with people speaking English around the world. people in other countries don't learn ASL just in case they run into an usamerican or Canadian (who do often use it)
i know the entire world is the USA or whatever and sign languages do sometimes borrow from ASL for signs they don't have, but please be aware that there are other sign languages and families in the world that are not in fact ASL.
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debushit · 6 days
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debushit · 7 days
howling rn
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