dearsweetpea · 9 days
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Last day of 6th and 4th grade! 5.22.24
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dearsweetpea · 2 months
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Oh my beautiful boy, today I felt all the feels. I chaperoned a science museum field trip and realized it’s my last with you in elementary school, and my heart…it cracked…and water leaked from my eyes while my heart felt sad and over joyed at the same time. I’m a feeler, that’s just me. I feel the feels and I’m so very proud of the beautiful soul that Madden is. He is his own, kind and funny. The tears were from joy of what is to come and from appreciating the growth of what has been. Every step is beautiful and I let it soak in…while at the museum. Onwards and upwards ❤️
📸 from maddens classmate, I am grateful.
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dearsweetpea · 2 months
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dearsweetpea · 3 months
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dearsweetpea · 3 months
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Proud of this girl for getting student of the month for her classroom (they just brought it back this month)! We are proud of her because she loves school, reading, writing, and creative projects. With that said, the real reason my heart is beaming is because her teachers pulled me aside on a field trip last week and told me that she is a great student, but also a leader and kind in the classroom (yes, I did cry that night with proud mamma tears). Good grades are great, but being a KIND human are traits we value above everything else in our family. Roe is strong, creative, smart, and kind hearted…the world is her oyster and we are here to cheer her on! Go girl go💗!
P.s. can we all agree we should pay teachers more!? Her teacher took her out to lunch as an award. I mean, wow! She felt so special and her amazing teacher went above and beyond. I have no douubt that Roe will remember that day forever. Thank you teachers for helping young minds and hearts grow 👏
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dearsweetpea · 4 months
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Once an animal comes into this house they are FAMILY. This week Poppy was injured, so we rushed her to the emergency vet clinic… $600 later with many stitches, pain meds, and fluids, she is home. She will live in our bathroom as we spoil her rotten and give her daily meds, cause that what you do for family. Who cares about money and chicken poo all over sheets in the bathroom, the important thing is she is fine and loving our cuddles and worms while she heals. Are we crazy!? Maybe, but it’s just who we are. Caring for animals comes with great responsibility and when the vet looks you in the eyes and says don’t put her down, she is fine and just needs stitches we were all in. Hug your chickens friends, they are wonderful ❤️
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dearsweetpea · 5 months
🌟 2023, we love you! You were a milestone year and we jam packed it with adventures, celebrations, and love. So many beautiful moments, lots of growth, and healing from some goodbyes. You are tucked in my heart❤️
2024, I see and look forward to making memories! A colleague sent me this poem and said it reminded her of me. Dear friends, I hope you love it as much as I do! Happy new year!
“May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful, and don't forget to make some art -- write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself.”
Neil Gaiman
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dearsweetpea · 5 months
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So my heart is a little sad about this one, but here we are …in all honestly it makes me laugh a little since I secretly love when things go a little awry. With that said, we take months working on and deciding on a topic for the kids annual gifts of experience, so this is a huge bummer!
The kids BIG gift of experience this year was (insert drum roll)….a bumper/race car theme to add to their carport arcade!!! Full of whimsy and childhood magic (so I thought), but the bumper cars from Costco broke after use #3 and their race car outfits were way too small. Turns out, the bumper cars were recalled at Costco and we had to return the cars yesterday. So basically the kids got a handmade “finish sign” , plastic cones, and cardboard buildings (with epic drawings from my sisters).
Cheers to the effort, high five to my kids for being great sports when we returned their gifts, and cheers to perfectly imperfect intentions. Memories were made.
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dearsweetpea · 6 months
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The joy of the in-between. The changes that come as our littles grow. The trusting older brother who whispered to his mamma that he “knows”, but refuses to tell his sister and chooses to keep the magic alive. The daughter who writes to Santa and has sugar plum faries dancing in her head. The growth, the magic, all of it…it’s beautiful ✨! Happy holidays friends, may you soak in the magic (including celebrating the in between) ❤️.
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dearsweetpea · 7 months
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dearsweetpea · 7 months
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dearsweetpea · 7 months
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Halloween 2023
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dearsweetpea · 8 months
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Jean jacketed gals and getting our culture on ❤️❤️
Season tickets (Mother’s Day gift) for roe and I (aka the theater and concert lovers). @asugammage
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dearsweetpea · 8 months
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Decided to grab $30 nose bleed seats for the Pink concert at 4:30 pm today because Roe and I felt serendipitous (Matt, madden, and sisters weren’t interested). Best decision and core memories were made❤️
Pink’s voice, especially without her pop song background music were absolutely stunning.
Brandi and Pink singing Sinéad O'Connor cover, I cried.
Pinks acrobatics and conversations with the audience- top notch!
Pinks daughter coming on stage to sing my fav pink song (cover me in sunshine- a family national park playlist must), I cried some more.
A night with my daughter, priceless and I’m crying now.
Do serendipitous things, it’s good for the soul❤️.
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dearsweetpea · 8 months
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It was picture day at school today, but that’s not the story I want to share. This handsome young man came home last week and said he would LOVE to wear a suit for picture day because a few of his friends wanted to dress like a president. Cool- I’m 💯 down and supportive! Suit obtained and ironed with the promise he will wear it for every fancy occasion possible.
Then he came home from school and wanted to make presidential buttons for his class. Again, I am 💯 in (crafting heart bursting). Thus we stayed up until 9:30 designing and making 28 buttons. To be clear, there was no real presidential election, but Madden committed to his idea in full force!
Cheers to our children’s adventures!
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dearsweetpea · 9 months
Super blue moon of 8.30.23…we saw you and we embraced you.
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dearsweetpea · 10 months
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Madden and Roe: May your first day of school be filled with joy, excitement, and new opportunities. May you approach each challenge with a positive attitude and find inspiration in every lesson. May you make lasting friendships and create beautiful memories that will stay with you throughout your academic journey. Wishing you a fantastic and enriching experience ahead in 6th and 4th grades! 🌟🎓
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