deanflint · 10 years
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Ryan Gosling at the “Crazy, Stupid, Love” Press Conference back on July 18th 2011
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deanflint · 10 years
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deanflint · 10 years
It was safe to say nothing was going as it planned from the moment he woke up.
“Shit.” Deab grumbled, looking at his face in the mirror: a stuffy nose, red eyes and a developing rash just under his chin. It had always been a stupid idea to work in a pet shop when you had cat allergies, but Dean had sought a way around it through potions he used daily in order to keep the symptoms at bay. Continuous “ughs” slipped from his mouth as he moved around looking for the potion – clearly he’d misplaced it or he’d forgotten to brew some. The former most likely, as Dean distinctly remembered staying up last night to get it done knowing he’d have this problem if he forgot to take it. After a few minutes, maybe ten, Dean found the potion he’d brewed and took a swig of it, leaving the phial empty. Once things started to mellow down and his face returned to its former self, Dean set off to get some coffee.
Dean’s shop hadn’t been too far from the coffee shop, meaning he’d prefer to walk rather than apparating which would have been pointless. Plus, the sun was out which meant it was a perfect time to soak in all the sun he could and enjoy the weather while it lasted. Basking in the sunlight distracted Dean as his mind seemed blank, not really taking in much information that he acknowledged. Needless to say, he still continued walking in the direction of the coffee shop. Until something stopped him. A person, it seemed. Dean snapped back to the reality of the situation, his hand instantly going to his wand he then used to round up the paper rather than picking it up.
Once in a pile, Dean levitated it to the person he’d knocked them from. “Here, sorry about that.” He said, placing the paper in their hands. When his eyes met the person the papers belonged to, there was really nothing Dean wanted more than to leave the place. He hadn’t spoken to her for months, and it wasn’t exactly as though he’d left them on the best of terms. “Uh, hi?” He mustered, waiting for the scold or something similar.
Loose Ends // Dean & Rose
For the people who knew Rose well they could tell simply by her appearance when she was close to finishing a book. She was always far more at ease as if pouring the contents of her heart into paper lifted some great weight off of her shoulders. And today most of all Rose felt great, she woke up feeling like she was walking on air. Today all she had to do was edit her newly finished book for the last time before she turned it into her publisher and then it was done. She could dust off her delicate hands and put the context of her book behind her as if dropping a massive weight. Just like the title of her book said The Art of Moving On, and she was finally beginning to move on.
After several cups of coffee and finally putting the last page into a tan folder, Rose got up to leave her favorite coffee shop content that she had just worked hard. As she was beginning to exit she like always was a little bit stuck in the clouds with her head still focused on what she had been writing. She didn’t even notice the man coming through the door. She didn’t register him in time to stop before she crashed right into him and her folder dropped to the floor. The contents of the folder flew out and floated to the ground. All 500 or so pages mixed up on the floor and she knew she would have to put them back in order. “I am so so sorr-” She was beginning to say before she knelt down to get the papers but as soon as Rose’s eyes met the face in front of her she stopped in the middle of the sentence. It was a man she had constantly thought about seeing again sometime. A man she had planned an entire rant on if she ever saw him again, but instead she was rendered speechless. Every planned word floated from her like a feather in the wind.
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deanflint · 10 years
Seeing as you're helping out, I should probably buy a box - I'll just ignore the fact you aren't actually a girl scout.
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I think so. I’ve already sold thirty boxes so I think it’s working.
Minus you.
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deanflint · 10 years
Perhaps you shouldn't have attempted it wearing heels. Or you could have used a muffling charm.
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I was planning up on sneaking and startling you, but there goes that plan.
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deanflint · 10 years
Abby, put him down. You don't have a strong enough hold and he'll jump from your hands - next thing you know we're spending 6 hours trying to cage him again.
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I could be mean and say too long but I won’t. You’ve never helped me pick out of a pet though! She likes it, look, [ holds up the chinchilla to Dean ].
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deanflint · 10 years
Okay, well I apologize.
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Your mind jumped to conclusions.
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deanflint · 10 years
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... Aren't girl scouts all under 12?
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My eight year old cousin asked me to sell girl guide cookies for her. I thought I could pass as one of them.
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deanflint · 10 years
Too bad you don't have enough time to look after one, so please keep your hair away.
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But, you see, now it’s chewed my hair I feel we have a connection.
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deanflint · 10 years
I wasn't the one doing the actions, that was all you.
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It must have been something, you looked like I was about to slaughter a bunch of people for fun.
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deanflint · 10 years
How long have I known you? Yes, but it looks uncomfortable.
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How do you know that’s not how I pick a pet? Plus doesn’t it look adorable? 
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deanflint · 10 years
I try to stop the cats eating their own hair, I don't want them chewing human hair too. By all means, pick up the cats just don't let them near your hair.
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I thought we were allowed to touch the pets? I can put him - or her - back if you want.
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deanflint · 10 years
I don't even know.
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Trying to calculate the rate of aging for hippogriffs.
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Why, what did you think?
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deanflint · 10 years
Wrapping bows around their necks is not picking a pet Abby, it's accessorizing.
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Trying to pick a pet?
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deanflint · 10 years
Uhm... what do you think you're doing?  
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deanflint · 10 years
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Dean Flint ✦ Wizard ✦ Shop Keeper
"Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it
Age → 30 Alliance → Neutral Alumni → Slytherin House, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
It’s a dog-eat-dog world out there, and Dean knows that. Working alongside, being kind to and helping people only works for the sake of keeping the peace in the wreckage that is the world. To keep the cogs turning in everyone’s mind, to keep everyone from trying to tear each other’s throats out. It’s violent and the best way to keep alive is to thrive rather than simply surviving.
Money. The world practically spins around the ideal that is certain paper is worth something. For muggles anyway. Whereas Dean grew up knowing the value of wizarding coins. Pureblooded as far back as his family know, Dean’s bloodline is something his family treasure as much as the next pureblooded family. They knew that in order to keep the name respected, they’d have to teach their son how to set the best example out in the world. He would appeal to the person in front of him; his personality would depend on theirs, what they wanted to see and who he needed to be in order to get what he wanted. Truth be told, Dean doesn’t really understand his own personality. Everything’s complicated. He keeps his mind occupied at almost all times, leaving him little time to spend by himself wondering what he could possibly do. Did he like to watch television? Maybe, but he didn’t know what he wanted to watch. Did he like to read? Perhaps, but he was unsure on what genres he loved. Who was he when he wasn’t around anyone else?
The answer was quickly answered. One day, Dean had literally nothing to do. And he realized, in that moment, that he mastered in the art of manipulation. Not maliciously, however, because the satisfaction he felt after helping people wasreal. He went about it by knowing a person, working with what he had and playing on facts he knew or had gathered. After playing a general character each time he was faced with a certain time of person, those personalities had become who he was today. A two-faced guy with loyalties on each side of the coin. It was better that way. You received a wider audience, you made friends in all the right places but there was a risk. Making sure you didn’t state that you had joined one side. Picking a side means getting caught when you help the opposition. Whereas if you help both without explicitly stating your alliance, you could get away with it. They had nothing to hold you against.
So, in terms of the ‘war’, Dean remains neutral. Helping out the resistance here and there, helping out the Ministry in return too. Nothing extreme. Dean wouldn’t be stupid enough to give valuable information to either side. Some will, and Dean will send people their way if he has been paid enough. Asides from his ‘extra-circular’ activities, there isn’t much Dean does for himself. Instead, he does things for other people. Requests here and there, Dean is more than happy to help out those who ask for it. Kind to those who hope for him to be kind and rigid for those who are less-than-happy to deal with someone bubbly, Dean knows how to work his way around people even if it’s not an instant effect –  but when has it ever hurt to have large numbers of contacts?
Dominique Weasley → With age comes wisdom… or so Dominique believes, anyway. The two of them haven’t been friends for very long -about a year- and she finds herself able to tell him as many things as she tells her closest friends. Dean usually isn’t bothered about what she has to say, but every piece of information she tells him adds more to his knowledge and makes it easier for him to get on her good-side.
Raelyn Burke → Dean doesn’t agree with the majority of what Raelyn says. But because they’re family and because of what his parents taught him, Dean is more than happy to sit there and nod whenever she says something. Unless he truly feels strongly about what she has to say, he’ll sit back and let her talk while not trying to have much of an agreeable or disagreeable input on it. 
Annika Lovett → Annika has a kind heart, one that Dean truly admires and respects. Whenever he’s down, Annika and her herbal-teas are at the ready to help boost his spirit. It’s easy to see why Dean would value her as a friend, even if the basis of their relationship was built around the fact that she was easy to manipulate into getting what he needed.
{ + } optimistic, vigilant, intelligent
{ - } manipulative, closed, secretive
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deanflint · 10 years
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"We must be k i l l e r s  - children of the wild ones."
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