deadshctx · 3 years
like/reply for a starter!
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deadshctx · 3 years
The intel they had about the coinciding missions was shaky, at best, but it was easy to see that most of the prolific league members were mysteriously absent during a large turmoil. Rick knew ARGUS was working to locate Joker, but for the time being they’d been sent to what remained of NOVA’s destroyed servers.
Even though the bomb had all but decimated the Headquarters, the underwater facility remained mostly untouched. That was where one of the strongest radiation spikes was located, so he’d been sent to investigate. None of the servers were online, they hadn’t been in working order since the league infiltrated the secret base, but he still knew they couldn’t be too careful. There was a good possibility NOVA was still watching this place - abandoned or not. Taking out the surveillance eliminated any possibility of someone hacking into a feed.
“Looks like no one’s been back here since they shut down the inhibitor grid.” That wasn’t that long ago, though. It still paid to be cautious.
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” Floyd said, turning on the heat vision on his scope. “There’s residual heat on the elevator buttons.” Someone had been touching them without gloves on, which ruled out both Rick and Floyd. It wouldn’t surprise Floyd to find out that there were still NOVA agents trying to salvage what was left of the data in the servers deep under the ocean. He cocked his head to the side and turned off the heat vision on his scope. 
He pumped the rifle on his shoulder once. “I’ll cover you,” he said. He was starting to look and sound like his old self again. Letting all of the pain off his chest to Rick, telling him about what happened to him at Belle Reve, it had done wonders for Floyd’s mental state. He felt clearer-headed now; he knew what he had to do, and all that was left was to convince Rick to join in on his plan. 
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deadshctx · 3 years
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“ uh – ” a pause as confusion was laced over her features as she moved around him. “ yeah because a kid would be wearing a catsuit at four am – i ain’t trying to get on your turf … i’m just bored. ”
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“hey, you get all sorts these days. who knows how old you are under that?” he squinted at her. “bet you can’t even rent a car,” he said. “boredom is not really a reason to annoy an assassin on a job.”
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deadshctx · 3 years
[ @colonelrickflagjr ]
It was typical of ARGUS to utilize some other misery as cover to complete their own agenda. No one cared about some data center in a seedy part of town when a pantheon of some of the most noteworthy heroes were circling the headquarters like sharks. Floyd didn’t mind these kinds of missions, preferring the quiet to the usual life and death scenarios that accompanied ARGUS dossiers. 
He shouldered his rifle as they stepped onto the elevator that would take them to the bowels of NOVA servers, snapping gum lightly in his mouth—which was about the only nervous tic that Floyd had—as he automatically looked to the corners of the elevator car for the security camera. He pointed his wrist gun at it and shot it cleanly through the center. 
“I’m not going to say it.” He was sure Rick was thinking it too—this was too easy. 
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deadshctx · 3 years
[ @colonelrickflagjr ]
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Baby Driver (2017) dir. Edgar Wright
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deadshctx · 3 years
There came a point when Rick lost sight of what he was doing and why. The military was a career for him. His entire family was made up of war heroes, soldiers, and it hadn’t taken long for Rick to also make a name for himself. He took it on with pride. It was his duty to serve his country, regardless of the person actually issuing the orders or what their motivations were. Taking out the middle man made it easy for him to justify a lot of his actions. 
But it was getting more and more difficult to associate Amanda Waller with anything good or honorable. He took orders from her because he was supposed to, it was chain of command, but his respect for her was dwindling. His self-respect was, too. “For now,” he admitted, frowning. “But we’re staying put. Star City is where I’ve got us assigned for the next six months, at the very least, and not doing much more than playing peacekeeper.” They were basically a glorified clean-up crew, left to manage what chaos NOVA had left in their wake.
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Floyd wanted to tear his hair out. Out of the frying pan and into the fucking fire and Floyd was left without any rhyme or reason as to who he was or what he was supposed to be doing. He felt like he was just going through the motions, an automaton meant to just point and shoot rather than getting anything good out of his life. He used to enjoy his vocation. Now, he just wanted it all to be over already. If he wasn’t such a fucking coward, he might have pulled the trigger on himself. 
But there was one loose end that would stop him from doing that every time, someone who kept him moored, tethered to solid ground. “And Zoe?” he asked. He hadn’t seen her since he had gone to prison. She was 8 now, and she was too smart not to figure out what was going on with her dad and his extended absences. He wondered if being in her life was the best thing for her, but selfishly, Floyd didn’t care. He just wanted her back. “Did she tell you where Zoe is?” 
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deadshctx · 3 years
“Surely you jest? One can never have too much excitement in life.” he retracted his hand, “It can provide a most welcome distraction from all those nasty little thoughts swimming round your brain. Drink, sex, maybe even drugs, though I’ve never indulged in the latter myself.” he chuckled and followed along behind the other, “Very well. I shall be our coin-purse for the evening. In exchange, why not regale me with a tale or to of your more recent exploits.”
“I don’t know about you, but I’m getting fucking old,” he replied. “You young punks won’t understand it until you get to my age,” he added dramatically. Floyd rolled his eyes, though his gaze flicked towards the ground for a moment. “Some things, not even the booze can drown out,” he mumbled, though he quickly shook himself out of his small trance. “Oh, I have this absolutely sick contract out right now. I’ve been trying to kill the fucking Hulk.”
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deadshctx · 3 years
“Yeah, well, Waller doesn’t cut my check, so I’ll live.” Duke knew Waller was a pain in the ass. Not a woman he wanted to contend with if he could avoid it. That didn’t mean he was going to skip off and leave Floyd lurking suspiciously. “So what am I tossing you in jail for? Might as well tell me now, man. I can start filling out the paperwork in my head.”
It figured. The whole enemy of my enemy is my friend couldn’t be more cliché if it tried. “What do you get out of it?” He asked abruptly. “Something tells me Waller isn’t about early release or extra commissary.”
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“No, that’s right, you do this type of shit for fun,” Floyd said, shaking his head. “Rule number 1: If you’re even marginally good at something, never do it for free,” he said. Not that Floyd expected someone like Duke to listen, knowing that he was all high and mighty like the rest of the wretched Batfamily. God, he hated their stupid morality. 
Floyd smirked. “I don’t know, whatever it is you decide I’m doin’ wrong this time. Breathing, probably,” he replied. “Besides, I thought all you bat-folks were supposed to be detectives and all that. You really can’t figure out what I’d be doing around here?” Floyd cocked his head to the side. “What’s it to ya?” he asked. “Something tells me you don’t care what good I got goin’ on.” 
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deadshctx · 3 years
Airen was in the middle of getting the bartender’s number when Floyd finally entered the bar and joined him. “Look who it is! Once again interrupting all the fun!” He teases. He matches the shooter’s smirk before laughing and shaking his head. “I don’t mind it, actually, it’s such a good laugh once all the dust is settled! Plus, you know my powers. It’s not like I’ll get hurt.” He motions for the bartender to bring them a couple of shots, winking at his as he serves the drinks. “So it looks like drinks are on me tonight,” He jokes, before leaning against the bar. “So it’s been awhile! What have you been up to? Why’d you finally decide to come to Star City?”
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“Hey, it’s not my fault you’ve got so little game that I can fuck it all up for you,” Floyd replied, turning to the bartender and holding his fingers about an inch apart. “Whiskey. Scotch, if you’ve got it,” he said before turning back to Airen. “I’ll take free booze whenever I can get it,” he replied with a crooked grin. “Well, long-ass story short, I just got out of the joint,” he said. “And haven’t you heard? Star City is where all the fun is. At least, until one of the super-suits with a stick up their ass decides to come in and ruin my fun,” he added. “I’ve been getting more contracts than ever where. People always need someone with my skills in a city like this.” 
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deadshctx · 3 years
It wasn’t always easy to find other criminals that you could tolerate. Maybe this is why Leonard never bothered with henchman. He tried it once back before caped crusaders were around every corner. He found them unreliable and not loyal enough to pour his effort into. Which is why forming the Rogues with the other super-villains from his hometown that he befriended was a better option than relying on rookies. He doesn’t plan on having a sentimental conversation with Floyd but who knows where the night would take them? This might be more about not wanting to be alone but Snart wasn’t about to admit that to even himself. The’ve been through hardships together and that will ultimately form a special kind of bond between two peopleIt takes one jump to grab onto the fire escape and climb up to the roof. He might be fifty but has kept in shape better than some of the younger people in this game. Once on the rooftop, he approaches Floyd and sits down next to him and looks out at the city. He slides his glasses up onto the top of his hair and sighs. “You weren’t lying about the view being great, can see everything from up here.”
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Floyd ran a hand through his messy, somewhat sweaty hair, thinking vaguely about how he needed a haircut but feeling too despondent those days to actually do anything about his appearance. Keeping up with self-care had been at the bottom of Floyd’s list; he didn’t care much about himself when Zoe wasn’t around to notice. Floyd dropped back slightly so that he could lean against his palms, his fingers splayed out behind him and his head cocked to the side as he took in the view. He pressed his lips together for a moment. “I like coming up here,” he said. “It’s quiet. The super-suits don’t really care much to come around here.” The only thing they did in a neighborhood like this one was terrorize the residents, not “keep them safe.” Being poor was criminal in this city, and it allowed Floyd to slip under the radar while others received a beating at some superhero’s hands. “So, something’s eating at you,” he said. “You don’t gotta tell me what. In fact, I might like it better if you don’t. But I thought you should know you look like shit.” 
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deadshctx · 3 years
His mask hid the dark brown gaze that remained focused on the other, not leaving once he accepted the map. From his experience, no deal was without its hesitations. Any deal he made was an important contribution and not just a ‘tiny favor.’ 
From his tone and direct prodding for additional details, Daken presumed this particular individual was the calculated type. One utterance of ‘disorganized bullshit’ wouldn’t cut it. The last thing he needed was another loss. He crossed his arms, acknowledging the other’s questioning with an affirmative hum. 
“So far, I have only their scents,” Daken explained, his index finger tapping the part of his mask that touched the bridge of his nose. “From what I could gather thus far, they’re either lowlifes trying to make a quick buck or the PD seeking to shut us down. Regardless, I know everyone who works for us. These individuals were not ours. I can, however, present you with a description of one I had already taken care of.”
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Floyd raised an eyebrow behind his mask as the other continued to speak, already feeling fed up with the idea of going after people by scent. It wasn’t like Floyd had any superpowers—not unless you counted his expert marksmanship as such, but that was all it was. Expert, not superhuman. 
He let out a slow breath. “Scent is great and all, but it’s not like that’s something I can track,” he replied. “And I really don’t feel like wasting bullets on your guys, because the way you have me going right now, I’m going to shoot at everything I see out there.” And Floyd didn’t miss. If he was shooting at someone, it was lethal. 
Floyd gestured vaguely. “Lay it on me,” he replied, figuring that a description of one was better than nothing. He’d just have to play it by ear on this job, which was something he preferred not to do but would if he had to. At least he was a good improviser. 
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deadshctx · 3 years
@deadshctx liked !
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“ uh, hello ? ”
a mumble, moving across the rooftop, an eyebrow raising at the man before she backed up. was that a gun ? she didn’t get paid enough for this.
“ y’know, I think murder is illegal. ”
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floyd looked up as she spoke before scoffing. “and you’re skulking around on rooftops, what, for kicks?” he asked before focusing his gaze down on the street below again. “scram, kid.”
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deadshctx · 3 years
When: Present Day Where: Star City - Dive Bar With: Floyd @deadshctx​
Jihl had snuck into the city as it went dark, dressed in jeans, sneakers and a hoodie she made her way to the arranged location, grabbing a beer and taking a corner booth in a dive bar she waited and worked her way through the drink. It was foul, but it wasn’t as though she had fine wine waiting in an office anymore, NOVA’s facility out of the city was basic at best and they were still attempting to recuperate their losses. Despite her superiors assuring her all would be well, Jihl wasn’t convinced… there were many things she wasn’t convinced about these days. 
Which was why she waited for another fifteen minutes for Floyd Lawton to arrive and looked up, her gaze unreadable under her hood. “You’re late.” she told him quietly, taking another sip of the awful beer. 
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Floyd had a cigarette dangling out from between his lips as he moseyed down the street. He didn’t care much for NOVA, and he didn’t care much for their time, even if they were looking to pay him for a new gig. They would wait as long as he wanted them to wait, which was why he stood half a block down from the bar and finished smoking his cigarette, even though he was running late, before walking in. It was enough, he was sure, to make the woman waiting for him annoyed as all hell, and that was kind of the point. 
He dropped down into the seat across from her, gesturing at the bartender as he called out his order. “Scotch,” he said, holding his fingers an inch apart to indicate how much he wanted. He looked back at the woman in front of him, cocking his head to the side with a smirk. “Yeah, well, you’re lucky I’m here at all,” he replied simply. 
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deadshctx · 3 years
“Honestly? I’m not a hundred percent sure.” he said, shrugging and noticing Floyd wasn’t even trying to get out of his hug anymore, that made him smile and rub little circles on the other guy’s back. “I think I’m worried you’re gonna hurt yourself?” he eventually said, not thinking to be blunt about it. “And I don’t want that to happen cause you’re my friend and I like it when you’re not hurt.”
“Sooooo I’m giving you a hug cause they help. And Ol’Chuck’s always happy to give hugs, Charlie says I give the best ones.” he chuckled a little, “Guess it’s worked, you’re not pushing me off anymore.” And this time when the other spoke, Chuck did let him go, but he put his hands on both his shoulders, “Yea you are. Just not so much. But I think I got something else that’ll help you!”
“C’mon!” he tugged on the other’s arm, “We gotta get back to my place and grab some stuff real quick. It’s only a few blocks over.” As usual, once Chuck had an idea he wasn’t about to let it go.  
Floyd let out a huff of breath. “I’m fine.” He reached a hand up and patted Chuck’s back once, hoping that would be enough for Chuck to finally let him go. He pursed his lips into a frown as Chuck spoke, shaking his head. “I just don’t want to hurt you,” he said. “I’m not getting paid for it. Doesn’t mean this whole hug thing is working.” 
The only person he accepted hugs from without complaint was Zoe. He and Rick didn’t even hug it out—though they certainly did other things—and Floyd was fine with that. He didn’t need this kind of proximity to others, didn’t have the urge to be physically close. In fact, the further away people were from him, the better. Regardless of if he was feeling “heavy” or not. 
He breathed out a sigh of relief as Chuck let him go only for the other man to grab his arm. Floyd couldn’t help but groan, letting himself get dragged along by Chuck down the street. “Listen, man, I don’t know what you’re doing, but I’m so not into surprises,” he said. 
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deadshctx · 3 years
move me, baby. 
[ @colonelrickflagjr​ ]
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deadshctx · 3 years
Kid only smiled, he found there was power in fear, in people not knowing where he’d (quite literally) pop up from next. “Aww, come now.” he stepped closer and reached out, cupping Floyd’s chin, “I think we both know your life would be a great deal less exciting without me. And besides, I happened to use that money to buy us both several beverages afterwards, so it didn’t go to waste.” As for playing fair? Losing in their profession often meant dying, not a risk he was willing to take.
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“I’ve had quite enough excitement, thanks,” he replied, wrinkling his nose and swatting at Kid’s hand as he touched Floyd’s face. “Fair enough. This time, though, you’re buying the booze out of your own pocket. It’s only fair.” He shoved his hands into his pockets. “I know a place nearby where they won’t ask too many questions,” he added, leading Kid down the street towards a dive-y bar that Floyd had made his haunt as of late. 
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deadshctx · 3 years
“Don’t feel too bad, but I’ll definitely take you up on that drink,” He says, rummaging through the dead man’s wallet. Turns out he had Airen’s check after all, but the thief decided to keep that little bit of information to himself. He glanced down at the body and nudged it with his foot. “I don’t suppose you actually take the time to get rid of the body, do you? Or do you just let Star City’s finest deal with all the cleanup?” He glanced at the painting he was supposed to turn in. He figured since he already had his money he’d just leave it here, a blessing to whoever finds it, he supposed. “Either way, I’ll meet you at the entrance to that bar across the street,” He says, already making his way to the place.
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Floyd shrugged a shoulder. “Clean up’s not really my thing. Dead bodies are gross,” he said, shaking his head. Sure, he’d cleaned up his messes before, but there was no need for him to go all the way to where he had shot the man, drag his body somewhere else, and clean up the blood and broken glass when people would figure out what happened, anyway. Besides, half the time, his employers were the ones in charge of clean up. He took apart his rifle, custom built so that the pieces would fit into a small briefcase before meeting Airen at the other bar. “What a coinky-dink, eh?” he asked, cocking an eyebrow at Airen with a crooked smirk. “We really should stop running into each other like this, though. I actually don’t want to get in your way.” He couldn’t say that much for other people. 
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