deadqcaxds · 2 years
A) Why are you excited about this character? B) What inspired you to create them? C) Did you have trouble figuring out where they fit in their own story? D) Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look? E) Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you? F) What do you feel when you think of your OC (pride, excitement, frustration, etc)? G) What trait of theirs bothers you the most? H) What trait do you admire most? I) Do you prefer to keep them in their canon universe? J) Did you have to manipulate or exclude canon factors to allow them to create their character?
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deadqcaxds · 2 years
this is basically an entry for the writing contest hosted by @/iba_writes_hehe, where i have to introduce the world of my fantasy wip. so, i thought i might as well submit it via a post, since i haven't made anything wip-related in a while.
hope this is interesting because i tried my best :')
overview— the world of my wip, is inside a urban/dark fantasy/ teen-fiction, alternate universe novel named marionette master, where the protagonist got reborn into.
the power structure is based on cards, with the strongest being the royal-flush-minus-ten (king, queen, jack, and ace) and the weakest, the twos of any suit.
the elemental magic consist of fire, water, earth, wind and anti-magic. sub elementals belong to any of the five pure, elemental magic. for instance— healing is an earth-magic sub elemental, thermokinesis is a fire magic elemental etc.
there are no mythical creatures involved, except a dead cat, and a bossy, talking raven i guess 💀
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deadqcaxds · 2 years
before i start, i'd like to clarify that writergram is one of the most welcoming and supportive communities to have ever existed. it is a very fulfilling place to belong to, with a lot to learn and a lot to share.
but as far as i am concerned, i have faced a few problems nevertheless, causing me to vanish from my account for months. the writing community itself has not much role to play in creating them per se, so it can mostly be concluded that i was lacking.
so here are three of the situations i faced and my advice on them. if anyone else out there is going through the same thing, i hope this post helps :D
algorithm— okay, writing community or not, instagram's ever-changing algorithm is a pain in the ass for everyone and coping up with it isn't an easy task. what had me however, was the fact that few people got loads of followers and fantastic engagement somehow, while i kept hitting rock bottom.
and to be very frank, i felt that a few of them didn't even deserve their hype. they had low effort posts, used backgrounds, fonts and colors, i couldn't even read, didn't engage in anyone else's post and didn't follow the most important rule of writergram— supporting others. this was one of the most important reasons why i left. i couldn't agree with the fact that my effort was practically useless.
advice— listen people, it's no use feeling inferior or jealous of others, that's absolutely pathetic. if it triggers you that people are doing so much better with such less labor, block those accounts or restrict them so that you don't get reminded of it continuously.
secondly, the algorithm exists for a reason and even if it is crap, it is still a major method to grow your account. follow it, keep up with it and make sure everyone else keeps up with it in your posts as well. trust me, it takes some time, especially if you are a small account, but it will help you grow exponentially in just a bit. you need a tiny bit of patience for that, so hang in there mate, don't give up :)
school— personally, i cannot relate to this because i'm crap at giving a crap about school, but when i created this account, i was actually at the fag end of my 12th grade in science stream (indians out there can understand the pressure).
so even if i didn't care about my subjects, mentally it was still very taxing and this is coming from someone who has surpassed the limits of irresponsibility (you can ask my friends if you don't believe me).
advice— as many writergrammers have said before, prioritize school. especially if you are the sincere type, PRIORITIZE SCHOOL, PRIORITIZE YOUR GRADES, PRIORITIZE YOURSELF!
please, spending time on your posts is absolutely not worth getting a C or a 70% for (i got them, i'd know). the crushing guilt you'll feel afterwards will kill you., LISTEN TO ME!
mental health— keeping up with the numerous posts of numerous people in your numerous following, genuinely supporting them, trying to keep up with the benchmark other writing accounts seem to reach so easily can be exhausting. i know, i feel you.
and then the regular interaction with people can be extremely nerve wracking for people who overthink anything they text, but unfortunately making friends, and close ones at that, is very essential to the writing community.
advice— take a break oh my god. and i'll repeat that, TAKE A FUCKING BREAK! if you were already on hiatus, EXTEND IT! what do you think matters more? yourself? or the engagement on your posts? no one expects you to post regularly and give your fullest in each of them., so you shouldn't be too hard on yourself either.
and about your insecurity of texting, none of the people here are monsters, if you talk to them about your problems with talking to them, i'm pretty sure you'd be surprised that none of them mind much, well, most of them probably don't even care, they are just happy that you text them at all :D
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deadqcaxds · 2 years
Types of Protagonist
Most protagonists fit into one of the following four protagonist types: heroes, antiheroes, villain protagonists, and supporting protagonists.
Hero/Heroine— A hero or heroine (that is, a female hero) is a character in a literary work who overcomes a profound struggle or conflict to achieve some sort of success because of their own perseverance, bravery, or intelligence.
e.g.: gon freecss (hunter x hunter), asta (black clover)
Antihero/Antiheroine— An antihero is a type of protagonist that might lack the qualities found in archetypal heroes. Unlike contemporary heroes, who might have a few flaws in order to seem realistic, the antihero is distinctly unlike the hero in that they are often revealed not to have moral or particularly noble intentions. They tend to act on behalf of their own self-interest, but they aren't wholly corrupt or immoral, like a villain.
e.g.: eren jaegar (attack on titan), william james moriarty (moriarty the patriot)
Villain Protagonist— Unlike the hero and antihero protagonists, the villain is unequivocally the "bad guy," devoted to evildoing. Often a story's villain is the antagonist (the character working against the protagonist); however, villains can also be protagonists when they are the main character driving the story forward and have the audience's sympathy.
e.g.: Lelouch Vi Brittania (code geass), makoto itou (school days)
Supporting Protagonist— A supporting protagonist is less common than the other types of protagonists. When a supporting protagonist does appear, it's often when a story is told from the perspective of a seemingly minor character in the story.
e.g.: dr. john watson (sherlock holmes), noé archiviste (vanitas no carte)
Identifying the Protagonist of a Story
It's often relatively simple to identify the protagonist. But in some stories it can be more difficult, particularly if a narrative is complicated by multiple sub-plots or contains many characters with important roles. Some of the most common situations that can make it a bit more complicated to identify the protagonist of a story are:
The protagonist doesn't get the most "time on stage"— In this situation, another important character appears more often in the narrative, but that character is still not the focus of the audience's sympathy.
e.g.: wei wuxian (mo dao zu shi— please note that i'm talking about the time wuxian had not been reborn but was still regarded as the protagonist)
Multiple protagonists: While most stories will only have one protagonist, it's possible for stories to contain more than one—particularly when multiple subplots are woven into one larger narrative.
e.g.: celty, shrinra, izaya, kida, anri, mikado & shuzuo (durarara)
False Protagonists: A "false" protagonist is a technique in which an author introduces a character who seems to be the protagonist but is later revealed to not be.
e.g.: tatsumi (akame ga kill), nakajima nanao (talentless nana)
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deadqcaxds · 2 years
the queen bee befriending the nerd— c'mon, i'm sure not all blondes cheerleaders are ditzy and not all brunette nerds are averse to them.
a sunshine mafia boss— they don't have to be any less ruthless, but you know, let them be a puppy a for their girl.
a clumsy ceo— even if they have 1240873 degrees, an anti-disaster one might not be on the list?
a badboy who blushes easily— no, seriously i'd prefer that over those smirking ones anyday
a nerd who isn't actually a nerd— not like one of those wattpad cliches where they are spies and all, just make them like miyamura from horimiya.
the chosen one who isn't really surprised— do we have to go for the harry potter way every time? i want to see more of someone whose life has been so ridiculous (bonus if you make it funny) he just accepts everything.
the queen bee is gay— why do they always have to like the badboy? (queen bee x nerd?👀)
normal parents— probably a hard request haha, let's leave the list at this /s
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deadqcaxds · 2 years
Friends to lovers || Best friend’s sibling || Best friend’s lover || Best friend’s ex || Fake relationship || Marriage pact || Innocent cohabitation || Pen pals || Matchmaker/ matchmaker gone wrong
Enemies to lovers || Old enemies – from school/work/anything || Love/hate || Nobody thinks it will work || Rivals || Bully turned nice guy || Revenge || Not good enough for him/her (pov of anyone) || Pen pals || Sworn off a relationship
Parent with new love – kids want them to get together or don’t want them to || Step siblings || Orphan || Guardian || Parent and child’s carer/teacher/nanny || Sibling’s ex || Widow/widower || Love interest reminds of estranged family member || Sudden/unexpected baby (can be coupled with fling/one night stand) || Forbidden love/star-crossed lovers
Blind to love
Everyone can see it (fits well with friends to lovers) || Oblivious to love || Last to know || Fall in love with the wrong person || Pen pals || Sworn off a relationship || Amnesia || Changing sexual preferences.
Secrets, disguises, surprises
Secret baby || Sudden/unexpected baby || Secret admirer || Disguise || Secret royal/billionaire/boss || Mistaken identity || Two person love triangle (mistaken identity) || Is it all as it seems? || Undercover love || Secret/lost heir || Unrequited love || Mistaken declaration of love leads to love/can be coupled with marriage of honour || Virgin/unexpected virgin || Rags to riches || Reality TV show || Fling/one night stand (can lead to unexpected baby) || Amnesia
Arranged marriage || Altar diplomacy (arranged for political reasons) || Honorable marriage (typical of historical novels) || Marriage before romance || Vegas/drunk marriage || Jilted bride || Runaway bride || In love with best man/chief bridesmaid/groom/ etc || Double-in-law marriage || Marriage pact || Mistaken declaration of love leads to love
Forced Proximity
Trapped in an elevator (works well with enemies to lovers or the marriage tropes) || Stranded || Innocent cohabitation
Three’s a crowd
Love triangle/imaginary love triangle || Two person love triangle (mistaken identity) || If I can’t have you, nobody will || Unrequited love || Matchmaker gone wrong
One true love/Here we go again
Destined to be together/one true love/soulmate/fate || Love at first sight/‘insta love’ || Love potion || Magic || Star-crossed lovers || Age gap (‘May to December’) || Good people have good sex – anything prior to this relationship is not good for some reason || Long distance relationship || Second chance romance/first love || You’ve changed/on the rocks – couple then have to find their way back to each other || Belated love epiphany || Return to hometown/reunion romance || The one that got away || All grown up || Sworn off a relationship || Working with the ex || Amnesia
Beauty and the Beast
Playboy/rake in love || Sleeps with everyone but you || Loveable rogue || Fall in love with the wrong person || Beauty and the Beast || Ugly duckling – beautiful all along (please don't wear glasses people) || Wallflower || Blackmail || Antihero /All girls want bad boys/ Alpha hero || Bully turned nice guy || Not good enough for him/her (pov of anyone)
Open your eyes!
Sorry, I’m taken (fuck you!) || Unattainable love interest/one -sided || Dating the wrong person/fall in love with the wrong person || Unrequited love || Sworn off a relationship || Fling/one night stand (can lead to unexpected baby)
Grow a pair
Afraid to commit || Can’t spit it out/Say I love you or how they feel || Lovers in denial || All grown up
Men in uniform || Billionaire/rock star/actor/performer/celebrity/cowboy/military/law enforcement/athlete/etc || Politician || Priest || Bodyguard || Royal/Sheikh || Office romance/work colleagues/boss/employee || Working with the ex
Dark past (trauma trauma yeahh~ *imitates jungkook*)
Dark secret || Emotional scars || Broken in some way || Rejected as unworthy by parents, friends or former lovers || Redemption || Break up to save him/her
Damsel/dude in distress || Kidnapped || Protector || Too dumb to live (protagonist – usually female – makes stupid decisions designed to land her in trouble so the hero can save her *please die already*) || Injury || Road trip
Opposites attract || Sunny vs grumpy/ spontaneous vs serious/messy vs neat etc || Rich vs poor || Physically very different – huge guy/tiny girl and the opposite || Love interest has profession protagonist hates || Want different things – eg one wants true love, the other a fling/one wants city life, the other country || Age gap (‘May to December’) || Social inferior/different social class/different worlds
Bonus extras (can go anywhere)
Amnesia || Bet || Blind date || Fairytale retelling || Fish out of water || Road trip || Time travel
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deadqcaxds · 2 years
wakes up to the 'alarm beeping' or 'mom calling, "emma! you'll be late for school!"'
fun fact: i tallied the number of times this exact scenario was used to begin a story and the results were 48/56 :)
'hi! i'm emma whitlock! and this is my story. i have brown straight hair, brown eyes and full lips. i'm 5'3" and i have zero sense of fashion because i'm a nerd and wear huge glasses.'
ooh! an autobiography! hold on, lemme yeet you out for a bit.
'as lucifer morningstar was about to kiss me— i woke up.'
good for you to have such nice dreams emma. mine usually don't make sense.
'i dipped myself in lukewarm water of the bathtub. settling in comfortably, i scrubbed my arms with the strawberry scented...'
i never knew how to bathe. thanks for the tutorial.
'emma was late for school and as she turned round the corridor she collided with what felt like a brick wall.'
naw, poor hot guys who have to be run into in every teen fiction :(
info dump pt. 2, 'emma looked up, only to instantly drown in the enticing blue eyes which were the shade of the ocean. his nose was at a perfect angle with his chin and lips...'
*skips description*
'i'm not like other girls!'
the truck-kun i'm about to send to hit you isn't like any other either.
'the badboy/mafia's—'
'the ceo/billionaire's—'
'good girl/nerd's—'
'one direction/harry styles's—'
i bet my unborn cousin could come up with better titles.
badboy cheat sheet— smirks, smokes, does drugs, owns a motorcycle, illegally races/boxes, smirks, has messy hair, 6ft+, skips classes, smirks, man slut, no parents/similar trauma, smirks again.
mafia/ceo cheat sheet— 'cold, ruthless gray eyes', scowls, neat hair, 6ft+, 'greek god', suits, watches, still scowling, 'deep, husky voice', has 12074530 degrees by the age of 22, has sex anywhere and everywhere with the girl, big dick energy, 'mine!', scowls 24/7
nerd/good girl cheat sheet— introvert, 5'3" (we don't like tall females), brown straight hair, brown eyes, dresses like a baboon, sArCaStiC, huge glasses, mascara is not makeup, has two best friends (one gay, the other a blonde, outgoing female)
the queen bee cheat sheet— blonde, blue eyes, dresses brought from the kids section, 'caked in makeup', cheerleader, clings to the badboy, makes the nerd's life hell, never has a good ending, 'whore'
parents cheet sheat— rich & oppressive (only the good, sarcastic girl can save their poor son now) , childish & ditzy (would let their daughter go to london with the guy/ would start deciding baby names if their daughter got pregnant at 15), alcoholic/in debt (the trauma of the badboy lessgo), never at home (no wonder the guy sleeps around), dead (found family trope beings!).
despicable authors cheat sheet— A/Ns are longer than their chapter (and more often than not, more interesting as well), there are no clear boundaries between the A/Ns and the chapter, include A/Ns in the middle of the chapter (go fuck yourself), racist/ homophobe/ sexist/ bad representation and expect us to be okay with it, cannot take criticism and responds rudely (man—)
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deadqcaxds · 2 years
“and you were doing…?”
“contemplating the worth of my existence amongst the plethora of flora and fauna in this vast, limitless, unbounded universe.”
“…well, good luck with that.”
“do you like pineapples on pizza?”
“sunshine, it’s fucking 4 o’ clock!”
“she doesn’t know.”
“she doesn’t know what? the fact that you came here to offer a truce or that i tried to kill you?”
“humor me.”
“i can see why yeline was so mad at you.”
“you don’t look like you believe me.”
“darling, i don’t look a lot of things, you’d be shaking in your boots otherwise.”
"don't ask questions you don't care about."
“goodnight babe, dream of me.”
“if you let me sleep in the first place, that is.”
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deadqcaxds · 2 years
what would be the last line if—
your villain falls in love with the hero before their final showdown?
what would be the last line if—
your hero realizes that they were the villain all along?
what would be the last line if—
your hero was reborn as the villain?
what would be the last line if—
your hero realized that his lover was dead all along?
what would be the last line if—
your villain is the hero from the future?
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deadqcaxds · 2 years
classic villains— have no redeeming qualities. They’re simply there to act as a foil to the hero. they do bad things simply because they’re evil. they’re two-dimensional, lack any sort of development, and generate no sympathy from readers.
e.g.— shogo makishima (psychopass), muzan (demon slayer).
anti villains— they can have noble traits, values, and goals but their methods for achieving these goals are questionable or downright evil. their ethics and the ethics of the heroes are closely aligned but a slim difference puts them on opposing sides.
e.g.— sasuke (naruto), garou (one punch man)
the beast— most often, they’re literal monsters who can’t be reasoned with or controlled. they can also be humans who succumb to their base desires and ignore critical thinking to get what they want.
e.g.— the titans (attack on titan), charlatan (case study of vanitas)
authority figure— they’re driven by a desire for wealth, prestige, or military strength, and they’ll stop at nothing to get more and more of what they want. Their usual goal is to dominate a certain area, such as a corporation, a country, or even the world.
e.g.— fukuchi ouchi (bungou stray dogs), metropoliman (platinum end)
bully— bullies are mean, small-time characters who make life miserable for the heroes. their motivations can range from simple jealousy to a complete lack of morals. sometimes they repent and become one of the good guys; other times, they graduate from minor baddies to full-blown villains.
e.g.— bakugo katsuki (my hero academia), shouya ishida (a silent voice)
the fanatic— are villains who are driven by an extreme ideology. this extreme ideology is often religious, but it can also be a twisted moral belief. they’re blinded by it and fail to realize the consequences.
e.g.— jason (tokyo ghoul), demon lord clayman (that time i got reincarnated as a slime)
the mastermind— mastermind villains are highly intelligent characters who pull the strings behind diabolical plots.
e.g.— dazai osamu (bungou stray dogs), orihara izaya (durarara), lelouch vi britannia (code geass)
the equal— are antagonists who are near doppelgangers of the heroes they oppose. they share the same skills, abilities, and knowledge, but differ in ethics and morals. Because they’re a match for the heroes, they’re also likely to become the heroes’ nemeses.
e.g.— sherlock holmes (moriarty the patriot), fyodor dostoevsky (bungou stray dogs), L Lawliet (death note)
the corrupted— are those who were once good but turned evil. once paragons of justice, they slowly succumb to their desires or fears.
e.g.— avilio bruno (91 days), zeref (fairy tail)
the henchmen— are villains who do a bigger villain’s bidding. They’re a villain’s version of a sidekick.
e.g.— akutagawa ryuunosuke (bungou stray dogs), dabi (my hero academia)
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deadqcaxds · 2 years
before i start off with the post i'd like to clarify that this is not about abusive households, just violent ones. i believe that there is a thin line between the two— abusive parents are when they meaninglessly channel their rage/hate on their children, whereas, violent parents are the ones who get physical when their child is at fault (basically asian parents lmao).
and this post is about the latter. please don't be confused. some people think that both are the same, and that might be true, but in this case, let's just consider a notorious, rebelling, extremely stubborn child and their volatile parents who haven't heard of the term 'talking-it-out'.
trigger warning for mentions of violence.
accepting it- growing up getting hit for every mistake, children start agreeing to it. they believe that it was alright because they were at fault in the first place, and since parents do not generally admit to their mistakes, they will add fuel to that misconception.
the worst part of all this is that children don't realize when their parents start being borderline abusive just because they are hot-tempered humans. even if the parents or a third party realize, the child does not. the kid might be mad, sad or hurt at that moment but in retrospect they agree that it was their fault.
relation with parents- asian parents in particular have an unique method of being sugar sweet just after being physically violent. it's their way of being apologetic. parent logic: no need to say 'sorry', just hand your child a few of their favorite dishes.
the aftermath of this is that the child forgives and in most cases forgets what they had just faced. they have an overall sweet and sour relationship with their parents and they accept physical violence as a part of their daily routine, since they know their parents will treat them like usual again.
this is actually the most dangerous aspect if you think about it. you cannot completely hate them for what they have done to you because, 1. they aren't meaninglessly abusing you, deep down you know you were at fault first, and 2. you get more love once you somehow get through the violence session.
in the end, violence becomes normal and you don't give a single thought to the fact as to whether it's actually alright or not.
mentality of the child- since by now, the child has gotten used to being hit, they start incorporating it in their lives as well. in most cases than not, they start believing that violence is the solution to everything.
they forget that some people may not be going through the same thing, but oh wait— they don't even question their household in the first place, let alone see it through someone else's POV. and thus, they end up being the 'bully'.
tolerance- after a while the parent notices that their child isn't minding their violence. and why is that? 'it doesn't hurt anymore,' the child shrugs.
does it really not hurt? or have they gotten used to it to the point that they just don't care anymore? physical violence has been normalized so much that they do not see it as a measure of limiting their actions at all?
all they need to do is defend themselves while getting hit, either by retaliating or curling up in a hard-to-read spot and covering their head/face/eyes. yep, and that's why they don't mind it anymore.
awareness- unless the child gets proper exposure they won't realize that whatever they are going through is wrong and needs to be stopped immediately. they won't even believe it when someone else try to make them understand, because they firmly believe that it was their fault that they got hit.
it doesn't matter whether they have an unstable relationship with their parents or not, they won't accept that physical violence is wrong because that will negate a lot of things they have done as well, not to mention that it is normal to them at this point. it's hard to deny your everyday life after all.
finally, a personal tip from useless apoce- if you are writing a realistic character who has a violent/abusive household, here's a list of what they can tolerate and what they cannot after living through the situation for years (don't worry i speak from experience).
tolerable- any kind of blunt weapon as long as they can protect their head (sticks, clothes hanger, kitchen utensils), slippers (lmao asian special), belts, curtain rods (very flimsy and break fast), etc. they do nothing more than sting before turning the skin blue-black along with occasional shallow cuts.
not tolerable- knives, scissors or any other sharp object (because that's plain murder attempt mate, run to the cops!) and burns from iron boxes or other hot objects (they hurt like bitch because not only the skin gets burnt but the raw layers underneath get scarred as well).
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deadqcaxds · 2 years
the frontbenchers—
plotter. hardcore plotter.
caffeine addict.
will have multiple posts on 'how to outline and it's uses'
probably reads a lot of classics
has multiple completed wips
finishes a wip before moving on to another piece
the middlebenchers—
plantser for sure.
not so popular in the community but have quite a number of followers
have neat, detailed themes and neat, detailed posts on varying subjects
have quite a number of wips but they know they have it under control
have probably read most books the bookstagram/tok recommended
their writing playlists>>>>>>
the backbenchers—
procrastinator & pantser. periodt.
dude what are you posting—
random bursts of energy equals to 5k words minimum.
wHaT iS LiFe?????
the teachers—
the cool mamas and papas
most popular on writergram
dedicated to their writing & posting schedule
what would we do without you *sobs*
have an unique presence
will keep you motivated to write!
the absentees—
bruh, when does your hiatus end? it's been half an year!
quite cool when they are actually posting
have some epic wips but don't write
the best in one particular aspect
focuses on themselves before social media (learn backbenchers!)
no wait— don't disappear again!
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deadqcaxds · 2 years
the major problem about fanfictions are that people read anything and everything if they are stories about their favorite characters. they might have their nose up in the air when it comes to actual books but they'd pick up the same kind of erroneous fanfiction in a heartbeat.
a reason for that might be that most readers or writers don't consider fanfictions as actual pieces of literature. they think it's something for them to pass time with and therefore, low quality doesn't matter. they forget that actual fanfictions are something even harder to produce than original novels because you have to be mindful since they aren't your OCs.
so here are some of useless apoce's (very aggressive, haha, i'm short-tempered) opinions about where fanfiction writers are going wrong.
changing character personalities- now this is something i'm frankly very annoyed about because changing personalities is unacceptable (unless you are doing AUs).
why the fuck would i click on a fanfiction about soukoku only to find that dazai is some expressionless bastard who doesn't even have is signature comic relief attitude and chuuya is a shivering, feminized version of the actual spirited, passionate and loud mafioso?
seriously, i really don't care if this hits too close to home for some people, because you can always go write an actual novel with your own OCs if you can't maintain the original characteristics of people you are writing the fanfiction on. i didn't come to read about some strangers with the same name as characters who i love and whom their original authors worked painstakingly to produce.
sheesh, imagine your own OCs being changed drastically for the sake of someone else's plot? personally, i wouldn't have forgiven them. trust me, even readers appreciate it more when you stick to their actual characteristics.
covers (not meant for ao3 writers)- wow, simply wow. i never realized i was this pissed over fanfiction writers when it came to the covers they use.
listen, if you have forgotten, let me remind you again, COVERS ARE ALSO A BASIC PART OF STORIES, especially if they are e-books. how do you expect me to get invested when i see a poorly cropped image from pinterest that has no link whatsoever to the characters you are writing about or the story line?
of course there are authors who create some absolutely godly edits for their fanfictions (gimme tips master), but the others can't even choose a proper font/color that will at least be clearly visible.
oh, and don't even get me started on the fact that a baji x reader fanfiction might have a cover starring vanitas— no, hold on, like why? what does that even mean?????? seriously people, if you want tips on making covers, why don't you check my other post?
the english- it's okay, i understand that your first language isn't english sweetie, still doesn't give you the right to type, 'howl walked to calcifer sticks his hand over and moans "AAAAAAAAA I'M DYING I'M DYING!!!!!!!!'"
first of all what did that even mean? and how do you moan a scream? and lastly, don't grammarly ads ever make you wanna pull your hair out? do you not know of it's existence? do you think you can get away with a disclaimer that you don't know english? well newsflash, grammarly can help.
(p.s. no don't even think of asking me about that cursed howl x calcifer fanfiction)
the blurb/synopsis- there is not much i can say about this because most people can nail it, but the others... could you at least pretend to treat your fanfiction as an actual story, posted online to be read by the whole world?
do you think it's funny to say it's a fic about kuroo x kenma and then turn it into a bokuto x akaashi just because the latter ship were introduced as best friends of kuroken and you suddenly decided you like bokuaka more than kuroken halfway into the story?
certain AUs- matchablossom is a married couple/ enemies to lovers ship. i agree. does that mean joe has to lowkey abuse cherry? i thought it was an enemies to lovers and not a toxic story about a over possessive dickhead and his lover with a stockholm syndrome?
likewise, the dom/sub stories and many more, why are they so toxic? just because he is a dom doesn't mean he gotta be openly manipulative and lowkey sociopathic? if that's what your tastes are, i am indeed quite concerned about your choices.
last but not the least, being grateful- hello? readers are your lifeline, who tf are you being so rude to? and why for? do you think you are so much better that you cannot accept criticisms or a loophole kindly pointed out by one of your audience? last time i checked, you were the summer child who said, 'this is my first time writing online, please take care of me'.
in conclusion, please, for heaven's sake, consider your fanfiction as an actual novel and try to match the bars set for them. just because you get loads of reads and kudos doesn't mean you can get away with whatever crap you sprout. oh and by the way, if i have offended someone, um haha, wasn't it your own fault?
that's it for the post, hope most people will agree and not come after me with pitchforks :)
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deadqcaxds · 2 years
covers are the most basic and important part of a book. of course, it's what's inside that matters, but a cover will be the first thing a reader notices and unless it is catchy, there are people who won't flip the book over and read the summary (yes, unbelievable, i know)— especially if it's an ebook.
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deadqcaxds · 2 years
before starting, i'd like to say that you might absolutely disagree with my thoughts and that's totally fine, after all, to each their own :)
killing off main characters— some will do it in a heartbeat while others will opt for the happier ending. but more often than not, props always get the worst end of the stick.
through this post i want to remind writers, mainly the ones going for gory/violent story lines, that your side characters— like the ones who work under the antagonist or get caught in the crossfire between the hero and the villain— are still human, albeit nameless, but still human.
they have families, their own memories, stories, ideals, pasts, favorite food, colors and everything your protagonist has as well. hell, they might even have a sadder, more traumatic life than the main character, but they died a meaningless death.
of course, that doesn't mean you have to define every death in your book, but do remember to respect and value the lives lost. i don't mean to sound emotional or whatever, but it's still true.
you might be writing a mafia story and your greek-god-mafia-boss just won the fight and is severely wounded, but he still might be human enough to say, "make sure that the people who were killed get a proper burial," instead of a "dispose of the bodies".
it doesn't make your strong-macho-alpha male 'weak' to care for the victims, it makes him compassionate and a good leader. true, that the real world might not be like and you might be writing a dark story, but a 'dark' story doesn't always mean wars and innumerable nameless victims who don't get a proper recognition even after death.
all in all, what i mean is, show the readers that you care for all of your characters, no matter how insignificant they are. tell the audience that you treat them like humans as well and not some random prop.
honestly, it doesn't matter what you think of 'death' itself, but if you are someone who is making your protagonist go through hell only to be killed (or not), you should portray the same for every other character as well. make your readers feel bad for side characters as well.
because, that's your job— to capture your audience's heart with your characters, all your characters.
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deadqcaxds · 2 years
to be honest, creating diverse personalities is the hardest part for me. either i focus on one character and make the others similar variants, or i underwrite all of the characters to the point the novel becomes bland.
therefore, personally, i came up with an easy counter method— though, whether it is the actual process or something that might not suit any other writer's taste is not something i am sure of.
here's what i do. i pin each character with a single (maybe overused) stereotype at first. like let there be five characters— A is the mean bitch, B is the introverted nerd, C is the brooding, sarcastic fellow, D is the kind, outgoing, sweet lover-of-whole-humanity and E is the ditz.
then i follow the usual way i develop my characters, i.e., going through a lot of books, movies, animes, webtoons or other styles of entertainment that gives me ideas about different scenes and the overall story-line.
next, when i assign characters to each of the scenes i have fantasized/daydreamed/decided upon— as in, say, the mean bitch A getting together with the ditzy E— i make sure to add contrasting characters to each of the stereotypes.
for instance, continuing the earlier example— i make A start stuttering and blushing, instead of snapping something narcissistic when E tenderly kisses her forehead during their declaration of love. or, E, who is generally loud and chaotic and, well, dumb, always smiles softly and speaks quietly and gently when it comes to A.
adding depth to a character doesn't only mean giving them individual backstories and overflowing trauma, a human being is filled with contradictions and what makes them unique. even if on the whole they seem fit in some stereotype, when you get to know them you realize you cannot classify them.
lastly, introduction of quirky little stuff also makes the writing more fun and reading, more interesting. and an easy way to do that is to bring in funny situations you may have faced in your real life. like, i had his big, burly OC cutely sneezing his life out every time someone hit his nose (it's me by the way, i sneeze a lot).
similarly, how about making C, the Chandler Bing of the story, horrible at soccer? and every time he trips over air or gets shot in the face with the ball, his saltiness increases tenfold?
and then, what do you say about B, the shy, introverted, nerd who'd go absolutely ballistic if you dare touch his precious little plants? or D, the kind, sweet cinnamon roll who becomes all gung-ho in the kitchen?
characters should be given such a personality that you shouldn't have to keep reminding the audience that they exist. they'll instinctively remember B, C & D every time gardening, soccer or cooking is mentioned no matter if the three are present in the scene or not.
and that's what i think is the final goal of every author, to make a mark with their OCs. however, obviously that's not going to happen if you write bland, monotonous characters/mary sues.
therefore, in conclusion, here's useless-apoce's 3-step method to create realistic personalities is— i) classify them in broad stereotypes according to your choices, ii) add contradictions and iii) give them definite habits to add more ✨flavor✨
that's it for the post, hope it helped :)
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