daydreamingcreature · 4 years
My thoughts on the Animal Crossing New Horizons Direct
Nobody cares about my opinions but I’m going to write down my thoughts as I watch. Keep in mind, I have no chill, little valuable knowledge, and only experience in ACNL and very little in pocket camp
Tom Nook! my boy!
The little bird in the corner has my heart
his wittle movements
The ocean animations are so pretty!!
The flowers in the wind! the detail on the trees! the rocks!!! wwaattterrr!!!! so prettyyy!
I love the animation style so much the game looks so peaceful
Deserted island means you get to build it entirely yourself? hopefully?
I love that we can still choose our map design
The hemisphere options are very nice, I never really considered how it might differ depending on where in the world you are.
Summer and winter look gorgeous
The flower designs are so pretty and I love the frost on the leaves in winter
The little coffee on the wood table!!! Does this mean that decorations aren’t limited to just your home? I love when games have less restrictions on decorations and use of furniture
The cherry blossoms in the wind are amazing!!!!
I really hope that we can sit and have a little picnic with the villagers and the sushi and fries look adorable!
The variety in face designs is a really nice change from New Leaf. I go feral for customization
i REALLY hope that the villagers’ autonomy is not just for this video but actually in the game. I feel like the villagers interacting with each other more and doing more activities besides just aimlessly wandering around would do so much for the game. I don’t really know how they would do that but a girl can dream.
I just saw the donut in one of the villager’s hands, the jar full of fruit water/juice, and the basket of fruit and i am HERE for the variety
I also noticed that the flowers were taken off of the stems instead of directly off the ground which may be a cool feature. It might allow more control of what flowers are where instead of just hoping that the island spawns the flowers you want?
it also seems like it could be an annoyance if we have to be careful in how we pick up the flowers and other materials. but I might be reading too much into it.
The mushroom decorations and furniture is gorgeous!
The orientation is a really interesting part
 It shows more of the villagers having specific objectives and movements
It also shows that we may have much more control of our worlds in that everyone is starting new so we may get to influence how the island is shaped
You building an island with your favorite villagers is making my heart explode
I used to get overwhelmed in trying to design my village and feeling like i didn’t have control over it and this would be an amazing change
The resident services tent is open 24 hours a day? that means my messed up sleep schedule will be more supported!!!
Its unrelated but still really cool to me that I’m going to be able to play animal crossing on the switch. i personally have a desktop set up in my room and I sometimes attach my switch to the family tv and i love the idea of being able to play at night on a big screen with lots of options instead of just an hour at night on my ds
It looks like the resident services tent replaces the retail store? where is Cyrus and Reese? i miss them :(
Ugh the detail of tom nook is so good
So you make furniture on the workbench? that seems cool but also could be annoying depending on how the materials are available
why is there a random pair of boots just chilling behind the tent?
i mean mood but why?
I love these new furniture designs
i also noticed there are more spaces for custom designs which is awesome
The airport is sooo pretty inside and Orville already owns my heart
eight people are allowed on the island? i don’t have that many friends :/
it is really cool that these services work because its more accessible on the switch then on the DS in my experience
I loveeee the lighting so far
So we got a phone now? that’s cool
the broadcast is cool because i never remember to actually check whats happening that day
I love more achievements because that how i focus
waitt can you die now? wow animal crossing has changed.
I love that Gulliver is back
The rescue service..... is that Resetti i hear? i hope so
i love the new furniture
this leaves room for....MORE CUSTOMIZATION
WOWWWW you can be more specific on placing flooring
The House decorations are blowing me away
I love the kitchen furniture
So far the housing system is all i could’ve asked for
Traveling costs money? i don’t know about that but it doesn’t seem much like a feature I’d use anyway
nevermind it seems a lot like the island in new leaf where you can go there to get new materials which I don’t mind at all
I wonder if each village has a native fruit or if that system is gone?
it’s really cool that the money rock is back
i just need to get friends :/
The leader system is actually really nice
The nooklink system is really cool for easier communication
especially the voice session
Okay we got to Part 2 nice
I hope we can have more villagers in our island
I felt like I wanted more villagers than we could have in New Leaf
Oh I love that we can choose where the villagers should live that’s gonna be amazing
I’m literally in awe its sooooo pretty
and the clothing options!!!!!!
I like that we can see changes before they are implemented more
nintendo knew what they were doing with the dramatic entrance
Oh that pink hair is gorgeous I’m so excited
Oh look at Label/Labelle following her fashion dreams
Okay I just saw Celeste now whereee is Blathers???
Daisy Mae is absolutely adorable omg
Once again the hairstyles are top tier
CJ and Flik look really cool
The pole vault and ladder looks sooo helpful
Oooh new bridge designs
It really seems that no part of the island is off limits
Yessss more customization with the paths
Im in awe there is so much customization!!!!
Alright Part 3
ooo the photo system looks so cool
wow they really do be plugging that new console system
Free updates are amazing
alright the pocket camp system is cool but i don’t play pocket camp
Okay so final thoughts
As you can probably tell i started to lose steam throughout the video
I’m gonna say it again, the museum looks absolutely stunning
The lighting in the game looks fantastic and thats coming from someone who relies on lighting to boost my mood
I’m so excited to play on a bigger screen and with (hopefully) less time restrictions
The customization availabilities is much more than i had ever hoped for I’m soo excited.
i was starting to get discouraged that we would run out of options or be too restricted in the game but with the more customization kind of changes my view.
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daydreamingcreature · 4 years
New England Gothic
There are leaves covering the ground in reds and oranges and yellows and browns, but there are still leaves on the trees. In fact, all the trees are still completely full of green leaves.
The sky is always incredibly clear. There are never any clouds even when it’s raining or snowing.
A man comes into your 24 hour Dunkin Donuts exactly 5 times during every shift and orders a small hot black coffee, even at night. He’s always wearing jeans, a tshirt, and sunglasses, even when it’s -12*. You’ve never seen his car park, he just seems to appear in front of the doors.
You can tell the time by when you hear the T go by, but when you look, there’s never any train.
You were told to never go into the graveyards at night. Not because it’s illegal to go in when the gates are closed, but because of what those gates are keeping in.
Every October, the leaf peepers come. It’s always the same people in the same cars. You don’t know any of their names even though they’re temporary residents of your town for one week every year. And then they’re gone.
You get up for school and hear that it’s a snow day. Immediately, you get bundled up and run outside to play in the snow. You slowly begin to notice that there’s something wrong with the snow. It’s not snow at all. It’s ash.
You woke up one day and the trees were covered in crows. You don’t know where they came from, but just when you were starting to get used to their eyes watching you everywhere you went, they disappeared.
There are woods behind your house. They’re not very deep or dense and you can perfectly see your backdoor neighbor’s house from yours. But sometimes people go walking in those woods and never come out.
Your neighbor’s tomatoes keep growing after the plants died in the first frost. You see him out there in the middle of the winter harvesting his bright red tomatoes from the dead plants. He comes over one day with a basket full of tomatoes. They’re bright red and beautiful, but they smell like rot. You accept the gift, but don’t dare to eat them. You’re not sure what they are, but they’re certainly not tomatoes.
It’s snowing, but it’s 80* and it’s July. “We live in New England. Wait a few minutes and the weather will change,” they say. A few minutes later the snow is gone and it’s sunny again.
People keep talking about the moose hanging around town, but no one you know has ever seen one.
Your family has lived in the same house since the house was built in 1702. Your family has died in the same house since the house was built in 1702. You’ve met all of your ancestors.
You can’t leave New England. It’s not that you don’t want to or haven’t tried, it’s just that every time you try to cross state lines out of New England, you always end up back at your house with no recollection of returning there.
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daydreamingcreature · 4 years
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You are so important and wonderful. Life has been tough lately, but you've kept strong despite that and I'm so proud of you! You deserve only good things, and I love you.
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daydreamingcreature · 4 years
Dark Academia Lifestyle
Remain an enigma, talk less about yourself. In social situations, make it a game, even if you are a rather social person, to shroud yourself in mystery. If others show interest in you, answer vaguely. Disappear at specific times. Reveal little of your background. When you do speak, speak in riddles or quotes. That isn’t to say you should never speak up in class or in debates, have opinions and remain socially active; however, keep people guessing a lot of the time, and, if you’re really into it, only speak when spoken to.
Wear vintage clothes, elegant accessories, monochrome colors. Emphasize sharp features with purely dark or light colors and jewel tones. I usually find nice vintage clothes at random thrift stores. Keep an open mind.
Listen to jazz and classical music. Listening to older, more tasteful music brings a spark of elegance to your life. I, personally, like to hear the used jazz vinyls crackle. There are multiple types of dark academia; to me, jazz demonstrates the erratic artist spirit of revolutionaries, while classical music possesses me with the sophisticated spirit of a Classicist who has preparing tea down to a science.
Light candles. Doing things such as writing, reading, and getting ready for bed by candlelight makes it seem thrice as elegant and academic… going to sleep so late never looked so enticing. On the other hand, you could wake up before dawn, light some candles, and study or read. 
Stay ahead in school. Read your textbooks ahead of time, write essays about anything you’d like at all, just for practice. If you’re learning about something in science, devise experiments to illustrate the concepts to yourself and make them easy to remember. If you’re reading a book in English, read a handful of articles about the author beforehand to prepare, write down quotes from the book, make essay pitches, write to your heart’s content a critique of the book, an analysis of the book, of gender roles in the book. In history courses, find articles about the subject matter, annotate them, and write about them. If you’re taking a math class, devise applications of the concepts and solve problems of your own creation.
Go to libraries, museums, bookshops, and coffee shops. These are all really good places to sit in the corner and read for hours on end. Not only do you get Mysterious Points but you get an aesthetic environment and (hopefully) some peace in which to devour literature. I know that in the upcoming term, I’m going to be in the library from opening time to closing time every day.
Make Ancient Roman or Greek food. To be honest, the food was of so much better quality than it often is today, so I would suggest looking into some ancient cuisine archives to look for some recipes for your dinner party. Not only is it most of the time much better than modern food, but it’s also much more elegant. Not to mention it is fun and enlightening to try recipes which are perhaps completely foreign to  you.
Have routines. Perhaps your life is erratic, but you can feel some semblance of order and elegance by creating rituals for, perhaps, everything. You might start the day off with a walk around the neighborhood or a nearby pond. I start my writing sessions by 1) playing jazz 2)opening my windows 3)reading Belief and Technique for Modern Prose 4)chugging a whole glass of water really fast 5) breathing violently. Feel free to make up really weird Winding Down routines, like, I don’t know, closing all your windows, stripping down, and meditating for 20 minutes before you go to sleep. Literally anything. It doesn’t even have to be useful, it just has to be strange.
Hang stuff up on your walls. Postcards, paintings, drawings, poetry, snippets from books, moodboards, your routines, lists (places you want to go, people you want to meet, things you want to do), playlists. Make it yourself and make it chaotic and, most importantly, make it aesthetic.
READ. Read anything and everything educational. Do it. Just, don’t pick up your phone for 3 days because you’re reading, just ignore everything else. Good things to read would be: feminist literature, nonfiction, mystery novels, Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier…
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daydreamingcreature · 4 years
♡ ethereal self care tips ♡
♡ sleep in rose gardens on moss beds under night sky ♡ ♡ bathe in honey ♡ ♡ twirl around your room in blush pink nightdress to studio ghibli playlists ♡ ♡ watch howl’s moving castle ♡ ♡ wander around barefoot in green soft grass ♡ ♡ eat lots of berries ♡ ♡ drink herbal teas with some good book in your hand ♡ ♡ go for a long walk and collect flowers and leafs you find to press them in your journal ♡ ♡ write prose, poetry and paint, create art ♡ ♡ make pure organic local honey face mask for your face & lips ♡ ♡ be brave little star, the world will reward you for all the pain you endured ♡
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daydreamingcreature · 4 years
The Ethereality Aesthetic
So I see that there's not really a set aethetic for ethereal/etherealcore/ethereality, which is upsetting because it's so beautiful to me, so I thought I should go ahead and make it myself
So what's the jist of it, you ask?
Neutral colors
In love with every season but spring and autumn are everything
Flowy / classy attire
Lace, chiffon, fur
Simplicity with faint traces of glamor
Burning candles
Steaming tea/coffee in beautiful teacups or mugs
Handwritten letters
Faded photography
Reading/writing in a beautiful setting like a garden, an aesthetic coffee shop, the porch on a rainy day
Watching the sunrise (whereas the norm is to watch the sunset)
Any form of art (especially writing and painting)
Pondering on the deeper matters of life
Pleasant breezes
Warm smiles and voices that sound like home
Calm music
Gentle and eloquent words
All things heart and soul
Pleasant demeanor
Sheer curtains blowing in the wind
Stone architecture
Big libraries
Elegant old world charm
I'll add more as they come to me!
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daydreamingcreature · 4 years
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if you haven’t been told this today,
- i’m proud of you
- i want you to keep trying
- take a deep breath
- everything will be okay
- please don’t give up
- people love you
- i love you
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daydreamingcreature · 4 years
oh to be a small mouse wearing a sweater while delivering freshly baked bread to the neighbors
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daydreamingcreature · 4 years
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how to feel like the little prince ♡
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daydreamingcreature · 4 years
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daydreamingcreature · 4 years
I’ve been on tumblr for a long time now but I’ve never been active because I wasn’t sure exactly how to use it. I’d like to make friends and possibly collect some of the aesthetic that make me feel better. Please feel free to give me advice or talk to me because I have no idea how this works! :)
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