daxeart · 1 month
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I am opening preorders for another batch of abyss angel sticker sheets, orders will close on 3/4 so that I can order and get them mailed out to people before tour. If you're interested, here is the link: https://shop.daxe.art/product/abyss-angel-stickers
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daxeart · 2 months
Hi!! I was at the Atlanta show, but I didn't recognize you at the march table!
I wanted to know if Abyss Angels are social creatures. if so, do they live in groups? what are groups of them called?
No worries, I hope you enjoyed the show!
Abyss angels are most commonly seen congregating during egg laying season, but during the rest of the year it is not uncommon for a few individuals to coexist peacefully in the same habitat. A group of abyss angels would be referred to as a choir
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daxeart · 2 months
Hello, I hope you’re having a nice time on the tour!!! This is the abyss angel person from the Atlanta show, I got to see and talk to you for a little bit at the merch table but i didn’t wanna take up too much time and it was pretty loud lol! I’ve wanted to ask, would it be ok with you if I wore my abyss angel costume to FWA this year? I was planning to flesh out the costume more before FWA (making the little wing-like appendages, maybe making a face, handpaws, and/or feetpaws, etc) and I thought I should ask first before planning my outfits since this is your creature design!!
I think that would be so cool, I’d love to see the full costume if you do! What you had at the show was very impressive, I myself love making/wearing costumes too and have a great appreciation for the craft. (Are the plush parts made of minky?? I love that!)
Atlanta was a little overwhelming at times but tour overall has been great and it was very nice meeting you, I hope you had fun at the show!
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daxeart · 2 months
do you still have any of the concept art or earlier designs for sepia/tfgba cover? i love that album cover so much
I had released the concept art alongside wips and stuff here, some of it may be included in a glass beach art zine j and I will release in the near future
Here’s a couple pages of the anthro cuttlefish designs specifically
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Thanks for the kind words, I hope you have a beautiful day!
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daxeart · 2 months
your art is so cool!!! it was super nice getting to talk to you at the nyc show even if i was too nervous to ask you to sign my vinyl 😭 (i was the person who got the last tfgba vinyl)
also calico son or puppy daughter
Thank you for the kind words! I’d happily sign it next time, you only need but ask :) I hope you enjoyed the show, thanks for coming!
I’m not sure if you’re asking which I am or think is better but I’m definitely a catboy, so calico son!
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daxeart · 2 months
hiii!!! im a little transmasc who met you in new york not noticing it was you until halfway through the show and didnt have enough time to come back to the merch line to get a photo...!!! :( i had abyss angel makeup with an entire wing for my whole eye; blue eyebrow too!! i am an aspiring marine biologist and just have 2 quick question; 1) do you have any information on why the abyss angel in the album art is faceless? it looks older than stage 4 but younger than 5... 2) and was it eating from the whalefall? it swims through the ribcage in the art and swims away from it in an ARG clip... i can't tell if it was just on a stroll.. sorry if this was a very big post, thank you so much!! had a great time in new york!! <3
It was nice meeting you! I’m afraid I don’t do a good job of announcing myself. Your makeup was very cool, thank you for coming to the show.
The abyss angel on the cover of Plastic Death is faceless because nothing felt right. I had tried a few different options while working on it, but each time it projected an unwanted emotion. Ultimately, I wanted to leave it ambiguous and let the viewer/listener have the space to feel whatever they need to feel while experiencing the album.
In my concept art, the angels don’t actually have facial features, it’s more like fluid suspended inside their body that changes shape and opacity the way a cephalopod might change the pigment of its skin depending on their mood or environment. I think people engage in this kind of behavior in their own way, code-switching or masking depending on where they are, or who they’re speaking with. I like to think it ties into themes of the album’s lyrical content.
To answer your other question, it’s definitely part of the ecosystem. It might not feed in the corpse of the whale itself, but it finds what it seeks amongst the other denizens of the deep who have gathered themselves around it.
Thank you for the questions, I hope you have a beautiful day!
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daxeart · 2 months
hiiii! I’m the trans girl that met u at the concert in chicago, and asked for a picture. i just wanted to say that i really REALLY love ur art. also, the abyss angel seems to be pretty close to what a deep ocean creature could look like, as someone who’s going to study marine biology in college. i love your stuff, and i hope u keep making more :3
the name’s Adrasteia btw
That is so kind of you to say, it was so nice meeting you! Thank you for validating my speculative biology decisions for the design omg… I’m no scholar but I did a fair amount of thought and research while developing the abyss angel!
I have this “field notes” style page from my sketchbook in 2021 with possible details about their life cycles (I would change some things about this now- they are definitely multicellular organisms)
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Good luck with your studies!! Let me know if you discover anything cool :)
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daxeart · 2 months
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daxeart · 2 months
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I am opening preorders for another batch of abyss angel sticker sheets, orders will close on 3/4 so that I can order and get them mailed out to people before tour. If you're interested, here is the link: https://shop.daxe.art/product/abyss-angel-stickers
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daxeart · 3 months
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I am opening preorders for another batch of abyss angel sticker sheets, orders will close on 3/4 so that I can order and get them mailed out to people before tour. If you're interested, here is the link: https://shop.daxe.art/product/abyss-angel-stickers
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daxeart · 4 months
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daxeart · 4 months
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sneasel sneaseler sneaselest
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daxeart · 4 months
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yeah he's flaming all right
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daxeart · 4 months
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you're tellin me a shrimp fried this rice???
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daxeart · 4 months
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don't mind me just a wizard walking across your dashboard lost in thought
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daxeart · 4 months
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snuppy snuppy snuppy snuppy
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daxeart · 4 months
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black hole lions
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