davidquinnzel · 5 years
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Adam sat on the balcony so he could watch the trees sway back and fourth and feel the breeze caress his face. He stared out, awestruck by the beauty of nature and got lost in thought. Adam Grey: “That David... I’ve never met anyone like him. So interesting. He’s so... outspoken. I see why others always flock to his side. He’s very likable.” Adam Grey picked up the tablet off the floor and brought it to Adam. After that, he went back to the couch on the balcony and took a little nap.
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davidquinnzel · 5 years
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Meanwhile outside of Adams room, Adam Grey quickly changes clothes into something more comfortable and moments after, bumps into David. Adam Grey: “Hey, David, Buddy! It’s great to see you! Come here and give me a hug. I’m so glad you decided to join us here. Also, I loved your painting!” David: “Hey, Grey! It’s nice to see you. Thanks, I put a lot of work into it and I think it really showed.” Adam Grey: “I wholeheartedly agree with you, friend. Say, why not watch some TV and enjoy yourself? You’ve earned it.”
David smiles and heads for the other TV room with Adam Grey.
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davidquinnzel · 5 years
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The next day... Adam Grey decided to check up on Adam because he didn’t hear from Adam after he ran to his room laughing about something the other night. Adam Grey: “WOAH! What the h-” Adam: “Something the matter?” Adam Grey: “No, no! You uh... you uh... you’re obviously working out some emotions and I... I’m glad to see you’re uh... expressing yourself. You look great! I hope you’re enjoying yourself. I’m going to go uh... do something.” Adam Grey left the room and Adam started silently laughing to himself. Adam: “His shock to my current appearance is greatly amusing. I wanted to see how far I could push my look. Trust me, I know I look like I came straight out of 2009 but this is just an experimental look to see other peoples reactions.”
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davidquinnzel · 5 years
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Adam may have dropped the entire salt shaker into the food a few times... just a few.
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davidquinnzel · 5 years
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David saw Adam cooking something in the kitchen. Him being hungry, he asked Adam to make him some of whatever he’s having.  Adam: “Sure David, I’ll get that right to you. Go wait somewhere else and I’ll call you when it’s done.” David: “Thanks!”  Adam: “You’re welcome.”
Adam proceeds to cook but smirks because he’s not that great of a cook and he knows David’s not going to like it.
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davidquinnzel · 5 years
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Downstairs, David tells Nathan Green about his new painting. David: “Hey Greenie, didja hear about my new painting?” Nathan Green: “Are you going to sell it?” David: “No-” Nathan Green: “Not interested.” Nathan: “Oh, pay him no mind. You know him, he’s all about money. Your painting is lovely, David!” David: “Thanks, Nathan! You’re super sweet. I’m going to go get something to eat or something. Cya later.”
David walked off to the kitchen for something to eat and saw Adam.
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davidquinnzel · 5 years
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Adam came up the stairs annoyed and hoping Nathan called him for a good reason.
Adam: “You called me into Davids room so I assume it’s less than worth my time but now that I already walked all the way over here, what do you want?” Nathan: “Look at this adorable painting David made! Isn’t it lovely?” Nathan said while stretching. Adam blankly stared at Nathan for a few seconds before responding. Adam: “It’s cute. It really brings out... Davids childlike personality. Get it? Because it looks like a kid from kindergarten drew it? Alright, I’m going back to doing what I was doing. Make sure David doesn’t put this on my wall either. Cya.” Adam left the room without another word. He took his own actions into consideration while leaving and wondered if he was a little too rude.
Nathan: “Oh, I knew Adam would like it! It’s so colorful and realistic. David put a lot of time and work into it and I knew it’d pay off."
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davidquinnzel · 5 years
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David called Nathan to his room after finishing his painting. He was very proud of his work and he wanted everyone to see it.
David: “Look at this adorable king lion I painted! I’m going to go back downstairs and look for something to do, call Adam up to check it out, okay? See ya later and let me know what you think when you see it!” Nathan: “Will do! I hope you’re able to find something to do downstairs, enjoy yourself once you find what you’re looking for!” Nathan said with a huge, warm smile.
David headed downstairs and Nathan called Adam over to come check out Davids new painting.
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davidquinnzel · 5 years
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It took David 3 hours but he finally finished his masterpiece.
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davidquinnzel · 5 years
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After his show ended, David went over to the kitchen to cook a bunch of food for everyone and store it in the fridge. David: “I can’t deny, I love cooking. I don’t know why. I just like, like cooking. It’s cool. It makes me feel really helpful when I cook for others and I feel like it’s a talent I should have. I try to be as helpful as I can and I want to show my worth.” After cooking numerous dishes, cakes and other delicious gourmet goodies, David went upstairs to his room and started painting a picture. Painting and drawing is another one of Davids hobbies, especially since some of the friends he idolizes love art.
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davidquinnzel · 5 years
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Adam felt an extreme sense of calmness. He loved every second of the moment he spent with David and Nathan in peace. Adam: “I love the sound of Nathan snoring. I can’t help but admit it’s adorable. Anyway, this... octopus thing David left for us to make for ourselves kind of tastes like shoe leather but it’s not the worst. I already made it so I might as well eat it. I don’t fancy wasting food.”
Adam looked over to David while he still had a spoon in his mouth. David was intensely focused on watching the comedy on TV.
Adam: “Hey, David, can you cook from now on? It’s not that mine came out terrible or anything like that, I’d just rather not do it. Hey, I’m being honest. You’re a gourmet cook in this world so you should be cooking for us.” David: “Yeah, I’ll gladly cook for everyone after this show ends!” Adam: “Great, thanks.” Adam continued eating the octopus thing in his plate but what he really wanted to do was go lay down next to Nathan because it looked comfortable next to him. Hey, it’s the truth and he knows it!
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davidquinnzel · 5 years
Adam attempts to cook something for the first time because he’s hungry. After finishing a quick dish (that’s medium quality by the way), he heads over to the living room to watch TV with David and Nathan- who fell asleep because his positive emotions tend to make him burn out easily.
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davidquinnzel · 5 years
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Moments later after the hug... Adam walked into the Kitchen and noticed Nathan Green was making coffee. Adam curiously thought about food and had the thought to attempt to make some food himself. After all, if David could do it, so could Adam.
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davidquinnzel · 5 years
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Nathan got closer to Adam and opened his arms offering a hug. Nathan: “Hey big guy, how about a hug? I know you could use one after all we’ve been through lately. Things are going to be okay as long as we’re together and even if we weren’t, things will still be okay!”
Adam: “Sure, I’ll give you a hug, Nathan. You need this just as much as I.” Adam smirked as he wrapped his arms around Nathan, wrinkling up his sweater. He knows Nathan freaks out over his clothes being wrinkled. 
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davidquinnzel · 5 years
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While Adam Grey and David are watching TV, Nathan stands in the distance lost in thought. Nathan: “Nothing brings me more joy than seeing everyone have fun and enjoy themselves. Happy, healthy and all together. It’s what I’ve always wanted...”
Adam approaches him moments later. Adam: “I’ll admit, you’re right. This is a nice feeling. That creature is dead in the basement, no longer able to negatively influence us and now we’re all together and happy. This... this is nice. It almost seems peaceful.”
Nathan: “Adam...! Are you finally starting to open up? That was beautiful!”
Adam: “I’m merely stating obvious facts. Don’t make this weird.”
Adam couldn’t help but crack some form of a smile. He felt at peace with Thing out of their lives for good and being reunited with another part of David.
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davidquinnzel · 5 years
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Meanwhile back at the Persona household...
David Schmidt 2.0 moved in with the Persona household. He felt right at home surrounded by people who understand him. With open arms, Adam, Adam Grey and Nathan brought him in. He was their missing puzzle piece in life and at the time, David needed them more than anything.
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davidquinnzel · 5 years
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A few minutes after Don and Zion ate lunch together, Zion figured he’d go for a walk to walk off what he ate. A mysterious woman approached him and stopped him. Zion: “Who ar-” ???: “Zion. I bring news from a nearby source. The man you live with, Don Lothario is a gold digger and he plans on taking David for everything he has. Use this knowledge as you will, I’ve completed my part. Goodbye.”
The woman walked off, never to be seen again. With this newfound information, Zion felt extremely tense and didn’t know how he was going to approach David and tell him that his new boyfriend and favorite person in the world had plans to betray him. 
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