davidjmidgley-blog · 10 years
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Strobilanthes gossypinus in front of Alpinia nutans (mutica). I planted another three of the latter today.
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davidjmidgley-blog · 10 years
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This photo, taken today, illustrates much of the damage wrought by winter. The Acalypha's in the foreground are still without leaves. It does, I think, illustrate some growth in the bananas and palms. Hopefully this will accelerate now that the growing season is here. The soil in the garden drains quickly so it's a challenge to maintain sufficient soil moisture.
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davidjmidgley-blog · 10 years
Winters dusk
Winters finally over here in Sydney -- it's early September and by the calendar is officially Spring. The cold months have taken their toll on the garden here - but not in the way I expected. Some of the plants I expected to really suffer in the cold, like our Dracaena reflex and our Sea Grape, have come through winter with barely a burned leaf, while others -- like the Mexican Cigar plants have been hit very hard and I've lost most of what I planted back in Autumn. The minimums over winter 2014 were pretty mild - and bottomed out at 4-5 C - prior to warming back up to 8-11 C during the last few weeks. Our Acalypha's have mostly lost their leaves during the winter - but they all seem to be covered in new growth now suggesting the flush of new growth to come. I've quite a bit to do over the next few weeks - adding new compost to the garden and trying to get ready for the spring ahead. More soon!
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davidjmidgley-blog · 10 years
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Late autumn progress.
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davidjmidgley-blog · 10 years
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Cigar plant is a native of Mexico. Despite this it's flowering happily in the garden here in Sydney.
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davidjmidgley-blog · 10 years
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Variegated oleander in the garden
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davidjmidgley-blog · 10 years
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Acalypha cv. at Taronga Zoo.
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davidjmidgley-blog · 10 years
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Calatheas growing outdoors at Taronga Zoo.
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davidjmidgley-blog · 10 years
New minimum for 2014
Last night it bottomed out at around 8 C. Today that's being followed by a maximum of around 15C. I've cut out most watering with the hope of avoiding rot over the winter. To try and assist I'll also thicken the depth of mulch around the more sensitive plants.
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davidjmidgley-blog · 10 years
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Synadenium compactum
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davidjmidgley-blog · 10 years
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Tropical-style gardens at Taronga Zoo. Featuring Alpinia zerumbet variegata and Cordyline fruiticosa cvs.
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davidjmidgley-blog · 10 years
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One of the recent plantings - this is Strobilanthes anisophyllus aka 'Goldfussia' -- it's a taller shrub (to 2m) with rich red-purple leaves. Like other Strobilanthes species it is frost tender. It's planted behind a large drift of Philodendron xanadu.
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davidjmidgley-blog · 10 years
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I removed about 1.5m2 of Aristea ecklonii from the old section of the garden today and covered the ground with commercially available compost to a depth of around 15-20cm.
This species is a rather nice (if somewhat weedy) clumping perrenial with sword like (but relatively soft-to-the-touch) leaves. I'm passing on these plants to my father-in-law as they don't fit in the new 'tropical scheme'.
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davidjmidgley-blog · 10 years
More mulch and cooler weather (again)
Tonight promises to be the coldest night of 2014 in Berowra dropping down to a chilly 10 C. I've added another 4 cubic metres of compost to the front garden -- bringing the total material added to around 9 m3. I'll try and post some pictures of the before and afters, mulch (and I'm using compost) has a strangely unifying effect in the garden. Plants mulched seem to be part of the same composition, while those outside the mulched area belong to a separate entity.
I've also added a number of new plants to the garden including a small number of Tibouchina 'Jules', Strobilanthes anisophyllus 'Goldfussia', which somewhat confusingly is red, a group of Cuphea ignea 'Orange Cracker' and some Mondo Grass. I've taken some photos of these species and will post them shortly.
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davidjmidgley-blog · 10 years
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Progress. A few new Tibouchina 'Jules'
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davidjmidgley-blog · 10 years
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Brush Turkey damage on these Tradescantia spathacea. The turkeys are particularly fond of purple and red colored plants. I'm fairly sure they aren't herbivores and are probably mistaking the leaves for fallen fruits.
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davidjmidgley-blog · 10 years
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Hibiscus cv.
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