dapforyourthoughts · 2 years
Day 1
Decided to write and just get some things out. I have a spouse who can listen and does well at it but sometimes I’m not looking for solutions or advice.
My career as it stands is fairly easy and I manage to make enough to get by. Sure I’d like to win the lotto and fill my home with things I likely don’t need and relieve the financial stress that comes from making payment arrangements for bills or coming up short when the kiddos really want something.
Today I’ve stayed pretty steady, I’ve managed to stretch my work out for most of the day but there are times where I run out and the position my desk is makes it difficult to fuck around.
My daughter is on a walking trip with her class today and my wife decided to join. I wish I could be there but I’m happy to have a spouse who can attend these things.
My son is wrapping up kindergarten this week and he is very excited for summer. I’ll have to get the pool setup next week when I have the extra funds for chemicals and new pool toys.
Personally I feel fulfilled with a few boredom gaps here and there. I have plenty of hobby’s to fill the time but there are times when it’s not enough. Between painting, reading and gaming sometimes I just want a little more. But that’s life I feel, we always want more than we have and when we finally have it, we still want more.
There isn’t any rhyme or reason for the post other than to write. My mind goes all day long and putting it on “paper” to reflect on at a later date seems to be a good idea.
That’s today, and here’s to remembering I made this tumblr so I can continue.
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