danieljbockman · 1 year
How to stand out professionally in a company
The one thing that comes naturally to you might be a game changer What to get noticed by the bosses? It’s not as hard as you think. Whether you know it or not, you could be the one that is making the biggest difference in the company you work for. While it may seem that you are only a number on a long list of other employees, you could actually be the diamond in the rough and not even know it…
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danieljbockman · 1 year
How to think and earn like an entrepreneur in your current job
The same rewards without the risk Photo by Gustavo Fring I don’t know everyone’s particular situations but what I do know is that no matter what your situation is, there is always a way to improve on it. And not just improve but jettison forward into any kind of life and career you can imagine. There are just too many examples in history of people creating exceptional lives and careers that had…
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danieljbockman · 1 year
Ladies, if you "have" to have a job, you just might be married to the wrong man.
Why your man should be doing better professionally so you don’t have to work or have the choice to work Author: By Daniel J Bockman Before you get undone over the title of this article, let me be clear, I said, “have to work” not choose to work. There is a big difference. If you are a married woman in the modern age and you have to work a job or career to help support your household, you just…
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danieljbockman · 1 year
Mr. Griffin, I wanted to send you an email thanking you for the letter you wrote to our boys as they prepare to win a state championship this year. Brant, Becky, and I appreciate your taking the time to write such a detailed letter with so much sincerity about the success of boys’ Eagle basketball. Brant particularly has had a more than challenging year with tearing his ACL in a summer league…
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danieljbockman · 1 year
How to Get Special Treatment in the Workplace
How to outperform, outwit, and stand out from everyone else Have you ever wondered how to get special treatment in the workplace that sets you apart from your coworkers? Want to be the go-to for everything and be trusted by your boss or company founder? After working with many successful business owners, I have found a little-known secret that can be used to outshine everyone else in the company…
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danieljbockman · 1 year
Starting Over at 40: A Guide to Reinventing Yourself and Creating a New Chapter in Your Life"
“Embracing Change, Discovering Passion, and Building a Better Future” Photo by Ron Lach on Pexels.com Reinventing yourself after the age of 40 can be a daunting task, but it can also be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. Whether you’re looking to make a career change, start a new business, or simply pursue a new hobby or interest, there are many ways to reinvent yourself and create a new…
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danieljbockman · 1 year
Rising Above the Rest: The Power of Doing What Others Are Not Willing to Do at Work
Why working harder than everyone else is still the best way to get ahead In the world of work and your career, it’s often said that success is determined by one’s willingness to do what others are not willing to do. This can mean going more than the extra mile, putting in long hours, or taking on tasks that others consider to be of the highest importance yet, the level of commitment is…
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danieljbockman · 1 year
How to Use Your Gift for Small Talk
It could be one of your greatest sources of strength Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com Want to network more effectivly, work on your small talk. Small talk is often seen as a necessary but unimportant part of social interactions. However, the ability to engage in small talk can be a valuable gift in many different contexts. In this essay, I will explore the benefits of small talk, the…
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danieljbockman · 1 year
How to Make You Daydream a Reality
How to Make You Daydream a Reality
Don’t quit your daydream 1/4/2023 Have you ever someone say, “don’t quit your day-job” This is a funny way of telling someone they suck at whatever they are doing and they should continue with what is working for them. While this little phrase is more tongue-and-cheek, something that is not as funny are people who do quit their daydreams. Think about what it was like when you were a little kid…
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danieljbockman · 1 year
How to Discover What Drives You
How to Discover What Drives You
Look to your past to find what drives you today January 3, 2023 Daniel J Bockman Since I was very young I was driven by certain things. I always had a drive for things that were exciting and adventurous like downhill skiing and other extreme forms of fun. However, as I began to grow up, got married, and started a family those extreme activities could no longer be a form of income. I had to…
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danieljbockman · 1 year
How to play up while others are staying average
How to play up while others are staying average
Principles you need to learn this week to get more than what everyone else is getting My son was playing basketball in a traveling basketball league when he was in 7th grade. Every game we played we got blown out. One opponent beat our boys 74-7! Turns out the team we were playing was freshman playing down and our boys were 7th graders playing up. While the beatings of playing up are harsh and…
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danieljbockman · 2 years
New Cover, Same amazing content
New Cover, Same amazing content
Last week, I was getting notifications that the cover for “How a King is Made” was getting sensitive materials warnings. We even noticed that the thumbnail pictures on the Amazon order were getting blurred out. I even had a TikTok video that flashed a sensitive materials warning on it when I posted the video with the cover in it. Rather than arguing with Amazon, I decided to take this opportunity…
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danieljbockman · 2 years
Are you listening to what you’re being told, or listening to what you feel?
Are you listening to what you’re being told, or listening to what you feel?
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danieljbockman · 2 years
How a King is Made
How a King is Made
When your Amadeus comes along, will you be listening? I have finally finished and published my newest and first completely self-published book, How a King is Made! To say that self-publishing was easy would be a stretch but in actuality, it wasn’t that hard. You just have to be willing to learn, make mistakes, try again, and have very thick skin. Other writers and editors who read your work have…
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danieljbockman · 3 years
Why your disadvantages just might be your greatest advatage to success
Why your disadvantages just might be your greatest advatage to success
Many people think you have to be born advantaged to be successful, but maybe we have this backwards. We are constantly being influenced by pop culture about the success in life we would all like. We see the wealthy entrepreneurs, the angel investors, and the lavish lifestyles of the superstars of the business world like Musk, Bezos, Buffet, and Cardone. But because we believe we do not have the…
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danieljbockman · 3 years
How To Be The Uncharted Entrepreneur
How To Be The Uncharted Entrepreneur
Why humans are completely suited to become independent entrepreneurs The meaning of Uncharted is not having been there before and with little knowledge and experience of the new territory you are entering. This may sound like the adventures of National Geographic or outdoor adventurer Jim Shockey whose TV Show is literally called Uncharted. But anything you do can be considered uncharted if you…
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danieljbockman · 3 years
My Book Release Coming This Fall.
My Book Release Coming This Fall.
A short tease about my newest book “How a King is Made” coming out soon I am very excited about my latest project and I can’t wait to get it out to all of you. I am finally getting ready to release my first book titled “How a King is Made.” The release date has not to be finalized just yet but it will defiantly be becoming out this fall and available in all the usual reader platforms on Amazon…
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