danawoods1234-blog · 4 years
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                                  Environment verses Economy
In the text, Pope Francis talks about what he calls, “ecological spirituality,” and describes to us how to live this way. Three ways he mentions that can help one achieve environmental spirituality are to avoid compulsive consumerism, be environmentally educated, and inspire with the Christian faith. With these three traits one can better respect the environment, what we as Humanity we share together. In the required video it is also mention how Pope Francis is disappointed that we often put the economy before the environment and that we need to better prioritize these things (Horan, 2015)
These images show for one the environment in its naturally beautiful state and the smokestack image is to represent the harm we do to the environment in the name of profits and production. 
Below are some resources to help guide you in your information quest to better the environment
·         Farmworker Rights and/or Farm Labor Conditions
This article talks about how, while many of us would picture an adult man as a farm worker this is often not the case. Across the United States there are thousands of children and teens working in the fields. Rather than being in the fields these children should be living a normal childhood and pursuing an education.
·         Food Deserts and/or Food Distribution
This article discusses the issues people face when they don’t have a grocery store or supermarket within a reasonable distance and how they often have to make do with food from a convenience store. Finding fresh food our produce is nearly impossible in food deserts and can influence overall lifestyle in those areas.
·         Factory Farming and/or Welfare of Farm Animals
This website represents that organization FARM (Farm Animal Rights Movement) which advocates for animal rights and veganism. More specifically the rights of farm animals, and this is one of the few organizations to do so. There main focuses are education about veganism and what farm animals go though from birth to death.
·         Community Supported Agriculture (CSAs)
CSA has many benefits for both the farmer and the consumer. For the farmer they get things like income early in the season, and early season marketing before busy season comes. For consumers we get fresh vegetables delivered to us and are often exposed to new vegetables.
·         Environmental Impacts of Food Habits & Practices
This article brings up the issues about the foods we traditionally choose. Soy and corn are two of the most common crops grown for human and animal consumption. While they are easy to grow, growing only one kind of crop can have a negative effect on the quality of the farms soil.
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danawoods1234-blog · 4 years
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  Our Modern Supermarket
     In the required video, A New Kind of Supermarket, the speaker discussed some of the issues facing the modern grocery store and the issues that can arise when only profits are in the stores interest. She gives the example of a grocery store selling chicken pot pies at a budget price. Despite the budget price the cost to make them was high so they introduced the idea of lowering the quality of the chicken in the pot pies to lower the costs of production. I believe that lowering the quality in the name of profits is unethical. Customers deserve quality and would likely pay a bit more for it as well. I believe offering fresh produce and unprocessed foods for consumers is important as well.
      These two stories show the two different issues facing how we get our food and what is used in our food, good or bad.
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danawoods1234-blog · 4 years
Effective, Ecological, and Ethical
In the required video, Saints and Sinners: Millennium of Monasteries, it talks about the contradiction between the frugal traditions of the monks versus the lavish traditions of King George. These different interpretations of Christianity have very different values, the King’s supported by his political power. This video has inspired the need to talk about the many issues preventing us from living ecologically. In order to best face the many issues Creation is facing today we must dive head into solutions for these problems. This means doing research to be aware of these issues and what can you do. Resources are listed below to help you gain knowledge about certain issues. With this knowledge we can ensure that we are treating the environment ethically as well. 
·         Climate Change
Climate Change: The Evidence and Our Options Lonnie G. Thompson
·         This article talks about how climate change has cause glaciers to melt and the effect this melted ice is having on the rest of the environment.
·         The Water Crisis
Water scarcity assessments in the past, present and future
·         This article talks about the increasing use of water from increasing populations, agriculture, industry and many others as our society continues to push forward with progress.
·         Human (Over)population
Human Overpopulation
 This article talks about the overpopulation of      humans and how it is having an effect on animals as well.
·         Coral Reef Depletion
Coral Reefs Could Be Gone in 30 Years
 This article talks about the coral reefs and how      if our current situation stays the way it is that it will cause      significant damage to these reefs.
·         Species Extinction
 What we lose when an animal goes extinct
 This article talks about species extinction and      the effect it has on the environment as a whole as well as other species.      
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danawoods1234-blog · 4 years
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Laudato Si’ sends a message to everyone about the treacherous state of the environment, what is affecting it most gravely and what we should be doing to help solve these issues for humanities future generations. In the required video for chapter three it talks about how consumerism in western counties has led to the most pollution of all. Misuse of Creation comes in many forms like deforestation or overuse of natural resources for economic gain. These resources need to be preserved as they were left for our generation.
Works Cited
Horan, D. (2015, September). Understanding Laudato Si EP 03: "What is            Happening     to our Common Home?" Retrieved January 19, 2020, from     https://www.youtube.com/watch?       time_continue=191&v=ZmHQMaBbsXw&feature=emb_title
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danawoods1234-blog · 4 years
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      Pope Francis also talks about our weak responses to these environmental changes as well as the variety of opinions surrounding humanities effect on the environment. In the Laudato Si’ video we learned that the dominion model of creation can be to blame for our over consumption when it is misinterpreted. This misinterpretation of the dominion model is not what is currently being promoted by the Church. Pope Francis used a combination of the kinship model and the stewardship model of creation when writing Laudato Si’ in order to reach more people and remain credible.
      Over production and over consumption are polluting the earth faster than it can be repaired. This takes away from the beauty of Creation and leaves less for the next generation to appreciate. If we all put in an effort to give back what we take from the earth we can preserve creation as it is supposed to exist. Above smoke stacks are shown creating air pollution. This cast a wide net as the air disperses far and wide causing air quality in the surrounding areas of factories like this to be poor. If we can limit over consuming in time overproduction will decline and we can better the state of the environment. 
      In Laudato Si’ Pope Francis admits to many negatives facing the current state of the environment. He mentions that there is hope with technology. Technology can be used to guide us more efficiently into the future. One example of this is a wind turbine that can be used for electricity. This is just one little example compared to the vast possibilities that technology has to help us save the environment and show Creation some common respect.
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