danaravi · 6 months
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❝ perhaps it is unusual to find this weather preferable. ❞ one cannot craft a ' snowman ' in the heat of the summer months, after all. padding a moderately sized mound of snow, he lifts it... and perches neatly atop the others. now, he must find it some facial features.
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danaravi · 6 months
it is merely an inkling; a cold draft seeping through the cracked window, whispering across the back of his neck, but its message is clear. there is no doubt this feeling ushers in the presence of another servant, but aside from simply pausing to note the other's approach, karna shortly after resumes his present task. it is not in his nature to strike first and ask questions later, nor is it particularly pragmatic to do so--- least of all on his own front porch.
wiping down the counter, the lancer finally steps out to greet his fellow heroic spirit, a bowl of water in one hand, and cat food in the other. the cat stirs from its slumber with a chirp, first inspecting the fingers of the stranger with a sniff, before peering up towards its meal.
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❝ ... i see you have met the local stray. ❞ and he sets down both bowls, to which the animal is drawn immediately, ❝ though he appears to be accustom to the attention he receives. ❞
They didn't really know what to expect from this potential encounter with an unknown Servant, having followed a presence here entirely on a whim, but they certainly did not expect a particularly humble flower shop to greet them. Saber appeared surprised for a moment, but then remembered a certain foreign Servant that had imposed himself in Edo and made a textile shop just because he could.
"I suppose this is not out of the ordinary... but a flower shop? Unexpected," they commented, their amber gaze now traveling between one displayed flora to the next, before settling on another unexpected but welcome surprise.
A stray cat, sleeping by the entrance.
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"Oh, what a cutie!" Saber crouched down, seemingly forgetting the reason they came here in the first place so that they could gently pet the napping feline. "There, there..."
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danaravi · 8 months
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he has been examining the packaging of this costume for some time, and cannot seem to discern the humour behind a " pipe laying expert ". perhaps this era knew something the grail did not.
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danaravi · 8 months
they are weary souls; tired of war and the nothingness that bookends their existence. there is no epilogue awaiting them at the end of their story, only an abrupt and final sentence, while the rest of the world continues on. it is an understanding he has held as a heroic spirit, watching on after the living before fading away. what can he say he achieved during his time amongst them? what has he seen, done, or known that didn't warrant a war? what did he feel? has he truly been numb all this time? holding ereshkigal flush against his chest, he has his answer.
... and he mustn't let those memories slip through his fingers.
wrapping his fingers around her hand, karna searches her expression as she finds her voice. it is tentative, and somehow uncertain, but she speaks her wish regardless, to which he smiles gently. despite her reservations, she pushes herself forward, and braves them nonetheless. a glimmer of admiration crosses his features, in its own subtle way.
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❝ you may, ❞ he answers, ❝ and you need not ask in future. ❞
shifting his grip, he holds her hand aloft, and lifts it to his brow, closing his eyes. a thought occurs to him in the silence, swelling in his throat, and he nearly swallows it back. after a moment, he lowers their hands, affixing his gaze upon them intertwined.
❝ would... tonight suffice? ❞
It's one of the first and only times she's ever felt comfortable uttering the phrase. To love someone is to give away a part of yourself and Ereshkigal has never felt wholly comfortable doing so. Her life had been wracked with betrayal, distrust, and then servitude. Long had she resigned herself to being unworthy of such feelings, for those opportunities were only ever given to her sister. Everything she had ever held dear to her had been ripped away without warning. She had grown tired of fighting it a long time ago.
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But with Karna, she wants to fight for him, wants to reach out and grasp his hand. Even if one day, inevitably, they were to disappear and be forgotten by everyone, she wanted the comfort of knowing that for once in her life she had fought for something. That she had fought to be happy with someone even if they were eventually going to forget everything. Fortunately, that seemed to be no time soon.
And though she feels as though she's wasted enough time as is in their relationship, she wants to start making up for it now. For too long, she'd been distant, afraid that if she came too close he'd get to know the real her and leave. As he holds her now, however, she's never felt so safe in her entire existence. That in itself is enough to push her ever so gently forward. "May I…" she starts, though pauses once again, still just a bit nervous to broach the question even though she knows what his answer will be.
"May I stay the night with you sometime soon?" She feels embarrassed finally asking it, as innocent as it is. "I've done enough brooding. I want to make up for lost time."
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danaravi · 9 months
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Drew the good sun boi~
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danaravi · 9 months
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Fate/Grand Order - Memorial Movie 2023
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danaravi · 9 months
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for the duration of the event, karna has been transformed into an alraune.
his fiery red and gold appearance has shifted dramatically into something earthy and green; the ash typically coating his body and armour is now gnarled branches, covered in leaves, thorns, and flowers.
vine-line protrusions reach onto his cheeks and along his jaw, and his finger tips end in sharpened points.
his shroud appears a fluidly moving canopy of leaves, headed by golden flowers.
karna's lance, vasavi shakti, remains unchanged.
despite his decidedly plant-like countenance, karna is proficient with fire magic--- to his detriment, however, as it seems to harm him whenever he utilises it.
he is particularly powerful when exposed to sunlight.
he largely keeps to his own, residing in the forest bordering the kingdom of airaisal, where he deals to bandits and those seeking to harm travellers.
barrier ( defensive )
fire ( offensive )
blessing ( offensive )
light ( utilitarian )
levitate ( utilitarian )
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danaravi · 9 months
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This is an event rerun. For more information on how to participate, please check our EVENT RERUN GUIDE! If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask!
Memories in the minds of the citizens of a circle of flame that hung high in the sky persisted for seven days and seven nights, and of the city’s weather worsening over the course of that period without even a trace of explanation from the city’s creators. But that eve the state of things had worsened. The circle began to crackle as shards of flame began to rain down from its center.
“It’s the end of the world!”, one NPC cried, sparking panic among their fellow citizens as a ball of rock and fire crashed through a nearby building. It was a phenomenon that was taking place across the city’s entirety as mass panic set in. Hour after hour destruction reigned down upon the people with no end nor solution in sight. A monster arose, as did a voice to guide them. But during their last stand... they failed. And then came 12:00AM.
The circle of flames descended, expanded, consumed what was left of the island in its pitch black void. And for the citizens? Darkness. All encompassing, as if they’d been thrown into an absence of consciousness. Whatever the monster had been looking for in the hole, it had found it. 
While they slept the city was reconstructed. Razed land reborn, a program booted up over the city’s landscape. To some it might have been familiar, to others it was a brand new concept: Fantasia. 
When the people saw light next they’d find their surroundings, and quite possibly their own bodies, reborn. Fantasia was a fantasy realm, a remnant of a ‘harmless’ prank from a distant world, but this time it had set itself up upon Spirale. Through whose command? It remained a mystery.
Upon ‘waking’ the people of the city would find things very different from what they recalled. No longer was the city one of modern technology, but a realm of fantasy and magic separated into four kingdoms. Each kingdom was at war with one another, their people very different and desiring a sacred treasure known as the Fruit of Beginnings. Those torn from other worlds, in the eyes of the kings and rewritten NPCs, were to serve as heroes for their kingdom. Swearing allegiance they were supposed to either work or fight for the place of their choosing. 
But that wasn’t all. Some would find themselves redesigned as well. Champions had to look the part of their world, did they not? And so Fantasia reformed the outsiders into denizens more fitting of the realm. Each kingdom is known for its primary race and primary monster race, and characters might find themselves reincarnated as one of them. Their powers retained, of course, but on top of them a number of talents unique to these races.
So welcome to this fantasy game -- nay, welcome to your new reality. It’s survival of the fittest in this world, and allegiance is key. 
Welcome to part one of FANTASIA WAR, Isola’s first fantasy event!
First, a tl;dr:
the entire city has been re-purposed into a fantasy setting for the duration of this event.
characters are expected to ally themselves with one of the four kingdoms and aid in their efforts, be it as a soldier or a worker at home
there are eight fantasy races (four humanoid and four monster) available to have your character become upon waking at the event’s beginning; additionally you can just remain in your current form if you wish
each race has its own unique abilities and magic is a common skill in this world
all worldbuilding information can be found on this post
starting next week we’ll be posting quests that can be taken with small rewards as payout
part 1 is just an adjustment period to flesh out your character ideas for the setting
GENERAL FAQ A separate FAQ post will be made specific to the event once questions start rolling in. Due to the event’s nature we expect to receive plenty of them and will be using them to clarify world building and rules as necessary.
Will there be a reward for participating in this event? There is an unlockable reward associated with the raid segment of the event that will come in pt2. We will be making the requirements a little more lax though, so we'll have more information when that goes up!
Do we have to pick a fantasy race for our characters? Can they remain normal? You don’t need to change your character! It’s just a fun option for those interested. That said, you cannot change your fantasy race after picking it so choose carefully!
Are powers retained during this event? What if we pick a fantasy race? Regardless of picking a fantasy race or not your character will retain their normal abilities that they’ve unlocked in Isola. The only outliers to this would be abilities specific to your own character’s unique physiology. For example if a character was an android they wouldn’t have the technological merits if you changed them in a Beastkin, but you could substitute that loss with the natural strength of that race. Additionally if a power is deemed OP (such as conceptual abilities or mass item production) they will be locked for the entire event duration. Weapons will be retained no matter what, and any technological inconsistencies will be handwaved as ‘champion privilege’. 
Can we use magic? Yes! All fantasy races can use magic. A list of available spells can be found here.
Are there any risks to entering a kingdom you aren’t allied with? As the kingdoms are all at war, champions are required to tread lightly in domain that isn’t allied. Many NPCs take the forms of guards that are fluent in the otherwordly visitors and their allegiances, and won’t hesitate to attack or attempt to apprehend those they deem a threat.
What about a ceasefire zone? Ahaha, no.
What if my character wouldn’t side with a kingdom and would choose to fly solo? You’re free to attempt this, but due to the world’s nature NPCs will always see you as aligned with a kingdom. This status isn’t removable.
Can we meet with the kings / queens? Not at the moment, no. For the most part their locations are unknown, orders given to their people from the shadows.
What happens if your character dies? They’ll respawn in their kingdom’s primary town.  
Do our characters still have their cellphones? Yes, and service is still up (somehow). It’s just... NPCs will try really hard to take them from you if you aren’t careful.
Should we put all of this event info for our characters somewhere? We recommend you make a post with all the relevant information!
Anything happening with the hole? Hole? What hole? The hole is gone, filled by a gigantic tree whose leaves and branches stretch out against the sky. There isn’t a place in any of the kingdoms where you cannot see it. And yet... the NPCs seem to have no idea it’s there. Hm.
I have a lot of questions! And we have answers! We’ll be composing a separate FAQ post shortly, but until then start sending your questions to our event sideblog so the dash isn’t overwhelmed. We will not be taking event questions via the main masterlist blog.
What was that about a circle of flame for a week in the event description? When the event was originally run we teased a circle of fire in the city sky a week before the event started. Memories of this circle have been included in the simulation of the event, so your character will remember seeing it.
How long will this event be running? This event is an extremely meaty event with two parts and a raid battle portion, and so we will be running it for four weeks to give everyone a fair chance to participate. A such it will end at 11:59:59PM on October 20th.
As a reminder... Powerless characters are often allowed to utilize their Fantasia War forms during combat events so if you haven't made one for them, this would be a good chance to do so!
Also please keep in mind... Because of how renewals work, your character should have no memories of the Fantasia portal in the Intraspace, which is a recreation of this event's setting.
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danaravi · 9 months
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❝ perhaps i was naïve to remark upon the peace and quiet of late. ❞ he should be accustom to this chaos by now.
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danaravi · 9 months
the weight of her body practically falling against his own does little to dissuade his stance; he stands firm, and welcomes her wholeheartedly into his embrace. his arms waste no time at all in wrapping around her, ushering her in as close to him as he can. lowering his head to rest upon hers, a warmth blooms in his chest, and he relishes in the feeling of her there. is this what a longing sated feels like? to reach out into that darkness and know someone would answer? there are no ghosts in the room in that moment, only a pair of beating hearts--- he had never felt so real, and so alive.
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his eyes flutter open to the quiver of her frame against his, sobs wracking her. turning his head, he lifts a hand to cradle the back of hers, and presses his nose into her hair with a whispered breath, almost as a parting gift... before she pulls away. karna looks upon her as her palms encircle his face, a weight besetting his chest. murmurs of worry crossing his features. he lays a hand over hers, an unspoken reminder that her fears have not yet come to pass. there is reminiscence in his touch; the way she called to him when he had found himself in great peril so long ago, held his face in her hands with such care as she does now.
... perhaps he had fallen in love with her a long time ago.
i love you.
... they are only a mere few words, and yet, they disarm him, stealing away every ounce of strength he has left to give. notes of surprise ebb into his expression, widening his eyes--- it is not a phrase he is accustom to hearing, nor the feelings that accompany it. for a servant, their fleeting existence did not permit such things when summoned to a war. it has... taken time to accept a place in this world, and everything granted to him with it.
after every battle fought, he is grateful to have finally had this opportunity to love.
shifting his hand to her cheek, karna prefaces his answer with a smile, ❝ ... and i love you. ❞
As she feels fingers brush away the tears that threaten to fall; as crimson eyes watch him closely, she lets out a shaky breath. It's a sigh of relief, of course. Ever has she been a prisoner to her own fears and doubts, but in this moment she feels a gentle euphoria wash over her. Never has seeing a smile brought her so much joy, nor could she ever have imagined something so simple causing such intense emotion within her and least of all because of love.
The force with which she wraps her arms around his waist would have caused any person to stumble back, but he doesn't. He felt solid and safe, his warmth encasing her soon after. Face buries into his chest, and she holds him close as if she lets go he'll vanish into thin air never to be seen again. Finally, she wells over and lets out a muffled sob.
"K-Karna…" she starts, only to tearfully repeat his name as though it were a mantra in between her tears. Saying it makes it real, being held by him makes it certain. He remembers, she remembers, and now they can begin to move forward again. "I missed you," she pulls back, nose red and eyes puffy. Hands then unwrapped from his waist and moved to cup his face in her hands, "I didn't want you to forget me. I couldn't bear for you to slip away…" She's trembling, both her hands and her voice but she can't go a moment longer without expressing how she feels even if it is inelegant.
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"I love you." Finally, she says it. It feels good to be able to say it again, though she'd never said it much in the beginning. What she'd lacked previously, she was going to make up for now. She was determined to.
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danaravi · 9 months
❝ on the contrary, ❞ he asserts gently, retrieving his own bicycle from its resting place behind the building, ❝ i consider it of great importance to assist my employees, even if it is to simply better my understanding of them as individuals. ❞
wheeling it out and guiding them both back onto the sidewalk, lancer mounts the seat, offering a small smile to his companion.
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❝ and... i am happy to do so. ❞ he gestures ahead, ❝ lead on, i will follow. ❞
Link gave a quick nod of his head-- though Karna had been absent since his own return, the swordsman was happy to continue the work he had been doing previously. In the grand scheme of things, perhaps the gesture in itself was small, but it brought him joy to see so many smiling faces just from a fresh bouquet of flowers.
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"I would like that," there remained the barest hints of a smile on his own lips, passing by the other and awaiting him to join his side. Even if he wasn't the most talkative person, his employer had a calming presence that made Link feel like he could divulge a little more than he usually did; even if they didn't know one another all too well.
"It isn't too far from here-- just on the other side of the market." He paused, adjusting his hold on the handles of his bike by squeezing them once, then twice. "If I'm keeping you from anything important, you don't have to come with me all the way."
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danaravi · 10 months
      though the emptiness in his chest aches, yearning for what is missing, there is little sense in toiling over troubles he cannot fix at present. they are wounds he must merely yield to the care of time; wait, and hope that they will heal. if not, then he shall keep those scars as well, for what is another to join the many? be it of the heart or flesh, he will accept them as his own.
                                   ... but there are some not so easily brushed aside.
      it’s not that simple anymore; his chest is fit to burst, and it is... an uncomfortable feeling, one he is not familiar with. it’s a pain he does not recognise, a stranger settling beneath his bones and taking root. he does not ask it to leave--- what purpose would that ultimately serve? it reminds him to let himself feel that loss, to experience it. he is no longer just a warrior, bereft a war to fight... but a lover, grieving the missing piece he found and wanted to protect.
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      tilting back the watering can from a pot of monstera, karna moves on to the next, dousing it in a gentle sprinkle. he can only busy himself with his work, mourning silently what has slipped through his fingers, but these are his own to tend to, and no-one else’s. when the bell chimes, announcing a visitor, he pauses to turn his head towards the sound. then, he turns back to resume watering another pot, enough to dampen the soil, before finally setting the can aside. no matter his turmoil, that is no excuse to keep a customer waiting.
      plucking a towel from the table on his way out, he dries his hands, stepping out from the back.
              ❝  i apologise for the delay---  ❞ he falters, as his eyes fall upon the other.
      his heart lurches, pounding against his ribcage--- but it is only a whisper compared to that of her expression to him in this moment. she is stilled by his presence, as though he were a ghost, and should she reach out, he would fall away like sand... and disappear. he sees her eyes, and knows that look well, that hesitation trapping her in her own thoughts. it... hurts to see her like that.
      his body moves on its own, willed forward towards her instead. abandoning the towel on the counter, he approaches her, slowly stealing away at that distance which parts them. only when he can count every lash, catch every glimmer of the sunlight bleeding through her locks of gold, does he stop. considering her fears, he lifts a hand to her face... and gently sweeps away a tear before it falls. the words keep slipping away, but it’s there; on his lips, in his gaze, in his touch as his palm lays flush with her cheek...
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      ... and finally, in his smile.
Fingers brush against the familiar handle of the flower shop she used to visit often. Karna's flower shop, to be exact. The gap in her memories had been enough to signify to her that something had happened, a void existing between the months she'd disappeared until waking up one day in an unfamiliar bed and sitting up in an entirely different room. Panic had been her first emotion, had she forgotten something important? No, her memories remained intact. She remembered everything, including the fond feelings she'd garnered for the lancer.
But she knew all too well how cruel fate could be. He had been the first to disappear, and she not long after. No time to mourn the loss, nor any to process what her next steps were. And that's exactly why she finds herself hesitating in front of the door, wondering whether or not she should bother to be here in the first place. If he didn't remember, it would crush her in such a way that she was entirely unsure of how she'd react. If he remembered, however, well…
Ereshkigal steels herself and opens the door. The sound of bells chiming as she enters, flowers neatly placed on display as they always were. She cautiously moves around the room, her heart threatening to leap from her very chest as she stops to stand in front of an arrangement of red peonies.
This is a mistake, she can't help but think to herself, and as soon as the thought comes to her, she's heading toward the door to leave. As she reaches for the handle, her departure is cut short by the sound of someone else walking into the room from the back. She freezes, bracing herself before finally turning to look at who it is. "…It's you." Who else could it be, really? There, Karna stands in the doorway.
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Ereshkigal does not move to meet him, instead opting to keep her distance. But she can already feel the beginnings of what are certainly tears begin to form as she tries not to give herself too much hope.
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danaravi · 10 months
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karna voice: hey wake up
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danaravi · 10 months
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✿ to : corn ✿ from : martel
[txt] : o [txt] : u miss some 🦆 ?? [txt] : me too 😃 [txt] : we surch to gether
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TO: Martel FROM: Karna
[ 1 / 2 ] They often visit my garden. [ 2 / 2 ] Perhaps we can begin our search there.
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danaravi · 10 months
“– Karna.”
The briefest lit of surprise colours Link’s voice, rounding the corner of the shop with his bike when he notices the owner standing in the threshold. It seems he had just come back after a delivery, and was perhaps eager to go out for the next– but the swordsman took pause to greet the man before he took off once more.
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“.. welcome back. Business has been well.”
       his eyes flicker towards a familiar voice, to which he angles himself with another smile.
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               ❝  ---link. working hard, i see.  ❞ he had always been an exceptional employee, even after all this time and a long absence, though that tends to happen in a place such as this. lancer contemplates their meeting for a moment, before opening the gate and standing aside.
               ❝  come. i shall accompany you on your next delivery--- if you permit me, of course. we haven’t had much opportunity to speak before now, so i wish to remedy that.  ❞
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danaravi · 10 months
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“ Flowers can thrive even in the most torrential of downpours. It’s surprising but expected. ”
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               ❝  indeed--- and i admire them for it.  ❞
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               ❝  the garden will he happier for it.  ❞
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danaravi · 10 months
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               ❝  the garden will he happier for it.  ❞
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" It should rain sometime soon......you can smell it on the air."
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