No where else but Vegas
REBLOG if your in vegas!
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Yes and enjoying it as much as you can imagine
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Would I ever always hard and horny!!
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Never heard it put exactly like this, but it is so true , and I may add never forget but always forgive and harbor no resentment. Let peace in your soul remain.
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1. Most of our life is spent chasing false goals and worshipping false ideals. The day you realise that is the day you really start to live.
2. You really, truly cannot please all of the people all of the time. Please yourself first and your loved ones second, everyone else is busy pleasing themselves anyway, trust me.
3. Fighting the ageing process is like trying to catch the wind. Go with it, enjoy it. Your body is changing, but it always has been. Don’t waste time trying to reverse that, instead change your mindset to see the beauty in the new.
4. Nobody is perfect and nobody is truly happy with their lot. When that sinks in you are free of comparison and free of judgement. It’s truly liberating.
5. No one really sees what you do right, everyone sees what you do wrong. When that becomes clear to you, you will start doing things for the right reason and you will start having so much more fun.
6. You will regret the years you spent berating your looks, the sooner you can make peace with the vessel your soul lives in, the better. Your body is amazing and important but it does not define you.
7. Your health is obviously important but stress, fear and worry are far more damaging than any delicious food or drink you may deny yourself. Happiness and peace are the best medicine.
8. Who will remember you and for what, become important factors as you age. Your love and your wisdom will live on far longer than any material thing you can pass down. Tell your stories, they can travel farther than you can imagine.
9. We are not here for long but if you are living against the wind it can feel like a life-sentence. Life should not feel like a chore, it should feel like an adventure.
10. Always, always, drink the good champagne and use the things you keep for ‘best’. Tomorrow is guaranteed to no one. Today is a gift that’s why we call it the present. Eat, Drink & Be Merry.
Donna Ashworth
From To The Women: words to live by
UK: https://amzn.eu/d/9tIvJab
US: https://a.co/d/2FaN5Ey
#timehastaughtme #growingwiser #women #inspiration #women #midlife
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More fun with a partner but solo is ok lol
Reblog if you masturbate while on tumblr
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Sometimes in succession 4,5,and sometimes 6 times depends on how strong the libido is banging.
Reblog if you masturbate while on tumblr
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702 Las Vegas
Reblog w/ Your Area Code
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Tweaker Roll Call. Just reblog with area code if you’re a tweaker. Let’s see which state gets the highest number of tweakers
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Of. Course you fricken perfectly beautiful 😍
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