dakkutaku · 1 year
Okay! Well since I've been doing it for the others, let's explain Ceruledge and why he's in Spain.
Well his design is probably inspired by Morien, the Black Knight of Arthurian legend. Morien got his name because he was Moorish.
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The Moors ruled parts of Andalucia (south Spain) for about 800 years. So he's based off the previous gen being England and still has ties to the current gen. Also Spain is know for Toledo Steel, which is one of the strongest steels in the world & was popular with swordsmiths.
Sir Morien was often described as a heroic and noble knight, so why a vengeful ghost? Well in other Arthurian legends the "Black Knight" (Not Sir Morien specifically) is a common supernatural adversary on the various quests of the knights of the round table.
Next up Armarouge!
Well let's start off with the "MegaMan Canon" everyone has pointed out. Spain invented the gun. So...there's that. 😬
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On a happier note! The most notable and well-known medieval Spanish knight was Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar, more popularly known as El Cid.
El Cid was from the kingdom of Castile, who's colors were crimson and gold. He reclaimed the Taifa of Valencia from Moorish control and ruled the principality till his death. Which makes him a good counter for Ceruledge who's based off a Moorish knight.
To this day he's considered in Spain as an ideal noble knight. Being strong, valiant, loyal, just, and pious.
So why a psychic type? I think Wikipedia actually does an excellent job of explaining it:
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dakkutaku · 1 year
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dakkutaku · 1 year
Honestly the thing that makes Occeus and Jentha such wonderful autism representation is that the creators are not afraid to get into the horrible experiences and disadvantages that come with the condition.
For Occeus, he spends most of the comic feeling defective and like a horrible person because of his inability to understand the people around him. This severely negatively impacts his relationships, even with his girlfriend that he loves to death, because he doesn’t know how to communicate and he is painfully aware of all his failings while he continues to struggle. On top of that, other members of the cast are not kind to him because of his flaws in communication, even if they don’t fully understand what he’s dealing with, it doesn’t do him any favours.
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[Image: Occeus speaking in a text confession to his girlfriend. Saying: “I’ve always felt like something was different about me. Our society is built on these strict expectations of strong feelings of mutual understanding of what we can do for others. Or what others can do for you. But I don’t understand other people, and other people don’t understand me either. So what do I have besides the capacity to work?”]
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[Image: Albion criticising Occeus for his failures in communication, particularly with his girlfriend, through a video call.]
For Jentha, she grew up isolated, suppressed and rejected because the adults who were meant to care for her couldn’t handle her needs and thus never taught her how to do so either. And thus, she continues to live in fear, resentment and self-isolation in the present day because she’s terrified of the outside world and how vulnerable she has become. Mainly due to those adults eventually suppressing her power and teaching it out of her in order to make her more palatable to them and other neurotypical people, to the vast detriment of herself.
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[Image: Jentha in her dimly lit bedroom surrounded by toys, being told via video call that she has no school today by her principal.]
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[Image: Jentha lying in a dirty room surrounded by toys, slowly starving alone because nobody is there to care for her.]
I love a lot of autism representation but not a lot of it ever dives as deep into how detrimental it can be to a person, both from themselves and because of outside treatment, and that honestly means so much to me as a person reading that in my favourite comic. These characters reached into my soul and made me relate harder than I ever have to any other character, I love them so much.
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dakkutaku · 1 year
What mod do you use on your minecraft skin to be able to have a tail and facial extensions? My bf is trying to make a skin and I'm trying to help him out.
Its Customizable Player Models! (I know, creative title) Also my model was made by the incredibly talented @breakbeatbun who also has a model of her own!
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Its even customized in a way that people who don't have the mod see a normal skin
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dakkutaku · 2 years
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dakkutaku · 2 years
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fuck it *genshins your hamsteak*
john - anemo
rose - hydro
dave - pyro
jade - cryo
jane - geo
roxy - hydro
dirk - electro
jake - dendro
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dakkutaku · 2 years
Through Shadowed Eyes, Chapter 27: The Other Side
Illustrations by @meraki-sunset.
New chapters will be posted weekly on Sundays, ending December 4th. Each new chapter will feature illustrations by a different artist.
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dakkutaku · 2 years
As some people requested, here are the condesce’s memories that flashed right before she dies and a quick explanation for them
This are spoilers for the update “Finish it” trom the Crow strider AU btw, check them out if you haven’t <3
TW: blood
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Young Condesce watching her reflection on her lusus beak
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Teenage Condesce having killed the previous empress, puting on her crown
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Still a teenager (you can see for her small hands) but already the planet’s ruler, executing someone
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Here she is a little older, burning down some city
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Killing her first descendant, stealing her life’s escence
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After capturing the Psiionic
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Killing another heiress
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A memory from the battle against the Summoner and Mindfang
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Killing yet another heiress
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Partying with the Grand Highblood because you can’t convince me she didn’t do that all the time
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The day the trolls played the game and provoqued the vast glub that killed all the troll species
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Finding out her hellsman was dead and was now stuck with the emergency power on the ship
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Centuries of waiting for the ship to reach alternia
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First encounter with lord english after killing the handmaid
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Pretending to be a human on Earth A, raising young Nanna, building her baking empire
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After killing Old Jade/Jake’s grandma on Earth B (is canon that she used skaia’s portals to travel from one session to the other, so it’s the same Condesce, Earth A was a trial and error)
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Flooded Earth B
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Comanding the dersites as the new queen of derse
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Controling Jane and Josh on the new timeline, before Vriska ruins her plan, puting them to sleep
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For reasons that not even she can comprehend, the last memory to flash before her eyes before biting the dust, was of her “least anoying” heir
And those were the condesce’s last thoughts
Edit: i forgot to mention this detail, but in all her memories, no one is looking at her in the eye directly, people who are looking at her are wearing glasses that cover their eyes in some way, have white eyes, have hair covering their eyes, the heireses “looking at her” are already dead. the only eyes that look back at her are her own in the reflections around her. Exept for John. He did look at her
i’ll make another post soon pointing out random stuff from Finish it, just details and hidden stuff
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dakkutaku · 2 years
What would happen if the condes won?
Oh boi
I've been looking for an excuse to talk about that.
So, in the doomed timeline where the ascending of the sprites and dead trolls never happened and The Condesce won the battle, she took planet earth and used ectobiology to rebuild the troll society
Almos everyone died on the battle exept for some people she managed spare so she could use later
Under the crown's mind control, Feferi took Jane's place as the legitimate heiress after she died on the battle. June became her Lady in waiting, a constant presence in her life to keep her mind active in a pasive way, so she doesn't lose her reason unded the crown's influence, since she is a fucciablood and should be very powerfull when she reaches adulthood and being mentaly unstable as an adult could result in the crown's control to stop working. Jade is also at her service as a body guard and right hand. June can also act as a secondary body guard
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Another person that the Condesce captured during the battle was Sollux. His body was found on John's wallet and was revived by Feferi. The Condesce turned him into the hellsman of Feferi's ship as she see fit that her hellman's descendant is her descendant's own hellsman (for her, capturing Sollux is like closing some twisted cicle where she is back in control of the hellsman's life but in the next generation with Feferi taking her place)
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As for the Condesce, She took John as a souvenir basically. Since he was her favorite heir and tough he could be usefull in the long run
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He became her evil minnion and living weapon. With him by her side she managed to rebuild her empire rather quicky while Feferi ruled New alternia, the brooding planet, and made sure no one dare step out of line
Everyone now fears not only the Condesce and the Heiress but their powerfull alien minnions who are always by their side
And that's one of the Crow Strider AU's bad ending, i've come up with many while making the comic
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dakkutaku · 2 years
Hi!! I dunno if you take art suggestions, if not then just consider it me sharing a cute concept I thought of with you, but - please think of Venti playfully shushing someone and lifting up his hat to reveal birb Xiao sleeping under it 😭 I discovered the official plushie yesterday and been thinking about that all day
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important things go in venti's hat, after all...!!
DISGUSTINGLY CUTE PROMPT thank you for the brainworm (':
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dakkutaku · 2 years
Baymax in the new Baymax! show buying pads for a girl who got her first period and getting help from people, including a trans man.
Some people are really mad about this, when he is literally a health care robot interested in people's physical and emotional needs.
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dakkutaku · 2 years
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All vast error edits of Gamzee I finished!
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dakkutaku · 2 years
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dakkutaku · 2 years
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Hello I'm Izzy and I drowned in Dolorosa and Singless feels again aksjaksjakks
I wanted to save this for 413 but I'm really proud of how this thingy looks! So I'm working on something else for 413... For now, have this lil snippet of thoughts Karkat has when he's out shopping with his mom Kanaya
I will forever treasure the fact that the Vantas and the Maryams always have this mother/son love going on. It's the real definition of love that goes beyond quadrants imo.
💕 Ko-Fi
💕 Commissions: OPEN
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dakkutaku · 2 years
Darle amor. Es demasiado precioso el comic
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It’s official, The Crow Strider AU is now on mspfa.com, all remastered and with better grammar (it’s not perfect, but it’s better)
It will be updated slowly
✨Go check it out here!✨
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dakkutaku · 3 years
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New commission sheets! DM me if interested!
Also, if you’d like to support me, please consider buying me a Ko-fi!
Commissions are currently open!
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dakkutaku · 3 years
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the video is meh but hey i made a pale king custom knight skin you can get it here
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