dailyalymonds-blog · 6 years
Ugaliing Magtanim Sapat na Nutrisyon Aanihin
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The Nutrition Month is a campaign held every July to create an awareness among Filipinos on the importance of Nutrition. The Nutrition Month’s Theme in 2018 is “Ugaliing magtanim, Sapat na nutrisyon aanihin”. The theme focuses on the importance of food security that addresses the importance of having a vegetable garden. In which the logo also depicts a family cultivating a family of food garden.
The Nutrition Month campaign also aims to contribute improved nutrition through improved food access by increasing the number of households, schools, and communities engaged in food gardens in which it also encourages the development of food gardens among families and in communities, schools, government offices, and workplaces.
The Nutrition month campaign is focused on gardening to prevent micronutrient deficiencies through diet diversification, reduce food insecurity or food poverty, and increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables. Through the impact of food gardening in the society it addresses the food and nutrition security by providing direct access to a variety rich food, increase the purchasing power, generates additional income, and provides a fallback during disasters.
Home Gardens were also established to:
• Reduce poverty
• Diversify income and rural employment
• Improve the quality and quantity of household food supply which also improves the nutrition
• Improves water and waste management at household and community levels
• Reduce pressure on wild food resources
What are the benefits of having a food garden?
• Improves Nutritional Status
• Improves household food security
• Increase availability and better Nutrition through food diversity
• Increase local biodiversity
• Alleviate food shortages during disaster
• Increase household income
• Offer opportunities for women, youth, elderly, and the disabled
• Foster community mobilization
• Health intervention
Every households are encouraged to have their own backyard garden at home or if there is no enough space, food can be planted in empty cans or empty plastics. It can be of different varieties, easy to grow and can supplement for food consumption of the family. It also improves the healthy food consumption of every individual with food production at home where every household can be food secured and can access to enough amount and variety of safe foods for their members to lead active and healthy lives. As a 4th year Nutrition and Dietetics student, I will help advocate the importance of food production in every household in the community since it can help them food secured and at the same time this can also be used as their source of livelihood.
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dailyalymonds-blog · 6 years
Pinggang Pinoy: A Healthier Plate Among Filipino Adults
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Have you ever heard of Pinggang Pinoy?
The Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI) created a visual tool to guide the Filipinos in consuming the right amount of food in every meal.
The Pinggang Pinoy becomes the familiar and easy to understand food plate model. The Pinggang Pinoy emphasizes the variety of diet in every individual which also comes with various models for specific population groups. Pinggang Pinoy has a version for kids (3-12 years old), teens (13-18 years old), Adults (19-59 years old), Elderly (60 years old and above) and lastly for the pregnant and lactating women.
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Pinggang Pinoy is composed of the Go, Grow, and Glow with a various symbols. Each symbols has different meaning for us to understand:
• The Banana represents the fruit portion, Banana was used since it was the most accessible type of fruit among Filipinos.
• The Malunggay represents the vegetable portion since it is loaded with nutrients and it can be found anywhere and it is abundant in the country.
• Fish represents the meat portion, since fish is a staple in any household due to its availability and affordability.
• Rice represents the grain portion by a cup of rice, since rice is a good source of carbohydrate and commonly eaten food in the Philippines. And rice is the most preferred by the Filipinos as their source of carbohydrates.
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Pinggang Pinoy is a food plate model that uses to convey the proper food group proportion of the plate of every Filipinos.
That is why pinggang pinoy was created in order to provide the consumers with a visual guide to encourage the people to eat what is right.
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dailyalymonds-blog · 6 years
WATER a vital need for a Human Being đź’§
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Have you heard of the saying that water is life? Well it’s a fact since water is essential for us to stay alive.
Several differences of requirements of water are often attributed to age, gender, and aerobic fitness. Water is a vital need for human beings since it has several functions for us to stay alive.
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• It composes 75% of your brain
• Regulates body temperature
• Makes up 83% of our blood
• Removes waste
• Composes 22% of your bones
• Cushions your joints
• Helps carry nutrients and oxygen to your cells
• Moistens oxygen for breathing
• Helps convert food to energy
• Protects and cushions your vital organs
• Helps the body absorb nutrients
• Makes up 75% of your muscle
These are the recommended Water Intake: Adults = 1 ml/cal, Infants and Children = 1.5 ml/cal or approximately 1.5-2.5 litters or 8- 10 glasses of water a day.
The average daily intake of water is 2500 ml from fluids and foods. The average daily output is also 2500 ml (urine, feces, perspiration, and insensible perspiration).
Water is important as we get them from fluids such as drinking water, water beverages, and water in food (such as soups, stews, sauces, salads, and fruits which also obtains more than 20% of their daily water from foods).
Water is essential to life, that’s why it is important for us drink water for us to get hydrated. There are a lot of health benefits that we can get from water, aside from water is cheaper compared to other beverages which contains high sugar content which is not also good for our body.
Always remember that WATER is the best drink that can quench our thirst.
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dailyalymonds-blog · 6 years
Why Taking up Nutrition and Dietetics
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Everything has change a dream to reality. Years ago, I don’t know on what career should I choose. All I ever wanted is that I need to graduate college, get a stable job and live the life which I wanted to happen.
It was my mom who decided for me to enroll in the program BSND (Bachelor of Science Nutrition and Dietetics) and me as a good daughter I gave it a try and that’s where my college life begins. As I entered the university, I saw many unknown faces which gave me some goosebumps. Honestly, I really don’t know what to do it seems like I am going to a battle unprepared.
Taking the program BSND is not my idea rather my choice it was all on my mom since she is a Registered Nutritionist Dietitian. It made me believe to some old peoples saying, “like mother, like daughter” and yes its really true I followed her and started my BSND Life.
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It was a roller coaster ride for me in taking BSND, I had so many ups and downs. It is not easy to repeat some minor subjects, difficult to move on being left alone with your friends and lastly very difficult to deal with depression and different people with different attitudes or personalities.
These experiences made me tough, we might sometimes encounter them which taught us a lesson that not everything you are going to experience is easy, that’s why they say that experience is the best teacher. Nutrition and Dietetics pushed me through my limits and helped me to become the best version that I can be. It helped me opened my eyes to see the reality of life and become the inspiration to change for a healthier lifestyle and a healthier community.
Alyanna Seville
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