d1srupt1on · 2 years
The people reblogging this seem to be missing the message of arming a mentally pressured population and giving power and means to violent people. Suck my cock ya cowards
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This was my first collage looking into my theme of war and how it effects people. All of the images come from photographers during the bosnian war of 1992-95. On the top right, there is a Bosnian rebel aiming his sniper at Serbian soldiers from his 20th story tower block. It was taken around ‘93 in Sarajevo, Bosnia, and this was a common occurence during the war as civillians had to take matters into their own hands as the Serbian army and the JNA did not have much regard for general rules of war and they were a lot better equipped than the bosnian or croat forces. The bottom right shows a Croat soldier, obviously exhausted, and resting during a battle. Bosnians and Croats were allied for most of the war however tensions were often high between them, mainly due to the difference in religious beliefs. On the left side, both are examples of Serbian Republic Soldiers. The top one is a serbian rifleman with rocket grenades on his back. these were common along with mortars as there was a no fly zone enforced by the UN over the country during the war. Bottom left shows a serbian unit known as Arkan’s Tigers. They were feared by Bosnians and Croats due to their high skill and their disregard of mercy. Later on after the war had finished, Arkan himself was tried and found guilty of war crimes.
The effect this war had on the people involved in it was not only fear and terror for civilians, but it also created egomaniacs and soldiers out of normal people.
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d1srupt1on · 6 years
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d1srupt1on · 6 years
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d1srupt1on · 6 years
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This is a collage I made of my different fabric experiments that i have done during the week. The main background is a large piece of calico that i dyed 3 times using different types of dye and colours to make it seem as though it had been bled on and washed multiple times. it came from a film in which i saw hospital bedcovers used during WW1 being reused with only a wash in water due to the high demand. I think this is very effective and gives off a strong impression of what it is representing. Another version of this fabric is also seen with bleach applied to it, but the red stains are still visible, showing that even after the bleach, the memories of what had happened to the fabric before still remained. For the denim, I used a variety of things on it including marbling and hand dyeing in the sink. I also used it because one of my friends used sharpies to customise it first, before the bleach and dyes. I like the bright colours and the grimy look of the piece contrasdting but i dont think that i could link it well to my theme.
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d1srupt1on · 6 years
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these are my series of experiments that i have completed over the past week. i have tried to use photos from my moodboards and pinterest and i used the photos in my own style of drawing, using a monochrome theme and then emphasizing the main parts of the drawing in bold sharpie colours. i think this technique works well with the drawings because you can see the main parts of the piece and they stand out as the first thing that draws attention, with the rest of the picture seeming washed out as though its not important. then for the bike one, i overlayed a clear plastic sheet on top of news article cut outs and frew on it wiht sharpie. this gave it a distinct look with the bold colours and more depth with the addition of another layer.
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d1srupt1on · 6 years
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d1srupt1on · 6 years
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This was my first collage looking into my theme of war and how it effects people. All of the images come from photographers during the bosnian war of 1992-95. On the top right, there is a Bosnian rebel aiming his sniper at Serbian soldiers from his 20th story tower block. It was taken around '93 in Sarajevo, Bosnia, and this was a common occurence during the war as civillians had to take matters into their own hands as the Serbian army and the JNA did not have much regard for general rules of war and they were a lot better equipped than the bosnian or croat forces. The bottom right shows a Croat soldier, obviously exhausted, and resting during a battle. Bosnians and Croats were allied for most of the war however tensions were often high between them, mainly due to the difference in religious beliefs. On the left side, both are examples of Serbian Republic Soldiers. The top one is a serbian rifleman with rocket grenades on his back. these were common along with mortars as there was a no fly zone enforced by the UN over the country during the war. Bottom left shows a serbian unit known as Arkan's Tigers. They were feared by Bosnians and Croats due to their high skill and their disregard of mercy. Later on after the war had finished, Arkan himself was tried and found guilty of war crimes.
The effect this war had on the people involved in it was not only fear and terror for civilians, but it also created egomaniacs and soldiers out of normal people.
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d1srupt1on · 6 years
Project Proposal
Rationale: For my project, I need to work on techniques such as pocket making, printing and distressing amongst the usual dressmaking and pattern cutting skills. I have an idea of how I want the dress, it simply needs to be visualized and illustrated in the correct style. The skills I need are important to work on because I can utilize them again in different ways for another project because they are each versatile in their own way. The skills need development so I have a high quality finished piece and so my piece is as I envisioned it.
Project Concept: For my theme, I have chosen to go with conflict and manmade disasters and how they disrupt people’s lives in a lot of ways. Everything from terrorism to pollution and radiation I am going to look at and see how they fit into my theme and the ways that people’s lives and the earth itself are disrupted. I think for my piece, I want to create a militarised dress that is also printed/painted on and has the look of an army jacket or vest, with a quite utilitarian look, but also distressed and worn in so that it represents the feelings that the victims of these things go through. This could also represent the destruction these things cause to their surrounding areas, not only the people. My research will be half into designers and artists and half into events that are in the categories I’m looking at. I can do lots of experimentation with different things such as proportions of the dress, placement of the surface decoration and colours used amongst other things. I feel like the design process will flow naturally alongside these two things and I can progress the design ideas as I learn more.
Evaluation: My ideas will fit the brief enough, without following it in a basic way and still have my own twist. My garment is realistic in design but time may be an issue so I will have to plan the making. The blunt topic and unapologetic design of the dress will make it effective in my opinion.
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