d18126472-blog · 5 years
Time mangment
What are some good time management skills. 
Here are some organizational skills example buzzwords and terms related to time management:
Goal Setting. Time management is not a standalone skill.
prioritisation. The biggest reason that most people struggle with prioritisation i
self-awareness. No two people like to work the same way
Decision making
Communication Skills. _______________________________________________________
Q2 How can I improve my time management skills? 
Make a Schedule – and Stick to It. Start improving your time management skills by organizing your days and weeks in advance.
Account for Good Distractions. 
Stay Away From the Bad Distractions.
Get Some Tech Help.
Never Procrastinate
__________________________________________________________  Q3Here are some organizational skills example buzzwords and terms related to time management: 
Creating and keeping deadlines.
eating and keeping deadlines. Delegation. Goal setting and meeting goals. Decision making.
Managing appointments.
Team management.
Project management.
Making schedules.                                                                                         Q4 How do you overcome time management problems? 
Turn off notifications. 
Set priorities and goals. 
Don't procrastinate.
Time block your day and schedule. 
Organize your data. 
Institute systems and processes. 
Develop a routine.
Set boundaries.  
Pake a Schedule – and Stick to It. Start improving your time management skills by organizing your days and weeks in advance. 
Set Some Boundaries
Goal setting and meeting goals.
Decision making.
Managing appointments.
Team management.
Project management.
Making schedules.
How do you overcome time management problems?
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d18126472-blog · 5 years
What sugar does to your body?
Kicking the Sugar Habit. When you eat excess sugar, the extra insulin in your bloodstream can affect your arteries, part of your body's circulatory system. It causes their walls to grow faster than normal and get tense, which adds stress to your heart and damages it over time.
It is often said that brown sugar is a healthier option than white sugar. But you can chalk that up to clever marketing or plain and simple illusion. ... Because of its molasses content, brown sugar does contain certain minerals, most notably calcium, potassium, iron and magnesium.
Sugar is higher on the glycemic index (GI) than honey, meaning it raises blood sugar levels more quickly. This is due to its higher fructose content, and the absence of trace minerals. But honey has slightly more calories than sugar, although it is sweeter, so less may be required.
Sugar is higher on the glycemic index (GI) than honey, meaning it raises blood sugar levels more quickly. This is due to its higher fructose content, and the absence of trace minerals. But honey has slightly more calories than sugar, although it is sweeter, so less may be required. Dr Huda
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d18126472-blog · 5 years
How to work in group
Group work requires both interpersonal and process management skills. Group work is included in a course to provide a safe environment in which you can try out new ideas and practices and learn some group skills. Some of the skills you need to develop are outlined here, you will discover some others for yourself.
Interpersonal skill
Building positive working relationships
Communicating effectively in meetings
Negotiating to agree on tasks and resolve conflicts
Accommodating people with different cultural orientations and work habits
Process management skills
Identifying group goals and dividing work
Planning and complying with meeting schedules and deadlines
Managing time to meet group expectations
Monitoring group processes and intervening to correct problems
Interpersonal skills and considerations
Take some time early on to chat with and get to know each of your group mates. The better you know one another and the more comfortable you are communicating with one another, the more effectively you will be able to work together. The online discussion set up for your group can be used to exchange information about backgrounds and interests as an icebreaker that elicits information that may not normally be available. The online discussion often helps people who are shy or reluctant to speak in a conversational way.
Build a culture of mutual respect within your group. You probably had little or no choice of your group mates, and you may have to produce several pieces of work in this group. It is best to get over these differences quickly: you will not have much choice of your team mates in the workplace and you will be under considerably more pressure there to be productive. Group members must:
feel comfortable voicing their opinions, and feel that these opinions will be listened to.
feel that all group members are contributing positively to the tasks by keeping to agreed procedures and plans and producing good quality work, on time.
feel that their feelings are being considered by team members, yet the goals and objectives of the group are not being compromised to accommodate the whim or the wants of a few members.
Make sure that you both express your views and listen to others. There is nothing wrong with disagreeing with your group mates, no matter how confident they may seem to be about what they are saying. When you disagree, be constructive and focus on the issue rather than the person. Likewise when someone disagrees with you, respect what they are saying and the risk that they took in expressing their   opinion. Try to find a way forward that everybody can agree to and that isn't the opinion of just one confident or outspoken member.
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d18126472-blog · 5 years
I am currently a student on the DIT’s  Access Foundation Programme and have undertaken electives in Business. All of my previous working experiences to date have involved working with dentist and patient, administration in school. I studied science before and I tried to be a dentist but I was unlucky to achieve my dream. Then I thought to study business. I studied the first-semester accounting and marketing.i will study in next semester economic and management. so far I like it the subjects. My goal is that I want to be one of the successful businesswomen in the world. To achieve my goal I have to apply for a job in any business company. I have to study hard and learn the material not just for the exam but I should use the education to apply it to the job. for start I can work in business online such as in Facebook, Instagram, snapchat, twitter because they do not require any degree. so I can earn money and build my skill in the business job. I am considered by all who know me as working good in group, patient, trust, and kind. I have to build my skill in presentation and working in a group which I will face that in the job. If I get the opportunity to work with the famous and successful company than I will build very good experience from the people with the professional capacity and improve my skill. I am looking forward to an opportunity to pursue this lifelong dream on a professional level.
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