czechoboy05 · 4 years
Ideology & Cultural Identity
In your own words, why do you believe ideology is an important part of storytelling?
Ideology is important to be in a movie to help the audience to expose them to a broad range of beliefs and value systems. Therefor the audience need to think about how it makes them feel. This allows the audience to be more involved in the story
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czechoboy05 · 4 years
Different Media Platforms & Contexts
1) Select a platform as the one you believe to be the most effective with engaging the audience in story. Explain why.
Ø I think that the Gaming industry is the platform with the engagement with the audience because it allows the person to interact more with the story by playing the game then just watching the movie.
2) Which do you believe to be the most ineffective - Justify why.
Ø Me personally I think its reading is the most ineffective because I don’t enjoy reading and it just doesn’t work for me.
3) Which demographic (specific group of people - women 35-45, young families etc.) is most likely to engage with each of the platforms?
• Cinema - male and female 14-35
• Drive In Theatre - Teenagers and families
• Television - Everyone
• Mobile Phone & Digital Tablet storytelling - Children and teenagers
• Digital/Video Gaming - Teenagers in some cases middle age man
• Online or Smart TV streaming services such as Netflix, Hulu & Amazon Prime - Everyone
4) In your own words, explain why audience reception is an important part of storytelling.
Ø I think it is very import that the story telling brags the audience reception and then keeps it to give the viewer the best possible experience in order to tell more people to go and watch the movie.
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czechoboy05 · 4 years
Audience Expectations & Engagement
1. Construct a list of the benefits that audience receive by engaging with narratives, and then construct a parallel list of television show, films or video games that provide this benefit. Ø Escape from self (Escapism) - Entering a fictional world allows you to take on the lives and experiences of other people. (CS:GO) Ø Safe peril - Enjoying horror or thriller movie from the comfort of their home the same way that people enjoyed it many years ago. (I love screaming at drunk Australians in CS:GO) Ø Extraordinary Events - Living with the hero and but from the comfort of their home (I feel like I'm in the action and throwing those flashbacks) Ø Guiding behaviours/problem solving - audience can learn how to problem solve by looking at other people struggling and fixing it (I lean from this game because I help me learn to quickly solve problems CS:GO) Ø Identity role playing - transforming in to another hero and live his life. (A good captain or army leader in CS:GO is so funny) Ø Social Values and beliefs - (CS:GO creates friendships) 2. Explain the reasons why you have identified particular narratives to match the benefits, to demonstrate you understand the connections. Ø Video games allows me to escape in to another world and not worry about real life struggles for a couple of hours. 3. With a partner, discuss occasions when you have found yourself actively refusing to suspend disbelief. These could be occasions when you told yourself "it's ok, it's only a movie" or occasions when you were unable to get into the story right from the start. Explain why you think your disbelief could not be suspended. Ø I tell myself that it's just a movie basically anytime I'm watching a horror movie which a very rarely because I hate them. There for I'm not able to suspend my-self into the movie. 4. Think about the last film, television show or game you watched/played. How "transported" were you? Answer using Green and Brock's transportation scale - Transport Narrative Questionnaire. Explain why this was the case. Ø The Italian Job movie 1) 6 2) 5 3) 7 4) 6 5) 7 6) 7 7) 6 8) 5 9) 2 10) 4 11) 6 12) 7 5. Analyse and explain how gaming media has both similarities and differences to films and television shows in terms of audience engagement, identity role play and suspension of disbelief. Justify your answer with examples. I would say that both of them have massive level of engagement on their audience but I still think that games are able to pull in the audiences a bit more.  
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czechoboy05 · 4 years
Miscellaneous Narrative Progression & Story in Other Media Forms
1) Select a movie you have seen with an alternative plot structure and symbolise this structure with a labelled graph representation. 
-I have selected a game called Star Wars Jedi Fallen order. The plot stature is linear even tho the main character capped coming back to places he already discovered but as the story progress he learns new skills an therefor he can use those skills to explore more of the already known location.  
2) Estimate the real world time that the story of the this plot would have taken. 
-The game is based about 230-60 million years ago.  
3) Explain in your own words how the gaming and film/TV media types borrow from each other. Clarify the effect and influence they have on each other's narrative types. Feel free to use examples if you know any :) 
-The majority of the narrative single player games now days are basically like interactive movies for example Uncharted 4, Horizon zero Done, Star wars Jedi Fallen Order. Also I would say that we see these types of games more on consoles like PS4 or Xbox1 and not as much on PC.
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czechoboy05 · 4 years
Narrative Theory (Propp)
1. How does Propp's theory compare to the other narrative and story theories we have looked at so far?  
-Propp's theory is more focus on around the hero him/her self and not on the individual story of each character. 
 2. What differences can you see between Campbell's Character Archetypes and Propp's?  
-The main difference I see is that Propp's story need an existing hero to make sense but Campbells doesn't. 
3. Evaluate these similarities and differences and explain how you see them in the films and television series you watch today. 
-The Propp's theory can be seen in a movie like Star Wars or any other super hero movie. Campbell's theory can be seen in mostly Tv shows like Friends.
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czechoboy05 · 4 years
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Character Archetype Worksheet 
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czechoboy05 · 4 years
Looking at the Hero's Journey figure above, consider a recent movie you have just seen. Can you see this structure forming part of the unfolding of the story? Write approximately 50 words to explain how that film fit this narrative structure.
Last movie I have seen was HOT FUZZ and it start off with him being a very good and successful police officer and the CALL FOR ACTION is when his commanding officer transfers him to a police station in a small village he REFUSES THE CALL but is forced by everyone in London to leave because he is too good. When he gets there he start to arrest everyone for the smallest thing like he did in London but then he meets his captains son as his MENTOR. He then spends time with him and learns the way to work in a smaller village. But as the move goes on there start to become obvious that there is something going on because the village has no Murders what so ever just Accidents and there were about 3 in the last 3 days so he start to investigate and finds that there is a cult running the village and Assassinating everyone who doesn’t agree with them. That’s when he finds out that the main villain is actually his police Captain and he concurs him and gets the REWARD of finding peace and a good friend. Then he is offered to go on a ROAD BACK TO LONDON but he refuses and stays in the small village.
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czechoboy05 · 4 years
Q3) List the casual agent(s) applicable to the movie, what type were they?
The causal agents in STAR WARS EPISODE 6: RETURN OF THE JEDI would have to be the empire, or more accurately the emperor who is also the main antagonist of the film. The emperor is the main reason that Luke felt compelled to kill his father (who at the time he was trying to redeem) and is also the one who ordered the Death Star to be built. He also turns on the both of them during the final battle, ultimately resulting (however not directly the cause of) Vader's death.
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czechoboy05 · 4 years
Q2) Explain the effect that the ending of each scene had on the characters at that point.
The effect of Luke Skywalker killing Jabba the Hutt and rescues Han Solo. He then goes back to the Dagobah system to visit Master Yoda but while he is there he Yoda dies in his arms and tells him the truth about his father Darth Vader and that Prices Lea is his sister. The resistance creates a plan to destroy the Newly build Death Star. Meanwhile Luke lets himself be captured and taken to the Emperor himself in sway Vader back to the bright side of the force and try to kill the Emperor. But because Vader can't see his son getting tortured by the Empire and helps his son by throwing the Emperor down though the fuel shaft and "killing him". Princes lean making out with Han Solo
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czechoboy05 · 4 years
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Select a movie that you are very familiar with. The movie should have a good linear story line, without many flashbacks and other complicated story structures. Construct a flow chart of cause and effect. On the flow chart, systematically arrange each major scene.
#foryoupage #starwars #besttrilogy 
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czechoboy05 · 5 years
This is my final animation for the first term. 
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czechoboy05 · 5 years
This is my final animation it is called Bug Golf. Enjoy 
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czechoboy05 · 5 years
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czechoboy05 · 5 years
Inspiration and trails (images, text, screengrabs, superseded ideas)
I got the idea for the Bug-Ball from the movie (Rango 2011) and the idea for golf from me because I play golf.
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czechoboy05 · 5 years
What sounds will be played during the animation? (description and purpose)
1. shot > There will be a sound of a golf swing and the sound of the impact of the club with the Bug-Ball
2. shot > There will be a sound of the sound of the ball going truth the air.
3. shot > There will be a sound of a crowd clapping.
4. shot > There will be a sound of a crowd clapping and screaming and then the sound of the Bug-Ball falling in to the hole.
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czechoboy05 · 5 years
How is it going to happen? (logistics of making the images move)
1. shot > The golfer will swing and hit the ball.
2. shot > The Bug-Ball will be flying through the air.
3. shot > The ball will finish somewhere on the green close to the hole
4. shot > The ball will open in to on armadillo the it will crawl in to the hole for a hole in one 
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czechoboy05 · 5 years
What is going to happen? (Diagram with the key images)
It will start with a shot on the golfer hitting the Bug-ball then it will cut to the ball flying through the air and it will land on the green and stop some distance from the hole so the Bug-Ball roles out in to a little bug and and crawls in to the hole.
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