Yeah, I've learned how to use it quite a bit, I helped during the war with Malefor. I mainly know how to use my flame breath efficiently, as well as being able to use fireballs pretty well too. But that's mainly it, I don't know much else otherwise. If anything I might be able to help teach other fire dragons, but like you said we would need someone with a lot more experience to teach the more powerful abilities a fire dragon can use.
Ah, well I'm afraid what we need is a master of Fire. Someone who can manipulate it like no other. A dragon who is unrivalled in his abilities. Someone just like Ignitus really...
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I must say, I'm surprised at how many students the temple has come to house, and how many color variants dragons can be. It also seems that I've made some friends with two of the older earth students. So, how the training with the ice students coming along?
The training is going well; we're only in the early stages but we already have a few promises of talent. It's good to hear that you're all getting along over there; I've had to deal with -far- too much bickering over here lately.
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Well I'm back myself. And I heard about the training school was active now in the temple, sounds like something I would be interested in....Except who's gonna teach me how to use my fire element if Ignitus isn't around?
I suppose you have a right to know. So far we have not managed to arrive at a conclusion about this. We can teach you to a certain level, such as discovering your element and the basic uses of your fire, but I'm afraid we cannot teach you the finer arts. We can still offer other teachings in other subjects but, until we find a suitable replacement, your's will be a journey of self-discovery.
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Cyril! You've been gone a while. I was worried you weren't coming back.
Not coming back? Preposterous! You kept all four of us quite busy enough Spyro a few years ago and there was only one of you. Now there are less of us and even more hatchlings. I've barely enough time to breathe between all the age groups! I might take a little longer now to post but the day I stop posting is the day Volteer becomes mute!
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Our doors are open once again, though this time for the older dragons who wish to join the programme. The hatchlings, we have decided, are old enough now that we can allow ourselves to let a few 'hired hands' look after them while we train the older students and they are now old enough that they too require some level of education which we will supply. Our gates will remain open for two weeks for new students to arive and already today we've recieved a few. I must admit though, I'm not too excited by how well the males and females are mingling here, a little too well for my tastes...
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I apologise, my loyal followers, for my recent inactivity. It appears that the youthful energy of hatchlings drains my own. However, I will make the effort tonight to announce that, as of next week, we are accepting a number of new students to the Temple’s training school. Generally we are looking for young specimens but we will accept most. Once entrants have undergone a short trial to determine their abilities, they will be shown to their rooms to prepare themselves and meet their fellow students. Classes will begin a week later once we’ve completed the trials and assigned groups based on your capabilities. As for the hatchlings, I will update you in the next few days, once I am rested~
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Assuming you mean Volteer based on that last sentence in your last post. I know how much he can go on and on... xD
Oh? Someone else who shares my pain perhaps? Maybe the two of us can acquire a muzzle of sorts to give his poor, tired tongue a rest and, of course, our ears too. That’d solve one of two main problems~
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We're fast approaching the start of lessons now and we'll soon be accepting other students to join us. Due to age differences we'll have to have many different classes from the hatchlings we now have up to the more experienced young dragons. Though it'll be a much harder balancing act this year without Ignitus... Enough of that though; onto the hatchlings instead. Some of them are now beginning to imitate speech, a few are even close to full words already. While it might seem adorable at first, having 8 yapping hatchlings in your ear all day long soon loses it's cuteness. One of the young females in particular, an electric dragon I'm assuming from her colour, seems to yip on and on without relenting. It's funny, she almost reminds me of...
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No Cyril, Anima is real. I suppose I'll have to introduce you to her.
Very well... I'll see you once you arrive
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You need help with all those hatchlings, Cyril?
I appreciate the offer but I think we can handle it. You forget that we've raised more hatchlings than you can possibly imagine; I'm sure we can handle this group too, even though we have a few...'troublemakers' this year...
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I say, it's about time we started merging our hatchling groups together. Yes, it must be about that time. I just wish I was more rested for it. Dealing with 8 hatchlings is difficult enough, but dealing with 24! That's when you need to be best prepared! Often there are fights, escape attempts, tantrums and everything else in between. It's a rare case indeed when we aren't all busy. Still, my decision still stands. Tomorrow we shall begin getting the hatchlings used to the larger group, a group that will soon become a class~
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hey Cyril, long time no see how you doing Guardian of ice
I apologise for the long wait; the hatchlings are still quite a handful. They're becoming less dependant now but they're capable of much more and that is when you need to watch them the most. To answer your question though I am well, tired but well. It's no more than I expected and nothing I can't handle. If Malefor's army couldn't finish me off then a group of hatchlings definitely won't~
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How can hatchlings, who spend so little time sleeping, be so active? I don't remember them being this excitable. It's like having 8 little Volteers, although instead of talking they squeek and chirp. And now they're starting to grasp how to grab things and chew them. I don't think I own anything that isn't riddled with bite-marks, my legs included!
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Just out of curiosity, has there ever been a dragon without an element? With so many elements out there, it would almost make sense to have one without.
As far as I’m aware no. Every dragon has at least one element but there are varying degrees of ability within that element, ranging from Guardians right down to the very least competent. For example, a dragon may be a Fire dragon but have very little ability, so much so that they may only be able to use their fire breath and nothing else. In that way they can look as though they don’t have an element but believe me they do. Admittedly when capabilities are that low it can be difficult to tell what element they are and, more often than not, scale colour and body type are needed to help identify it.
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Are there only four elements?
No, there are in fact many more. Originally the four elements were Earth, Water, Wind and Fire. Over time these adapted and cross-breeding of elements took place and we've ended up with many new ones. Newer elements like Ice and Electricity have only been around for a short time comparatively and elements like Poison are only just surfacing. However Fire, Ice, Electricity and Earth are some of the most common elements and so it was decided that the Guardians would come from those elements.
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ooc: Oh look I found a spyro rp blog! 8D
A spyro rp blog...? I'm not sure what "rp" is (though I'm sure Volteer the Living Dictionary will inform me soon) however this blog has very little to do with Spyro; I'm Cyril, the great Guardian of Ice, Master of his element, Overseer of the tundras and glaciers. Spyro was one of my students. He was our greatest student yes but even he had to be taught. Why without me he'd be one element short of a purple dragon now, wouldn't he? Not only that but now I'm raising a group of 8 hatchlings and maintaining this blog; where's my fanbase?!
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I forgot how much of a handful hatchlings were, even with three Guardians! I apologise for not updating faster but things are very busy. I'll sum things up quickly; all 24 dragons have hatched, 14 males and 10 females and all healthy. I will keep you all posted but if you want to know more then ask and I will answer when I can.
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