cursed-force-saber · 1 year
Attention to my Discord friends!
I am unable to access Discord because of technical difficulties. Unfortunately, a lot of my servers also deleted. I will be on Tumblr until I can access my account again. My Discord is flowerysabers#4647. If you know me from there or were in any of my servers, please continue to contact me through here.
I am in the process of recovering my deleted servers.
Love you guys!
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cursed-force-saber · 1 year
COPYWRITE CLAIM: This fan-made character belongs to me @arabianflowers and is original! Any attempt to plagiarize will be met with consequences. Please read my rules and preferences before interacting! The poster at the end of this profile was created by me.
DISCLAIMER: I only own my characters. Any other characters mentioned as well as certain pre-existing Star Wars lore belong to Disney and Lucasfilm. I also do not personally know Aramis Knight.
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FULL BIRTH NAME: Malipueri Xenos
CURRENT AGE: 20 years
GENDER: Cisgender Male
OCCUPATION: Sith Apprentice (formerly), Jedi Padawan (formerly), Jedi Healer (currently)
PLACE OF RESIDENCE: Mos Eisley, Tatooine
PORTRAYER: Aramis Knight
CHARACTER ARC SUMMARY: Malipueri Xenos, commonly known as M.X., was a young man born in 19 ABY on the planet of NaJedha. When he was only two years old, his mother and father traveled to the lawless criminal-filled planet of Tatooine. They left him there in hopes that someone would find him and take care of him because they were afraid to take care of him themselves. A Sith Lord named Darth Hex disguised as a Jedi Master had convinced them that M.X. was dangerous and had power that was unable to be tamed. When M.X.’s parents left him on Tatooine, he unintentionally killed them with the power of the Force as they were leaving in their spaceship to go back to NaJedha, fueled by his anger and sadness at his parents' departure. He repressed the memory and Hex took him in as her own to turn him into a powerful Sith to use at her disposal, training him in the dark side of the Force. When M.X. turned eighteen years old, Hex gave him a mission to seek out a scavenger named Rey and kill her, and he accepted the task blindly without question.
On M.X.’s way to find Rey, he was caught in an asteroid field and crash landed on the planet D’Qar, where he was rescued by a kind young Jedi Padawan. He was touched by her kindness and formed a quick connection with her, only to discover that she was the Jedi who he was tasked to kill. M.X. became extremely conflicted the longer that he was undercover with the Resistance. He found himself falling deeply in love with Rey and was willing to go to great lengths to protect her, even if it meant disobeying Hex. When he began to question Hex, she manipulated his past memories to make him believe that Rey was the person who killed his parents, leading him to hate the woman who he had grown to love. In a battle against the Sith Lord Kylo Ren, during which M.X. and Rey were supposed to be fighting together, M.X. turned on a completely unaware Rey and accused her of killing his parents. Having a moment of sympathy, Kylo defended Rey and fought against M.X., cutting off his arm and leaving a permanent lightsaber scar on his cheek, knocking him unconscious afterwards. Kylo allowed Rey to escape, but Rey refused to leave M.X. and brought him with her as she left. He awoke in the medical bay at the Resistance base, realizing that he had been given a robotic prosthetic arm as a replacement for the one that he lost. Upon awaking, he tried to attack a heartbroken Rey again, leading to his imprisonment at the base.
Rey refused to give up on him. She tried to speak to him when he awoke and confessed her love for him, only for him to call her a liar. Despite this, she never gave up hope. General Leia Organa of the Resistance had hope for him as well, so she decided to take him under her wing and train him to control his dark power. M.X. decided to be compliant with Leia as an attempt to gain her trust and make his mission easier. Leia knew that M.X. had been manipulated and, in due time, he recovered, though the truth about his parents’ death was still repressed and he convinced himself that Hex killed them. As an act of revenge, M.X. decided that he wanted to train to be a Jedi, though overtime, he began to appreciate the teachings of the Jedi and truly wanted to become one. Hex, who loved M.X. like a son in her own twisted way, was devastated that he had betrayed her, so he was not safe from her wrath that was soon to come.
The following year, the galaxy was threatened by Sheev Palpatine, a former Sith Emperor who had been resurrected, and M.X. felt more determined than ever to protect Rey. After the threat was announced, Rey and her rebel friends traveled to the planet Passana to uncover a Sith Wayfinder, but M.X. had a feeling that he would jeopardize the mission if he tagged along, so he stayed at the base. While he was at the base, he dealt with his conflicting feelings. He was still recovering from years of trauma and brainwashing, and though Hex manipulated him, he was still attached to her and he still cared about her. Before Rey traveled to Exegol to confront Palpatine,
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