curly2-panro · 2 years
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Hello Guys!!! 
Guess who is alive and finally graduated ;’/D <3 (Tho I have to go to college)
So- I’ve started a new fanfic called: “REAL LOVE”
It’s already finished and I don’t have to worry you about when the next chapter will come out and so. (unlike the other two hahaha * cries *)
I kept it very quiet until I finished it while I had love problems, family, students and not having a computer lol. But I have not forgotten about you and this issue of absence makes me sad. I hope to make up for it.
You’ll wonder where I was. On twitter as you already know.
I hope you like it as much as I do!
Coming soon!
Adivinen quién está vivo y finalmente se graduó ;"/D <3 (Aunque tengo que ir a la universidad)
Entonces, comencé un nuevo fanfic llamado: "REAL LOVE" (Amor Real)
Ya está terminado y no tengo que preocuparlos por cuándo saldrá el próximo capítulo y así. (A diferencia de otros dos jajaja *Llora*)
Lo mantuve muy en secreto hasta terminarlo, de mientras tenía problemas de amor, familia, estudiantiles y no tener computadora (:’c). Pero no me he olvidado de ustedes y este tema de la ausencia me entristece. Espero compensarlo.
Se preguntarán dónde estaba. En twitter como ya la mayoría lo sabrá.
¡Espero que les guste tanto como a mí!
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curly2-panro · 4 years
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Broctober 2020 - Día 9: Día de salir a hacer compras.
Jeje me doy cuenta que mis dibujos son mas pastelosos y suaves que los de Jilm x’D debo ser más original que solo comida(¿¿ 
-C hecha a mimir- Bonita noche~ =///w///= <3
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Broctober 2020! (Edición cuarentena) - (Quarantine edition)
Reto por: Karla Terry y Nekrocodile Izumi.
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Broctober 2020 - Día 1: Look de cuarentena (Quarantine look)
NeoSans: @jilm-artcorner​
NexusSans (Nexy): Dis pink lil bear <3
Holass :’D ¡Así que~! Decidimos hacer este reto porque andabamos con la emoción de querer participar en este evento (yporqueandabamosmuertasCofCofCof) y les traemos algo que nos costará un riñón x’D y esperamos que les guste :’3 <3 
Haremos días saltados, yo empezaré a hacer desde el dia uno saltado hasta el 31 y la hermosa @jilm-artcorner​ empezara desde el el día 2 y así x’D
¿Porqué lo haremos juntas? Para no llenarnos de trabajo, ok no x’/D <3 
¡Suerte en sus retos de igual forma!
Hewooo :’D So~! We decided to do this challenge because we were excited about wanting to participate in this event (andcuz’weweredeadCofCofCof) and we brought you something that will cost us a kidney x’D and we hope you like it :’3 <3
We will do skip days, I will start doing from day 1 skip to 31 and the beautiful @jilm-artcorner​ will start from day 2 and so on.
Why will we do it together? So we don’t get full of work, ok no x’/D <3
Good luck in your challenges too! 
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197 notes · View notes
curly2-panro · 4 years
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Broctober 2020 - Día 7: Siguiendo un tutorial de youtube (Sale mal).
Creo que a este punto ya queda claro de quienes son los sansos~ nwn <3
A diferencia de Jilm yo no me preocupo tanto, aunque puede ser muy malo x’D no hagan lo que yo(¿ Jeje~!
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Broctober 2020! (Edición cuarentena) - (Quarantine edition)
Reto por: Karla Terry y Nekrocodile Izumi.
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Broctober 2020 - Día 1: Look de cuarentena (Quarantine look)
NeoSans: @jilm-artcorner​
NexusSans (Nexy): Dis pink lil bear <3
Holass :’D ¡Así que~! Decidimos hacer este reto porque andabamos con la emoción de querer participar en este evento (yporqueandabamosmuertasCofCofCof) y les traemos algo que nos costará un riñón x’D y esperamos que les guste :’3 <3 
Haremos días saltados, yo empezaré a hacer desde el dia uno saltado hasta el 31 y la hermosa @jilm-artcorner​ empezara desde el el día 2 y así x’D
¿Porqué lo haremos juntas? Para no llenarnos de trabajo, ok no x’/D <3 
¡Suerte en sus retos de igual forma!
Hewooo :’D So~! We decided to do this challenge because we were excited about wanting to participate in this event (andcuz’weweredeadCofCofCof) and we brought you something that will cost us a kidney x’D and we hope you like it :’3 <3
We will do skip days, I will start doing from day 1 skip to 31 and the beautiful @jilm-artcorner​ will start from day 2 and so on.
Why will we do it together? So we don’t get full of work, ok no x’/D <3
Good luck in your challenges too! 
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197 notes · View notes
curly2-panro · 4 years
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Broctober 2020 - Día 5: Hábitos raros que hayan encontrado uno del otro.
NexusSans (Nexy): Beary 7u7
NeoSans: @jilm-artcorner​
Ay madre lo siento :’v, soy yo quien anda de retrasada (literal) y ando tardando en los días y por tanto retrasando a Jilm, espero nos pongamos al dia :’’’3
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Broctober 2020! (Edición cuarentena) - (Quarantine edition)
Reto por: Karla Terry y Nekrocodile Izumi.
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Broctober 2020 - Día 1: Look de cuarentena (Quarantine look)
NeoSans: @jilm-artcorner​
NexusSans (Nexy): Dis pink lil bear <3
Holass :’D ¡Así que~! Decidimos hacer este reto porque andabamos con la emoción de querer participar en este evento (yporqueandabamosmuertasCofCofCof) y les traemos algo que nos costará un riñón x’D y esperamos que les guste :’3 <3 
Haremos días saltados, yo empezaré a hacer desde el dia uno saltado hasta el 31 y la hermosa @jilm-artcorner​ empezara desde el el día 2 y así x’D
¿Porqué lo haremos juntas? Para no llenarnos de trabajo, ok no x’/D <3 
¡Suerte en sus retos de igual forma!
Hewooo :’D So~! We decided to do this challenge because we were excited about wanting to participate in this event (andcuz’weweredeadCofCofCof) and we brought you something that will cost us a kidney x’D and we hope you like it :’3 <3
We will do skip days, I will start doing from day 1 skip to 31 and the beautiful @jilm-artcorner​ will start from day 2 and so on.
Why will we do it together? So we don’t get full of work, ok no x’/D <3
Good luck in your challenges too! 
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197 notes · View notes
curly2-panro · 4 years
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Broctober 2020 - Día 3: Último lugar al que salieron juntos antes del encierro. 
NexusSans (Nexy): Sho <3
NeoSans: @jilm-artcorner​
Yo y la Jilm <3 no hemos juntado a nuestros nenes en si, y por eso quedamos en que sería el último lugar que visitaron de forma independiente~ <3 (Queremos hacer este reto como una especie de historia para estos dos <3)
sdjfhjdshfks sufrí en hacer este y ya es tarde ahhh! x’/D Y eso que pegué imagenes(? :’v Tengan bonita noche~.
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Broctober 2020! (Edición cuarentena) - (Quarantine edition)
Reto por: Karla Terry y Nekrocodile Izumi.
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Broctober 2020 - Día 1: Look de cuarentena (Quarantine look)
NeoSans: @jilm-artcorner​
NexusSans (Nexy): Dis pink lil bear <3
Holass :’D ¡Así que~! Decidimos hacer este reto porque andabamos con la emoción de querer participar en este evento (yporqueandabamosmuertasCofCofCof) y les traemos algo que nos costará un riñón x’D y esperamos que les guste :’3 <3 
Haremos días saltados, yo empezaré a hacer desde el dia uno saltado hasta el 31 y la hermosa @jilm-artcorner​ empezara desde el el día 2 y así x’D
¿Porqué lo haremos juntas? Para no llenarnos de trabajo, ok no x’/D <3 
¡Suerte en sus retos de igual forma!
Hewooo :’D So~! We decided to do this challenge because we were excited about wanting to participate in this event (andcuz’weweredeadCofCofCof) and we brought you something that will cost us a kidney x’D and we hope you like it :’3 <3
We will do skip days, I will start doing from day 1 skip to 31 and the beautiful @jilm-artcorner​ will start from day 2 and so on.
Why will we do it together? So we don’t get full of work, ok no x’/D <3
Good luck in your challenges too! 
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197 notes · View notes
curly2-panro · 4 years
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Broctober 2020! (Edición cuarentena) - (Quarantine edition)
Reto por: Karla Terry y Nekrocodile Izumi.
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Broctober 2020 - Día 1: Look de cuarentena (Quarantine look)
NeoSans: @jilm-artcorner​
NexusSans (Nexy): Dis pink lil bear <3
Holass :’D ¡Así que~! Decidimos hacer este reto porque andabamos con la emoción de querer participar en este evento (yporqueandabamosmuertasCofCofCof) y les traemos algo que nos costará un riñón x’D y esperamos que les guste :’3 <3 
Haremos días saltados, yo empezaré a hacer desde el dia uno saltado hasta el 31 y la hermosa @jilm-artcorner​ empezara desde el el día 2 y así x’D
¿Porqué lo haremos juntas? Para no llenarnos de trabajo, ok no x’/D <3 
¡Suerte en sus retos de igual forma!
Hewooo :’D So~! We decided to do this challenge because we were excited about wanting to participate in this event (andcuz’weweredeadCofCofCof) and we brought you something that will cost us a kidney x’D and we hope you like it :’3 <3
We will do skip days, I will start doing from day 1 skip to 31 and the beautiful @jilm-artcorner​ will start from day 2 and so on.
Why will we do it together? So we don't get full of work, ok no x’/D <3
Good luck in your challenges too! 
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curly2-panro · 4 years
This is in my opinion sad and very frustating for @anaban44, but I loved the way she was taking all of this for so long.
She has been so friendly with her and she doesn't deserve this kind of attention.
Nobody deserves this.
I will give my witness with the intention of helping anaban.
It is a shame that I didn’t take a shotscreen thinking that she would give the credits, but now I have and I will not publish more of this if it is not necessary.
It's like: Girl, why do you disable comments if you have nothing to fear?
PLEASE GUYS, Let's not give art theft a chance.
She has sent me some gifs of “Her process” But with an App or just editing you could do it without problems.
I don’t care. We just have to compare the Publication dates.
But I can’t find the “””original””” publication of @nightycute26 Where she says it’s her art.
Well, It’s all I have to aport by the moment.
This is enough
fine, at first I don’t say nothing just because I don’t wanna have problems with that usser ,but now she has passed my limit, at first she draw my characters without give me credits, “but that’s okay” because by her own words “it was a commission” an she has not the obligation of tag me , but now, she traced my art and she’s trying to pretend its her own.
There is a big difference between being inspired by an artist at simply tracing
This is the publication with “proofs” that the work is of her ,  and she takes advantage of another artist to verify that the piece is entirely hers,
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 BUT NO, please just look, she is tracing my art
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even in her “timelapse” the eye is the same of the second 
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I’m a little artist, and this is not the first problem I got with her, because of her fault i was banned of an Amino page, I try to prove my inocence, but they don’t listen me, she acuses me of  thief,
 This is my tumblr page and I won’t let her get away with it this time 
here is the original draw
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curly2-panro · 4 years
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curly2-panro · 4 years
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Close to you.
Nexus!Sans: Me.
Undertale: Toby Fox.
It’s my first time drawing the sea. And I based this on doraemon. I’m not sorry x’D.
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curly2-panro · 4 years
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I won't cry again
As you know. I love afterdeath 💙
Reaper!Sans: @renrink
. -. -. -. -. -. -.
It's not a girl, but either a boy. So... Let your imagination fly~.
I was improving with my girl and this come out.
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curly2-panro · 4 years
My son is too joto in other hands TvT
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Nexy By @curly-panro
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