cumlibello · 1 month
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cumlibello · 2 months
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"Diabeł w raju", Henry Miller
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cumlibello · 3 months
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"Pustelnia parmeńska", Stendhal
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cumlibello · 4 months
“Kiedy wyszedł, wybiegła także z chaty i chwilkę patrzała, jak z góry ku rzece schodził. Bose jej stopy prawie do kostek pogrążone były w błocie, a ręka, prawie jak to błoto ciemna, pomarszczona, z palcami od pracy pokrzywionemi, szybko za odchodzącym kreśliła w powietrzu znaki krzyża. O dwadzieścia lat od niego starsza, malutkiem dzieckiem na ręku go nieraz nosiła, potem dobrym i rozumnym człowiekiem zawsze nazywała, kilkoro dzieci do chrztu z nim trzymała. Uczuć swoich nigdy nie roztrząsając, nie dając im nazwy, ani myślała, ani wiedziała, że dla człowieka tego ma przyjaźń serdeczną, ale przyjaźń tę czuła; tak samo Paweł ani rozbierał, czem są rany zdeptanej miłości i wiary, ani po imieniu ich nie nazywał, ale je czuł. Takie uczucia, nierozbierane, nienazywane, okrywają rozległe niziny ludzkości, lecz dlatego, że kwitną nisko i są bezimienne, mieszkańcy gór mniemają, że ich wcale niema.”
"Cham", Eliza Orzeszkowa
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cumlibello · 5 months
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cumlibello · 6 months
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"Mieć czy być", Erich Fromm
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cumlibello · 8 months
“When cities are built around vehicles, they devalue human feet; when schools pre-empt learning, they devalue the autodidact; when hospitals draft all those who are in critical condition, they impose on society a new form of dying. Ordinary monopolies corner the market; radical monopolies disable people from doing or making things on their own.”
"Medical Nemesis", Ivan Illich
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cumlibello · 8 months
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Ralph Waldo Emerson
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cumlibello · 9 months
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cumlibello · 9 months
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"Egipcjanin Sinuhe", Mika Waltari
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cumlibello · 10 months
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cumlibello · 11 months
“If what I do is drudgery, I contribute drudgery to society. If a person creates 5000 jobs of drudgery, that person contributes 5000 times drudgery to society. If what I do is joy, I contribute joy to society. If a person's joy leads 5000 people to quit drudgery jobs that person contributes 5000 times joy to society. Drudgery malnourishes the world in every way, spiritually, mentally, and, inevitably, physically, despite its thousands of jobs, thousands of charities, and thousands of politicians & preachers with pasted-on smiles. Joy feeds the world in every way, spiritually, mentally, and, inevitably, physically.”
Daniel Suelo
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cumlibello · 11 months
“Deep down,  you know that it is impossible to enjoy the things you have if you take more than you need.  Eat just enough candy, and it is delicious, it is wealth.  Eat too much candy, and it is sickening, it is poverty.  Our society has become sickening.   Those who take only what they need are wealthy.  Those who take more than they need are in poverty. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for somebody who takes more than she needs to enter into the Present Moment.”
Daniel Suelo
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cumlibello · 1 year
“And if you think kids need computer literacy, if you think genetic science will end most disease, if you feel like technology only needs to get a little bit better and it will start solving problems faster than it creates them and we will come out ahead, if you think automation saves labor, or cars give you freedom, or the internet connects people, or a great movie gives you pleasure to the core of being, then you are in the belly of the Beast, half-digested and hallucinating, dreaming the dreams that pitiful people were building for you while you were scorning them for living in dream worlds.”
“Civilization will eat itself”, Ran Prieur
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cumlibello · 1 year
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"Stay solid! A radical handbook for youth"
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cumlibello · 1 year
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"Buddyzm", Jorge Luis Borges
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cumlibello · 1 year
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"Fałszerze", André Gide
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