csnamsun · 6 years
In only a few short ten minutes Vikki had been dropped off in front of their meeting spot - a gasp tearing from her lips as she spotted Namsun from the window with Teddy posing for the camera. It was then she received the text message of him threatening to use one of Teddy’s toes so indecently. Swinging open the door she would storm inside the once quiet cafe - doing what is called the ‘Vikki Affect’ where wherever she goes is usually thrown into some amount of chaos. Marching directly up to Namsun she would place her hands flat against the table and scrunch her face up at him in mild disgust. “You gross ass, Of course you’d use his toes. Fuckin’ freak!” she said this with a straight face….for the most part at least, because afterwards a chuckle escaped her.
Sliding into  the opposite side of the both she would hold a hand out to Teddy as her other hand fished out the latest issue of JUMP from its plastic bag. Placing it on the table she’d narrow her eyes at her companion. “I’ll be checking for bite marks later.” Sliding the magazine - cover up - towards Namsun as her other hand opened in closed in a grabby motion towards her beloved Skeleton.
In typical Victoria nature she’d be unaware of any of the chaos she had caused by making such a scene upon her arrival - the gaze of onlookers completely nonexistent to her. She would instead peer into the coffee cups before Namsun. 
“Are one of these mine or are you double fisting coffee again?”
the sudden whip of cold air accompanied by the brash slam of door colliding against tiles and concrete wall startles namsun, jumping at the impact that causes him to turn his head to the general direction of the entrance, not at all surprised by the reveal of culprit’s identity. of course it’d be vikki, who else could it have been?
dark hues follow her approaching figure, a grin that glints of nothing but mischief resides on his expression. “it’s the easiest thing i could snap off him without causing any other damage.” he shrugs as if his explanation makes his entire ruse any better. it doesn’t. the life-size skeleton made no efforts to rattle less, or at least quieter, when handed off to vikki, unashamed of all his boney glory to be passed across the table despite glancing eyes from those around them.
the exchange was smooth, namsun pulling the magazine closer towards him, fingers ready to fiddle and break through plastic, teeth on standby just in case he’ll have to resort to biting it all off. “not enough flesh for my liking.” he scrunches his nose in distaste "bones aren’t actually great for...boning despite its name.”
”double fisting just doesn’t do it for me anymore.” his expression sullen, a sigh leaves his lips. both cups were empty, but the lid and its solid colors makes it appear otherwise. “have at it.”
skeleton war.
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csnamsun · 6 years
Her fingers had typed the message as fast as her typing skills would allow. How DARE Minho threaten the livelihood of her skeleton! Though the previous grimace on her face had unknowningly changed into a smug grin as she entered the nearest convince store and got the latest issue of JUMP as requested. While she waited for the sleepy eyed store clerk to ring up her purchase she would type in the coordinates to Lucky Study in her phone and would set out to the cafe as she hailed a cab.
[SMS ➠  Minnie Mouse] send me a picture of him so I know he’s okay or the deal is off
how long he’s been hogging the booth remains an unknown fact for minho, for time is but a social construct designed for humans to obsess about and orbit their everyday around. that said, no one has asked him to leave, not with the two cups of coffee on his table, deeming him a costumer and giving him the right to remain seated. he checks his phone once in a while, to see if the younger girl has responded yet, and to check if the gauge on his mobile game is full.
a snicker leaves the male upon reading the incoming message, giving him an incentive to move after having been sat for gods know how long, just so he could position the skeleton in any way he wants. he slips between one arm, careful not to break the fragile bones, and lifts teddy’s phalanges a certain way (read: with only his middle finger shown). minho sticks his tongue out before sending the photo to his friend and co-host. a well-deserved pat on the back follows, and even though he’s the one moving it, it was teddy’s very own hand, therefore not his own.
[SMS ➠  vicks vaporub] hurry up before i start using one of his toes as toothpick
skeleton war.
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csnamsun · 6 years
skeleton war.
the concept of sleep is something namsun’s familiar with, yet merely acquainted with all at once. a deep, convulated relationship he finds himself trying to analyze over a warm cup of coffee with a close friend of his at lucky study cafe. eyes seem to be on him, or rather, on his companion, teddy the skeleton. is it weird to see a life-size skeleton sitting in one of the many unoccupied booths of the cafe on a thursday afternoon? probably. would anyone who knew namsun put it past him? probably not. 
he likes his coffee black; dark and bitter, like how he perceives himself as, no matter the cliche of it all. he brings the cup to his lips, careful not to burn himself, and reads over his phone on one hand, deleting spam emails from websites he forgot to tick off the ‘receive newsletters’ of. setting his drink down, namsun pulls up a messaging app and began typing.
[ SMS ➠ vicks vaporub ] i have teddy hostage. want 2 see him?                                            bring latest issue of JUMP @ lucky study
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csnamsun · 6 years
( tbd - i suck at logging on namsun’s account but this time i’ll actually do it so, like this post and i’ll slide in your IMs with plot proposals. this is no rick roll i promise. ty, ty! pasting the same info from before below the cut)
seo namsun, just turned 21, a useless bisexual, studies at hongik uni (education) & part-times as a mascot for line friends. lives @ lichi office-tel #103
his parents married young and had him in their mid-twenties. at the age of 2, his dad & little brother (who was born sickly and premature) were on their way to the hospital when they got into a car crash, it was doa. his mother spiraled hard, and projected all of that on namsun.
she made him believe that he has this super rare degenerative disease, that he was born with an immune system so weak and fragile, one step outside the house would kill him. so he spent half of his life imprisoned in his own house. that is until the age of 14, where he accidentally found out about his mom’s lie and confronted her about it.
he moved out & contacted his his grandfather from his dad’s side, cut contact with his mom (he couldn't find a reason to forgive her) and from then on he lived with him at sinchon, where he helped out at his bakery. he moved out to find his own apartment before entering uni.
about him:
two kitties: soonie & doongie. he loves them with all his heart
he’s really good with kids and enjoys being around them in general. this is why he’s working as a mascot for line friends, really. dont tell anyone, tho!
he love love loves the paranormal in every sense of the word. obsessed, some might even say. he hosts a late-night podcast that talks about sightings, hauntings, the occult, etc. (hey psst if you want your muse to co-host, pls H M U! i kinda want them to start personally visiting haunted places & make vlogs about them, or talk about it in the podcast idk)
very superstitious to the point that if he sees a black cat cross in front of him, he’d miss whatever he was supposed to do that day.
has a soft spot for music, since his dad used to be a concert pianist. he can play the piano and violin. nothing fancy like competing, but he is pretty good.
he’s loud and outspoken. talks a lot, but at the same time can be quiet and zones out a lot. it really just depends on the situation. (if you’re a skz fan, then he’s Literally irl namsun)
humor ranges from dark and sardonic to hey have you been to ligma before?
he doesn’t game game, but he loves mobile games. he’s a whale at fate grand order, granblue fantasy, and love live. he also frequents the arcade.
bad send of direction. gets lost literally anywhere. he’s the reason why the buddy system was made.
hit or miss, i guess they never miss huh?
friends who he hangs out with on the daily / casual friends / just. friends.
best !! friend !! a duo, a trio, a qua..something-o. his ride or die vroom vroom !
he’s never been in a relationship (audience:gasps) but he, should, get, one
first love! puppy love, or straight in the dokis. have him be WHIPPED
familial relations? from mom side, or dad side? a cousin, maybe?
anything, really.
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csnamsun · 6 years
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csnamsun · 6 years
yukyung sat on her couch, her nintendo switch in hand while switching from looking down at her screen towards the kitchen - looking fondly at her friend who helped himself to baking cookies in her apartment. margot never really judged their friendship all that much, because she cherished it and, she knows that no one would really understand since most think it’s odd but she found it unique. she couldn’t imagine her life to be this different ever since she set aside her career as a figure skater before she got the chance to really make it big. a normal lifestyle like the one she was living right now was refreshing and namsun, was always able to make her feel at ease. even if he’s a little strange to her sometimes. 
she enjoys his company. no one really knows how they met either and when they ask, yukyung could never really explain. but all she could say was - they clicked instantly despite being different from one another. she stretches out her arms, fingers after releasing them from the joysticks, “ah, i should be studying too but instead i’m hanging out with pikachu and you, the smell of those delicious chocolate chip cookies…” she smiles. “which looks really good, by the way. good you’ve got practice under your belt.” she puts her switch down, walking towards the diner table, pulling out a chair. 
she furrows her brows then a laugh, mostly out of embarrassment. “god you’re such a dork.”
namsun clicks his tongue in an exaggerated jest as the younger one shuffles to the kitchen, accompanied by a light disapproving shake of his head. “children needs to study.” came his half-hearted remark, a failed attempt at appearing to be a proper ‘adult’ between the two. he rarely ever is, but he likes to trick himself into thinking so otherwise. “besides, isn’t it past pikachu’s bedtime?” he teases, placing some cookies on a small plate as preparation once it cools off a bit.
the laugh that leaves his lips is an irritating one, built with air and a stroked ego, and if one were to listen closely, they’ll hear a scoff as an encore. "if there’s one thing i’m proud of, it’s having many things i’m proud of.” he's had his arms crossed over his chest, only lowering them to lean against the counter. one of his knuckles makes contact with the tray that he just warned yukyung to be careful of, causing him to wince and pull his hand back out of reflex. “fucking a—” namsun turns to the sink, running cold water on the burn. “pardon my earlier slip of french.” and he’s back, just like that.
”have you gone far in your little game? wait, more importantly, have you named anyone after me?”
cooking by the book.
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csnamsun · 6 years
cooking by the book.
ft. lil jon // @csmargot
there’s nothing quite like the smell of fresh-baked cookies to light up the atmosphere. namsun knows it better than anybody, having served so many in the years he helped out at his grandfather’s bakery. he’s sure he saw people’s smiles before they could actually show it. this side of him, however, is not something he shows to just anyone, and the reason he’s currently running someone else’s kitchen as if his own is because of the soft spot he has for it’s owner.
if someone were to ask him how they’ve met, namsun would start spouting a complex, hard-to-believe scenario that’ll most likely be a lie. as confucius once said, it does not matter how you get there, so long as you’re not being an inconvenience, or something along those lines. fact is, the answer is the same for any question he’s asked: i don’t remember. why is he baking cookies at yukyung’s apartment at twelve o’clock in the morning? repeat after him, he doesn’t remember,
“be careful, they’re hot” he says, placing the tray on the counter. “like me.”
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csnamsun · 6 years
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