cripplepunkrick · 1 year
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cripplepunkrick · 2 years
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cripplepunkrick · 2 years
😶 Do you have any embarrassing habits?
“bite on m’ nails a awful lot. Smoke m’self couchlocked more of’en than I ought. An’ I make TikToks w’ Morticia, an’ if that ain’t th’ most embarrassin’ thing a body kin do, i dunno what is.”
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cripplepunkrick · 2 years
😶 + what's the biggest lie someone told you 👀
( @ricksanchez-z420 💜🤙)
“Lie someone tol’ me?” They offer a thin smile around the cigarette they’re smoking, then exhale the thick smoke through their nostrils. “Not sure I c’d say th’ biggest wi’ any accuracy. But I reckon th’ most important lie someone e’er tol’ me woulda been that rat bastard, Stan, tellin’ me he wasn’ gonna leave us anymore.”
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cripplepunkrick · 2 years
Send 😶 + a really uncomfortable question and my muse has to answer it
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cripplepunkrick · 2 years
I could get in on that. Sumthin' that bends th' light 'round th' portal so's we see it purple even though it ain't.
hey who wants to help me see if we can turn my portal fluid purple (and still be functional as portal fluid 👀)
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cripplepunkrick · 2 years
Ria “Teensy” Sanchez
Character’s full name: Ria Madicella Sanchez 
Character’s nickname: Teensy
Reason for nickname: she's 4'9"
Birth date: January 19
Gender: Nonbinary
Pronouns: They/Them and She/Her, used interchangeably
Physical Appearance
Age: unknown: she literally doesn't remember. Best guess is early 100s
How old do they appear: 80ish
Weight: 85lbs
Height: 4'9"
Body build: all elbows and knees; very lanky and boney.
Shape of face: long and angular, with a narrow, hooked nose and thin lips
Eye color: hazel
Glasses or contacts: none
Skin tone: greyish olive
Distinguishing marks: long, deeps scars running down inside of their upper arms and thighs, top surgery scars on chest.
Predominant features: heavy mono-brow, hooked nose, freckles on face and arms
Hair color: steely grey, occasionally with other colours dyed in
Type of hair: coarse
Hairstyle: punk mullet; long in the back and spiked in the front
Voice: harsh, a little shaky, slightly nasal, and spoken in a thick south Texas accent 
Overall attractiveness: subjective. They see nothing wrong with their appearance.
Physical disabilities: lupus, ankylosing spondylitis, partial deafness (HOH)
Usual fashion of dress: classic punk; lots of denim, leather, and flannel. Spikes and patches. She rarely throws anything out, so most of her clothes show hand-done repair.
Favourite outfit: Checked flannel shirt, open denim vest coated in various pins and patches, tight black jeans with years of distress to the knees and thighs, and heavy Doc Martens. 
Jewelry or accessories: thick leather cuffs, usually with spikes or chains, worn around their wrists, chokers or chains around her neck. Often wears dog tags from time served as a medic.
Good personality traits: Happy, fun loving, genuine desire to make the world better, stays in her own lane, private
Bad personality traits: Isolates, paranoid, vicious when crossed
Mood character is most often in: Vaguely crabby but good natured
Sense of humor: Good, but often morbid/dark
Greatest joy in life: Teaching people things
Greatest fear: Being buried alive and forgotten.
Why?: Claustrophobia + fear of suffocation
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil?: Death of any of her ‘girls’ (Beth, Morticia, and/or Summer)
Most at ease when: in the kitchen or laboratory at home, with family near at hand.
Most ill at ease when: Morticia goes adventuring without her
Enraged when: anyone messes with her people.
Depressed or sad when: in the middle of a bad pain flare. 
Priorities: Family, personal comfort, everyone else
Life philosophy: Do the day, and let the day do you.
If granted one wish, it would be: to undo the damage to her ears
Why?: so she can hear her music better (and the kids, too, I guess)
Character’s soft spot: Morticia/ welfare of Mortys in general
Is this soft spot obvious to others?: probably, if anyone bothered to look
Greatest strength: Calm under pressure
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: Insecure around other Ricks
Biggest regret: Giving up on medicine as a career
Minor regret: Leaving Stan
Biggest accomplishment: Serum that stopped aging for decades at a time, if used daily, which allowed her to survive AS when it should have been fatal at her age/timeline, because she was essentially pausing her body’s age every day.
Minor accomplishment: Created a synthetic nicotine substance that can be smoked without causing cancer. Big tobacco hates her
Past failures they would be embarrassed to have people know about: Used to be obsessed with immortality and not aging; kept herself looking 25-30 for decades, long enough that they no longer are sure how old they actually are.
Why?: It’s embarrassing to them that they were that vain.
Character’s darkest secret: Tried to create a cure for AS, but though the trial worked well in animal tests, when they tested it on a volunteer humans, it killed them pretty nastily. They gave up creating a cure after that.
Does anyone else know?: Yes, but very few people. Morticia knows, but Beth and Summer do not.
Drives and motivations: Loves to learn and experience new things. 
Immediate goals: Have a good time
Long term goals: don’t die
Hometown: Originally born in Arecibo, Puerto Rico, Teensy did most of her growing up in Houston, Texas
Type of childhood: Decent, middle class, but chronically under stimulated and had an incredibly intense stress put on appearance, especially regarding aging. 
Pets: Many, mostly cats in childhood
First memory: meeting her adoptive parents
Most important childhood memory: meeting her maternal, blood-relative grandmother
Why: Because it brought her closer to the people and traditions she lost when her birth parents died.
Childhood hero: Charles Lindbergh
Dream job: Doctor (or a pilot…) 
Education: Formal education, a Bachelor's Degree in Science, and several higher honorary degrees in various science and medical related fields. Learned most of their chemistry and engineering skills through trial and error with personal research.
Religion: Raised Baptist, introduced to Catholicism by grandmother at 8 years old
Finances: Middle class
Current location: Farm outside of Gun Barrel City, Texas
Currently living with: Morticia, her granddaughter, and occasionally with Beth and Summer, when either of them come to visit
Pets: Peekaboo, a little moppy-looking purse dog, and several pampered  barn cats
Religion: Agnostic
Occupation: Retired
Finances: Money is not a concern (All that synthetic nicotine money, eyyyy)
Mother: Mabelle Sanchez nee Holiday, deceased
Relationship with her: Generally good, but increasingly distant as Teensy grew older. 
Father: Avery Sanchez, deceased
Relationship with him: Strained, and increasingly so as Teensy grew older. 
Siblings: None
Spouse: Ex-husband, Stanley Pines
    Relationship: estranged
Harold Leist, Deceased
    Relationship: was generally very amiable, though Harold was often confused or shocked by Teensy’s scientific endeavors. Teensy married him because he was loyal, kind, and cared about Beth when Beth was still very young and recovering from Teensy and Stan’s sudden separation.
Children: Beth Sanchez
Relationship with them: Solid, but occasionally they argue, mostly about Stan. Beth often visits her father’s dimension and Teensy is not a fan.
Other important family members: Granddaughters Summer and Morticia, Grandmother Rosaria Solas Marquez(Deceased) 
Colour: bright colours, usually neon blues, pinks, and greens
Least favorite colour: beige
Music: she has eclectic taste, but she plays everything loud. One of her favourite songs currently is Our Last Night’s cover of abcdefu.
Food: Fish, especially white fish. Cooks for flavour, so uses a lot of herbs and spices in just about everything she makes.
Literature: Loves horror novels and poetry. Their favourite poem is ‘In the Desert’ by Steven Crane, and their favourite book is ‘Koko’ by Peter Straub.
Form of entertainment:
Expressions: “Well, dip me in shit and set me t’ spin!”
Mode of transportation: trains. Teensy loves the leisure of a long train ride. 
Most prized possession: their portal gun
Hobbies: Mechanical tinkering, loves fixing old shit; bassist in a punk garage band comprised of a bunch of other elderly punks
Plays a musical instrument?: Electric bass
Plays a sport?: Played soccer up until their 40s, just recreationally. Still passionate about the international teams.
How they would spend a rainy day: Reading, working in the lab or workshop, or baking
Spending habits: tend to spend money on little trinkets and silly stuff that’ll be given away as gifts. Doesn’t bother paying attention to costs very often.
Smokes: often; weed, tobacco, and some alien hallucinogens
Drinks: nightly; loves absinthe and whiskey and various alien wines and spirits.
Other drugs: usually; she creates a lot of custom party drugs, going for things that make the user feel extremely good without doing (too much) damage to the body, as well as 
What do they do too much of?: Partying
What do they do too little of?: Genuine self-care
Extremely skilled at: Deflection, chemistry, engineering
Extremely unskilled at: conversation
Nervous tics: chews fingernails
Usual body posture: hunched shoulders and relaxed limbs
Mannerisms: Friendly, solicitous, curious, stickler for details
Peculiarities: Talks to animals like they’re people, ignores people as soon as she’s done with a conversation, literally will just get up and leave if they’re bored or annoyed.
Optimist or pessimist?:  optimist that pretends to be a pessimist
Introvert or extrovert?: Introvert
Daredevil or cautious?: Midline; more cautious than many Ricks seem to be
Logical or emotional?: Logical, but in extremely emotionally charged situations, trusts her gut
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?: Methodical and neat
Prefers working or relaxing?: Working
Confident or unsure of himself/herself?: Confident, until set around a bunch of other Ricks.
Animal lover?: Yes, keeps many cats and a dog.
How they feel about themself: comfortable, solidly proud and affectionate toward themself.
One word the character would use to describe self: Steadfast
One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: Good-natured curmudgeon ready to take on the world. Old as shit and looking for someone to hit. 
What does the character consider their best personality trait?: Being assertive
What does the character consider their worst personality trait?: being nosy
What does the character consider their best physical characteristic?: their eyes
What does the character consider their  worst physical characteristic?: the cracking, popping, noisy set of joints they have.
How does the character think others perceive them: as a redneck punk with a big mouth.
What would the character most like to change about themself: be bolder and more actively adventurous, like Ricky. 
Relationships with Others
Opinion of other people in general: Well intentioned bunch of morons.
Does the character hide their true opinions and emotions from others?: Rarely
Person character most hates: most citadel Ricks, and C-137
Best friend(s): Ricky
Love interest(s): None at the moment
Person they go to for advice: Mostly relies on their own research and intuition, but bounces ideas off Ricky and Morticia. 
Person they feel responsible for or takes care of: Morticia, Summer 
Person they feel shy or awkward around: Doesn’t show it much, but they’re shy about being around most Ricks. 
Person they openly admire: Ricky, Morticia, Summer, Beth
Person they secretly admire: Stan Pines
Most important person in their life before story starts: Beth and Beth’s children
After story starts: Beth and Beth’s children. 
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cripplepunkrick · 2 years
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An ad for your deepest desires :)
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cripplepunkrick · 2 years
Y'know what, I gotta admit, some days I miss Stan. Man was smart 's a bowl'a cold oats, but he knew how t' pull a scam.
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cripplepunkrick · 2 years
Makin' brownies again. Loaded em up with goodies, who's comin' round t' share.
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cripplepunkrick · 2 years
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cripplepunkrick · 2 years
Peekaboo gonna outlive us all, just you watch.
That sonnuvabitch down at Petco tryin' t' sell me decorated hotdog toys. I told 'im a thousand times, Peekaboo don't EAT mustard!!
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cripplepunkrick · 2 years
That sonnuvabitch down at Petco tryin' t' sell me decorated hotdog toys. I told 'im a thousand times, Peekaboo don't EAT mustard!!
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cripplepunkrick · 2 years
Quit tellin' people I'm dead
OP literally baked a gross of chocolate chunk cookies with me while high and then LEFT THEM ALL IN MY CUPBOARDS but go off i g u e s s
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You seemed happy to have them when I left. I think sober you is just ungrateful.
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cripplepunkrick · 4 years
Time to get dirty, little trucker
Pony up daddy
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cripplepunkrick · 5 years
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[ this doll maker is wonderful! ]
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cripplepunkrick · 5 years
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