creativeinfinitebeing · 10 months
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creativeinfinitebeing · 10 months
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Queen of Pentacles. Art by Sarah Stewart, from the Healing Botanical Tarot.
Milk Weed & Alfalfa
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creativeinfinitebeing · 10 months
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creativeinfinitebeing · 10 months
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creativeinfinitebeing · 10 months
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creativeinfinitebeing · 10 months
Moon Magic 101: The Power of Moon Magic in Witchcraft
Moon magic is a popular aspect of modern witchcraft, as the moon's phases are believed to have a significant impact on energy and intention. The phases of the moon - new, waxing, full, and waning - each have their own properties and correspondences that can be used in spells, rituals, and personal growth practices. In this article, we'll explore the power of moon magic in witchcraft and how to incorporate it into your practice.
The Phases of the Moon and their Correspondences
New Moon - a time for new beginnings, setting intentions, and planting seeds for the future. Corresponds with introspection, manifestation, and the color black.
Waxing Moon - a time for growth, manifestation, attraction, and action. Corresponds with confidence, courage, and the color green.
Full Moon - a time for heightened energy, power, abundance, and completion. Corresponds with emotional release, creativity, and the color white.
Waning Moon - a time for releasing, letting go, banishing negativity, and rest. Corresponds with shadow work, self-reflection, and the color purple.
Using Moon Magic in Your Witchcraft Practice
Here are some ways to incorporate moon magic into your witchcraft practice:
Track the phases of the moon - keep a journal or planner of the moon's phases and how they correlate with your energy, intentions, and goals.
Create moon water - charge a bowl of water under the light of the full moon, and use it in your spells and rituals.
Charge crystals - place your crystals under the light of the full moon to cleanse and charge them with lunar energy.
Perform rituals and spells - use the energy of the moon's phases to enhance your spellwork and ritual practices, focusing on the properties and correspondences of each phase.
Meditate and reflect - use the phases of the moon to guide your personal growth journey, connecting with the energy of each phase through meditation and self-reflection.
Tips for Working with Moon Magic
Here are some tips to help you work more effectively with moon magic in your practice:
Connect with your intuition - trust your own intuition and feelings when working with moon magic, as this will allow you to align with the natural rhythms of the moon.
Be prepared - plan ahead for your moon rituals and spells, gathering the necessary materials and tools in advance so that you can focus on your intentions and energy.
Be patient - the power of moon magic can be subtle and slow, so give yourself time to notice the effects and changes that come from working with lunar energy.
Practice regularly - like any aspect of witchcraft, regular practice is key to deepening your connection to moon magic.
Moon magic is a powerful and versatile aspect of witchcraft, allowing us to connect with the natural rhythms and cycles of the universe. By working with the energy and correspondences of each phase of the moon, we can tap into its transformative power and manifest our intentions. Remember to approach moon magic with respect and reverence for the natural world, and to trust your intuition as you explore its vast potential for personal growth and spiritual transformation.
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creativeinfinitebeing · 10 months
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creativeinfinitebeing · 10 months
Witchcraft 101: 10 Easy and Practical Ways to Incorporate Witchcraft into Your Everyday Life
If you're a witch or interested in witchcraft, you may be looking for simple ways to incorporate your spiritual practice into your daily routine. Here are 10 easy and practical ways to bring witchcraft into your everyday life:
1. Start your day with positive affirmations or a meditation to ground yourself and set intentions for the day ahead.
2. Light candles or incense to create a cozy and peaceful atmosphere in your home.
3. Carry crystals with you in your pocket, purse, or wear them as jewelry to promote positive energy and healing throughout your day.
4. Use natural remedies such as herbs and essential oils to aid in physical and emotional healing.
5. Take breaks to connect with nature, whether it's going for a walk in the park, gardening, or simply sitting outside.
6. Incorporate divination techniques such as tarot cards, runes, or pendulum dowsing into your daily routine to gain guidance and insights.
7. Set up an altar or sacred space in your home to foster a deeper sense of spirituality and connect with your inner self.
8. Perform simple spells or manifestations, such as lighting a candle to attract good luck or abundance.
9. Use moon phases and other astrological events to guide your spiritual practice and energy work.
10. Practice gratitude and acknowledging the universe for all that it provides for you.
With these simple tips, you can bring the magic of witchcraft into your everyday life and enjoy a deeper connection with your spirituality. Remember, witchcraft is about finding what works for you and embracing your own personal journey. So experiment, have fun, and trust your intuition!
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creativeinfinitebeing · 10 months
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This is a masterlist to help you , elevate your mindset. It only works if you actually implement it , just watching videos and daydreaming, will not.
I'm always open to suggestions to add any videos to this , just send me an ask or a comment
how to master your emotional intelligence
"friends" to watch out for
you are a queen , u were born one
bye bye lazy girl era
the song jia effect
overcome your phone addiction
acceptance and change
learning to value
not taking risks , is the biggest risk
the perfect student
your enemies are secretly addicted to you
creating a successful mindset
mindset is everything
being your own dream girl
stop being lazy and pathetic
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creativeinfinitebeing · 10 months
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creativeinfinitebeing · 10 months
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creativeinfinitebeing · 10 months
Maple Tree Correspondence
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Maple Tree Correspondence:
One can honor Maple Syrup in their kitchen witch recipes and rituals as a way of connecting with her energy.
Maple Lore:
 Maple trees are believed to repel demons and evil spirits. For protection it was customary in many houses to have a piece of a maple tree in the main door. Maple trees symbolize balance, offering, practical magic, promise, longevity, generosity, and intelligence. One reason behind these meanings is that maple trees can adapt to many different soil types and climates. Furthermore, it is an important tree in Celtic mythology. It was a tree consecrated to Dana, the Celtic goddess of fertility. It is also known as the tree of tolerance. In China, maple is associated with honor, and its leaves are a motif in Japanese ukiyo-e paintings representing love and autumn.
Maple trees are also associated with Virgo & Libra.
In Druidry if you’re born between the dates of April 11 - April 20; October 14 - October 23. You are known for a lively personality, a sense of humor, ability for deduction, analytical mind.
Maple is also the tree of offering, as it’s giving its sap, so that others can benefit. Therefore, it makes a great gift for the magical person in your life.
There are over 125 different species of the maple tree that are indigenous to Asia, Europe, North Africa, and the U.S. With the species interacting with so many different cultures over millennia, it’s attracted all kinds of myths, associations, and related magical properties.
Maple trees are mostly dioecious, meaning that there are both male and female trees. However, some species are polygamo-dioecious, carrying both male and female flowers on the same tree. They are therefore considered to resonate with both masculine and feminine energy.
Owls are commonly associated with the maple, because the tree itself represents the changing of the seasons, the natural cycle of death followed by rebirth, and wisdom accumulated over a lifetime. Under normal conditions, a maple tree lives between sixty and two hundred years.
Healing is strongly linked with maple trees, and many shamans and witches use a maple staff, wand, or the smoke of maple wood in healing. The inner bark can get used as:
An astringent to soothe sore or swollen eyes.
An infusion to treat stomach cramps and diarrhea.
A tea to treat coughs.
A concentration (infused with maple leaves) to detoxify the liver and spleen.
Kindness and compassion are other associations. Since the maple tree starts blooming in late winter or very early spring, it’s a feeder for pollen and leaf eaters when there’s not much nourishment available. It’s therefore associated with nurturing, purity, caring, and sharing.
Magical Properties of the Maple Tree
Apart from healing, many witches use maple wands and pendulums because it reveals options seen and unseen, broadening the intellect and acquiring knowledge. It also encourages peaceful communication making it excellent for use when doing spell work or readings that involve conflict resolution.
Because maple is a wood of caring, knowledge, and wisdom, it will guide you in making realistic and honest decisions and choices. It won’t do much for you if you use it for harm or rash outcomes, like quick luck or gambling.
Maple is Feminine in nature and associated with the moon & Jupiter and the elemental energies of water.
Maple is ideal for spells and rituals that involve abundance (with pure intentions), binding, beauty, cleansing, and love. You can use maple wood in your home to encourage love, harmony, and happiness.
Maple is useful in moon magic and in spells related to travel, learning, and decision-making, especially in matters related to bringing about or dealing with change. Maple is also useful in spiritual healing.
Maple Syrup can be used immensely in Kitchen Witchery.
Maple wood is excellent for wands, staffs, and maypoles.
The wisdom that maple brings into any situation makes it ideal for divination. If used for negative ends, maple is known to become a neutral energy. It tends to choose its companions, seeking people who are devoted and who have a strong sense of conviction and truth.
How do you know if maple is choosing you as a companion? You’ll be naturally drawn to the tree even if there aren’t any growing nearby. It will pop up in articles, books, and catalogues. A companion piece is anything that you keep nearby or with you all the time. Maple is a potent and loyal companion. Folklore/Symbolism
Strength and Wisdom- In Folklore, maple trees are associated with strength, endurance, and wisdom, often seen as sacred or auspicious.
Protection- Maple leaves have been used as protective talismans in various cultures, believed to ward off evil spirits and harm.
Connection to nature- Maple trees are regarded as symbols of nature’s beauty, resilience, and the changing seasons, especially in Autumn.
Maple at Risk
Unfortunately, sugar maples have seen quite a bit of decline due to logging of forests (they are slow growing, and faster growing trees, like birch, will often come up in their places after a forest is logged).  Sugar maples are also not very tolerant to pollution, including soil acidification and acid rain (this is mainly caused by automobiles). While they were once found in parks throughout the USA, with the rise of the automobile, these trees had a harder time surviving in urban areas.  Culpepper goes as far as calling this tree a “gentleman’s tree” as it was often found in urban parks.  The salt from roads also damages the tree’s root systems, contributing to its decline. This is not to say that the sugar maple is still not a dominant tree-it is.  You just need to get off the roads and out of the cities to see them.
Native American Lore
To understand the sugar maple in the Native American lore, I reviewed numerous legends–the sugar maple features prominently in their tales. Including my Husband, who is part Native American & Part Ecuadorian.
The maple as a gift that takes work. The maple was one of the only sources of sugar for the native peoples–as such it was seen as a gift from the creator.  While the maple is a gift, the native tales are clear that this gift takes work (in the form of collecting sap and boiling it down to make sugars). In Gluskabe Changes Maple Syrup, the Creator had originally had sap flow from maple trees as rich and as thick as honey–one needed only to break off a branch and the sap would flow out at any point of the year. However, Gluskabe, whose job it is to report back to the Creator, comes across a group of people who were fat and lazy, who abandoned their village and instead laid down in a maple grove sipping sap all day. Gluskabe was instructed to fill the maple trees with water each day for a full moon cycle, and now, people would have to work to have the sweetness of the maple and they would only have it for a short time in the spring to learn the error of their ways. At the end of the story, the people worked to turn the sap into sugar by burning cedar and making white birch buckets (using the magic of those two trees as well).  The work of the maple sugar is also found in the Senaca legend, Woman who Fell from the Sky, where the maple sap is changed to keep people from living too easy. In another legend, The Sugar Maple, the Sugar maple gets help from Woodpecker, who helps him by pulling out the grubs that are under maple’s bark.  Later, Woodpecker is dying of thirst during a drought, and Maple allows him to drink by pecking holes in the tree.
Maple as a delicacy. Maple sugar was seen as a delicacy by the Native Americans.  In several tales, babies appear sucking maple sugar.  In other tales, it is prepared as a drink with herbs.  In one Ojibwa legend, a maple syrup feast is mentioned.
Honoring the maple tree in ritual. To keep the maples producing the sap, Native Americans did maple ceremonies to ensure good sap harvests each year.  These were typically done right as the sap began to flow from the trees.  These ceremonies usually involved having everyone gather around the tree, addressing the tree in ritual language, and offering the tree tobacco incense.  This reminds me quite a bit of apple orchard wassailing.
Maple as a gentle tree. When talking sticks are made of maple, it is said to represent gentleness.
The Fiery Red Leaves of Maple represent blood. The reason that maples turn red in the fall can be explained by Chasing the Bear, where a long bear hunt ends with the hunters piling up sumac and maple branches and butchering the bear upon the branches.  In another version of this legend, “Hunting the Great Bear” reported by Hageneder, the long bear hunt happens each year.  The four brothers (who make up the constellation of the great bear) finally kill the bear and the bear’s blood falls from the sky and turns the maples red. This post was requested by: @jjatanywitchway
The Druids Garden
The Green Witch- Murphy-Hiscock
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creativeinfinitebeing · 10 months
Lat. Taraxacum officinale
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Dandelions belong to the composites and their ordinary species of plants. You can spot them in Asia, Europe, as well as in North America. This plant can grow up to 40cm in height, its leaves are toothed and grow directly from the ground in a circular way. Their bright yellow, round blossoms, which are formed by many thin petals, make them easy to identify. Another distinctive feature are their hollow stems, filled with a milky substance.
As soon as the blossoms vanish, on their position appear their well-known seeds with their white parachutes – which get blown away for all kinds of wishes. The seeds can be easily carried away by even soft wind and that’s how dandelions spread their seeds, that’s why they’re also named “blowballs”.
As soon as you spot the first dandelions on meadows or even roadsides, we can be sure that the winter is mostly over at this point.
This plant does prefer the direct sunlight – and they grow in every place and are very frugal.
It’s best to harvest their leaves right away – after just a short time they produce bitter substances. They’re also best used fresh, since they’re not ideal to store over time. For their blossoms you better wait until they’ve fully opened up to pick. Remove the green parts on them, to use them in salads, vinegar, tea or even to refine wines.
Dandelion roots can be harvested too, best during autumn, as soon as it is rich in starch. But if you like it a bit sweeter, spring time would provide a harvest of the roots. So it’s a good time between September and February to dig the roots up. The best way to dry them is to cut them in small pieces and let them dry in a well aired and dry place. Later on they can be stored in containers in dark, cool places and can be used till up to a year.
In addition dandelion can be enjoyed raw and cooked. The blossoms go well in soups and broths, the root can be used grounded in coffees as well as in salads. Even in beer the dandelion can be used, as a refiner etc. – as you can see, this plant is very versatile.
Among botanicals it is known as the blowball.
Even though dandelions are widely spread and well-known, there is still a chance of danger of confusions with other plants! Dandelions do not have their leaves on the stems, stems got no hair and is hallow with a milky liquid inside. Per stem are only one blossom at time! Please consider all this facts and do not eat any plants without identifying them to 100%. Never forget: In case of sickness, you should always consult a doctor. Please don’t try to treat a sickness with the effects of any plant without the advice of a doctor.
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- masculine
- Sagittarius, Pisces
- Jupiter, Sun
- Air
- Hekate, Brigid, Medusa, Belenos/Belenus/Apollo(n), Ra
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healing properties
╚═════════════.🦋. .╝
- against urinary problems as well as liver & kidney diseases
- detoxifying
- aids stomach ache and flatulences
- clears the skin and it’s milky substance erases warts
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magical properties
╚═════════════.🦋. .╝
- wishes
- increases psychic abilities, braveness and self-confidence
- supports spirit summonings
- sun magic
- positivity, cleansing, banishing
- furthers creativity & motivation and solvents blockages
- hope, new beginnings
- kitchen magic
- can be used to deliver messages (including the underworld as well as other realms)
- love magic
Like so many other plants that are assigned to the sun, but are also yellow, dandelions brings in a huge amount of joy and happiness into life. At the same time it motivates and is ideal to use for creativity and motivation spell jars.
Its positive vibes can be also used for any kind of incenses and smoke cleansing.
Since dandelions have a wide variety of usage in the kitchen, there are naturally tons of ways to bring in your wanted intentions while cooking. Above you already got some ideas how to use dandelion in meals, but let your creativity spark! Dandelions can also be used in pastries, as glaze or toppings. The sky is the limit!
As the lion is already part of the name, the lions spends you enough strength and bravery to overcome the obstacles in life.
Not to forget the simplest way to integrate the dandelion into magic: As blowball that makes your wishes come true! We all are familiar with this kind of magic, since we grew up with this. Many adults still believe in this magic, that’s why it gets passed on from generation to generation. It’s the same principle as with shooting stars, lashes and birthday candles.
In love, it also has its input – when creamed in with it’s milky juice, the lovers become even more desirable in the eyes of their partners.
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creativeinfinitebeing · 10 months
Herbalism 101: Mullein Leaf
Fun fact: Mullein is a member of the Snap Dragon Family.
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The Mullein plant has been around for years and has more than 200 species. The most popular type is common mullein (Verbascum Thapsus.) the leaves harvested near the bottom of the plant and used either dried or fresh.
Mullein flowers and leaves were used on animals and people for a variety of issues:
By the late 1800s, mullein became a popular treatment for people with tuberculosis in Europe, the United States, and the United Kingdom. Keep in mind that many of the benefits of mullein are based on anecdotal experiences. More human clinical studies are needed to understand the benefits of this herb. -Healthline
Mullein leaf is sold in various forms:
Some can be made into creams.
Some herbalists recommend mullein for respiratory and inflammatory conditions, but there is not enough scientific evidence of its effectiveness. -Healthline
Dioscorides, a Greek physician pharmacologist and botanist, practicing in the 1st century in Rome, who authored the herbal De Materia Medica, was one of the first to recommend mulleins use in lung conditions around 2,000 years ago. It was used as a hair wash in ancient Roman times; the leaf ash to darken hair, and the yellow flowers for lightening it. The leaves were dried, rolled and used as wicks for candles and the entire dried flowering stalks were dipped in tallow and used for torches, hence the names 'candlewick plant' or 'torches'. According to Maida Silverman in her book A City Herbal, " The great respect and love formerly accorded to mullein can be inferred from the number and variety of the folk names for it." -Mountain Rose herbs.
Mullein leaf, flower, and root, with its litany of folk uses ranging from 'nature's toilet paper' to an effective apotropaic (fancy word meaning that which wards off evil spirits), have been used extensively in folk medicine. Its magical qualities were numerous, going beyond simply warding off evil but also was thought to instill courage and health, provide protection, and to attract love. In fact, it was believed that wearing mullein would ensure fertility and keep potentially dangerous animals at bay while trekking along in the wilderness. Further, allegedly a practice for men in the Ozark mountains to attract love consisted of simply pointing the mullein's flowering stalk towards the direction of his love's house and seeing if the stalk went upright again indicating her reciprocated love. Mullein, like so many herbs of European origin, was introduced by the colonists and then incorporated into the Native American healing tradition. The root was made into a necklace for teething infants by the Abnaki tribe, the Cherokee applied the leaves as a poultice for cuts and swollen glands, and other tribes rubbed the leaves on the body during ritual sweat bathes. Additionally, the flowers were used internally as teas and topically as poultices. The Navajos smoked mullein, referring to it as "big tobacco" and the Amish were known to partake as well. Presently, mullein can be found at health food stores often prepared as soothing leaf tea or an ear oil made of the infused flowers. -mountainroseherbs
According to King's American dispensatory (a book first published in 1854 that covers the uses of herbs used in American medical practice), "upon the upper portion of the respiratory tract its influence is pronounced." Mullein was prescribed by Eclectic Physicians (a branch of American medicine popular in the 1800-early 1900's which made use of botanical remedies) who considered it to be an effective demulcent and diuretic, and a mild nervine "favoring sleep." -Mountain Rose herbs.
DISCLAIMER: Precautions Small hairs on mullein leaf may cause mechanical irritation in the mouth and throat if not filtered out of extracts prior to consumption. We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.
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creativeinfinitebeing · 10 months
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creativeinfinitebeing · 10 months
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creativeinfinitebeing · 10 months
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