crablenbao · 6 years
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Fried Tarantula
he’s only 2′5″, an SR Strength Food Soul
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crablenbao · 6 years
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Fried Tarantula concept doodle
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crablenbao · 6 years
so. . . Food Fan Harry Potter AU anyone. . .
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“Waaaaaah, I don’t know what to say, uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhmmmmm… . . Ask me stuff???”
[ Ask Blog opened!! Harry Potter AU??? GASP ]
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crablenbao · 6 years
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oh look, a months old doodle of the first time I drew Raindrop
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crablenbao · 6 years
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A bust sketch of me oc Pop Rocks
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crablenbao · 6 years
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I tried drawing Gingy
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crablenbao · 6 years
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people eat rabbit meat, so I made a food soul for it there’s no specific name for it, so this is Rabbit, they like to go by Bunny the most. they are an agender, 2′5″ strength SR food soul
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crablenbao · 6 years
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I forgot how Choco looked like lmao. . . . but have the Pocky Twins, Strawberry and Chocolate
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crablenbao · 6 years
I've been staring at my blank canvas for days now. . . . I have ran out of drawing ideas.
I guess no art until I find inspiration and motivation to draw nsnrjf
I'm sowwy ;;;;
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crablenbao · 6 years
okay but hear me out. . . . . Crab Long Bao. . . . with a low ponytail that drapes over his shoulder
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crablenbao · 6 years
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meet Gold
he’s an UR Defense
a very spoiled boy, but extremely oblivious to his surroundings and the people around him
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crablenbao · 6 years
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evil man party
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crablenbao · 6 years
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jwjdjcjwkd THANK YOU !!!!!
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crablenbao · 6 years
List of Food Soul OCs I need to Do
Goldfish Snacks
Pop Rocks
Mini Food Candy Kit
Candy Toilet
Edible Gold
Cookie Choux
Mirror Cake
Boba Tea
Mems [ M&Ms ]
there’s more so I’ll add on as I remember lmao
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crablenbao · 6 years
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a Cookie Choux
SR Magick Food Soul
She’s very easy to please and impress, show her a half eaten cookie and she’ll congratulate you for getting that far on your snack
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crablenbao · 6 years
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it’s a Fondant
an SR Support Food Soul OC !!!
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crablenbao · 6 years
So. Let’s talk about Food
So I’m gonna go on a little bit of a rant here because tumblr annoys me but.
Peking Ducks backstory has come to light in the English server and everyone is making a big deal about it so I would like to go into details about some things I NEED to point out.
And when I say all this I’m not being one of those nasty bitches who’s like “oh you can’t like them now because they did this !!” I just want to put my input in.
First thing I’d like to say is, you can’t go and degrade Boston and Peking for what they did then say that Spaghetti or Whiskey or whoever isn’t THAT evil. It doesn’t work like that. Boston and Peking, though what they did was terrible, their intentions were good they just did the wrong thing to fix it. I am not justifying them in any way by saying that.
Okay so I want to bring in some things into perspective. Let’s start with Boston’s backstory summarized into key points.
Boston’s backstory brings into light that all the food souls started in a lab. They’re all lab products, made and tested out in a lab. Boston’s backstory also shows us that he was kind and sweet and gentle. The lab literally taught them from the beginning to murder and kill whether it was fallen, or eachother (which Boston strongly refused to kill his own kind and protested) for their master attendants and humans. Kill anything that was evil or would harm their humans.
Skipping some other parts I don’t see as important to this rant, Boston became friends with 3 or 4 master attendants and adored them. One of them got people to bring him books everyday. Books. Another thing I want to point out. Boston needed to learn and he did that by reading.
When Boston turned bitter was when the master attendant who was a relative of the first was gonna be murdered by the king (for protesting for peace or something) the guards and their food souls came and the food souls, like they DIDN’T have a mind of their own, were trying to attack and kill Boston and the relative. Boston tried to snap them out of it but nothing worked, so to protect the master attendant he killed them all. That was when he first killed.
Some other stuff happened and the master attendant was executed and that’s when his intentions took a turn for the worst. He wanted a world where food souls didn’t have to live that way but he went about it the wrong way.
So. From Boston’s backstory we find out that they’re all lab tests that need to learn. Some changed from the kill everything mindset but it’s still instinct which is obvious in several cases.
Peking Duck saw evil in the town, a cult that worshipped a deity. So evil they were doing sacrifices of OTHER HUMANS (pretty sure CHILDREN were mentioned) amongst other things he didn’t name because we all know what cults are like. Then the town took away his master attendant. He was framed of crimes he didn’t do. And who killed him ? The cult. The cult was pretty much taken over by the whole town. After his master attendant, who he was meant to protect and kill for, died, he sought revenge and decided to stop the evil town from it’s core by destroying the whole town.
If Boston and Peking aren’t a good enough example that from the beginning they’re filled with instinct to murder by the labs, then the last example is Chocolate.
Chocolate is the sweetest food soul you could probably think of right ? He’s always saying he doesn’t want you to worry and he wants you to be happy etc.
His master attendant was a lady (I think she was the lady) and the husband of hers long story short the man cheated on her and it broke her heart so unbelievably much. It twisted chocolates perception of love. I think she fell ill and died at some point (from the heartbrake) and Chocolate became bitter and wanted to seek revenge by going out and KILLING the man for what he had done to her. The only thing that stopped him was Coffee. He snapped him out of it.
My point is you’re all forgetting that they aren’t humans. They’re tested in labs and taught to kill evil and what harms their master attendants. What do they do when that’s human ? They get the instinct to kill. Some are fortunate enough to find places that reverse their corruption and teach them better and some are not lucky enough with that same fate and live on with this instinct and bitterness. You’re forgetting that all of them or most of them have been bought up in mistreated enviromemts either towards themselves or grew up around it where they witnessed it.
I’m annoyed at all the shade being thrown on Peking duck at the moment because I don’t justify it either but some of you are being absolutely RIDICULOUS about it. Starting the whole “if you like Peking duck then block me” bullshit and trying to ruin Peking for everyone and make them feel bad for liking him. Peking duck was gentle and soft and when he meets us, his new master attendants he starts to soften again to just like Boston does which is proof by Boston’s intimate lines that they both do see what they did wrong and get a better perspective on everything and almost soften again because of us.
Let people see Peking Duck as soft duck dad or a murderous villain. Let people like whatever food soul they want as long as they know what they did and why it’s wrong. As long as you never forget what he did then that’s fine and stop ruining everyone’s time over this. They’re literally made to kill. What do you think they’re gonna do ?
Kudos to anyone who actually read that
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