covenled-old · 3 years
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i dont think i have any active followers on this blog, but in case i do: 
hello! long time no rp, right? this blog has been a ghost town for like, two years- crazy! 
however, here’s some news: i’m going to be closing this blog & saving the url as a sideblog to my multimuse! if you’d like to interact with me or any of my MP muses (i have amira, liam and vera on my multi) then you can find me over at @galaxietm​! i also recently remade the positivity blog for the Monster Prom RPC over at @positivelymonsterprom​!
but as of today this blog is archived! i’m deleting all the posts & saving whatever headcanons aren’t already saved on joy’s google doc. thanks for the memories ya’ll <3
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