Mutuals every time we’re all online this is what we’re doing
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pls rb if you think cuddling doesn't have to be s3xual
im tryna prove a point to my bf's mother help me out
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saw this and thought it was a good idea (having second tboughts now..)
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Holy shit I just realized that the Percy Jackson tv show has the chance to do the funniest thing ever.
Nothing is stopping them from making this meme canon just like spiderverse did with the spiderman meme
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No thoughts just Indian Grover running away in his wedding lehenga.
I imagine it looking something like this.
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He is struggling 😂
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Hey, if you're a minor and you're following my blog, I just need you to be aware:
You have been on this earth for fewer years than my cat has.
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She turns 20 this week, everyone please say happy birthday 🥳💖
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☆ F/O ask game collection!
{My favorite questions I've seen!}
🎨 - Do you journal about your F/O?
🌈 - Is your F/O queer {canon or headcanon}? What labels do they use, if any?
💐 - What flower do you associate with your oc F/O? Why?
🍓 - What are you and your F/O’s trope{s}?
🦋 - How did you and your F/O meet?
💭 - How would the fandom react to your S/I?
🫧 - Did you ever keep your relationship secret from anyone?
💗 - What are your pet names for your f/o’s? what are their pet names for you?
💛 - What’s the silliest nickname(s) you have for each other?
💖 - What's your favorite nickname/petname for your F/O? How about your favorite nickname/petname that they call you?
🩵- Do either try to hide their emotions if upset? Can the other still tell?
🪁 - Do you and your F/O live together? If not do you want to or plan on it?
🐱 - Do you and your have any pets? {Together or separate}
💤 - Who sleeps in and who’s an early riser?
🎀 - Do they wear the other’s clothes? {Sweatshirt, bandana, necklace, etc.}
💌 - Do you and your f/o’s send each other love letters?
💝 - What kind of gifts does/do your f/o’s give you?
🎊 - Who makes a big deal out of every little anniversary?
🐞 - Who insists they’re luckier to have found the other person?
💟 - What’s a non verbal way they say I love you?
🥰 - Can they sit side by you without touching you or are they handsy? {lacing fingers, touching knees, etc.}
❤️ - Which one would take their jacket it off and drape over the other one because they were visibly shivering?
💘 - Who fell first and who fell harder?
☔️ - Who carries an umbrella everywhere & who splashes in puddles?
👾 - Who asks ridiculous questions?
💋 - Who kisses the other and leave as many lipstick marks as possible and who gets all heart-eyed and melty like a lovestruck cartoon character?
🪩 - Who is more likely to jump in an elevator? Who freaks out?
🧸 - Would they build a pillow fort together just because?
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SAVE ROCK AND ROLL: Selfship Ask Game
I will sing to you every day if it will take away the pain. Oh, and I've heard you got it, got it so bad cause I am the best you'll never have
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Questions based VERY loosely on FOB album’s comeback album (mostly based on some of the lyrics and sometimes the titles)
Remember to practice RB karma!! Send an ask to the person you reblog from. And name a specific f/o unless asked otherwise <3
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1: "The Phoenix" - What was your f/o’s first impression of you versus their current thoughts about you now?
2: "My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light Em Up)" - What’s one item that your f/o and/or you/your s/i has that has a lot of sentimental value? Now, what would be both of your reactions if it was destroyed/ruined?
3: "Alone Together" - How does your f/o say “I love you” non-verbally?
4: "Where Did the Party Go" - Who’s the first one to apologize? If one of you struggles to be the first one to apologize, any reason why?
5: "Just One Yesterday" - What do your f/o’s daydreams of YOU look like? Do they have any specific kind of fantasies of you? Or are they just beating you with a mallet in their head (affectionately)?
6: "The Mighty Fall" - If you were both asked for relationship advice from your experience together as one, what would it be?
7: "Miss Missing You" - Who’s the more vulnerable of either of you, who’s more closed off? How did you gain each other’s trust?
8: "Death Valley" - Who’s more likely to get you both in trouble and who’s more likely to get you out of that same trouble?
9: "Young Volcanoes" - According to your f/o, what would be the ideal future for you all? What would be the ideal future for you?
10: "Rat a Tat" - If your f/o could tell their past self from a time before they started dating you one thing or give them advice, what would it be? Would it be related to your relationship or something else entirely?
11: "Save Rock and Roll" - What are some things your f/o is passionate about? Just things they could talk about for hours or do without ever wanting to stop.
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Send a 🌟 + name and I’ll talk about my self insert’s bond to that character!
(I couldn’t find the one I was looking for so here you guys go :’D) proshippers pls get your memes elsewhere thank you
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1. What shampoo/hair products does she use? Have you used it?
2. What deodorant/perfume does she use? Do you like it?
3. What foods does she love that you hate and vice versa?
4. What drink does she order for you? What do you order for her?
5. Do you stash snacks for each other? What kind?
6. Do either of you drive? Who chooses the music?
7. What hobbies do you share? What hobbies do you do separately but encourage the other about?
8. Have either of you left each other drunk texts/letters? What did they say
9. Do you have nicknames for each other?
10. What are your names for each other in your phones?
11. What's the picture of you she shows other people? What's the one of her you show people?
12. Does she wear lipstick? Does she leave marks on you on purpose?
13. Is there anything you share that has become a joint item? (Can be a household item, game console, cosmetic product, etc.)
14. What are your thoughts on each other's profession? Do you visit each other at work?
15. Do you share clothes or does one of you steal the others clothes?
16. What type of gifts do you give each other? (For birthdays, special occasions, holidays, etc)
17. Do you watch any shows together? Or listen to podcasts?
18. What's one moment in your relationship where she changed your perspective of yourself and vice versa?
19. What are you plans for the future and do the align?
20. Free space, gush about her/your ship!
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Feeling sappy today for no in particular reasons and I wanted to make one of these for the hell of it so feel free to use if you’d like! ^^
(When asking please be specific on the ship!)
~OC / Self-Insert x Canon Ask Game~
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🤝: How did they meet in the first place? What was there first impression of each other?
🫶: Who ended up falling first? Which of them actually realized that they’d fallen in love first?
🦀: How did they handle realizing they were in love? Embarrassed? Nervous? Mad?
🫣: Who stumbled the most with their feelings around the other? How much did the other person notice?
🦅: How good are their friends at being wingmen? Do they even help at all or just sit back watching the pining with a bag of popcorn?
💕: Who confessed first and how? Did it go as planned or did shenanigans ensue?
🦋: How long did it take them to get out of the awkward early relationship stage? Have they gotten more confident around each other?
❤️‍🔥: Who tends to take the lead with showing affection?
💔: Do they have any previous relationship experience from past partners? How does it reflect on how they handle their current one?
😑: How easily do they get jealous and how do they handle it?
🐱: Do they have pet names for each other, if so what are they? How does their partner feel about their pet name?
🌙: Who has to force the other into having healthy sleeping habits? How well does that go for em?
🗣️: Who’s the one that will ramble on about their highly specific interest while the other just sits back and nods along?
🐕: Do they have any pets together? If one of them had a pet from before their relationship how well does the pet get along with their partner? Do they have the pets approval or does said pet sit in between them and their partner any time they try to make a move?
✏️: How canon compliant are you with them? Do you stick pretty close or just have fun cause it’s your ship so no one can tell you what to do other wise?
💀: If the canon character is canonically dead, how did your OC handle their death? (Or did you completely omit their death cause fuck canon?)
💧: How well do they comfort each other when they’re upset?
🧸: Would they want to have kids together? If so what are their kid(s) like? How are they as parents?
👁️: What exactly do they want with their future with each other? Is that something they think of often or do they just stay in the moment?
🕊️: Give just a general domestic tidbit for em (things they like about each other, routines, habits, and just overall sweet stuff)
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cosmosmultifandomblog · 2 months
Hey, amidst the chaos of... everything on the internet, pay attention to Hawaii/Hawai'i!
There have been plans from a non Hawaiian organisation to build a 5 acre parking lot, 13 lot subdivision and a comfort station for tourists on the ridge of the sacred Pololū Valley!
This project doesn't acknowledge Pololū Valley as a wahi pāna (a celebrated and storied place in the cultural traditions of Hawaii/Hawai'i) and instead treats it as just plain land that can be sold to a highest bidder.
Pololū Valley is anything but that.
So please sign the petition to stop this project! As of writing this, 883,470 people have, but we need more!
Petition to protect Pololū Valley
Reblog to reach more people, please! Don't just like and move on, sign the petition and make sure more people see this!
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cosmosmultifandomblog · 2 months
I'm going to talk about Miku as Miss TV.
I first created her during 2009 as a way to vent about my dark past. She's the one who created the Mr Men Show in-universe. She started out sweet, but soon became crueller as she started to cause the other characters to get hurt.
The main two victims of her wrath are Miss Calamity, and Mr Bump.
The main difference between them is that while Miss Calamity eventually Quit the show(My explanation on why she's not in season 2) Mr Bump never did. It's currently unknown if he didn't realize that she was targeting him specifically or if he DID, but decided to not say or do anything in order to avoid her from potentially targeting his younger sister.
Miku/Ms Tv haven't seen them or any of the other people in Dillydale for over a decade, and at this point in her storyline, she's too terrified to see them again.
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cosmosmultifandomblog · 2 months
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cosmosmultifandomblog · 2 months
reblog this with your selfship(s) in the tags if you want your followers to tell you their headcanons for you and your fav!!
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cosmosmultifandomblog · 2 months
The problem with having an OCxOC or OCxCanon ship is that if you want to consume new content of them. You gotta make it yourself
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cosmosmultifandomblog · 2 months
Happy Easter! Here's the final of the human souls, the soul of Kindness:Ember
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Ok, I'm not gonna lie. I don't have much to say about them, I'm not even sure what kind of relationship they have with Berdly. I've based their outfit off of a Phoenix. I'm not sure what their relationship would be like with Miku, I know that they would hate the player if they did the Snowgrave, but that's all I got. Lmao
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