cosmicallylyss · 2 days
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back in the game
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cosmicallylyss · 2 days
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Explanation for this:
Dangaronpa V3 is kinda meh to me so this is my au in which Rantaro and Kaede are the main protagonist and antagonist duo.
I also think the 3rd trial is a big waste of potential. They had such a cool idea in mind with the whole "Korekiyo confessed to one murder but not the other" but then in the end it's revealed he actually commited both and it's like.... ok??? You're telling me we could've had a trial with 2 murderers who didnt know about eachother's exsistance and that no matter what there would be a killed left among the survivors??? Anyways in this au I like to pitch the idea of Himiko secretly being the second killer who accidentally murdered Angie and although Korkiyo did kill Tenko his crime doesn't count as Himiko killed Angie before him.
There could've been fun loopholes I'm just saying 🙄🙄🙄
Also I think the dynamic between Rantaro and Kaede could've been fun to explore in a "Kaede wants to trust and believe her friends while Rantaro is aware they could betray them at any moment" kind of situation
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cosmicallylyss · 2 days
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an emotaro
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cosmicallylyss · 5 days
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cosmicallylyss · 18 days
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don’t you know ignorance is bliss?
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cosmicallylyss · 22 days
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cosmicallylyss · 2 months
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i cant believe attorneys are real
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cosmicallylyss · 2 months
hazmat is short for hazardous matthew
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cosmicallylyss · 2 months
will aa tumblr take my matt engarde fanart
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posted this earlier but it didn't came up so now I'm re posting it again 💔💔
was experimenting a diff brush than I usually use so dk if I dig it
(also new blog theme wowowwo)
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cosmicallylyss · 2 months
DanandPhilCrafts + Fucked Up Queer Devotion + Christian Homophobia: An Essay
We’ve all been talking about the willingness of Dan and Phil to perform the ritual, we’ve all been talking about the intimacy of carving out your lover’s heart, but I have not heard anyone talk about the fucked up side of Dan and Phil’s (fictional) relationship with each other, and with Him, so here goes.
On the craft channel, Dan and Phil act overwhelmingly positive, like satanic children’s show hosts, but this is clearly a farce. We see them drop their smiles quite a few times during the crafting- most notably in Glitter Faces when Dan’s craft turns out wrong, and when Phil cuts Dan’s hand. “Don’t cry, craft” is directed towards the audience, but it seems Dan and Phil are following their own advice. Cults, after all, prey on vulnerable people. While they do seem scared of doing the ritual, and their involvement with Him, they are, however, definitely willing. In
The blood on Dan after he kills Phil is interesting; The handprint on his shirt isn’t a sign of a struggle, but rather Phil just grabbing his shirt- that’s pretty intimate, honestly. The blood on his face could’ve been caused by a bunch of things: blood splatter he wiped at? wiping at his face (eyes?) with a bloody hand? or Phil holding his face? (I like the third option) The blood on his nose might totally have been accidental, and just a thing that happened, but it could also be an allusion to the cat whiskers, in the spirit of bringing things back to the beginning and whatnot.
After the ritual is complete, there’s the obvious tarot symbolism. @freckliedan has a great post about this, but I’ve got more to add, so bear with me. Yes, Dan and Phil are framed as the lovers, but that’s not all. While the sexual deviance associated with the devil card has clear connections to queerness, it’s main association is usually unhealthy relationships and dependence. We also see Phil always giving Dan the directions, implying some kind of power unbalance. Applied to Dan and Phil’s (fictional) relationship, we’re told that it’s just not as healthy as their real relationship. These characters, while obviously in love and super devoted to each other, are not in a healthy relationship.
Furthering the unhealthy relationship idea is when Phil calls Dan “Sampson”. In the Bible or whatever (I’m not Christian sue me) Sampson topples these pillars, killing both himself and his enemies, which has a clear parallel to Dan’s stacked ingredients falling over, but the use of “folly” is interesting, and suggests a further connection. Sampson had married a prostitute, and she sold him out, basically, leading to his enslavement and later death. In this story, this is the clearest and most obvious act of folly by Sampson: marrying someone who he shouldn’t have, someone who it was taboo for him to be with. Connected to Dan and Phil, it suggests that their relationship is dangerous due to the social taboo, but it’s also implied that Phil will betray Dan.
Speaking of unhealthy relationships, that’s sure what they’ve got with Him! Leading up to the ritual, Dan and Phil are shown to be scared of Him, even though they call Him their friend. Dan’s head shake when Phil says “crafting has improved my life in numerous ways” is very telling. At the end, Dan’s shoulders tense at His first footstep, however, when He actually touches Dan, he doesn’t seem scared at all- forgive me for this next point, but from the way he kinda leans into the touch and tilts his head back, it seems more like he’s going for “turned on” rather than “scared”.
“Okay, cool” you say, “but what does it mean?” Well, Dan and Phil’s relationship in this series is not just about homoerotic undertones- this is an allegory for toxic queer sexual relationships. Why would they make something about toxic relationships when they’re in a healthy relationship? With the toxicity, and the power imbalances, and the satanism, Dan and Phil’s (fictional) relationship is a representation of Christian fears of queerness, and the supposed immoral/corrupting/anti-Christian effects of being in a queer relationship. The fear Dan and Phil show throughout the series is representative of internalized homophobia. They’re scared to align themselves with Him because it means accepting their own queerness. Dan shows more fear than Phil throughout the series (like after his glitter face turns out to be a pentacle) which parallels his real world internalized homophobia that he’s experienced. By holding hands with the devil (or baphomet?) standing behind them, Dan and Phil have embodied every conservative fear about queerness, but have come out on top. Through their YouTube channel, we get to do the same.
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cosmicallylyss · 3 months
(un)happy anniversary of matt engarde going to jail
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cosmicallylyss · 4 months
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practice sketches
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cosmicallylyss · 4 months
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cosmicallylyss · 4 months
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cosmicallylyss · 4 months
How come you always say you’re going to do Drabble requests and never do them? I’ve sent in so many and none of them have ever been filled :/
i don’t know man, maybe it’s because i have a life? because outside of fandom i have a partner and a job and other hobbies that aren’t just writing things for free for people who are clearly ungrateful. or because i’m tired and don’t have the mental capacity or i simply changed my mind?
either way, i know the answer to this question probably doesn’t matter to you. all you want is to complain to the source of your issue, which normally i’d simply ignore and delete but today i am so fucking over being treated like a machine.
i am a person. not a content pusher. and if you think for one second this kind of behaviour is going to get you what you want genuinely fuck right off.
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cosmicallylyss · 4 months
Oh my god. The tears in Luke’s eyes when Percy says the betrayal line. The desperate pleading for them to run away. That he doesn’t want to hurt Percy. The tears in Percy’s eyes. The fear and shaking. Percy apologizing for actually hurting him. The look of horror on Luke’s face as Annabeth comes in. How horrified he looks when he looks down at Percy, who he HURT. The realization that Percy won’t join, and the equaled horror of hurting a twelve year old child.
Then he runs.
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cosmicallylyss · 4 months
so this ended up being my dark urge wild magic sorcerer for bg3 that I made based on Matt. Didn't feel like downloading any mods to make it super accurate to how he looks in the OG game but like. He's pretty so idc. Yes Juan is his guardian. Bc I'm gay and stupid and so are they
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