I NEED to re-read throne of glass again but my friend is a busy btch and she won't let me for another month I'm going to cry every night until then just watch me
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Currently re-reading The assassin and the Pirate Lord
We start last night this extra and my friend is like "I won't fall for Sam bc I know he's dead"
That was me the first time I read this extras
Now I cry every night thinking about Sam
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Omg finally finish Crown of Midnight and I will no longer worry about saying Aelin accidentally I'm: relieved
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Currently re-reading Crown of midnight
Either way, after this book we're gonna read the extras
I like to read in that order and not read the extras after the first book because I love to read them knowing that Celaena is Aelin and Sam dies without knowing it :D It gives a different feeling to all
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Currently re-reading Crown of midnight
I NEED to finish this book like when I read with my friend I'm like oh yeah Aelin Galathynius is SO dead while in my mind I think OH YEAH SHE'S SO ALIVE AND SHE'S IN FRONT OF US LIKE ISNFIDNFISNDI AELIN SUPREMACY
And I miss Rowan, ngl :( babe come here
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Now I'm gonna rant about Shadowhunters because I can
Yesterday I read a tweet saying that they found funny thinking about Will appearing at random moments in the house of Jem and Tessa and scaring Kit
I didn't found it funny I cried a lot when I read that like Will :((( and the smile looking at his parabatai and the love of his life :((( being capable of happiness without him :((((( I'm so sad
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Currently re-reading Crown of midnight
Well we read Nehemia's death last night and neither cry because I think that the last chapters Nehemia was a little pain in the ass
Like she was so over Celaena always making less about the pain that Celaena has to suffer
First telling Dorian that what Celaena suffer in Endovier was a blessing comparted to what slaves in Calaculla suffer and let me tell u girl, first NEVER COMPARE THE PAIN OF ONES TO THE PAIN OF OTHERS OK? and second, since the beginning of everything everyone always says that the slaves just live like one month, so multiplicate that suffering per twelve BECAUSE CELAENA WAS THERE TWELVE MONTHS A YEAR SO SHUT UP PLEASE
And later, the last conversation when Nehemia was manipulating emotionally saying that Celaena needs to help her with the rebelds in Eyllwe KNOWING THE TRUE ABOUT EVERYTHING THAT CELAENA WENT THROUGH WITH TERRASEN
Celaena DESERVES doing nothing with her life and be happy and free AND ALIVE AND NEHEMIA WAS LIKE OH YOU'RE GONNA THINK ONLY ABOUT YOURSELF LIKE BITCH YEAH Since Celaena was eight years old she wasn't capable to make a decision: first, Arobynn. Second, Endovier. Now the king and Nehemia expects that the first time that Celaena can make a decision and be free she's gonna choose a rebellion that she doesn't believe and probably dies? Leave me alone girl
I don't know if I said what I wanted to say correctly like English is not my first language so... Sorry for the mistakes
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Currently re-reading Crown of midnight
I love Nehemia but she saying that what Celaena suffer in Endovier was a BLESSING comparing to others like bitch 驴? Other just live one month: now multiplicate what they suffer in one month per twelve BECAUSE CELAENA WAS A SLAVE FOR A YEAR LIKE 驴???????? HOW IS THAT A BLESSING EVERYONE DIE IN A MONTH BUT CELAENA STAYED ALIVE AND KEEP SUFFERING ????? Nidnfosnf I'm angry
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Currently re-reading Crown of midnight
I have to say that I HATE the way everyone treats Celaena in this book. Like "Hey, you have to do this thing that put you in danger" and she OBVIOUSLY says no because the only thing she wants and DESERVES after Endovier, Sam, Arobynn and everything is be free and live without worries BUT WHEN SHE SAYS NO EVERYONE IS LIKE "OH YOU EGOISTIC BITCH" LIKE STFU I HATE YOU CELAENA DESERVES FREEDOM
The worst part is that she does what they ask for but because she's a heroine she doesn't say anything and either way everyone is always pressuring her like please stop
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Currently re-reading Crown of midnight
When Rena Goldsmith is singing and Celaena and Chaol were looking at each other with so much love and Dorian look at them and he just "Let go" Celaena, that's one of the purest things I ever read in my life
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Currently re-reading Crown of midnight
Look, I live for Rowaelin, I breath Rowaelin literally BUT when Davis poison Celaena and she run to Chaol and she says that she was trying to be safe and she run to the safest place (Chaol) my heart literally melts like that's so beautiful and pure
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Currently re-reading Crown of midnight
Everytime they say Sam I cry
That's it
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I'm so SO sad that I will never read Throne of glass again for the first time, because that was one of the most beautiful experiences in my life
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Currently re-reading Crown of midnight
I NEED to talk about this
In their first encounter, Mort talks to Celaena about destiny, and that her destiny is find out what is planning the king and she's like DESTINY DOESN'T EXIST and then she talks about Endovier and about what happen to Terrasen and IT'S SOOO DEVASTATING LIKEEE I understand that if Celaena admits that destiny exists she need to admit that all the shit that happen to her like Endovier, the death of her parents, Sam, EVERYTHING NEED to happen, like she need to admit that all the people that she love and failed her were only peons in a big game and that their destiny were died and SHE CAN'T ACCEPT THAT
Celaena I love you, u definitely deserved a lot better
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Currently re-reading Crown of midnight
I miss Rowan
That's it
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I still don't know how to use well Tumblr and I'm-
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Because I'm reading again Throne of glass I'm thinking post every scene or phrase that literally hit me like the first time
But idk because I'm reading in Spanish, my first language, and I don't know if I can translate it well osnfosnof I'm in crisis
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