corporastudio · 3 years
3 Steps to Adapt Slow Fashion for Modern Day Classic Wear
Slow fashion is the only way to reduce fast fashion trends and their harmful effects on the environment. Sustainable clothing is the need of the hour. You can create a collection of modern day classic wear in your wardrobe through upcycled dresses designed with scrap textiles or dresses cornered in your closet. Stop purchasing fast fashion clothes and adopt sustainability. Read the blog for more details to know about how can you start adopting it as a part of your life and defeat fast fashion hazards effectively.
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corporastudio · 3 years
Manufacturing Handcrafted Sustainable Clothing Line-Is It profitable?
There are eco-friendly clothing brands that follow upcycling old dresses and textile scrap to create something fashionable and adorable. Consumers must shift their preference to handcrafted sustainable clothing lines to reduce textile waste that harms nature. Many brands have adopted the sustainable fashion. If it’s you who is bewildered, do not worry! It is a profitable business and you can cater it to a selected niche. Read the blog for more details to know how upcycling is a better and good business opportunity.
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corporastudio · 3 years
Versatile Women's Wear
Are you searching for a versatile women wear brand dealing in environment-friendly techniques to manufacture upcycled dresses? Do not worry! Switch to slow fashion and save your planet from the hazards of textile waste. At Corpora Studio, we design and manufacture upcycled dresses for ladies that define Indian contemporary designer wear clothing of top quality. So, if you are in search of modern western wear to adopt and collect handcrafted sustainable clothing, then visit the official website of Corpora Studio or call us @ 7827192775. Contact us today or book your new dress now or share your experiences on [email protected].
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corporastudio · 3 years
Handcrafted Sustainable Clothing Line with Corpora
Adopting slow fashion is a good decision as you shift your taste and preference to save nature. Where fast fashion is hazardous to nature, the slow fashion trend saves it from the ill effects of textile wastes.  If you are shifting from fast fashion to slow fashion trends immediately, you can commit several mistakes in the transformation stage. It is necessary to avoid them and get into the trend gradually to have a collection of the handcrafted sustainable clothing line. Read the blog for more details to know the five general mistakes everyone can make in transforming their fashion preference from fast to slow fashion.
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corporastudio · 3 years
The Modern Day Classic Wear Via Upcycling of Old Clothes
Are you searching for your next modern day classic wear to be the star of the show? If yes, do not purchase a new dress from a shopping center near you. The treasure is in your closet. Yes. Surprising but true! It’s the heap of dresses that you have cornered in your closet. Choose upcycling and convert your old dress into a new fashionable one. Read the blog for more details to know why you can upcycle your old dress instead of buying a new one and how it negatively impacts our environment. To know more, contact us today!
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corporastudio · 3 years
Benefits of having a Handcrafted Sustainable Clothing line in your Closet
Upcycling is a creative process of turning old clothes and textile wastes into a brand-new dress. It supports the environment as the demand of textiles goes down. It is the high time to adopt handcrafted sustainable clothing line in our closet and promote slow fashion that is gradually trending in India. Read the blog for more details to know the benefits of adapting slow fashion and how it decreases environmental pollution created by textile industry.
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corporastudio · 3 years
5 Ways to Stop Fast Fashion Purchase for Modern Day classics
One of the disadvantages of the fast fashion is that it has led to the accumulation of dresses in our closets that we have forgotten to wear. Online shopping induces fast fashion purchases as they are available at affordable prices worldwide. However, we never think of the environmental hazards created by fast fashion. The remedy to reduce the impacts of fast fashion is to adopt slow fashion. It means converting your old unused dress into modern-day classics wear. Upcycling will help in reusing your old clothes and crafting something better out of them. Read the official blog of Corpora Studio that inspires you to adopt the ways to control your textile shopping spree and how can it be useful for environmental sustainability. Follow the five ideas to adapt to slow fashion that is gaining popularity and will soon become a fashion trend in India.
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corporastudio · 3 years
7 Ways to Adopt Handcrafted Sustainable Clothing Line
Online shopping of fashion wear is also one of the causes for the slow adoption of handcrafted sustainable clothing line brands that upcycle old clothes and convert them into a dress that has a higher fashion quotient than before. The worst side is yet to come when we find a heap of old dresses or clothes lying in the corner of our closet.
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corporastudio · 3 years
3 Prominent ways to Upcycle your Clothes Creatively
You will have a piece of shirt that you never wore or a pair of jeans that you discarded after three to four uses. We never thought of adopting a handcrafted sustainable clothing line that saves the environment from the hazards of textile waste.
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corporastudio · 3 years
Are you in search of the best collection of contemporary designer wear clothing online?  Visit the official website of Corpora Studio and look to the galore of options available. We believe in upcycling clothes and save our environment from the hazards of textile wastes.
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corporastudio · 3 years
Recycling textile waste is one of the remedies where you can use old clothes, recycle them and convert them into modern day classics wear. Many of the entrepreneurs have old clothes recycling businesses in which they collect post-consumer textiles and recycle them for use.
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corporastudio · 3 years
Several designers have switched to upcycling and introduced a handcrafted sustainable clothing line that supports the concept of sustainability and making you look stylish for every occasion.
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corporastudio · 3 years
The perfect solution to such a global issue is “upcycling” those clothes and convert them into modern Indian contemporary designer wear clothing. To upcycle means to reuse the fabric/garment/cut pieces of clothes and reusing them to make a designer dress with a high fashion quotient.  
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corporastudio · 3 years
As an online women wear clothing brand, we have adopted upcycling of waste fabrics or deadstock to convert them into a new fashionable dress. Apart from the manufacturing process in a factory; there’s a huge amount of textile waste produced by households.
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corporastudio · 3 years
You can get in touch with a boutique to add the latest collection of kaftan dresses in different patterns and prints from your old deadstock. Through the upcycling procedure, we can support the environment by reusing the deadstock and create modern western wear for women.
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corporastudio · 3 years
It is high time where every citizen must think of choosing upcycling of clothes and reuse their old clothes to create Indian contemporary designer wear clothing to grab attention on any occasion.
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corporastudio · 3 years
The process to recycle is different from natural fabric like cotton and polyester. Once the fabric is recycled, the new fabric can be used for manufacturing designer wear clothing.
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