corbineurope · 2 years
The Benefits Of Practicing Sex
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In any survey on preferred activities, it would sweep. And it is that having sex is one of the favorite activities of people for many reasons, including because it makes us feel good . The answer of the majority can be that simple. Come here for more information about sex.
However, in case there were not enough reasons to have sex , we have told you some more, all of them related to health .
In the gallery that you have seen, we have collected some of the positive effects that lovemaking has for health. Of course, the condition for the benefits to be visible is, as in any other physical activity, is that it is practiced frequently .
7 Benefits Of Sex In A Long-Term Relationship
1. We Know Each Other
The road to good sex can take years. Changing partners often means starting over.
"In a one-night stand or short-lived romance, sex is like a touring show," says sex therapist Mike Lausada. - You try to show your best, but you don't get to the point of real intimacy with your partner. And the excitement prevents you from relaxing and completely surrendering to the sensations. "
In a long-term relationship, stress goes away (we get used to waking up next to the same person). All our vulnerabilities and angularities, which we initially try to disguise, will sooner or later become visible. “As soon as we weaken our defenses, it’s time to explore and discover,” the expert adds.
2. We Can Experiment 
 The more you trust your partner, the easier it is to be yourself. This can be done only by freeing oneself from inhibitions and bashfulness.
Permanent relationships provide the level of security that allows you to open up without fear of judgment and misunderstanding. In addition, you can always discuss your desires and agree on the boundaries. "
3. We Can Do It Quickly
When we’ve done this hundreds of times, each new intimacy is no longer as exciting as it was in the first months after starting a relationship. But this has its own beauty - we can not take sex too seriously. And do it when you want, without a preliminary plan, romantic atmosphere and inner mood.
4. And Secretly From Others
Children appear, and we are no longer so free in choosing the time and place to have sex. You have to seize the moment and be creative, and that too can be fun.
“You know that children go to the tutor every Sunday, and you look forward to when the door closes behind them and the whole house is at your disposal,” emphasizes psychotherapist Christine Weber. - You seem to find yourself again in the role of adolescents who are forced to hide from their parents. It is exciting. "
5. We Remember Each Other In The Best Shape.
With age, we see changes in our body and understand that it is no longer so attractive. But the benefit of a permanent relationship is also that the changes in the appearance of the partner are not so striking.
This does not mean that we deliberately try to ignore the folds and scars on the body of a loved one, says psychotherapist Wendy Bristow. Here the feature of our memory is to create an image of a person from our feelings for him, and not from current information. More than once I have heard older men say, "She is still that charming girl that I once fell in love with."
6. We Discover True Intimacy
“You can have violent sex with a stranger, but then you go back to an empty house, and it won't be so great,” notes Christine Weber.  whom you can not only have an orgasm, but also chat, fool around, share your innermost.
When sex is based on what psychologists call true, authentic love, when physical pleasure is inseparable from sensual attachment, we get much more from it.
7. We Go Through All The Problems Together
“I have worked with couples who have survived together with prostate and breast cancer,” says Emma Waring, psychosexual therapist, “and these are excellent examples of a family team.
When you are young, you have a lot of sexual energy and your body listens to you, but be prepared for the fact that this will not always be the case. If you have a partner who loves and supports you, you are more likely to face the challenges that life brings and ultimately find new sources of pleasure you never knew existed. ”
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corbineurope · 2 years
Health Of Making Love Often In Sex
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Take Away Stress And Anxiety
It is a hormonal issue. And it is that making love releases endorphins , the hormone of happiness. Get here for more details about sex.
These substances are similar to opiates in their analgesic effect, but also in producing a feeling of well-being, which is Why they can help treat depression and stress.
Improve Memory
No more writing down the shopping list with pen and paper. Having sex will help you remember when the chocolate ice cream is over or when your next dental appointment is.
It has been shown that sexual intercourse improves memory thanks to the stimulation in the production of neurons , which translates into the development of some cognitive abilities, including that of remembering.
Alleviate The Pain
Orgasm can inhibit the emission of neurotransmitters responsible for pain from the spinal cord, so they do not reach the brain to activate the pain signal, in addition to releasing endorphins.
The sexual climax works as a  natural pain reliever.
Help You Sleep Better
Falling asleep after having sex is not necessarily a way to ignore your partner.
In fact, this behavior is actually the effect of hormones like oxytocin and melatonin .
Both substances, which are released during sexual intercourse, help you sleep better .
Protects Against Heart Problems
A recent study from the University of Queens (Belfast) claimed that making love three times a week can cut the risk of having a heart attack or stroke by half 
Another study, this time by Israeli scientists, showed that women who have two orgasms a week are 30% less likely to have cardiovascular problems compared to those who do not have sex or are unable to orgasm.
The reason behind these conclusions is not clear, but since sex avoids stress and depression, it could be ridding us of two important risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
Strengthens bones
American scientists have found that menopausal women who make love every week have twice as much estrogen as those who do not.
The production of this hormone, which has a protective effect on the bones , decreases with menopause, but the regular practice of sex increases its production, which can compensate for this loss.
Reduces incontinence problems
The reason is simple. Making love strengthens the pelvic floor, which translates into more toned muscles that avoid the dreaded and uncomfortable urinary incontinence .
Although there are specific exercises such as Kegel , having sex makes women strengthen the muscles responsible for stopping the flow of urine, which tones the pelvic floor.
Protects against prostate cancer
This valuable property has been proven for men over 50 by a study conducted at the University of Nottingham. The work revealed that men with an active sex life beyond 50 are less likely to suffer from prostate cancer .
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corbineurope · 2 years
Medical Usage Of Sex
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Sex is good for your health. Like drugs, alcohol or certain foods, unlike other substances, it activates reward circuits in the brain without any harmful effects. More information about sex check here.
It reduces hypertension
According to a study, women who are sexually and regularly satisfied significantly reduce their risk of hypertension compared to those who have no sex or no pleasure. However, the s men who had sex once or more per week saw their risk of suffering a cardiovascular event within five years almost doubled compared to those who are sexually inactive. 
It makes smarter
In 2010, a study showed that the neurons of rats who had frequent intercourse had their learning and memory area enlarged in the brain.
The reason ? Pleasure induces greater availability of body and mind than stress, which, on the contrary, affects concentration.
 It Fights Against Insomnia
During sexual intercourse, many hormones are secreted including endorphins, hormones of happiness, which promote a state of relaxation, and prolactin, which lower the level of stress. The body is thus perfectly relaxed and more conducive to falling asleep.
It Increases Immunity
Having sex increases the level of immunoglobulins, an antibody that helps fight viruses. 
Conversely, frustrations or sexual abstinence play a negative role on the immune system.
 It Prevents Prostate Cancer
According to several studies, having regular ejaculations, 21 times a month for men aged between 20 and 29 years, would have a lower risk of developing prostate cancer. The risk is thus reduced by 19% compared to those who ejaculate 4 to 7 times a month.
 It Helps To Strengthen Your Perineum
Sex helps maintain pelvic floor muscles. This is an asset for many women because a third of them experience a weakening of the perineum, especially following childbirth. The muscular perineum also allows you to have more pleasure.
It Relieves Migraines
Sexual relations would relieve headaches and even migraines. The reason ? During sexual intercourse, endorphins are released, and soothe the pain.
It Makes Beautiful
When you have a fulfilling sex life, this can be seen from the outside: you look good and take care of yourself. It boosts femininity in women and virility in men. Conversely, a less intense sex life contributes to "letting go".
Sexuality Increases Our Cognitive Abilities.
Researchers at the University of Coventry have floored 6,800 participants, men and women aged 50 to 89, to understand whether sexual activity after age 50 had a positive effect on cognitive abilities. Men with regular sexual activity had a higher success rate  on memory tests and  for higher on number strings. In question ? Dopamine and oxytocin, which would solicit the area linked to the reward system of our brain, attached to our memory. When a couple holds hands, their heart and respiratory rhythms synchronize and the pain decreases. In addition, sexuality, like any physical activity, promotes an athlete's heart: the secretion of adrenaline acts on the cardiovascular system by increasing the level of glucose in the blood, blood pressure and heart rate.
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