coralzoeleighivy · 1 year
I thought I saw you today.
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coralzoeleighivy · 1 year
why should my job be more important than playing on my phone
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coralzoeleighivy · 1 year
If you're fifteen or older an still sleep with a stuffed animal please reblog this.
My friend is embarrassed and thinks she’s the only one and I said id prove her wrong.
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coralzoeleighivy · 2 years
I despise you and all you stand for, pathetic, lonely and doing nothing about it but making sure you'll stay that way forever.
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coralzoeleighivy · 2 years
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coralzoeleighivy · 2 years
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coralzoeleighivy · 2 years
I will always wonder, where I went wrong, what I did, why it hurts, how I could have fixed it and who do I even talk to about all this.
I mean I am just me, and just me obviously isn't enough.
The things I went through and the person I became, or maybe the person I Invented myself to be through my fragile mind set.
But either way nothing matters now.
I'll never know why either, and thats the worst part.
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coralzoeleighivy · 3 years
I have returned!!
I am back!!! Unfortunately my place of work reopened and I have been rushed off my feet since! But I am back peeps!! I could really do with some requests if you could all be so kind as to send me some!! Thank guys!! 
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coralzoeleighivy · 3 years
Anyone else just sit and think, why is my life so shit? Because same.
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coralzoeleighivy · 3 years
Business As Usual
This is based after a certain something happens to Hawks in the Manga, there are no spoilers, as I don’t actually mention what happened in the manga, but for people who know what I am talking about, this is after THAT happens…. 
Keigo sat in the chair behind the big wooden desk, a lazy smile gracing his beautiful face. His legs were crossed elegantly, he looked every inch the business man and like he belonged there, the suit tailored perfectly to his well sculptured body.
Keigo Takami was in business alright, but sadly, the chair wasn’t his. the office wasn’t his either, which was a shame, he thought to himself with a sigh, it had a really beautiful view of the city he loved. His train of thought was interrupted as the door to the office swung open. Keigo looked up, a small half smile on his beautiful lips. 
“Well, well, well.” 
His words hung in the air as he fixed his eyes on the new occupant of the room, their eyes wide as confusion and panic danced across their features. 
“Who the hell-”
“I’m a messenger, after a fashion,” Keigo let out a little laugh at his choice of words, “I have been sent to give you a message from one of my many clients.”
There was a scoff from the other man, “ And what message would that be?” The cockiness of the gentleman was starting to grate on Keigos last nerve. 
“This,” The word casually left Keigos lips as he pulled a concealed gun from his inside pocket and gracefully fired a single bullet, securing the fate of the cocky man. 
Uncrossing his legs he pushed himself out of the chair and made his way over to where he laid on the ground gasping for his last breath. 
Crouching down low, he watched the light begin to leave their eyes as they faded to black, He cocks his head to the side and spoke, with a slight tone of amusement to his youthful voice. 
“What did you do to find yourself getting a visit from me? Naughty boy.”
The dying man gulped and gasped loudly, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth and seeping from the wound in his chest where Keigos bullet had struck.
“Never mind,” Keigo pulled out his burner phone, “Smile.” he snapped a photo of the man, pinged it off to where it needed to be and immediately broke the phone in two before discarding the sim card before he stood above the now dead man. 
Ah yes, Keigo was in business alright, He adjusted his tie, stepped over the corpse and silently slipped away. Keigos business was death. 
Just a little quick scenario of how I imagine his life would go after THAT happens…. hope you guys enjoyed, please like and re-blog. Also I would love you forever if you gave me a follow!! Thanks, Love From Ezra
(Peep the name reveal, clearly becoming more comfortable with tumblr haha)
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coralzoeleighivy · 3 years
Tea, Cake and Phone Numbers.
“Everything will be okay… It will all be fine.”
You stood in front of the full length mirror giving yourself one last look over before leaving for the day and starting your new adventure.
Finally, after years of saving and working yourself to the bone you did it, the tea room you had always dreamt of was yours. You had spent the last 3 months doing a whole re design to exactly how you had always envisioned it and now today was finally here, opening day! Your stomach was in knots as you flipped the sign to open for the first time. 
You really didn’t need to worry though, the tearoom was busy all day with a steady stream of takeaways and eating inside customers, you couldn’t have been happier. At the end of what you would class a successful opening day, you sat at a table, cup of tea in hand, grinning like the Cheshire cat, your blissful moment interrupted by the small jingle of the bell over the door alerting you to a customer. 
Crap, You had forgotten to turn the sign around and lock the door, turning around you opened your mouth to infirm them you were in fact now closed for the day, the words died in your mouth when you saw him, Tall, slender but muscled, long dark hair tied back into a bun and dressed in stylish casual clothing, of course you recognised him, even without his hero costume.
“Oh I am sorry, I didn’t realise…” He began, starting to apologize, noticing the small tea room was closed.
“It’s Fine,” You smiled warmly up at him and gestured for him to take a seat, “What can I get for you?” 
“Are you sure?” His eyes looked full of apology, his expression so sweet and sincere, you felt your stomach begin to flip. 
“Really, Its fine, Now what would you like?” 
“Could I get a chai latte and a slice of the matcha crepe cake? If there is any left of course, My friends swung by earlier and My friend Mina was raving about it to me all day, So I had to come and try it for myself.” He said excitedly, The smile on his face making his eyes twinkle. 
You got him his request and took it over to his table, You watched him tuck in to the cake as you busied yourself with the rest of the closing down procedures, including actually turning the sign to closed this time, He took a book out of his bag and began to read it as he sipped on his latte, his eyes never leaving the pages before him, you smiled a little, noticing that he seemed to be rushing slightly. Draining the last of his coffee, he began to put his book away and stood up. Diving his hand in to his pocket to pay his bill.
“So, did the cake live up to the hype of your friend?” You smiled as you aksed him. 
“It was so good! My other friend, who wouldn’t normally be caught dead in a tea room, would absolutely love it, he is a bit of a tea nerd too. So I will have to drag him down here one day.” His smile showing his pearly whites and you melted a little inside. He was such a long term crush of yours, you didn’t know how you had continued to function while he was around. 
“Then its on the house, For such kind words and promise of future custom.” You winked at him. 
“What, No I couldn’t”
“Its the owners privilege,” You said in a hushed whisper, “Besides, I already cashed up for the day.” 
The toothy smile flashed again as he said goodbye. 
You truly never expected him to return, but return he did, the following week, you surmised that Thursdays were his days off from patrol, With another impossibly handsome man, ordered the same again for himself and a china rose tea and Victoria sponge for the other gentleman, you assumed this was the tea guy he spoke about. You recognised him as a hero too but couldn’t quite place who he was. But you enjoyed the appreciative noises he made while devouring your cake.
It became a weekly thing, sometimes he came alone, sometimes he had one or more friends in tow, Once he turned up with 3 men, all stupidly handsome, and a girl, who was adorably cute and complimented you, your shop and baking skills to no end. Mina was her name and she was forever welcome in your tea shop. Every time He came, you had a friendly chat , A strange kind of friendship began to blossom, even though you didn’t know each others names, besides his hero name, But it still made your heart go all mushy. 
A few months after he started to come in on those Thursdays you always found yourself looking forward to, He appeared at closing time, you looked up surprised to see him as he was very late today, your eyes going wide. 
“Hey” He smiled at you shyly, “Um, I hope you don’t think me weird only, the thing is I really need to ask you something,” Pausing, he took a deep breath, “Um, would you maybe like to go out with me sometime?” 
You smiled and felt your face flush a deep red, you giggled, He looked so shy and adorable as he stumbled over his words, “Sure I would love to.”
No one sounded more surprised than he did, he fished a card out his pocket and a pen, gripping the lid between his teeth as he scribbled something down. 
“This is my personal number, give me a call later and I’ll take you anywhere that will make you smile.”
“I will.” 
Holding the card up to your eyeline, you fought the urge to scream and jump up and down around the tea room in happiness.
“Oh!” He stopped and turned before he left, “I’m Sero, Hanta Sero, Pleased to meet you YN.” He sent a wink your way and left.
you Blushed uncontrollably as you tidied up the place a little faster than normal, you had a phone call to make. 
I loved this idea!! My first Sero story tooooo, we love Sero in this house! Hope you guys enjoyed and as always, please, like, follow and re-blog!! Thanks guys!
Love Ezra!!
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coralzoeleighivy · 3 years
Business As Usual
This is based after a certain something happens to Hawks in the Manga, there are no spoilers, as I don’t actually mention what happened in the manga, but for people who know what I am talking about, this is after THAT happens…. 
Keigo sat in the chair behind the big wooden desk, a lazy smile gracing his beautiful face. His legs were crossed elegantly, he looked every inch the business man and like he belonged there, the suit tailored perfectly to his well sculptured body.
Keigo Takami was in business alright, but sadly, the chair wasn’t his. the office wasn’t his either, which was a shame, he thought to himself with a sigh, it had a really beautiful view of the city he loved. His train of thought was interrupted as the door to the office swung open. Keigo looked up, a small half smile on his beautiful lips. 
“Well, well, well.” 
His words hung in the air as he fixed his eyes on the new occupant of the room, their eyes wide as confusion and panic danced across their features. 
“Who the hell-”
“I’m a messenger, after a fashion,” Keigo let out a little laugh at his choice of words, “I have been sent to give you a message from one of my many clients.”
There was a scoff from the other man, “ And what message would that be?” The cockiness of the gentleman was starting to grate on Keigos last nerve. 
“This,” The word casually left Keigos lips as he pulled a concealed gun from his inside pocket and gracefully fired a single bullet, securing the fate of the cocky man. 
Uncrossing his legs he pushed himself out of the chair and made his way over to where he laid on the ground gasping for his last breath. 
Crouching down low, he watched the light begin to leave their eyes as they faded to black, He cocks his head to the side and spoke, with a slight tone of amusement to his youthful voice. 
“What did you do to find yourself getting a visit from me? Naughty boy.”
The dying man gulped and gasped loudly, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth and seeping from the wound in his chest where Keigos bullet had struck.
“Never mind,” Keigo pulled out his burner phone, “Smile.” he snapped a photo of the man, pinged it off to where it needed to be and immediately broke the phone in two before discarding the sim card before he stood above the now dead man. 
Ah yes, Keigo was in business alright, He adjusted his tie, stepped over the corpse and silently slipped away. Keigos business was death. 
Just a little quick scenario of how I imagine his life would go after THAT happens…. hope you guys enjoyed, please like and re-blog. Also I would love you forever if you gave me a follow!! Thanks, Love From Ezra
(Peep the name reveal, clearly becoming more comfortable with tumblr haha)
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coralzoeleighivy · 3 years
Why do I never have money, yet I have nothing to show for the lack of money? I havent bought anything! Where is my money!
Why is life so expensive, I am not even enjoying it.
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coralzoeleighivy · 3 years
Lips Of An Angel, Part 2
Here it is guys!! Part two!! Thank you for being patient with me!! and because you asked nicely I tagging @marshmallow12435 because you wanted to know when I posted!! So here goes! Enjoy everyone!! 
Shot ran until he thought his lungs might give out, he was hoping he would catch up to you before you even made it to Katsuki’s, if that was where you were even headed? No he couldn’t think like that, He was going to find you there. 
There is was, just up ahead, Katsuki’s home, The lights were on, that’s a good sign right? It was almost 2am! Surely that had to mean you were there. He reached the door and began to hammer on it, Frantic, but he didn’t care, He needed to explain, or at least try to. 
A very disgruntled Bakugo finally answered the door. 
“She doesn’t wanna see you, Asshole.” He snapped a soon as he opened the door. 
Shoto was trying to catch his breath on the blondes porch.
“I don’t care what you tell me she said, i need to speak to her.” He managed to get out between breaths.
He tried to push his way past the explosive hero, but to no avail, Bakugo stopped him. 
“I said she doesn’t wanna see you.” He said eerily calm.
They angrily stared each other down at the front door, Bakugos grip on Shotos arm tightened, small crackles could be heard and the temperature in the room began to noticeably drop as the two heroes continued their stare down. 
“Katsuki…” Your feeble voice came from behind the mountain of a man, “Its ok, i’ll handle it.”
Shoto looked behind Bakugo, his eyes widened in shock and sadness as he took in your dishevelled hair, red eyes and puffy cheeks, he had caused all this hurt, you let out a sniffle and he thinks he feels his heart break, This was all his fault. He snatches his arm away from Bakugos grip and quickly makes his way over to you, reaching for your hands, only to visibly wince when you retreat them from his reach, not letting him hold your hands in his. 
“Say what you came to say, and leave.” You said, as you stared at you hands, picking at the loose skin around your nails, a habit of yours. “I already know all the important parts, so don’t try and play the victim here”
“No please, YN. I am not here to try and talk my way out of anything, what i have done is awful” He says sadly, “But please here me out.”
Bakugo interrupts. “I’ll be in the kitchen, YN if you need me to kick this guys ass, just shout.” He makes to leave, but not without harshly bumping in to Shotos shoulder first. Making you smirk a little. Petty, but you didn’t care. 
“Thanks Suki.” You mutter, eyes still glued to your hands, still yet to look Shoto in the eye. 
Shoto guides you to the sofa and sits down besides you, feeling the pain when you shuffle away from him being to close. 
“I love you…” He begins but is quickly cut off. 
“Don’t, Just don’t give me that bullshit, I don’t need you to lie to my face as well as behind my back, stop trying to make yourself feel better about doing something shitty. I don’t need your pity and your excuses, If that’s all you have to say then leave.”
“I can’t lie to you anymore, because I truly do love you, Please believe me.”
“WHY SHOULD I?!” You yell, forcing yourself to your feet to pace around, “Give me one good fucking reason as to why I should believe a god damn word that comes out your mouth! You have apparently done nothing but lie to me from the start! Everything you have ever said to me has been a lie, EVERYTHING!” 
“NO Y/N!! I never lied to you, everything i ever said was true, every compliment, every i love you, everything was true, just please let me explain.”
“And what? I am meant to be grateful now?” You spit back. 
“No, just please…” 
you looked down at his desperate facial expression, you could see it in his eyes, sincerity, maybe you should just let him explain himself properly.”
“You have 5 minutes.” You huffed as you sank back down in to the sofa. 
“Thank you.” He said, then silence engulfed the two of you, Where did he even begin? 
“4 minutes left.” You stated.
“Right” He sighed deeply, “Well as you probably gathered from the phonecall, there has been…”
“No shit Sherlock” You snapped, you were beyond sad now, Shoto turning up and taking his sweet time had just made you mad, in fact it made you furious. He blinked back at your bluntness, he wasn’t used to you not being patient with him or swearing so much, he was taken aback. You had never snapped at him before. “Just get on with it Todoroki or I swear.”
That was it, hearing his family name slip from your lips instead of the usual Shoto made him snap, tears threatening to pour down his pink cheeks.
“Don’t you fucking dare.” You snapped when you saw the tears.  “You have absolutely no right to cry in front of me right now.”
“I can’t help it, hearing you call me by my surname feels like the final nail in the coffin.”
“If you don’t get on with it we’ll both be in coffins.” You muttered, “Now just tell me what you wanna say.”
“There has always been someone else that has also had my heart.” He said, wiping the tears away, “She shrouded my mind and for a while she was all i could think about, even after we met, I just couldn’t seem to get her off my mind, But the closer we got, the more she faded away, eventually I found myself barely thinking of her, and smiling around you a lot more. Just as a I found myself fully falling for you, she clawed her way back in to my life, and it was like she had never left, like I was under some kind of spell for her. I couldn’t bring myself to hurt you, I really was falling hard for you, But I also kept finding myself in her embrace, I am sorry for what I have done, truly, because after tonight’s phone call, I saw you were gone and I just instantly knew, I felt it in my bones that you were the one I needed in my life, the one i wanted and desired the most. The panic that washed over me at the thought of you not being in my life, Imagining not waking up to you every morning, No more loving kisses, no more breakfasts together before going off to work, no more evening cuddles while a forgotten movie played in the background, I couldn’t not have you in my life, and i promise to spend the rest of my life making it up to you, If you could just find it in your heart to give me one last chance, Just come home with me and forget any of this ever happened, to please, just forgive me and let me hold you again.”
A few tears rolled down your cheeks as you cupped his face with your hands, he automatically leaned in to your touch, he looked in to your eyes and gave you a small smile, which you returned, and he closed his eyes in contentment….
“Is that it?” You sighed
His eyes snapped open as you let go of his face, staring straight in to your stoic eyes that gave nothing away. Emotionless.
“Di you really think something like that pathetic little speech was going to get me to come home and welcome you back with open arms, when our whole relationship was built on a rebound that you didn’t even get over? You want me to just up and forgive you after 3 years of deceit? You think its gonna be all sunshine and rainbows? No, I don’t trust you and you want to follow you home like a loyal puppy and play happy families and pretend like none of this happened!!”
You stop to catch your breath, standing and running your hands through your hair, A speechless Shoto sat staring at you as you continued with your rant.”
“What? Nothing to say? Did you not prepare for the possibility I wasn’t going to return to you, what like I am so lucky in life to be with the great Shoto Todoroki? Well, as it turns out, I am shit outta luck! And so are you!! Tough luck Todoroki! TOUGH FUCKING LUCK! This isn’t some sappy RomCom where you say a few nice things about me and I come running back to you, I’m not some pathetic lonely woman who thinks she will never find love again, who thinks she has nothing else in her life worth living for because some asshole cheated on her, I am not someone who has no other options because some lying cheating scumbag bastard strung her along for 3 years, NO! Not me, I have a life still to live, and I don’t need you in it. But I do want an answer, so give me one. Who is she?” 
He stared open mouthed at your heavily breathing frame, Should he tell you? Would you kill her? What does he do now? Just as he was about to open his mouth the door opened and he suddenly didn’t have to say anything, In walked Camie, Bakugo’s long time girlfriend, and from the shock on her face and the look on Shoto’s as he stared at her presence, It didn’t take a genius to figure it out. 
“Sh… Todoroki… YLN.. what…what are you guys doing here so late?” She asked, a lump in her throat as she did.
You looked from her to Shoto, and you knew. 
“It’s you…” You said, “Its been you all along..”
Camie just stands there like a dear in the headlights, her gaze flitting from you to Shoto, begging him with her eyes for an ounce of backup. 
“ I….” Tears began to pour freely down her face. 
“KATSUKI!!!” You screamed.
“NO! PLEASE!” She lunges towards you, grabbing your arm.
“What? and just let my best friend continue his life with an unfaithful whore?”
You yelled at her as Bakugo shot in from the kitchen, just in time to witness you thro Camie from your grasp on to the ground.
“Woah!!” He yelled, heading for Camie, but you stopped him, “ What the hell is going on here?”
“It’s her” you said calmly looking down at the girl, who was now her knees, crying at your feet. “It’s her who has been fucking Todoroki for almost my entire relationship with him!”
Bakugo just stared down at her, eyes wide, His gaze turned to Shoto, who was sat on the couch, his face in his hands as his shoulders shook from silently crying. Bakugo saw red. His head lowered, his teeth grinding together, His Palms crackling loudly around his balled up fists, He was about to step forward until he felt your hand on his shoulder. 
“They are not worth it, either of them.” 
He calmed down slightly at your words and touch and looked you in the eye, you smiled and he returned the smile. 
“Just one question,” He stated boldly, looking down at Camie, “Di you ever love me? Or did you just choose me to get closer to this bastard?” 
She looked up at him, her silence speaking volumes, That was all he needed.
“Get the fuck out, both of you.” He fumed
“But where am I meant to go?”
“Do it look like i give a shit about where you go, end up in a ditch for all I care, why don’t you go to lover boys house with him, Whore.”
“She is no longer welcome at my place.” Shoto said as he stood up heading for the door, not without giving you one last apologetic smile.
“Katsuki, please.” Camie begged holding on to the hem of his shirt from he place still on the floor. 
“NO! You don’t get to call me that anymore, Now I aid, get out.”
He bent down grabbing her by the collar of her coat and literally throwing her out the door, Shot still stared at you sadly as the door was slammed in both thier faces. He had really fucked up, and he knew deep down there was nothing he do to fix it. 
He stared longingly at the door, until Camie tried to grab his hand, that he snatched away. 
“Don’t touch me, this is all your fault, I was just getting over you! I had found someone I could love, who I DID love, why did you haver to come back and ruin everything for me!? I am going home, don’t follow me.”
He storms off leaving her in the street alone to sort out her own situation, He was done with her, he wouldn’t let her ruin his life again. 
Back in Bakugo’s house you slumped down on the sofa, your head on your hands, tears wanting to fall but you not quite letting them. 
“He isn’t worth it.” Bakugo said in a calm voice, a hand around your back, drawing small circles along the small of it to calm you down. You look at him smiling and padding your eyes with your hands to stop the tears, “ You know I am right.” He smiles down at you.
“Yeah, you’re always right. Aren’t you?” You giggle back at him.
“You know it, sweetheart.” He laughs, “Now come one we should get some shut eye, we are both on patrol tomorrow. You can stay here as long as you need to.”
“Shit, Patrol. My hero uniform and everything is all at that hom… Todorokis place.”
“Don’t worry, make me a list and ill swing by in the morning for your uniform, you have bought the essentials right?” 
You nod at him
“Right well I’ll get you some fresh sheets for the guest room, lets sleep.”
You yawned and followed him to the guest room and he got you the fresh sheets he promised and bid you a goodnight as he went to his room. 
The next morning, Bakugo was true to his word and went to Shoto’s house to collect your hero uniform and a few other things as specified in the list he asked you to write for him. He arrived, ringing the doorbell and waiting for an answer. He eventually opened the door, he looked like shit. 
“Bakugo.” He seethed
“Asshole.” Bakugo replied.
After they exchanged their greetings, Bakugo made his way inside, explaning you had sent him for the bits you needed. 
“Is she okay?” Shoto asked sheepishly.
“You don’t get to know that.” Bakugo spat back as a reply.
“Come on Bakugo, at least let me know she is okay?”
“You threw away the right you had to know anything about her or her life.”
Shoto stared down at the blonde as he packed a few of your belongings into the bag he bought with him. 
“Oh my god…” Shoto realized. “ You’re still in love with her aren’t you?”
“Always was, always will be.” Bakugo replied without missing a beat, he smiled up at the dual haired man, “ Your loss will be my gain.”
He zipped up the bag and stood besides Shoto. Shoto’s left side began to ignite a little out of jealousy and rage. 
“Go ahead IcyHot, do your worst, I’ll just go home and have YN patch me up while i tell her what a monster you are.”
With that said, his flames extinguished, He didn’t want you to think he was a monster, even though it is what he deserved.
“Just treat her better than I ever did.” Shot said quietly.
“That won’t be difficult.”
That stung.
Bakugo stepped past Shoto, leaving him behind with just his thoughts and memories. 
He made it back to his house, he entered only to be hit with the smell of bacon and eggs, a smile creeped on to his face, he could get used to this domestic life bullshit, coming home to a cooked meal everyday sounded great. He decided there and then that he wasn’t going to waste another second of his life with out you. He walked in to the kitchen gaining you attention.
“Hey Kats….” You were cut off by his lips slamming down on to yours, You were still for a few seconds while you figured out what ws happening, and then you melted in to his embrace as you returned the kiss, you felt his smile on your lips as the kiss deepened. 
He begrudgingly broke the contact.
“You have no idea how long I have wanted to do that.” He whispered against your lips that were still very close to his own, his arms tightening around your waist.
“Then show me, Suki.” You said as you returned you lips to his and kissed him with all the passion you had. 
You were sure he has the lips of an Angel
There we go guys!! Part 2!!! I absolutely LOVED writing this story, so I hope you all enjoy it too. It deffo my new fave! Please like and follow I would be eternally grateful!! 
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coralzoeleighivy · 3 years
Lips Of An Angel
You were slightly woken up by the sound of Shoto’s phone vibrating none stop against the dresser on his side of the bed, He quickly picked up the phone before you could be fully woken up by it. 
“Don’t worry sweetie, its just work, go back to sleep.” He said gently as he kissed your forehead sweetly, making you smile as he left quickly and quietly. It was the next words out of his mouth that fully woke you from your half slumber.
“Honey, Why you calling me so late?” He whispered, but it was to late, you heard it. “Its hard to talk right now” Your eyes shot open at that last part. You raised yourself from the bed, intrigue and horror taking over as you quietly slipped from your shared bed and silently followed him in to the hallway, careful to keep yourself hidden as you listened in on the conversation. 
“Honey? Why are you crying? Is everything ok?” He asked and your heart sank. “ I have to whisper, I can’t be to loud, she is asleep in the other room.”
“She?” You thought to yourself, Were you the other woman? were you just his side piece? You felt tears begin to sting at your eyes, but you couldn’t jump to conclusions just yet, you hadn’t heard enough. 
“Sometimes I wish she was you, i guess we never really moved on.” He smiles in to the phone, your heart breaking with every word you heard and every smile you saw tug at his lips. You had never seen him smile so much around you. He wished you were someone else? That hurt. 
You had been together for just over 3 years now, if this was how he had felt al along why didn’t he break things off earlier? Why did he let you fall so in love with him when all along he was wishing you were someone else? Why did he lift you up, just to drop you?
You felt anger run through your body, your left side began to heat up in the anger, but you managed to control it. You couldn’t let it get to you, not yet, you continued to listen in on the conversation. 
“Its really good to hear your voice, when you say my name it makes me weak, as though its coming from the lips of an angel.” 
He never said sweet words like that to you, and if they had never really moved on, does this mean your whole relationship was a lie? a cover? had he been in contact with this other person all along? What were you to him? if anything?
“You make it so hard to be faithful, I never wanna say goodbye to you.” 
Those last word broke you, you didn’t want to hear anymore but your legs had suddenly forgotten how to function, you wanted to run away and pack a bag, leave and never return, but you were glued to the spot, forced to hear more sweet nothings being whispered to someone who wasn’t you, by the man you so desperately loved. 
“Its funny that you’re calling me tonight, I dreamt of you.” He sighs dreamily into the phone. “Does he know your talking to me? Will It start a fight?” He asked, concern lacing his words, “No, I don’t think she has a clue.” 
Your eyes widened, she knew about you? and was asking if you knew of the deceit you were clearly both pulling on your current lovers. It wasn’t just you being strung along, there was a poor man being carelessly dragged through this too, probably unknowingly. 
That was the last thing you wanted to hear, you willed your legs to move and quietly made your way back to the bedroom, quietly grabbing your smallest suitcase and filling it with the essentials and putting on a hoodie and some jeans silently you made your way out of the bedroom, looking down the corridor, there he stood, back to you, still deep in conversation with whoever was on the other end of the line, not even realising you had awoke, heard his whole conversation and managed to pack a few bits, he was so engrossed with whoever he was speaking to he didn’t even notice. You tip toed to the front door and slipped on your trainers, you took one last look around the place and slipped out the front door, quiet as a mouse. 
Just as the door closed Shoto hung up the phone, Sighing to himself and returning to his now own bedroom, noticing you were not in bed his eyes widened and his heart sunk, Did you hear any of that? No, surely you were just on the bathroom? He ran to check, nothing, running to the front door he noticed your trainers were gone, sprinting to the bedroom, he saw the travel case missing and a few of your other belongings too, He swallowed hard, tears threatening to fall. 
You had heard. 
You knew of his deception and he was to in to his own thoughts that he didn’t even notice you slip from his grasp. He needed to find you, He needed to explain a few things. You couldn’t have gone far, surely? He ran to the door, pulling on a jumper as he went, quickly slipping in some sneakers and sprinting out the door to find you, Desperately he called your name in to the darkness, nothing, he called your phone, straight to voicemail. He deserved this, yet he couldn’t let you go, he couldn’t loose you, He knew he didn’t deserve you but he really couldn’t bare life without you. He knew this and realized when it was to late. He screamed into the cold night and continued on his search for you, 
“YN!!!!!!” He screamed until his voice was hoarse, He wouldn’t give up, knowing exactly where you would go at this time, he made his way to the place he didn’t want to go, and knew you wouldn’t want to be there is you knew the truth. 
The home of Katsuki Bakugo. 
Hope you guys liked this! I got the idea from the HInder song called lips of an angel. Based loosely on the lyrics of the song. 
Please like and reblog!!! Love youuuuuu. 
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coralzoeleighivy · 3 years
Daddy Kiri
I think this is an adorable idea! I’ll see what I can come up with, Hope you enjoy!!!
Kirishima sighed contently as he woke up in the morning, stretching out his long limbs, his eyes adjusting to the sunlight creeping in through the curtains, He turned to face you only to be met with an empty spot where you would usually be, still in a dream land, probably drooling as you snored slightly, it was honestly one of his favourite things to see when he woke up.
He frowned and yawned slightly as he wondered if you had to be somewhere and he had forgotten you had told him, no, he was 100% sure you were both off today. He made an effort to sit up and that’s when he heard it, the pitter patter of excited feet running on the wooden flooring towards him, the slight giggle of his twin boys. Then he remembered, today was fathers day!
He quickly threw himself back on the bed and closed his eyes feigning sleep.
Just as he did the door flew open and his two boys charged in and jumped on him, thinking they were waking him, he acted surprised as they crawled all over him on the bed.
“Ahhhh my pups!!!” He roared, gaining a slight shriek of laughter from the both as they tried to escape his grasp. But Kirishima grabbed them both and pulled them in to either side of him and hugged them closely. “How are my two pups this morning?” He asked, placing a kiss on each of their foreheads.
“Were great daddy!” They said in unison, something that made Kiris heart ache and he feared it would for all eternity. “Happy fathers day!!” They both smiled up at him, both had inherited his trademark toothy grin. He was sure he would do anything to protect their smiles.
Then you arrived, “Thanks for leaving me to carry everything boys!” You say, faking irritation. “Happy fathers day Ei.” You say sweetly as you place the tray down in front of him, a plate full of shark shaped pancakes and a jug of syrup on the side.
“Thanks Sweetpea” He says, puckering his lips for a kiss, which you gladly give him.
“Ewwwww!!” The boys yell together and make pretend gagging sounds.
“Hey!” Kiri replies, ruffling both their hairs. “You pups will understand one day when you find someone you love.”
They both stick their tongue out in silent defiance.
“Now come on, lets tuck in to these lovely looking pancakes mummy made us” He smiles as both his boys lunge forward with a wide smile, grabbing a plate and a pancake each and fighting over the syrup, he smiles widely gesturing for you to come and join them, which you do.
He smiles over at you, then down at his boys. His family. He couldn’t have been happier than in this moment right now. He couldn’t even begin to think of anywhere he’d rather be than right here.
“Daddy!! eat before they go cold!!” One of his boys scolded him and he laughed as he plated himself up a pancake… or 6. Hiding a slight tear making its way down his face, he couldn’t be any more grateful for you, and his Pups.
There we go Anon!! Hope you enjoyed it!! I loved this request! If anyone else has any requests please send them my way, and as always please like a reblog!! thank you!!!!!
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coralzoeleighivy · 3 years
Just a quick little bit of angst before bed, Who doesn’t like to go to sleep crying? Not me! No names mentioned, but generally a female reader vibe, so you can pretend this is who ever you want it to be about. 
He sat next to the low window in the bedroom you both shared, no lights on as he sat in self pity and watched the rain trickle down the glass. The sound of heavy rain fall offered him little sense of comfort and solace that he hadn’t found anywhere else. 
Reaching out his hand he placed, he placed his finger on to the cold glass, his warm flesh creating a mist where his warmth met the cold, leaving a trail in its wake as he dragged the solitary digit down the window pane. His eyes were unfocused as he stared ahead blankly, wondering what he was going to do now. What could he do? Leaning forward he let out a hot breath towards the window, steaming it up just enough to write out her name, before leaning his head against the window and letting out a deep sigh. 
The street lamps cast the ground in a yellow glow, the raindrops falling heavily in to the puddles, each drop creating ripples… cause and effect, he thought to himself, letting out a small mirthless chuckle. If only he had thought about this before. If only he hadn’t said what he had said, but hindsight was a wonderful thing, as they say. 
His hands flew to his head as he gripped at his hair, as though that would make the pain stop. The pain in his chest, that was now hollow and empty. What had he done? Why didn’t he chase her? She was out there now, somewhere without him.
He closed his eyes as his body shook uncontrollably and the tears began to stream down his face. 
If only he could get her back in his life and in his arms, where she belonged. 
If Only. 
There, we go. Just a short little something, currently working on chapter 2 of, one of the guys! Almost finished, probably get it typed up in the next few days. But please enjoy my tiny bit of Angst.. If you would be kind enough to like and follow I would muchly appreciate it!! Thanks guys!! 
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