cor-byn · 4 years
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my god
(edit: how is this my one post to achieve 1k notes?!?!)
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cor-byn · 4 years
Maximus Confidencia Might Be Wearing Off - Ben Copper X Reader
A/N: Hello There! I haven’t been feeling well as of recent, so I wrote this incredibly short fic to cheer myself up. I hope it cheers you up as well!
Word Count: 803
Summary: Ben and the Reader have a discussion after attending the Celestial Ball together. Warnings: None :)
Y/N sat quietly in the artifact room, a book in hand, savoring the quiet she now had. Since the Celestial Ball last evening, she had been bombarded with questions regarding her and Ben attending the ball as dates. 
She knew that gossip regarding dates was likely to happen from the moment the ball was announced (Hogwarts students had a bad tendency to gossip about relationships), but unfortunately for her and Ben, they were the only ones in their group who had paired off. Therefore, all the gossip had been directed towards them. Specifically her, as given Ben's quiet nature, most people sought her out to ask questions.
While she certainly didn't mind having positive attention for once (she would take someone calling her and Ben cute together any day, over being called a lunatic like her brother), she couldn't give an honestly good answer to most of their questions. The reason for this being, mainly, that she and Ben had not yet discussed the status of their relationship. Given both of their introverted natures, as well as inexperience in the realm of dating in general, Y/N doubted that they would have a conversation about their standing for quite some time. Thus, she opted to try and distract herself, settled in between the shelves and beginning to devour her book, only slightly registering the calming sound of rain tapping on the stone roof above her.
As wonderful as Y/N had found her Hogwarts adventures to be this far, she truly savored the simple moments as well.
Within meer seconds, her welcomed silence was broken by an out-of-breath Ben, who had barged in without knocking, and had shut the door quickly behind him. Y/N looked up from her book and blinked in surprise, blood rushing to her cheeks as she studied his form over.
"Ben… is everything alright?" Legitimately concerned, given the shocked look on his face, Y/N put her book aside, and stood up, meeting him just below eye level.
"I-I… Sorry. I didn't r-realize you were in here." Ben took a deep breath and backed away from the door, taking a few steps closer. "Tulip was chasing me, trying get me to tell her a-about… u-us. I managed to loose her, thankfully." He let out a relieved laugh, rubbing his neck sheepishly, his hand just barely grazing the bottom of his honey-blonde hair. How desperately did Y/N want to run her hands through it? She'd never tell.
Offering a smile, she laughed softly at his nervous demeanor. While most students found it annoying, she found it quite charming. "It's alright, Ben… I mean, the room is basically yours after all. I'm honestly intruding." Truth be told, Ben really was the only one who tended the upkeep of the artifact room. At the very least, he was the only one who bothered to dust. "Also, Tulip was trying to ask you about the Ball? People have been chasing me all day to ask." She laughed nervously, not exactly sure if she wanted to open this particular can of worms. However, she figured she better ask sooner rather than later, and risk looking not interested. 
Ben sat down on the floor, back against the bookcase, beckoning Y/N to follow. She did in suit, sitting next to him, her back pressed against the wooden feature as well.
"Yes… Penny, Tulip, and Rowan have tried to interrogate me about it thus far. Honestly, I'm not sure what to tell them?" His chocolate brown eyes locked into her, studying her form over with careful detail, trying to gain her reaction. 
A dusting of pink covered Y/N's cheeks, as she took a deep breath to steady herself. She had always struggled slightly with bravery. "Well, I honestly had quite a bit of fun last night… I hope you did as well. And h-honestly, I was wondering if you might be interested in going on another date sometime… with m-me?" She smiled up at him from under her lashes, feeling like she could melt in his warm gaze.
Ben broke into a smile, and in a sudden burst of bravery, picked up Y/N's hand and intertwined her fingers with his own. "I would l-love that. I was planning to ask you, but honestly I was rather scared to. Maybe Maximus Confidencia is started to wear off… But I thought Flitwick said it was permanent?" 
Y/N let out a soft laugh, not ready to give up the secret quite yet. As much as she liked Ben's shy nature, she also enjoyed seeing him act with more bravery- he honestly seemed happier. "He did, but worse comes to worst, I can cast it again!"
Ben laughed softly, gently squeezing Y/N's hand gently. "I don't know what I would do with y-you."
A/N: Thanks for reading! I’ve been considering writing a much longer second part to this! Let me know if you think I should :)
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cor-byn · 4 years
Jukebox the Ghost: why’s every song about love or drinking too much? well maybe it’s because
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cor-byn · 4 years
Summary: MC is disheartened when their crush, Talbott, doesn’t attend the Celestial Ball. Little does MC now, however, that after the Ball will truly be the magical experience she hoped for.
Word Count: 2028
(This is written from the presepective of a Ravenclaw MC, as well as an animagus. Enjoy! :) )
The halls felt unusually cold that night. Of course, I wasn’t dressed in the proper attire for a snowy Scotland evening- the Celestial Ball was to blame for that. Thankfully for my friends, the night had seemed to go off without a hitch. With Penny as the head of the decorating committee, I never knew why I had any doubt. The ambitious Hufflepuff was sure to make sure everyone had the time of their lives.
I tried my hardest to as well. After all, it was unlikely that I was going to get another opportunity to attend an event of the like for quite some time. I had tried to help my friends the most I could, by arranging decorations and transporting food to and from the space. I even, although reluctantly, agreed to dress up for the event. Fortunately, Andre had agreed to let me wear comfortable shoes, so long as I dawned one of his picks of a dress. I did have to admit, with the dark blue fabric and knit-in white stars, the dress glowed like the night sky. However, I was thankful to still have my trusty loafers on underneath, some part of my identity still present in this outfit that truly made me look like a different person.
Despite those positive details, I still was left feeling slightly depressed after attending. The music could still be heard, echoing behind me as I moved further away from the event. I had attended it with one hope- That maybe, just maybe, I would be lucky enough to run into Talbott, and perhaps work up the nerve to ask him to dance.
Although it had taken me some time to admit it to myself, I did, in fact, fancy him. While he wasn’t the most outspoken and friendly person, I found his quiet nature and snarky attitude appealing. Hogwarts was full of loud, rambunctious Gryffindors, conviving Slytherins, overly generous Hufflepuffs, and full-of-themselves Ravenclaws. Talbott seemed different, and thus I found myself stuck in his gravitational pull since the first time I met him, whether or not I had realized it then. Perhaps it had to do with the kinship that came from both being animaguses, but perhaps I would never know.
His interesting personality was perhaps the first reason as to why I shouldn’t have expected him to come to the Ball. After all, he was someone who would rather spend his free time in the library or the owlery, not somewhere with loads of teenagers who tried their best to make idle chatter. I still found myself slightly disappointed, however- I had encouraged myself to go to this event with the possible reward of some romantic encounter with him. Clearly, that wasn’t going to happen.
The cold was simply bitting, as I gave up on the hope of getting back to my room just yet. Searching for the nearest door, I found it to be the library. At least the fireplaces could provide some warmth.
With habit, I opened the door softly and quietly. Clearly, this wasn’t necessary considering the absolute lack of people within. Still, it felt rather unkosher to be noisy, so thus I took quiet steps towards the fireplace, finally reaching the couch and sinking in, sighing as the pressure left my feet.
I was reaching out my hands to the fire when I heard the rustling of papers nearby. I had surely thought that I was alone, and thus I was startled and suddenly worried that Peeves might be trying to pull one of his classic pranks on me. I really wasn’t in the mood to be bombarded by dungbombs at the moment.
Instead, I glanced towards the Poetry section, to see a rather rumpled looking Talbott picking up a paper he had dropped. I considered turning to my other form that instant and simply flying away, but the squeak I let out betrayed me. He turned and made eye contact with me before I had a chance to run.
“MC?” His voice was quiet and rough- clearly, he had been here a while. I stared at him, a little terrified of him seeing my blush, but forced myself to respond.
“Um… Hi Talbott- Sorry to just uh- barge in here… I just uh, I was coming from the dance and got cold, you know...” Rubbing the back of my neck sheepishly, I tried to laugh it off but it seemed as if I made the situation more awkward.
“Well yeah, that dress doesn’t seem really- warm.” His chocolate brown eyes, on the other hand, did. Quite honestly, I could get lost in their depths all day, if I really wanted to.
He broke the eye contact soon enough, slicking back his hair. “Well, I was about to head back to the Ravenclaw common room, actually. I’m assuming you’re heading that way. Care to join?” I nodded in reply before I could even work up the courage to say yes. Talbott simply smiled at me- a rare gesture that made my stomach do a flip - and I managed to smile back.
He slung his bag over his shoulder, and headed to the door, stopping before I walked outside. “Um, here. You could honestly, probably use this more than me.” He laughed softly, gently draping his cardigan over my shoulders. I swear, I could see a hint of color painting his cheeks at that moment. I sure as hell was blushing.
“I- thanks.” I smiled warmly, pulling it a little tighter around me. It smelled of cinnamon and paper, something that I wouldn’t have imagined it would have, but that was all the while rather pleasant.
We started the walk to the common room, our footsteps lining up surprisingly well. Despite it being still quite cold outside, the silence hung like a wool blanket around us, dampening the feeling.
“So, how was it?” I was a little startled at his question, and thus it took me a moment to process where the sound was coming from.
“Oh… honestly, it was fine. I mean, it was fun to hang out with all our friends- I mean even Rowan showed up - And Penny did a great job decorating, as we all knew she would. But I, yeah-” He laughed softly, his eyes shining slightly at me.
“What, not the big, life-changing romantic experience you expected?-” A slight bit of snark accented his comment.
“W-what! No, of course not… I mean I didn’t even-”
“Ah, so you do like someone then?” He chuckled, looking down at his feet. I swear I could have heard a hint of sadness in his voice at that instant. I paused for a moment, staring at him, trying to process what I had just witnessed.
“Well… I mean I do… B-but nothing happened at the Ball. I mean, you weren’t even-” I stopped in my tracks, praying to Rowena that he didn’t notice what I had just said.
Either he didn’t, or he was surprisingly good at playing it off. I was hoping it was the latter.
“Well, I know I’m not really much of a replacement to a grand ole Ball… but maybe I could tempt you to go get Butterbeer with me? After you change out of that dress of course,” He smirked a bit, his eyes dancing over me, “it looks kinda uncomfortable.”
I laughed softly in relief, “Well, I’m glad my pain is that obvious.”
The Three Broomsticks was warm and full of older students who didn’t have a Ball to attend tonight. I laughed softly as an older Slytherin, clearly a little tipsy, knocked into a table of Gryffindor girls who playfully pushed him away. Despite having changed into a simple white button-down and jeans, I still had Talbott’s cardigan draped over my shoulders. I knew I had to give it back eventually, but until he asked, I wasn’t much inclined.
I sipped my Butterbeer lazily and snuck a glance over at Talbott, who seemed to be thinking heavily about something. Finally, I forced myself to ask the question that I had wanted to all night. “So… why didn’t you go to the Ball?”
Clearly a little startled, he blinked a couple of times at me before responding. “Oh- Well uh, dances really aren’t my thing. Also, I wouldn’t have had a date, so honestly, that would have been awkward.” I laughed. Honestly, I knew how he felt.
“I suppose I’m obligated to ask the same question that you asked me then- Do you fancy someone then… or not?” I sincerely hoped the answer was yes.
He laughed awkwardly, before responding slowly. “Honestly, it’s taken me a long time to admit it to myself… But I may have feelings for another student.” His eyes twinkled slightly in the fireplace light.
I laughed in response because honestly, I wasn’t sure truly how to express the relief I was feeling. “Well, that’s good I suppose. Maybe you should tell them sometime.”
The edge of his lip quirked up, in that sort of that Talbott half-smile that I truly adored. “Only if you promise to tell your crush you fancy them first, MC.”
The night was coming to a close all too soon, as we slowly walked back through the castle, towards the common room yet again. I was surprised to still hear music drifting through the corridors, it being especially loud as we passed through the courtyard. I paused for a moment to simply listen, as Talbott seemed to enjoy the tune as well.
“You know, I didn’t really even dance at the Ball.” I laughed awkwardly, unsure of why I had just admitted it. He turned to look at me, an eyebrow raised.
“You’re telling me- You dragged yourself to a Ball… To just sit there, and not even dance?” I laughed sheepishly, running a hand through my hair.
“Uh, yeah, I suppose I did-”
“-Then dance with me.”
“You heard me.” I certainly had, and honestly, was quite shocked with his boldness. It was really uncharacteristic of him, but honestly, I kinda admired his bravery. I nodded my head yes, moving a little closer.
“S-sorry if I step on your toes-” I slowly locked my fingers with his, his hand coming to rest on my waist, sending sparks up my spine. He began to sway slowly, and I followed his lead, trying my hardest to not mess this up somehow. He laughed softly, sensing my tenseness most likely, as his hand slid to the small of my back, pulling me in flush against him.
“Relax. I’m new to this too-” And there it was again, for the second time tonight- a smile. Honestly, I was wondering what had gotten into him.
We swayed around quietly, letting the music encompass us, watching the snow tumble in lazy swirls towards the ground. The moon was really the only illumination, and just enough to let me make out his features against the background of the cold stone walls.
He was the first to dare to break the silence, his voice a quiet hush. “So, who do you fancy MC?” I stared in slight shock, a little caught off guard at the question. I questioned for a moment what I should say, my voice caught in my throat the moment I made my decision. Taking a second to collect myself, I let out what was barely a whisper.
The nest thing I knew, his hand was placed firmly against my cheek, holding me close in a gentle, loving kiss. It was quite clear we were both in shock by the time we finally pulled away.
“Well… I fancy you too MC. But I think that’s rather obvious at this point.” He let out a quiet chuckle, his eyes shining brighter than I had ever seen them.
I simply smiled and stayed pressed against him, swaying with him the quiet winter night. His arms were wrapped around me, probably partly for warmth, but also as a sign of affection that I never expected to receive, especially from the Ravenclaw who seemed so distant most of the time.
That’s when I knew this was the start of something wonderful.
A/N: Thanks for reading! Honestly, I haven’t written any sort of fan fiction for a very long time so I would really appreciate any feed back you have to give! Also, let me know if you’d like a part two or have any other character requests (My request box is open!). Au revoir!
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