coolmiaw · 2 days
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He recruited me after two episodes: 1) when he told MC to spare him details about breaking into the restricted section; 2) when he occasionally mentioned that, yeah, I have a polyjuice potion with Black’s hair, just in case, y’know. 
Imelda │ Ominis │ Amit │ MC
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coolmiaw · 17 days
Fig: I trust MC.
Sharp: You think they know what they're doing?
Fig: I wouldn't go that far.
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coolmiaw · 26 days
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#If you're looking for me, don't. David Tennant just killed me.
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coolmiaw · 27 days
Fig: So, I can be dramatic when I'm mad, no biggie.
Weasley: No biggie? Eleazar, you literally started to scream in frustration and threw yourself onto the floor.
Sharp: You stayed there for a good ten minutes and then got up like nothing happened
Fig: I said I was a little dramatic, didn't I?
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coolmiaw · 27 days
Fig: If MC and I were drowning, who would you save?
Sharp: You two can’t swim?
MC: It’s a hypothetical question, Professor Sharp! who would you save?
Sharp: my time and effort.
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coolmiaw · 27 days
Sharp, to MC: My life is in the hands of an idiot!
MC, motioning to themself and Fig: No no no no no, TWO idiots!
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coolmiaw · 27 days
Fig, setting down a card: Ace of spades
MC, pulling out an Uno card: +4
Ronen, pulling out a Pokémon card: Jolteon, I choose you
Sharp, trembling: What are we playing?
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coolmiaw · 30 days
Howin Queen of Diamond
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coolmiaw · 1 month
Garlick Ace of Diamond
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coolmiaw · 4 months
actually the best scene ever
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coolmiaw · 4 months
Sharpuary #19: Gherkin
See under cut for sotry + second version (for body hair amateurs XD)
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This first day at work had gone too smoothly.
It was starting to become suspicious.
You always had to mess up at least one thing.
So it shouldn't have surprised you at all when you entered the wrong bathroom. It wasn't locked, naturally. It wasn't as if you could miss the giant "MEN", yes in capital letters, written all over the door leading to it.
Of course, it wasn't empty.
Not that it bothered you, usually. As an Auror, you were a trained soldier. You had seen your fair share of bodies, mangled and healthy, in one piece and torn apart.
But why...
Ô why?
Did it have to be HIM?
You didn't stare, did you though?
Why would have stared?
Besides it wasn't as if you had seen anything... had you now?
Let's see.... Wait!
Am I really trying to remember if I have seen his... his... OH COME ON! YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!
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coolmiaw · 4 months
All right I might try my hand to all of them :)
hogwarts legacy main character ask game !!
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How did you choose your MC’s name?
Would your MC become a Prefect in sixth or seventh year, or Head Boy/Girl?
Would your MC play Quidditch if it was offered? What position?
What is your MC’s favorite class? Least favorite?
What is your MC’s Patronus?
If your MC was an Animagus, what form would they take?
Describe your MC’s family.
Why is your MC in whichever Hogwarts house they’re in?
What are your MC’s relationships with other students like? Do they have a best friend at school, and/or a worst enemy? 
What are your MC’s likes/dislikes?
What are your MC’s fears?
What is your MC’s best memory at school? Their worst?
What is your MC’s style like when not in school uniform? 
What are your MC’s hobbies? 
What is your MC’s ideal first date?
What does your MC do after Hogwarts? Why did you choose that path for them?
Does your MC have a pet/familiar?
reblog to share and drop some numbers in some ask boxes!! <3
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coolmiaw · 4 months
I would even add: good artists as well! But agreed, not my cup of tea
I can’t keep lying to myself or others… I don’t enjoy Sharp banging his students. Still, there are some excellent writers out there who write it.
I’m not the target audience, and that’s ok.
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coolmiaw · 4 months
I can’t keep lying to myself or others… I don’t enjoy Sharp banging his students. Still, there are some excellent writers out there who write it.
I’m not the target audience, and that’s ok.
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coolmiaw · 4 months
You shouldn't taunt a Gryffindor
Especially if you are a Slytherin.
Rework of previous post
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Fig had lost count of the number of detentions MC had served with Sharp. After the year they had gone through he had hoped his young ward would enjoy a peaceful, quiet year but apparently that was a bit too much to ask.
To be honest it wasn't really MC's fault. They just wanted to help. Too bad they seemed to have a knack for running into Sharp.
Outside of their dormitory. At night.
Therefore, he was now used to the daily visit of the Potions Master of Hogwarts so he could vent about MC's recklessness.
'And then I tried to explain… Eleazar?' Sharp stopped, frowning. Why was Eleazar smiling? MC breaking the rules over and over again was no pleasant matter. 'Are you even listening to me?'
'Of course I am, dear,' Fig replied calmly. 'I am simply happy you care so much about MC.'
'Care about… yes of course I do care about them,' Sharp replied with a hint of impatience in his voice. 'And this is why I'll never stop trying to ingrain in them how dangerous their behaviour is!'
'Hmmm have you ever considered they might behave in this way on purpose?'
'And why on earth would they do that?' Sharp asked while raising his arms up in a dramatic manner.
'Because they like spending time with you and they are too shy to ask you for it.'
There was a silence, only troubled by the light drumming of Fig's fingers on the book he was holding, in which Sharp stared at the older professor. The dark gaze was disarmed by the gentle gleam in Fig's eyes.
'I had hoped that our… relationship,' Sharp eventually said slowly, 'and the fact that MC discovered it would help them understand that I'll always be there for them.'
'Oh they know it,' Fig appeased him. 'But you must admit that you're not the most approachable professor of this school,' he added while pointing his book towards his partner.
'And I worked very hard for this,' Sharp approved.
'That you did,' Fig chuckled. 'But if you don't show MC how to pass through this wall you've surrounded yourself with, who will?'
Sharp opened his mouth as if he wanted to reply something but no sound came out of it. He had to admit, Fig had a point. A very valid point.
'But rest assured that I find you approachable,' the calm voice pulled him out of his thoughts.
Sharp looked up at Fig and if he was disarmed again, this time, it wasn't because of the soft gleam that usually lingered in his eyes.
'Do you now?' He managed to reply, a sly smile curving his lips.
There was a soft knock behind him and Fig's gaze shifted from his partner to the door as he strode towards it.
Sharp kept his smile up a bit longer, savouring the fact he had gotten the last word. As Fig was circling his desk, his mind focused again on MC. Perhaps he could invite them for a cup of tea? Or offer a training session as he had done in their fifth year. Of course the context was a bit different now but…
Before he could expand on that thought, he felt a tug at his tie and he just had the time to notice Fig's sparkling blue eyes before he was pulled forwards until he felt the gentle brush of Fig's lips against his.
'Very much so…'
Before Sharp could react, Fig was already answering the door.
'Ah Mathilda! Thank you very much, that is precisely the book I was seeking.'
Sharp couldn't tell what was the most frustrating. The fact he had been caught off guard or the fact that, in the end, Fig had gotten the last word?
'Ah Aesop you're here as well… Are you all right?'
He raised his eyes on the Deputy Headmistress who was oberving him with a bit of concern. He noticed Fig at her side, looking at him as well. One of his eyebrows was raised and there was nothing soft about what was swirling in his eyes.
No, the most frustrating thing was that he hadn't even been properly kissed.
'I'm fine Mathilda,' he finally said, his voice almost a growl.
Oh he was fine. Fig on the other hand…
'Good,' Weasley smiled kindly. 'Then I'm afraid I can't stay any longer as I have a class to teach in a few minutes.'
She nodded at her colleagues before turning around and crossed Fig's classroom. Sharp was well indeed. In fact, she couldn't remember a time when he had looked this good. Almost as if he was happy.
Then again, Fig was such a good friend, although she suspected MC to have something to do as well with his good mood.
A loud noise interrupted her train of thought just as she was closing the door of Fig's classroom behind her. She frowned. If she was fast enough, perhaps she'd managed to fix whatever chaos Peeves had caused, once again, before her class.
She sighed and hurried through Hogwarts corridors.
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coolmiaw · 4 months
Sharpuary #5: Dungeon
Be careful what you wish for.
You might actually find it
Especially if you seek it in the dungeons...
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coolmiaw · 4 months
Sharpuary #4: FIREWhisky
Yeah so I suck at backgrounds.... Might rework it once I will have improved XD
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