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In Christ.  Bible study of Philemon 1:4-6.  Thank you Jesus for this valuable lesson; especially during these turbulent times.  Love, Ellen
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Beautiful song. Perfect to go along with praising our Amazing God before prayer….conversation with Jesus. Thank you Jesus for giving me Psalms 101, 102, and 103. Love Ellen .
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Check out the comment with this one.Thank you Jesus for giving me Psalms 101, 102, and 103.
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This is a very enlightening biblical explanation of Hannah, who bore Samuel.
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The root of love. #ChristInspiredThoughts333
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This is my experience. #ChristInspiredThoughts333
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#ThanksgivinginScripture333 #ChristInspiredThoughts333
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Sabbath Reflection #ChristInspiredThoughts333
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Sabbath Reflections #ChristInspiredThoughts333
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Must hear!
She survived a saline abortion. Incredible testimony.
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Thank you Sweetheart for getting us tickets to this fundraiser for Cornerstones, Options for Women. The clinic is 100% private funding, so depends on donations of time, money, and resources.
The Harvest of Hope message is to save women from the snares of the enemy. The 55 million women’s lives are just as precious as the lost babies.
Lauren Roman eloquently spoke about the devastation to her life after her abortion. Somehow, the ending of life also takes the light and life out of women. We know that all women who choose abortion are snared by the enemy and undergo great suffering, much like Lauren’s story: Hiding in darkness that erupts into eating disorder, depression, “self-condemnation”, and feelings of unworthiness.
But, there is hope and forgiveness through the light and life of Jesus Christ. We are all called to extend a merciful heart to these women, support, and pray for them.
And more importantly, pray to protect the next potential “victim of abortion”; that choice that opens the spirit of death and brings destruction to the unborn, the Mother, Father, Grandparents, siblings, and society. Pray all women and society chooses LIFE, not death.
God Bless!
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Here is a chance to open your eyes to the unborn and to learn there are other options. I appreciate Jesus for leading me to Chase and Cooper and pray this blog blesses your life. God Bless, Ellen
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Thank You Jesus for letting me in to my Father's house. Love, Ellen
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Blessed Heavenly Father, Abba of all things great and small, Whose mercy and grace endures forever, I pray You REPAIR our nation and REBUILD our relationship with You. May we be REINFORCED by Your steadfast loving presence in all ways, small and great. I petition this to You through our Beloved Savior Christ Jesus. Love, Ellen
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