connor987654321heheheh 2 months
Pheasant Hunting in MN!! Every year my family goes pheasant hunting on our land. We have a big marsh that is loaded with them. We take our buddies dog and walk through the marsh. Once the dog finds one it will stop and point. Then we walk up on it and flush it out. They usually jump up but sometimes they just run. Once we鈥檙e done hunting we bring the birds back and clean them. They taste really good in a crockpot!!
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connor987654321heheheh 2 months
Have you every been snow goose hunting? Every year me and my buddies go down to North Dakota and hunt snow geese. There is no limit on snow geese so we can shoot as many as we want!! We usually go for an about a week. We stay in hotels and hunt everyday. We drive around and Intell we find them and go jump them. We have to be careful not to shoot any other species because they鈥檙e not in Season. The DNR is very strick about their hunting laws.
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connor987654321heheheh 2 months
I will be talking about bow-fishing. Last night I went bow-fishing with my brother and his buddy. Bow-fishing Is where you put lights on a boat and go out at night and shoot invasive species. It鈥檚 usually better when it鈥檚 warmer because they are up shallow spawning. We shot about 50 last night and dump them in our feild for fertilizer when we are done.
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connor987654321heheheh 2 months
2 years ago I shot my biggest buck to date. It was middle of November I was sitting in our stand. It was snowing and very cold outside but it didn鈥檛 matter because I had heat. I was watching YouTube and I looked out my window to see if there was any deer. As I was looking out the back window all I could see was antlers. So I open the window and once I got a shot I took it. He dropped instantly and died. It was an 8 pointer that scored 154 inches
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connor987654321heheheh 2 months
Did you know that most birds migrate. Every year waterfowl birds will return to their nesting grounds around spring time. They will come back every spring and lay their eggs. Once it gets cold they will migrate where it is warmer and will keep repeating this cycle.
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connor987654321heheheh 2 months
Did you know that the DNR bands the birds? They catch the birds when they鈥檙e young and put bands that have numbers on them to say how old they are. Once that bird gets shot by someone they register it and see how old the bird is. They also can see where it traveled and how far it went.
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connor987654321heheheh 2 months
Did you know that MN turkey season opened yesterday. My brother was on the way home from school and saw a turkey fanned out on our land. So they rushed back got me and we got the decoy ready and headed down there. We walked up on the turkey and hid behind the decoy. Once he got close enough I told my brother to shoot him and he got him!!
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connor987654321heheheh 2 months
Do you know that there is a limit on how many species you can kill? For MN you are allowed 1 turkey every year. Ducking hunting depends on what kind of duck you鈥檙e shooting. An example would be you only can shoot 4 mallards and 1 pintail. For geese you are allowed 5 per person. This is to make sure the population stays under control or we don鈥檛 shoot to many of them.
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connor987654321heheheh 2 months
Today I will be talking about how to set up decoys when goose/duck hunting. You always want to check the night before how windy it is and how hard the wind is blowing. Depending which way it鈥檚 going you will set up on the side of the feild where the wind is to your back. You usually put most of the decoys in front of you. During the beginning of the hunting season you will have family groups.
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