conifer18 · 6 years
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please watch the dragon prince 
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conifer18 · 6 years
Me, finishing The Last Airbender: Wow I’m now in the mood to watch Legend of Korra
Me, finishing Legend of Korra: Wow I’m now in the mood to watch The Last Airbender
Me, finishing The Last Airbender: Wow I’m now in the mood to wa-
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conifer18 · 6 years
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Master post of some of my favorite studio ghibli scenery
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conifer18 · 6 years
god my absolute favorite feeling is devouring a book, when you get so into the pages and the words that you have to stop your eyes from skipping lines and force yourself to read every word, when you’re so impatient for what happens next that you can’t sit still while reading, when you have to re read whole pages because you were too busy predicting and anticipating that you missed the actual events, when you read a part that’s too good for words and you have to close the book and scream into your pillow, that’s what reading a truly great book is about and the feeling is even better when you haven’t found a book like that in a long time and then you stumble across one and something inside of you awakens
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conifer18 · 6 years
This whole “having a crush thing” is kinda difficult. Especially when you are terrified of acting on it.
I see people dating and I’m just like “how do you do the thing?!” How do you go from crushing on a person to dating them? 😩
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conifer18 · 7 years
the best part about stranger things is that they can’t solve anything until they put the three groups together because each group is acting within a separate genre
mike, lucas, dustin, and el are in a weird sci-fi coming of age story where the group of plucky misfit kids solve the mystery and test their friendship along the way
nancy and jonathan are in a horror movie where the teenagers have to kill the monster set against a backdrop of high school drama and romance
joyce and hopper are in a conspiracy thriller where the adults have to figure out what shady stuff the government is up to while also dealing with the difficulties of their personal lives
they all approach the issue within the confines of their genre, but none of those approaches work because none of them are seeing the whole picture. it’s only when all the threads start to converge that they can actually get anything done.
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conifer18 · 7 years
So how do I watch the Carmilla movie? Do I have to subscribe to Fullscreen, or is there somewhere I can just buy it outright?
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conifer18 · 7 years
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Some gifs I made from Erik Wernquist’s brilliant short film, Wanderers. All the locations depicted are digital recreations of actual locations in our solar system. If you haven’t seen it, drop what you’re doing and watch it now. It even features narration by Carl Sagan. [2/2]
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conifer18 · 7 years
tbh my music taste is so hard to describe like it’s literally everything except for the songs i dont like
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conifer18 · 7 years
the inarguably best three avatar moments in no particular order
that’s rough buddy
no firelord ozai YOU’RE not wearing any pants
that part where they’re all completely baffled by there being just a regular bear
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conifer18 · 7 years
a single distant, but very loud, yeehaw
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conifer18 · 7 years
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conifer18 · 7 years
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Role Reversal with Gal Gadot and Chris Pine
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conifer18 · 7 years
Cosmere Gothic
You should read Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson, someone tells you. You pick up the first book. You quite like Kelsier.
Although Vin is badass, you wish there were more female characters. Just wait until Wax and Wayne, your friend tells you. You do not know what that means.
Your friend tells you to keep an eye out for a guy named Hoid. You do. You do not see what’s so notable about him, but you remember the name.
You progress to the second book. You miss Kelsier. Why is Elend so naive? You rant.
You are worried about Marsh.
You start the third book. You do not understand anything. Your friend keeps talking about shards. Shards of what, you ask? They do not answer. No one answers you. You are alone, with far too many questions and no answers, just like Marsh.
You root for Spook.
You are concerned about Spook.
“When I said I missed Kelsier, this isn’t what I wanted!” you cry out to the void.
Your friend tells you to pay attention to Demoux’s physical description. You do, and then you promptly forget it.
You are bothered when Vin flees Fadrex on a recon mission. You do not understand. You find no answers the further you read.
Just thirty more pages, you tell yourself. Your favorite characters can make it thirty more pages.
You cry.
“What’s wrong?” your friend asks when you call them sobbing. “I finished Mistborn,” you say. “Oh,” they say, “I’m so sorry.”
Your friend tells you to read Warbreaker. You like the world of Mistborn. You don’t want to read a completely different series. You want more Mistborn.
Your friend smiles. You read Warbreaker.
You do not understand. Why is Hoid here?
It is time, your friend says ominously, for you to read Stormlight Archive.
You have many questions. Some of these are answered. Many are not, and you gain new questions. You fall in love with Jasnah Kholin.
You find the Coppermind. This does not clarify anything. The more answers you find the more questions you have.
Your friend laughs at your plight. You have no true friends anymore. Only an endless supply of questions.
You read Mistborn Era 2. You have very strong opinions about Wayne. You worship MeLaan as a true goddess in her own right. You are concerned about Sazed.
You finish Bands of Mourning. You scream into the void. I fell for it once already, you tell yourself, I will not fall for it again. Kelsier isn’t really back. Right?
Cackling, eyes brimming with the fires of inner madness, your friend hands you a duct-taped tome. On the cover, etched in faded silver ink that has seen the rise and fall of empires, you can just make out the words “Arcanum Unbounded.”
There are mysterious stains on many pages indicating that your friend either performed satanic blood rituals over the book or stayed up late reading it while eating spaghetti with red sauce. Either is likely, and you do not know which scares you more.
You stare numbly at the wall. School does not move you and neither does work.
You are scared. You are scared of what you do not understand, which is more than ever. You are scared of Kelsier. You are scared of the mysterious gray people (don’t bother with Elantris, your friend told you once). And most importantly you are scared of Hoid.
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conifer18 · 7 years
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by Loading Artist
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conifer18 · 7 years
Flying a drone through fireworks
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conifer18 · 7 years
Me and this roadhog were having a moment to ourselves . The ending gave me DRAMA. Made my last bullet count
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