Back in the bad old days, colonialism was easy to justify; you just had to say, "Well, they're heathens! Time to introduce Christianity until just about everyone is dead and incidentally become fantastically rich." But then, when liberalism displaced Christianity as the dominant ideology of the West, you needed to get a bit more creative: "Wow, look at how these savages treat their women. Better civilize them for their own good in a way that, rather counterintuitively, involves murdering them (including women) by the millions and, incidentally, also becoming fantastically rich." And that's basically where we've stood ever since, except we now also say "look at how they treat The Gays! Better flatten some residential neighbourhoods over it!" And people just accept this as a perfectly reasonable line of argument, even when they themselves don't particularly like women or gay people.
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isometric rooms, 2021 + 2023
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Namib Web-footed Gecko (Pachydactylus rangei), family Gekkonidae, found in the deserts of SW Africa
photograph by Jadene Chapman
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Rocky Horror is turning 50 next month and people still act like being gay was invented by Ellen in 1997
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Everything that is essential and mandatory should be free btw
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been going insane over Bruce in his eating dome for 24 hrs now
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lol, anyways, happy pride cuties!!
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it is genuinely bewildering to me that adult human beings do not know this but if you are mean to people they will not like you. like tbh they are probably also not going to like you if you are mean to other people but they are definitely not going to like you if you are mean to them. it doesn’t matter if you are funny or if you can use r/aita rules to prove that you are in the right. people simply so not enjoy being treated like shit.
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AND STAY OUT!!!!!!!!
patreon | storenvy | blm survival fund
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Top 10 Chicago Buildings
John Hancock Center
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2)Tribune Tower
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3)St. Regis Chicago
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4)Carbide and Carbon Building
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5)Sears Tower
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6)The Rookery
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7)Marina City
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8)The Water Tower
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9)The Thompson Center
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10)The Chicago Public Library
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Ai Weiwei, “Dropping a Han Dynasty Urn,” 1995
An astonishingly irreverent piece of work.  This triptych features the artist dropping a Han Dynasty (206 BC - 220 AD) in three photographs.  
When questioned about the work, he suggested that the piece was about industry: “[The urn] was industry then and is industry now.”  His statement, therefore, was that the urn was just a cheap pot two thousand years ago, and the reverence we feel toward it is artificial.  One critic wrote: “In other words, for all the aura of preciousness acquired by the accretion of time (and skillful marketing), this vessel is the Iron Age equivalent of a flower pot from K-Mart and if one were to smash the latter a few millennia from now, would it be an occasion for tears?”
However, the not-so-subtle political undertone is clear.  This piece was about destroying the notion that everything that is old is good…including the traditions and cultures of China.  For Ai Weiwei, this triptych represents a moment in which culture suddenly shifts (sometimes violently), shattering the old and outdated to make room for the new.  
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if i told you what rhis sounded ljke i dont think youd believe me so just listen
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This video is where comedy peaked
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Zuko: So how did Toph end up joining the group?
Toph: I ran away from home because these idiots could not find a proper earthbending teacher if their lives depended on it.
Zuko: Oh, you ran away?
Sokka: We found her in an underground earthbending competition and it turned out her parents didn’t know. They didn’t take the news that well.
Zuko: Right, that makes sense..
Aang: Actually I first saw her with a flying pig in a swamp! But maybe that doesn’t count, it was a hallucination after all.
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guys Sasha is not the responsible one in the archives. She saw a weird guy with fucked up hands and an uncanny laugh and immediately followed him to several secondary locations. I’m SO sorry to say this but the only og archives crew member with self-preservation instincts is Tim
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Another day in the Office
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